DANAGENE DNA/RNA PURIFICATION Kit Selective isolation of DNA and RNA from unique, precious samples is a demand for an increasing number of applications. Splitting is unfavourable if not impossible for a number of samples like biopsy samples, single foci from cell cultures or single individuals of small organisms. DANAGENE DNA/RNA PURIFICATION Kit provides a rapid method for the isolation and purification genomic DNA and total RNA simultaneously from a single sample of cultured animal cells, small tissues samples, blood, bacteria, yeast, fungi or plants. The process involves first lysing the cells o tissue of the interest in a highly denaturing guanidineisothiocyanate-containing buffer that will rapidly inactive RNases and DNases to ensure isolation of intact DNA and RNA. The lysate is then passed throuhg a DNA spin column, this column allows selective binding of genomic DNA. The column is washed and pure, ready-to-use DNA is the eluted. Ethanol is added to the flow-through from the DNA spin column to provide appropriate binding conditions for RNA, and the sample is the applied to a RNA spin column, where total RNA binds to the membrane and contaminants are efficiently washed away, high-quality RNA is then eluted. Total RNA genomic DNA The kit purifies all sizes of RNA, from large mRNA and ribosomal RNA down to microRNA and small interfering RNA. The purified RNA can be used in a number of downstream applications including real time PCR, RT-PCR, Northern blotting, RNase protection and primer extension and expression array assays. The genomic DNA is of the highest quality and can be used in PCR reactions, sequencing, Southern blotting and SNP analysis. FEATURES High quality DNA and RNA from the same sample using DNA and RNA spin columns. Analysis will be more reliable since the RNA and DNA are derived from the same sample. DNA and RNA are isolated without the use of harmful chemicals as phenol or chloroform. Fast and rapid processing in less than 20 minutes. Ready-to-use DNA and RNA for any downstream analysis. Simultaneous isolation of total RNA and genomic DNA from HeLa Cells. Panel A show the RNA that was isolated from 2 different samples of HeLa cells. Panel B show the genomic DNA that was isolated from the same 2 HeLa cell samples. DANAGENE DNA/RNA PURIFICATION Kit Ref.0805 Allows to isolate genomic DNA and total RNA from the same sample. 50 tests.