Young Lives Working 1 Cashback for Communities Princes Trust Development Awards Annual Report (inc Q4) ~ 2014/2015 Contents Summary 3 Finances 4 Outputs 4 Organisational Development 7 Equalities 8 External Evaluation 8 Communications 10 The Future 11 Appendices .1. Development Awards Quarter 4 01/01/2015 – 31/03/2015 12 .2. Key Performance Indicators 16 .3. Case Study 17 .4. Equalities Impact Assessment 18 .5. Local Authority Spend Profile and Young Person Numbers 23 .6. Balanced Scorecard 2014~2015 Q4 24 2 THE PRINCE’S TRUST - SCOTLAND Cashback - Development Awards Annual Report (including Quarter 4) Summary: The Prince’s Trust were successful in securing new funding from CashBack for Communities to continue to support our Development Awards for the period from 2014-2017. Through the first 6 months of 2014 we worked with Scottish Government (SG) to provide significant additional information over and above that provided at the initial application stage, ending with a comprehensive and robust application & monitoring system. This enabled the Trust, in June 2014, to enter a new phase of funding to the value of £570,000 with SG that will support the Development Awards and young people in Scotland for a further 2 years 9 months. The result of this means we are now looking to deliver a greater number of awards than our previous funding years with an initial target of 540 CashBack Awards to be delivered in year 1 then 650 for 15/16 and 700 awards for 16/17 financial year. The additional criteria attached to the new CashBack for Communities funding saw SG’s desire for more awards which in turn would see a reduced average level of funding per Award, reducing consecutively each year. The Awards average for 2014/15 financial year is £275 per award, and is lower for the subsequent two years. Having reached the end of 2014/15 we are extremely close to the agreed average with little disruption to the programme. We had some uncertainty in the beginning as to the impact on the programme from a reduction in the average grant amount but this fear was unfounded. While working with Scottish Government to see the ‘Grant Offer Letter’ completed, Development Awards had to close for 9 weeks and our initial forecast figures were re-adjusted to compensate with a reduced number of awards delivered in year one. The shortfall of 30 from year one has been spread across years two and three meaning we remain confident that we will deliver the agreed 3 year total of 1890 young people being supported. At the start of the new funding period there was an initial drop in applications but this was due in the main to the 9 week closure as well as the reduction to the Award limit. We took action to combat this by relaxing the criteria award length of time young people are unemployed and by working more closely with referral partners to increase volume. Special focus is being placed upon raising referrals through our Cashback partners with a presentation from myself at the last Portfolio day. Support to set this up has continued to be strong from Sam Linton and inspiring Scotland and a selection of leaflets and referral forms were available on the day. Celtic FC Foundation links have moved forward and I have been out to meet the young people on their courses and completed Development Awards applications with many of them going on to training and employment. Links have been set up with Ocean Youth Trust Youth Scotland and Creative Scotland. We are pleased with overall progress made in the year after a later start and, with the significant flow on measured referrals from CashBack partners, and we fully expect demand to continue to meet required levels in the next two years. We are keen to support the young people who meet the eligibility criteria and who are financially excluded from progressing, therefore we will use dispensation for special circumstances and look at providing £500 which should not impact on the overall average cost for the year but ensure those young people who need support get support. Douglas Davidson Programme Manager – Princes Trust Development Awards Scotland May 2015 3 Finance: Financial figures for quarter four of 2014~15 is represented on our Balance Scorecard in Appendix 6 at the end of this report. £570,000 has been apportioned over the 2 years 9 months of the current grant offer letter period. The figure adheres to Scottish Governments wishes that 85% is spent on project activity while 15% to be used for Evaluation, Management and Marketing costs. The nature of the programme is to respond to the need placed upon it from the young people, balancing their needs against the parameters set out in the grant offer letter. However, over the four quarters we will work hard to achieve the right balance as each financial year comes to conclusion. The budget for 2014/2015 was £171,600 – Draw down for each of the four quarters was as follows: · · · · Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 £42,900 £19,117 £55,394 £54,189 Below is the financial snapshot from Quarter 4 Balance Scorecard. Dashboard: Measure Metric Quarterly Actual Annual Target Variance Actual Budget Variance Actual Spend v Planned £ 61,600 47,400 14,200 167,580 171,600 * 4,020 ~ spend on Awards £ 51,325 37,125 14,200 144,480 148,500 4,020 ~ Marketing £ 1,200 1,200 - 4,800 4,800 - ~ Management / Overhead ~ Evaluation £ 3,075 3,075 - 12,300 12,300 - 6,000 6,000 - 6,000 6,000 - Funding Leveraged v Plan - Actual YTD v Plan (annual) Number of Months Financial Cover (Reserves) £ 30,187 30,187 - 120,749 120,749 - 4 4 £ No. 0 4 4 0 *The shortfall of spend is being carried forward to 15/16 Outputs & Outcomes: The outputs set in our Grant Offer letter are to provide 1890 Development Awards to young people over the 3 years who meet the criteria of being either – financially excluded, from deprived or disadvantaged backgrounds and who may be at risk or criminal behaviour, or already indulged in criminal behaviour. An agreed target figure of 600 individual Awards in year one was re-forecast to 540 due to both parties late signing of the Grant offer letter and the shrunken time frame in which to deliver in this financial year with the targets increased over year 2 and 3 in order to reach the overall aim of 1890 awards. We also had staff on Maternity leave during this period and our final figure totalled 510 with the shortfall being added to the next two years. The priority Outcomes are summarised as follows; Increased participation by difficult to engage and equalities groups (Outcome 2 - Participation) Increased levels of self-confidence demonstrated/felt (Outcome 8 - progression) Increase in participants who achieve accreditation for their learning (outcome 10 - progression) 4 Increased number of participants develop skills and aspirations for future learning and development (Outcome 11 - progression) More participants progress into a positive destination: such as learning in a non-school setting, further and higher education, pre-employment training, volunteering, personal development opportunities and employment (Outcome 20 - Confident Communities) o Positive Destinations v Plan : Employment leveraged o Positive Destinations v Plan: Education or Training o Positive Destinations v Plan: Volunteering The outputs against these outcomes have been sourced from the regular survey monkey questionnaire carried out on each young person who receives an award. Details are included within the attached Balanced Scorecard and are extremely positive exceeding target in each category. Other Outputs either equal or exceed stated targets in the Grant Letter. Outcomes Achieved as noted on the Balanced Scorecard for Quarter 4 2014 – 2015 Outcome Objective Q4 Target Q4 Actual Annual Target Annual Actual Logic model outcome Survey Return Rate Increased levels of self-confidence demonstrated/felt Increase in participants achieving accreditation for learning Increased number of participants develop skills and aspirations for future learning and development Increased participation by difficult to engage and equalities groups More participants progress onto further learning, training and personal develop opportunities Positive Destinations v Plan : Employment leveraged Positive Destinations v Plan: Training Positive Destinations v Plan: Education Positive Destinations v Plan: Volunteering 25% 85% 35% 97% 25% 85% 40% 99% N/A Outcome 8 40% 36% 40% 41% Outcome 10 90% 97% 90% 95% Outcome 11 50% 64% 50% 72% Outcome 2 60% 86% 60% 96% Outcome 20 58% 64% 58% 60% 21% 11% 5% 36% 16% 7% 21% 11% 5% 37% 14% 7% CashBack Awards 3 year targets 2014 – 2017 CashBack Funded Development Awards ‘Target’ numbers 2014 – 2015: CashBack supported Young people Target - 540 (Re-forecast from 600) 2015 – 2016: CashBack supported Young people Target - 650 2016 – 2017: CashBack supported Young people Target - 700 CashBack Year one Quarterly breakdown 2014 - 2015 Development Awards 2014 – 2015 Quarter Breakdown Development Awards Quarter 1: Target: 135 Actual: 35 (Issues relating to GOL signing) Development Awards Quarter 2: Target: 135 Actual: 136 Development Awards Quarter 3: Target: 135 Actual: 164 Development Awards Quarter 4: Target: 135 Actual: 175 Total: 510 Local Authority break down of the CashBack Development Award’s spend is shown in a table in Appendix 5 along with the number of Awards delivered in each Local Authority area. 5 Key Performance Indicators: KPI statistics are gathered and measured by results received from our 3 month text survey process carried out with young people, 3 months after completion of their Development Award. This is a nationwide process that is coordinated by the London Head Quarters of the Princes Trust. An independent Survey Monkey operated in Scotland by the Development Awards team is now in its third year, it aims to capture additional data from CashBack funded young people to capture additional evaluative detail linked to the Balance Scorecard and outcomes/development and has since become standard practice. The survey monkey has been very successful and has given us some vital information as well as allowed us to further support young people who would otherwise have continued to struggle. With support from our Inspiring Scotland advisor we have been able to further refine and improve this survey giving us more knowledge of young people’s journeys, destinations and challenges. The categories that we seek to monitor with the young people at the application stage are : Unemployed Educational Under achiever Offender/Ex-Offender In or Leaving Care Disabled Lone Parent Refugee/Asylum seeker Homeless Young People with a target need Against these areas we note if a young person falls into the categories that are supported by the CashBack Development Awards, and with the knowledge of each Assessor who talks through a young person situation with them, we can ensure it is those who truly fit the CashBack criteria who gain support. Prince’s Trust National Survey (Includes all Awards, CashBack, PT etc) For the whole of 2014~2015 the statistics for the Development Awards young people nationally were: 98% Unemployed 54% Educational Under achiever 16% Offender/Ex-Offender 5% In or Leaving Care 16% Disabled 8% Lone Parent 1% Refugee/Asylum seeker 8% Homeless 64% Young People with a target need Activity – Q4 2014~2015: Activity for periods: Q4 - 1st January to 31st March 2015 inclusive With the challenges we faced earlier this year, we finished with a strong performance in the second half of the financial year ending with a total of 510 CashBack Awards delivered. The final 2 quarters of the year exceeded target and Q4 saw 175 awards made versus target of 135. This is still 30 Awards short of our reforecast target and these shall be split across the next two financial years. 6 The run rate achieved in the past 2 quarters however confirms that the shortfall will be easily caught up. Funding for this quarter has covered many different courses, items, equipment and support of new business as always. Within these figures several young people have gone on to secure employment, training, education opportunities as a result. Some examples of these are Courses covering: SIA Licenses, Photography equipment to work self-employed, Offshore survival course, CSCS License, Travel to start employment, Chef equipment to start new jobs, Tools for apprenticeship, Uniforms & Travel to start front of house employment roles, Interview clothing, Outdoor equipment for employment, Laptops to complete college and employment outcomes, Level 2 Gym instructor course, Advanced Permaculture Course, Course fees for sound production course, Equipment to set up IT business, Forklift training, Bar Licence training fees, Lifeguard training & certificate, Insurance, PVG and Disclosure Scotland to start up child minding. These are just a small sample of the many Awards delivered in Quarter 4. A full list of awards provided is available in Appendix 1 Demand has also continued to rise for Development Awards from within other Prince Trust programmes such as Team Programme, Get Into, Get Started, Enterprise, Fairbridge, Outreach & Outcomes and XL for Schools. It is now largely realised within the Prince’s Trust that young people moving into positive outcomes from our programmes often also have financial barriers and could benefit from a Development Award. Examples of this are when young people move into employment from ‘Get Into Cooking’ or ‘Get Into Security’ and can’t afford equipment or SIA license. Enterprise young people who only require a small amount of funding and do not want to take up a loan have had Development Award support to launch their business or work self-employed. We also supported some young people with year who attended our ‘Get Into Beauty’ course where we had 100% positive outcomes. Most went into employment while two young people were successful in their bid to attend a four year beauty course at college. Team Programme Young People also often move into employment or education and we have been assisting them also, while Fairbridge young people often move into youth work or outdoor pursuits coaching. CashBack funded Case Studies can be found in (Appendix 3). In addition there are now new partners to CashBack for Communities and through the Advisor we have been connected to Celtic FC Foundation. The team has been out to visit Celtic FC Foundation now on several occasions and we have begun supporting their young people with Development Awards grants. Links with Ocean Youth Trust, Creative Scotland and Youth Link Scotland have also been forged in recent months and we appear on their next steps options and signposting for young people. Organisational Development: Overleaf is the Organisation Chart dedicated to Prince’s Trust Development Awards Programme. The Awards team comprises of two full-Time programme executives who are responsible for 50 volunteer assessors each. The Awards Manager is split between Awards & Enterprise with around 70% on Enterprise & 30% on Awards One of our most experienced Awards Executives Lee-Anne Jinadu, returned to work following her Maternity leave and her position had been temporarily filled by Jen Lindsay, who has a comprehensive knowledge of the Awards programme. Jen will continue to be involved in a programme support role. 7 Senior Head of Enterprise & Employment Scott MacFarlane Awards & Enterprise Manager Douglas Davidson Awards Programme Executive Awards Programme Executive Lee-Anne Jinadu Karen Mackintosh Volunteer Network 50 Volunteer Assessors Volunteer Network 50 Volunteer Assessors The Development Awards programme is delivered through the Prince’s Trust and coverage is across the whole of Scotland. The Prince’s Trust works with Scottish Government, Local authorities, further education and Scotland’s leading employers to assist 14-25 year olds into education, training, employment/selfemployment or a volunteering opportunity. Additionally we will continue to work with existing CashBack Partners and seek to meet, via our Advisor, the newer partners as they come on stream. Through our Development Awards programme we empower vulnerable young people, giving them practical and financial support to stabilise their lives, build self-esteem and prepare for work. Volunteers are an integral part of the Development Awards programme and we have been recruiting for the next 3 years to meet the rise in CashBack numbers and general demand. In addition to Volunteers completing assessments, the majority of programme staff across the Trust are Award Assessor trained and specifically carry out assessments with their own young people as required. This alleviates pressure on the Volunteer network and helps keep the programme from building up a sizable backlog. Our Awards ‘programme executives’ manage the volunteer network which takes up a large amount of their time. Having 100 volunteers split between two executives and 32 Local Authorities is a large commitment but keeps things in order and efficient. Added to this our team also carry out assessments, process paperwork, order items/payments as well as co-ordinating staff assessors which keeps our team very busy throughout the year. Key development for the Trust is in forming a new Youth Employment and Enterprise Hub at The Wolfson Centre (Formerly known as ‘Cumbrae House’ until the name was changed before the end of 2014) in the heart of Glasgow. The hub which is expected to open in May/June 2015 will be the largest facility of its kind in Scotland. As well as housing well over 100 staff and volunteers, the Hub directly serve almost half of Scotland’s underachieving and socially disadvantaged 16-30 year olds. In doing so we will bring together delivery partner services from across public and third sectors to provide a one-stop-shop for young people requiring support. Our Development Awards team will be based from the Hub and we are excited about the many benefits this will have for both our young people and the programme. Overleaf is a picture of our New Office and the Trust will have full use of the whole building. 8 *Picture of new building (The Wolfson Centre) above Equalities: The Prince’s Trust prides itself on working with young people – all young people, and the Princes Trust has its own Diversity & Inclusion policy. Our findings from completing the EQIA document show that the Prince’s Trust has strong guidelines regarding promoting equalities for all young people. EQIA document completed and attached in Appendix 4 In Quarter 4 2014/2015 (Jan – March) the CashBack funded Development Awards were provided to 175 young people:o o o o 60 Females (34%) 115 Males (66%) 29 Local Authorities (91% of 32 LA’s) Age range covered from 16 yrs to 25 yrs Within Q4 statistics:o 16% of the young people receiving an award noted themselves as having a Disability o 50% of the young people receiving an award noted themselves as no religion o 40% of the young people receiving an award noted themselves as Christian o 6% of the young people receiving an award noted themselves as prefer not to say o 4% of the young people receiving an award noted themselves as Muslim *NB The Prince’s Trust have some other awards funding for non-Christian young people such as the ‘Islamic Development Bank’ which is why non-Christian numbers are often very low within the CashBack figures. External Evaluations / Lessons Learnt: The Prince’s Trust commissioned ODS Consulting to evaluate the activities and impact of the CashBack funded element of its Development Awards programme. The evaluation aimed to: o provide an understanding of the effectiveness of the programme; o assess the impact of the programme (against the outcomes we were seeking to achieve); and o Make recommendations for the future development of the programme. The research involved: o a review of existing information about the programme – including background reports, monitoring information and feedback collected by the Prince’s Trust; o sixteen telephone interviews with young people who received an Award; o five interviews with staff and volunteers involved in the delivery of the programme; and 9 o Seven telephone interviews with wider stakeholders. Methodology ODS arranged and interviewed a number of young people who received a CashBack funded Development Award, they asked them about their experience with the programme, and how it has impacted on their lives. Several stakeholders were also interviewed at length including, staff, management, partners and volunteers. Findings On conducting the evaluation, ODS Consulting found that:o o o o o The programme plays an important role in removing financial barriers to work, training and education by providing the opportunity to meet practical costs or secure accreditation. An estimated three quarters of young people went on to positive destination three months after receiving an Award. Most said they were in employment, but a significant number were also in training, education, apprenticeships or volunteering. The average cost of a “positive outcome” after three months is estimated at £667. There is evidence that young people are experiencing:o increased self-confidence; o increasing their skills and aspirations for future learning and development; o Achieving accreditation for their learning as a result of CashBack funded Awards. The Awards programme is playing an important role in supporting referral organisations maximise the positive outcomes of their programmes. Strengths of the programme The research suggests that the programme has a number of strengths: o o o o o Simplicity – The purpose, process and role of the Awards are very clear to stakeholders and applicants. Flexibility – The broad criteria for Awards was welcomed. In addition, the way in which the programme staff and volunteers work alongside wider support providers and funders was seen as important in delivering good outcomes for young people. Securing additional funding for individuals – There is some evidence that the programme staff have successfully leveraged additional funding for young people. Staff and volunteers – The feedback about the staff and volunteers who deliver the programme was very positive – both in terms of how they worked with partner organisations and how they worked with young people. Partnership working – There is evidence that the Development Awards team has already developed strong links and relationships with two referral agencies. Areas for Development The evaluation highlighted a number of areas in which the Development Awards programme could be enhanced or improved. These included: o Working with funders to discuss the approach to targeting the CashBack funded Awards and improving geographic reach; o Identifying and developing funding streams in new geographic areas and with organisations whose participants could benefit from Awards; o Continuing to work to improve the qualitative evidence the Prince’s Trust gathers; and o Working to develop strong referral relationships with organisations who work with specific target groups, or in specific target areas. Progress against Areas of Development To address the development areas, Prince’s Trust introduced focus group discussions run directly after the release of the Final Evaluation report and areas for development were discussed and actions raised. 10 Identified improvements were incorporated into the Teams Performance review document, which are set objectives for staff to work towards throughout the course of the financial year. o Objectives were set for staff to identify agencies who work with eligible client groups and set up new partnerships and referral sources. Thus supporting the need to ensure a wider geography is supported as identified, but also those young people within these geographies access the appropriate support and mentoring when progressing towards and applying for a CashBack Development Award. o In addition the task of developing a closer working relationship with other charities who provide a ‘spread’ of activities in those areas where reach via the Princes trust network is not as strong. o The new CashBack data collection template will assist in supporting the data collection areas that the Community Safety Unit wish to see collated, and there are future plans to update the Princes trust in house database system called ‘Trust on Track’ which is currently used for all data collection within the Princes Trust UK wide. Our fundraising teams set out a plan to target more public sector funding for the Awards programme given that the CashBack for communities contract is the first public sector funding on the programme for many years. The Prince’s Trust Development Awards have funding to carry out 3 further external evaluations, one for each year of the latest contract. ODS have once again been selected to carry these out and are currently completing an evaluation for 2014 – 2015 as well as a recap on the final year of our first 3 year agreement for 2013 – 2014 which will be published by end of summer 2015. Communications: The Awards Programme has been promoting Development Awards across Scotland advertising in local press and more prominently in areas where there have been fewer applications. Areas such as Dundee, Perth & Kinross, Aberdeen and Inverclyde have been targeted by local press releases and we have some national press planned to promote and tell the good stories of Development Awards in conjunction with CashBack for Communities. The Trust has been using Twitter, Facebook and Gumtree to advertise, recruit and demonstrate what the Charity is doing in communities. A new application section has been introduced on Facebook and Gumtree to allow young people to apply while browsing instead of having to log off Facebook for example and log onto the Prince’s Trust website. Our PR department in conjunction with myself have been running some national press stories explaining Development Awards, how to apply, what they can be used for and that there is a considerable investment in these by Scottish Government through the CashBack for Communities fund. The Prince’s Trust put out a press release covering the story of Tom who is now a qualified pilot and doing very well. This story will highlight the work the Prince’s Trust in conjunction with CashBack for communities and Scottish Government are doing with young people across Scotland. CashBack also used this story in the brochure they produced with Stripe communications highlighting some case studies featuring two young people who received CashBack funding from 2008 - 2014. The Prince’s Trust’s Website is a key feature to communication and promotion of programmes and is a well visited site for young people, partners and organisations. Over the past 4 years we have been focused on promoting the Development Awards to other Prince’s Trust staff and programmes to great success. Over the past year we have raised this internal promotion which has been highlighted by our organisation as best practice and has been introduced to our other Trust regions across the UK. This has worked well with our partners and referral agents too with the introduction of a Fast Track process and referral document. Prince’s Trust Website Development Awards Scotland Website 11 Partners such as Apex Scotland and Community Safety Glasgow have highlighted Development Awards on their websites and our PR team are always looking to promote any great stories we uncover in case studies. They have also had radio/TV coverage of the organisation and electric billboards around the country have shown PT advertisements. The Prince’s Trust are about to launch a UK wide advertising campaign across TV, billboard, press, network and radio, bringing our programmes to young people and identifying issues facing young people today. Case Studies are sought from as many young people as possible and the Awards team send out CashBack Case study templates to Awardees 2 months after they have completed their Grant For some examples of Case Studies see (Appendix 3). Future: The Prince’s Trust is an organisation who prides itself on partnership and relationship working. Many of our programmes are delivered through these partnerships and indeed many of our programmes are reliant on a strong volunteer network. Development Awards in particular relies on Volunteers more than any other programme in the organisation. These partnerships enable the Trust to have a much larger and wider reach into communities and Local Authorities across Scotland which given the expanse of our geography, is essential to remain competitive for young people. When The Trust were successful in their first bid for CashBack funding it caused great excitement being the first public sector funds for the programme in many years. These funds gave us the ability to significantly grow the programme and stretch our reach to more young people who were constrained financially. Given that these funds were gathered from the proceeds of crime we felt it fitting that young people with low level offending backgrounds or those at risk of offending should benefit from this as much as possible. The CashBack funding prompted us to look more into the community for organisations working with young people from this background and the results have been fantastic in many areas. In particular we made very strong links with Community Safety Glasgow, Apex Scotland, Prison services and some early intervention or release groups. These relationships have yielded some great results with a real sense of achievement at the end of young people’s journeys. Our team have incorporated into our performance management review documents a figure and time scale for forging new partnerships over the coming 3 years to create more sources of young people desperately needing support. We are also very keen to work with other CashBack partners and have been again in discussions with some of these to look for ways of supporting each other. We contacted all of the CashBack partners in the first two years of our contract but the response was low with most not picking up on Awards. A fresh focus has been used to approach CashBack partners and there have been communication with Ocean Youth Trust, Basketball Scotland and Youth Link. Celtic FC Foundation showed great interest in Awards resulting from the Portfolio day at Murrayfield last year and we now have a strong partnership firmly in place. These partnerships have supported many young people in real need and have flagged up some really great stories over the previous 3 years, such as Tom who was supported to gain his pilot’s license resulting in him getting some tips and knowledge from Hollywood superstar John Travolta! 12 This year, having been Awarded the extension to our CashBack funding we have been setting plans for the future contract. £570,000 was granted to the Prince’s Trust from Scottish Government’s CashBack for Communities fund giving once again the opportunity to grow and reach more young people going forward. As previously mentioned the structure we have agreed with Scottish Government will look like this: Projected figures for future 3 year funding bid to Scottish Government 2014 – 2017 2014 – 2015: Actual Young people supported 510 2015 – 2016: Forecasted Young people supported 665 2016 – 2017: Forecasted Young people supported 715 Development Awards Estimated Total 1,890 The 30 shortfall from 2014-15 has been added to both 2015-16 and 16-17. Partnerships always hold a high priority for the Prince’s Trust and the Awards programme will be aiming to increase partnerships and referral agencies who work with young disadvantaged and unemployed young people. We’ve also been aiming to increase our reach in those Local Authorities were our numbers are low and we will place special focus on the five priority areas, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Lanarkshire, Ayrshire and Dundee. The Team are prepared to work hard on our KPI’s and outcomes and will look to improve on the hard work already demonstrated, and lessons learnt from our external evaluation. Historically Development Awards have always been totally funded by money we have raised through fundraising efforts and with the support of private donors. Scottish Government funding has given the Prince’s Trust a platform to widen our approaches and now we look at wider support and even Local Authority support. We have been discussing with our Public sector fundraising team options and approaches to future public sector funding through Local Authorities and we are considering how we might lower the cost of delivering Awards while maintaining our standards of delivery and outcomes. One of these proposals was introduced at the start of our current financial year and currently has lowered our average from around £350 to £283 which is close to our planned target of £275. We are confident we can achieve this revised target while maintaining other criteria. 13 Appendix 1 Development Awards Quarter 4 01st January to March 31st March 2015 Client Ref No. Sub-Region Client Age Gender Award Category CO1276 East Ayrshire 25 M Equipment/Materials/Tools CY5216 East Ayrshire 20 F Course Fees CA3655 East Ayrshire 25 M Clothing and Travel BQ1974 North Ayrshire 24 M SIA Badge CC7173 North Ayrshire 19 M Course Fees CH6320 East Ayrshire 25 F Clothing and Travel CE3808 East Ayrshire 24 M SIA Badge CU7963 North Ayrshire 23 M Course Fees CV1588 East Ayrshire 24 M Course Fees AA8598 East Ayrshire 24 M SIA Badge CX2668 North Ayrshire 25 F Course Fees CV9525 South Ayrshire 19 M Clothing and Travel CV2129 North Ayrshire 22 F Course Fees CN4070 East Ayrshire 22 M Equipment/Materials/Tools CN4070 East Ayrshire 22 M Course Fees CY2369 East Ayrshire 22 F Travel and Personal Licence CM7692 North Ayrshire 24 F Course Fees CY2359 East Ayrshire 24 F Equipment/Materials/Tools and Travel CV5129 East Ayrshire 20 M Equipment/Materials/Tools CX2277 East Ayrshire 24 F Course Fees CX2828 Dumfries and Galloway 19 M Equipment/Materials/Tools CM2259 Inverclyde 23 M Equipment/Materials/Tools CW8235 West Dunbartonshire 22 M Equipment/Materials/Tools CX4897 West Dunbartonshire 25 M Course Fees CX1139 East Dunbartonshire 24 F Course Fees CV9401 West Dunbartonshire 19 M Travel 14 CP8440 East Dunbartonshire 22 F Equipment/Materials/Tools CT8765 West Dunbartonshire 25 M Equipment/Materials/Tools CX7750 City of Edinburgh 24 F Travel CX4876 City of Edinburgh 21 M Travel CT8875 City of Edinburgh 25 F Clothing CV7401 City of Edinburgh 18 M Equipment/Materials/Tools CX3575 City of Edinburgh 24 F Equipment/Materials/Tools CW8056 City of Edinburgh 24 M Course Fees CT8729 City of Edinburgh 25 F Equipment/Materials/Tools CY5932 CU0690 CU7457 CV8149 CX0682 CX4584 BH5760 CU0685 CW3143 BY6594 BY6594 CH4180 CL7754 CU0704 CX0044 CU2255 CX9091 CC6910 BS2341 BF5076 CY0203 CV2207 AA8741 CV0913 CW9854 West Lothian City of Edinburgh East Lothian Midlothian City of Edinburgh West Lothian City of Edinburgh City of Edinburgh City of Edinburgh Edinburgh, City of Edinburgh, City of West Lothian City of Edinburgh Midlothian City of Edinburgh City of Edinburgh City of Edinburgh Midlothian City of Edinburgh East Lothian Fife Fife Fife Fife Fife 17 18 25 19 24 22 23 25 20 22 22 21 18 19 18 19 17 16 24 22 25 24 24 25 21 F M M M M M M M M M M F M M F F F F F M M M F F F CS8613 Falkirk 17 F CY5035 CX4324 CY2993 CT3442 CW6557 CA4713 CY1863 CJ6720 CS0990 CX7681 BY7996 CX6511 CY0066 Falkirk Falkirk Inverclyde Stirling Clackmannanshire Clackmannanshire Glasgow City Glasgow City Glasgow City Glasgow City Glasgow City Glasgow City Glasgow City 25 15 24 24 23 23 24 22 23 25 22 23 22 F F M M M F M M F M F M M Equipment/Materials/Tools Equipment/Materials/Tools Clothing Travel Equipment/Materials/Tools Equipment/Materials/Tools Equipment/Materials/Tools Equipment/Materials/Tools Course Fees Course Fees Course Fees Equipment/Materials/Tools Equipment/Materials/Tools Course Fees Clothing Course Fees Course Fees Course Fees Course Fees Equipment/Materials/Tools Equipment/Materials/Tools Equipment/Materials/Tools Equipment/Materials/Tools Course Fees Course Fees Course Fees and Equipment/Materials/Tools Childcare Course Fees Course Fees Course Fees Course Fees Equipment/Materials/Tools Course Fees Course Fees Course Fees Course Fees Course Fees CCTV Badge Course Fees 15 CU7014 Glasgow City 21 M CW3144 Glasgow City 25 M CV9468 Glasgow City 19 M CQ2480 CA0968 Glasgow City Glasgow City 21 22 M M CQ9619 Glasgow City 19 M CX6746 CY6614 CY6614 CW0409 BN8217 CX8319 CY1503 CV9401 CX2400 CY6242 AJ4792 CY1764 CQ5305 CX5792 CI0129 CX7277 CS9132 CQ3631 CZ0005 CZ0005 CW7602 CY4217 CX6354 CP6687 CV9397 Glasgow City Glasgow City Glasgow City Glasgow City Glasgow City Glasgow City Aberdeen City West Dunbartonshire Glasgow City Glasgow City Glasgow City Glasgow City East Dunbartonshire Glasgow City Glasgow City Glasgow City Glasgow City Glasgow City Glasgow City Glasgow City Glasgow City Glasgow City Glasgow City Glasgow City Glasgow City 21 21 21 24 21 18 19 19 24 23 22 21 24 25 22 16 17 24 20 20 23 20 19 25 18 M M M M F F M M F F M M M M M M F M F F F F F M M CW6674 Glasgow City 22 M CW6674 Glasgow City 22 M CQ9885 CV9466 CY0050 CY9995 CW7270 CV3296 CV0722 CY0056 CV6967 CV9395 CV9395 CX5666 CX7861 CV9398 CV9398 CY3121 CX7823 CX7823 CY0642 CY3725 Glasgow City Glasgow City Glasgow City East Dunbartonshire Glasgow City Glasgow City Glasgow City Glasgow City Stirling Glasgow City Glasgow City Glasgow City South Lanarkshire Glasgow City Glasgow City Glasgow City Glasgow City Glasgow City Glasgow City Glasgow City 23 22 25 17 22 22 22 23 25 21 21 22 19 24 24 25 21 21 25 18 M M M F F F M M M M M M F M M F F F M M Clothing and Equipment/Materials/Tools Course Fees Clothing, Equipment/Materials/Tools and Travel Equipment/Materials/Tools Equipment/Materials/Tools Equipment/Materials/Tools and Travel Course Fees Course Fees Course Fees Course Fees Course Fees SIA badge fees Course Fees Equipment/Materials/Tools Course Fees SIA Badge Course Fees Course Fees Course Fees CCTV Badge Course Fees Course Fees Clothing Course Fees Course Fees Course Fees Childcare Course Fees Course Fees SIA Badge Equipment/Materials/Tools Equipment/Materials/Tools and Online Learning Equipment/Materials/Tools and Online Learning Equipment/Materials/Tools Equipment/Materials/Tools Course Fees Course Fees Course Fees Course Fees Course Fees Course Fees Equipment/Materials/Tools Travel Equipment/Materials/Tools Course Fees Equipment/Materials/Tools Travel Equipment/Materials/Tools Course Fees Course Fees Course Fees Course Fees Equipment/Materials/Tools 16 CX0296 CY0652 CR2040 BS5192 CV2553 CK1644 BI7950 CY6222 CX0476 CX7670 CX4076 CN0361 CV8828 BZ0047 CV9715 CV9462 BV4158 CX8147 CY4094 BY1264 BY1264 CV1282 CV7526 CQ1094 CV9404 CW8617 Glasgow City Glasgow City Glasgow City Glasgow City Stirling Aberdeen City Angus Argyll and Bute Highland Argyll and Bute Moray Highland Angus South Lanarkshire North Lanarkshire South Lanarkshire South Lanarkshire North Lanarkshire South Lanarkshire North Lanarkshire North Lanarkshire North Lanarkshire South Lanarkshire North Lanarkshire South Lanarkshire South Lanarkshire 18 21 21 25 25 20 25 21 18 25 22 22 23 22 20 23 23 24 18 23 23 14 24 17 23 19 M F M M M M M M M M M F M M M M M M M F F F M F M F CX1411 North Lanarkshire 22 M CY1991 CY0863 CV3749 CX4268 CW6991 BP9523 CU3200 CY2993 CY0211 CS0169 CY5657 CX7204 CY6897 CX4619 CY6192 CU5733 CS1871 CR7673 CZ1173 CZ1864 CY2415 Inverclyde Inverclyde Inverclyde East Renfrewshire Inverclyde Inverclyde Renfrewshire Inverclyde Scottish Borders Scottish Borders Angus Dundee City Dundee City Dundee City Dundee City Aberdeenshire Glasgow City Glasgow City Glasgow City Glasgow City South Lanarkshire 25 20 25 24 22 24 16 24 21 21 19 25 23 22 18 22 19 18 21 25 22 M M M F M M M M F F M M M M F M F M F M M Course Fees Course Fees Course Fees Course Fees Course Fees Course Fees Course Fees Course Fees Course Fees Course Fees Course Fees Course Fees Travel Course Fees Course Fees Equipment/Materials/Tools Equipment/Materials/Tools Clothing and Travel Course Fees Equipment/Materials/Tools Equipment/Materials/Tools Course Fees Equipment/Materials/Tools Equipment/Materials/Tools Equipment/Materials/Tools Course Fees Clothing and Equipment/Materials/Tools Equipment/Materials/Tools Course Fees Equipment/Materials/Tools Course Fees Course Fees Course Fees Equipment/Materials/Tools Equipment/Materials/Tools Travel Equipment/Materials/Tools SIA Badge Equipment/Materials/Tools Equipment/Materials/Tools Clothing Clothing and Travel Travel SIA Badge Course Fees and Travel Course Fees Course Fees Course Fees Summary Statistics – Q4 Males 115 / Females 60 Average age – 22 Years old 29 local authorities impacted upon this quarter o Most Awards to young people were in Glasgow – 62 Awards of the 175 17 Appendix 2 Key Performance Indicators Awards statistics: Below are our Key Performance indicators for 2014 - 2015 taken from the Prince’s Trusts survey. The Young people who were supported were: 98% Unemployed 54% Educational Under achiever 16% Offender/Ex-Offender 5% In or Leaving Care 16% Disabled 8% Lone Parent 1% Refugee/Asylum seeker 8% Homeless 64% Young People with a target need Target Outcomes 2014-2015 o 80% Total Positive outcomes o 54% Into employment o 25% into education or training o 7% Into Voluntary employment o 40% Survey response rate CashBack specific Survey Monkey results spanning from: 1st January 2014 – 31st March 2015 This survey monkey was developed to ask more questions to the young people about what softer outcomes may have occurred in relation to the Development Award as well as further clarify the harder outcomes. o o o o o o 97% Increase in confidence 97% Increase in skills 64% Employment/Self-employment 0% Doing nothing after Award 52% Education/Training 100% Would recommend Development Awards to others Have your Skills improved since receiving your Award? o o 100% Yes 0% No Has your confidence Increased since your involvement with the Prince’s Trust? o o 87% Yes 13% No 18 MISSION To help disadvantaged young people in the UK to change their lives and get into employment, education or training Appendix 3. Case Study Prince’s Trust - Awards What’s your name, where are you from and how old are you? Kerry, 17 from Glasgow How did you hear about the Trust? From the Job Centre, I was told about a course and funding available from The Prince’s trust What was your life like before you contacted/ got involved with The Prince’s Trust? It was terrible, I had no confidence and never left my house or even my room. What were the barriers or problems you faced in your life? Unemployed, lack of confidence, and stigma of a possible learning disability hanging over me How did you feel about your life? It felt like I was going no where and I doubted anyone would give me a chance. I was depressed and suffering. How did The Prince's Trust help you? I attended a Get into Beauty course as I had been knocked back for Beauty at college and the 5 week course was amazing. I got work experience and training and networked with lots of employers. The Company delivering the training was the Beauty Academy and their sister company were keen to offer me a position dependant on funding and a further training 19 course. The Development Awards programme secured me funding and I was given a job on a Beauty Therapist apprenticeship which was the first of its kind in the UK. What are you doing now? Working as a full time beauty therapy Apprentice. How do you feel about your life now? Amazing, I couldn’t have imagined how much my life could have changed since I discovered the Prince’s Trust. I love my job and I’m learning so much. I was cleared of having a learning disability, I’ve left depression behind and I’m so much happier and confident. Has your confidence increased since your involvement with the Trust? Yes, very very much Have your skills improved since your involvement with the Trust? Yes, I am learning new skills every day What are your plans for the future in receiving your award? To become a fully qualified therapist and have a long happy successful career and life. Any comments about the Trust or your experience? (Please use back if required) There are no words to explain my thanks and for turning my life completely around If possible could you attach a recent photo. Appendix 4. EQUALITY IMPACT ASSESSMENT 1. CONTEXT Who is leading on completing this Equality Impact Assessment? Name Job Title Douglas Davidson Programme Manager – Enterprise & Awards Who else is or will be involved? Within your organisation From other organisations Scott MacFarlane/Karen Mackintosh Sam Linton Inspiring Scotland What CashBack partner is doing this Equality Impact Assessment? Prince’s Trust What is the aim of this partner’s CashBack funded activities? Briefly summarise the purpose of the project that you are assessing. 20 Development awards are grants up to £500 designed to support young people by removing financial barriers stopping them moving into education, training, employment or a volunteering opportunity. 2. EVIDENCE ABOUT EQUALITY What do we already know about the profile and needs of people from protected characteristics? *NB The Prince’s Trust have various funding pots available for groups such as young Muslims and these have rarely been tagged to CashBack funding in past, however this is now likely to change for the coming 3 year agreement with Scottish Government. 2014 – 2015 Statistics Gender* Disability* Race* Age Religion or Belief Gender reassignment Pregnancy Sexual orientation 318 Male(62%) 192 Female (38%) 12% 1% 14 – 25 Majority over 18 years old 8% non-Christian Collected and reporting under review Not collected Collected and reporting under review Figures on disability and race remain at a very consistent figure over not only 2014 – 2015 but the entire length of CashBack funding. Of the 510 Development Awards delivered in 2014 – 2015, 38% were female showing steady increase since CashBack Awards began. We have been working with female youth groups where we can to raise profile and even the share between male and female. The Prince’s Trust have introduced some courses such as Beauty and Hospitality which has helped see greater interest and applications from females and we will continue to focus on leveraging this opportunity. What do we already know about barriers that people from protected characteristics might experience to accessing our project? Gender Disability Ethnic origin Age Belief Gender reassignment Pregnancy Sexual orientation No barrier No barrier No barrier No barrier No barrier No barrier No barrier No barrier We have removed and are confident that no barriers exist for young people in applying for Development Awards. 21 What are the gaps in our knowledge about profile, needs and barriers? Gender Disability Ethnic origin Age Belief Gender reassignment Pregnancy Sexual orientation No gaps No gaps No gaps No gaps No gaps No gaps, reporting under review Not collected No gaps, reporting under review What do others say about profile, needs and barriers? Gender Disability Ethnic origin Age Belief Gender reassignment Pregnancy Sexual orientation 3. No barrier No barrier No barrier No barrier No barrier No barrier No barrier No barrier ASSESSING IMPACT Based on the information you have gathered, how might this policy or practice positively impact on equality and people with protected characteristics? Gender Disability Ethnic origin Age Belief Gender reassignment Pregnancy Sexual orientation PT Diversity policy promotes equality PT Diversity policy promotes equality PT Diversity policy promotes equality PT age criteria 14-25 PT Diversity policy promotes equality PT Diversity policy promotes equality PT Diversity policy promotes equality PT Diversity policy promotes equality Based on the information you have gathered, how might this policy or practice negatively impact on equality and people with protected characteristics? Gender Disability Ethnic origin Age Belief Gender reassignment Pregnancy Sexual orientation PT Diversity policy promotes equality PT Diversity policy promotes equality PT Diversity policy promotes equality PT age criteria 14-25 PT Diversity policy promotes equality PT Diversity policy promotes equality PT Diversity policy promotes equality PT Diversity policy promotes equality 22 4. WHAT NEXT What will we do to reduce the negative impacts that we have identified? What needs to change? Age criteria Who will do this? PT/CashBack When will it be done? This will be a significant change to the constitution and will be unlikely to become unrestricted in the near future. How and when will we review our progress? Set out when you will come back and review this Equality Impact Assessment, to see whether the positive impacts have come about – and if the negative impacts have been reduced. When will this EIA be reviewed? Jan 2016 5. Who will do this? Douglas Davidson SIGN OFF Name Job Title Date Douglas Davidson Programme Manager Enterprise & Awards 07/05/2015 23 Appendix 5 Local Authority Spend for each Financial Quarter and Number of Young People Quarter 4 Local Authority breakdown Jan-March - Spend & Young People number Local Authority Aberdeen Aberdeenshire Angus Argyll and Bute Clackmannanshire Dumfries and Galloway Dundee East Ayrshire East Dunbartonshire East Lothian East Renfrewshire Edinburgh Eilean Siar Falkirk Fife Glasgow Highland Inverclyde Midlothian Moray North Ayrshire North Lanarkshire Orkney Perth and Kinross Renfrewshire Scottish Borders Shetland South Ayrshire South Lanarkshire Stirling West Dunbartonshire West Lothian TOTALS 14~15 Quarter 4 Spend £894 £90 £786 £363.37 £550 £400 £763.42 £3393.17 £1579.30 £730.02 £299.25 £4493.13 £0 £568.99 £1361.44 £19161.17 £849 £3781.71 £561 £245 £1707.25 £2549.45 £0 £0 £349.98 £535 £0 £220.80 £2502.31 £985.21 £897.40 £707.86 £51,325.23 14~15 Quarter 4 – People 2 1 3 2 2 1 4 13 4 2 1 19 0 3 5 62 2 8 3 1 6 7 0 0 1 2 0 1 9 3 5 3 175 24 Full Year Local Authority breakdown – 01/04/2014 – 31/03/2015 & Young People numbers Local Authority Aberdeen Aberdeenshire Angus Argyll and Bute Clackmannanshire Dumfries and Galloway Dundee East Ayrshire East Dunbartonshire East Lothian East Renfrewshire Edinburgh Eilean Siar Falkirk Fife Glasgow Highland Inverclyde Midlothian Moray North Ayrshire North Lanarkshire Orkney Perth and Kinross Renfrewshire Scottish Borders Shetland South Ayrshire South Lanarkshire Stirling West Dunbartonshire West Lothian TOTALS 14~15 Spend £1,099 £840 £1,902 £863 £1,320 £1,025 £1,909.62 £9,542.42 £2,183.40 £1,962 £1,564.95 £11,587.87 £1,315 £2,463.74 £3,841.83 £51,914.25 £1,799 £6,636.01 £2,092 £511 £4,635.94 £8,049.12 £0 £1,391 £3,964.89 £1,783 £0 £1,818.84 £8,264.06 £985 £2,886 £5,174.15 £144480.54 14~15 People 3 6 11 3 5 3 12 33 7 8 5 53 4 10 13 168 5 13 8 2 13 28 0 8 12 7 0 10 27 3 12 18 510 25 Appendix.6. Balanced Scorecard. Quarter 4 2014~2015 26