COOLUM BEACH CHRISTIAN COLLEGE SENIOR ENGLISH LESSONS FROM FAIRYTALES... Student Name _____________________ Parent Signature: _____________ Teacher: Mrs. Briggs Subject: Year 10 English Issued: 7 February, Term 1 2011 TASK: Informative Speech Check Date: _____________________ Due Date: ______________________ Teacher Signature: ___________________ Teacher Signature: ____________________ TASK: Texts are loaded with moral and ethical messages which position audiences to think about life and life experiences from different perspectives. These texts allow readers to position themselves from a character’s point of view and see life experiences according to their context, to identify with certain characters, and to reflect on life situations, periods of time, cultures, and political contexts that may be foreign to students. This task asks you to reflect upon the moral lessons you have learned through your study of classic and modern fairytale texts, both written and visual. You are to present an informative speech to your peers outlining the moral lessons you have learned as a result of reading or viewing a chosen fairytale text. TASK CONDITIONS: Conditions Genre Subject Matter Audience Length Some in class time for preparation and practice, some teacher guidance or assistance. Informative Speech Values evident in chosen text Peers 4-6 minutes NB Any student who does NOT speak for the minimum required time may NOT receive a SOUND achievement. A grade penalty will apply (E.g. C+ C) if length is not within 15 seconds of the COOLUM BEACH CHRISTIAN COLLEGE SENIOR ENGLISH Criteria Checklist: LESSONS FROM FAIRYTALES... Content: Have you introduced your fairytale and given an outline of the plot? Have you identified the moral messages within the text? Have you explained the role of protagonists and antagonists in conveying these moral messages? Have you used relevant vocabulary to explore these moral messages: text, signifier, connotation, values? Have you evaluated the impact of these moral messages on readers? Have you sequenced your points logically? Do your paragraphs flow nicely – have you used connectives? Have you printed a full copy of your speech for your teacher and attached it to your task sheet? Performance: Have you rehearsed to ensure you feel confident? Have you written bullet points on palm cards? Have you tried using your voice expressively? Have you tried using regular eye contact? Have you timed your speech to ensure you reach the minimum time of four minutes? Student Reflection: Before submitting your assessment check off the boxes that apply to your work: I have utilised the comments made in my draft to improve my final copy I did not hand in a draft I have asked for help when I have needed it and sought assistance to improve my work I have put in little effort to improve my work I am happy with my final assessment I am not happy with my final assessment I have tried my best to complete this assignment successfully I have put little effort in completing this assessment COOLUM BEACH CHRISTIAN COLLEGE Senior English 2011 Student’s Name: _________________________________________________________ Knowledge and application Knowledge and Knowledge and control of of the constructedness of control of texts in textual features texts their contexts CRITERIA Overall Grade: A B The student has: made a selection of moral lessons that shows discernment and considerable variety; evaluated and analysed moral and ethical messages in great depth; substantiated opinions with detailed evidence and explanations. The student has: sequenced the subject matter very effectively; used a mature and relevant vocabulary; used body language, eye contact and gesture very effectively and with discrimination; exploited pace, pause, tone and volume of speaking to enhance meaning. The student has: demonstrated a thorough understanding of the concept of moral messages and meaning; evaluated the cultural assumptions, values, beliefs and attitudes underpinning loaded texts; thoroughly analysed how readers/viewers are invited to take up positions in relation to the text. The student has: made a selection of moral lessons that shows variety and evidence of some insight; evaluated and analysed moral and ethical messages with some depth; supported opinions with relevant evidence and explanation. The student has: sequenced the subject matter effectively; used mostly appropriate vocabulary; used body language, eye contact and gesture very effectively; used pace, pause, tone and volume of speaking to enhance meaning. . The student has: The student has: The student has: made a selection of moral lessons made a selection of moral lessons made a selection of moral lessons that shows adequate understanding; that shows insufficient understanding; that are insufficient and/or inappropriate; interpreted and explained ideas; interpreted and explained some identifies but does not evaluate or some analysis; ideas; analyse; supported opinions with some supported opinions with little states opinion; little to no explanation evidence; some explanation. evidence and explanation. or evidence. The student has: sequenced the subject matter logically; used appropriate vocabulary; used body language, eye contact and gesture with uneven effect; inconsistently used variation in pace, pause, tone and volume of speaking for effect. The student has: occasionally sequenced the subject matter; some lack of logic; used vocabulary with is not consistently appropriate; used body language, eye contact and gesture ineffectively; occasional variety of pace, pause, tone and volume of speaking to achieve effect. The student has: did not sequence subject matter logically; used vocabulary which is unsuitable; failed to use body language, eye contact and gesture; limited use of pace, pause, tone and volume to achieve effect. The student has: demonstrated considerable understanding of the concept of moral messages and meaning; examined how cultural assumptions, values, beliefs and attitudes underpinning loaded texts; analysed how readers/viewers are invited to take up positions in relation to the text. The student has: demonstrated an adequate grasp of the concept of moral messages and meaning; identified and explained some cultural assumptions, values, beliefs and attitudes underpinning loaded texts; identified and explained some ways readers/viewers are invited to take up positions in relation to the text. The student has: demonstrated a limited understanding of the concept of moral messages and meaning. Identified some of the ways cultural assumptions, values, beliefs and attitudes underpin loaded texts; recognised and described some ways readers/viewers have been invited to take up positions in relation to the text. The student has: demonstrated very little understanding of the concept of moral messages and meaning. Identified limited attitudes and beliefs in texts; Identified little to no invited readings of the loaded texts. Comments: C D E ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________