Youth Ministry News at St. Mary's - Teens Grade 9-12 5 Reasons Teens should attend Youth Group: 1. Why do it? Time? When a teen encounters Christ it changes EVERYTHING! 2. Fellowship 3. Support 4. Prayer 5. Joy If we believe the living GOD is in US through the power of the Holy Spirit and the Eucharist then you cannot underestimate the power of that force! 5 Reasons to Support a Teen Centered Youth Ministry Surprise!!! Jesus called together a group of teenagers to help him on his journey and to carry his message on after he was gone! That should be the only reason needed. 1. Youth Group is vital to help teens integrate into the community of church. 2. Youth Group helps the church stay revenant in a changing culture. 3. Youth Group focuses on inviting those who are not already part of the church into the deeper narrative of God's plan for us. In other words, the teens in the pews begin to participate instead of being lifeless. 4. It reminds the church that teens are not marginalized members, but on equal footing as an adult as part of the "Body of Christ" and are necessary in the divine work of the church - keeping it alive for the next generation. 5. Youth Group/Ministry helps the church focus on the Way of Jesus - Forgiveness. Pope John Paul II now Saint John Paul II believed so much in Youth and Youth Ministry that he began the World Youth Days. Youth Ministry is so important in the life of our church. Without it our faith will die. Youth ministry/Group allows our Teens to OWN their faith, to be a vibrant part of our rituals and this experience will carry them through college, marriage and beyond. Youth Ministry/Group works with the family - not against- and allows a safe environment where the teens can ask their questions without prejudice or judgment and allows them the tools to research what we believe and why. Hello, my name is Dianne Longo and I am excited about the opportunity to work, learn and grow with your teens! I have been a Youth Group leader in Oklahoma and an assistant in Virginia. I have attended World Youth Day in Koln Germany and National Catholic Youth Conference in Columbus OH. My three goals are very simple: 1. Fun Environment. 2. Spirituality 3.Service Thank you for the opportunity to work with your teens and to better serve St Mary of the Assumption. SAVE THE DATE - Youth Ministry event November 15 the Diocese of Salt Lake is putting on a Youth Retreat here at St Mary's for churches in our area. The Retreat will be upbeat, high energy, and fun for all 9th - 12th grade youth. The time is 11am till 630 pm and the cost is $20.00 (some scholarships available). Reply to for more information or to register.