Annex H: Scope of Work Provision of Translation Services 1. Specification of the Documents for Translation Font size: 12 Paper size: should be A4 Character per page: 300 to 350 Font Type: Times New Roman 2. Quality Requirement USWDP requires a Contractor to provide ongoing written translation services. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to ensure that the translator(s) accurately and faithfully recasts the meaning of the source text in the target language, with respect to the following criteria: 1. Accuracy: All information contained in the source language (Dari, English and Pashto) text has been reproduced in the destination (Dari, English and Pashto) language text as and when requested. 2. A translation that reproduces the same conceptual understandings as the original text and functions in the same way as the English language text 3. As most of the requested translations will be used for publications and official purposes, it is essential that the translated texts are carefully proofread and meticulous checked both for their technical meaning and linguistic accuracy. USWDP will therefore require the proofreading of all translations, unless notified in writing to the contrary. 4. Producing clarity of the conceptual understanding is more important than a Dari/Pashto text that literally matches the word order or the phrasing of the original English. 5. If it is found that translation errors occur, the Contractor will be asked to revise and retranslate the document. This will be communicated to the Contractor, with documentary proof thereof. The Contractor is required to fix the errors and re-submit the sentences within 24 hours. 6. Translators must maintain both brevity and focus. Photo and graph captions are usually only a sentence or two at the most. The Contractor will provide the Dari texts as a Microsoft Word document file. The language of the file submitted should be set to Dari/Pashto, and the submitted work already spell-checked and grammar checked in Dari. Translation accuracy is important and will be authenticated by USWDP The Contractor shall be responsible for correcting any discrepancies in translations that may be or may not identified by USWDP. The translated version shall be provided to USWDP by email, if the size of the document exceeds 10.00 MBs on a CD using a typeface font and size to be recommended by Contractor and approved by USWDP. Page 1 of 3 Translation shall be based on per page and per word unit price, and the words translated of a particular page should be mentioned. Grammatical formation of sentences shall be strictly maintained. Font typeface and size should be universally downloadable. 3. Performance Standards • It is expected that the Contractor is an organization that will be able to mobilize the required professionally competent human resources required for translation as and when required. As USWDP projects may periodically require large volumes of document to be translated and within short timeframe in order to meet tight deadlines, the Contractor is expected to address these requirements when needed in accordance with the expected performance standards. • The Contractor shall deliver translated documents within agreed deadlines, provided to the Contractor in writing. Any deviation from agreed deadlines must have the prior consent of the USWDP Procurement Department. This will be confirmed in writing to the Contractor by the Procurement Manger, but only if the new deadline is allowable within the priorities permitted by USWDP Project’s work priorities. Therefore - if it is not possible for the Contractor to be permitted a new deadline extension, then the original deadline given must be achieved. • USWDP reserves the right to deduct or withhold payments, and/or or cancel or require the Contractor to re-do and correct or revise the document to achieve the required standard. For any revisions – the required deliverable period is 24 hours. • The Contractor is required to perform to the required performance standards. Performance standards include the timeliness to deadlines, responsiveness and quality of translation services. • For a document or groups of documents that exceeds 100 pages of translation, the Contractor will be given 2 days prior written notice to enable the Contractor to organize the translation human resources required. The expected performance of service will then follow the standard of performance noted in the table above for maximum allowable turnaround times for the delivery period of the translation. • For any translated documents delivered to USWDP the Contractor will be notified in writing or through a meeting with USWDP of any required corrections or revisions. The revisions must be addressed within 24 hours and the corrected document returned to USWDP. • The Contractor is expected to be contactable and be professionally responsive to address enquiries by telephone, email or in person during any period of normal working hours (from 8.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.). Failure to be responsive by being contactable by telephone, email or in person will be regarded as a breach of contract. • The Contractor must inform USWDP of his organization’s physical address and full contact details – i.e. email address (es), telephone number (s), and physical address location. The Contractor must be available for periodic monitoring or document review visits by USWDP if needed. Page 2 of 3 4. Communication All communication between USWDP and the Contractor will be conducted by an email and translations shall be submitted in electronic formats. The Contractor shall respect the confidentiality of information during translation services. Contractor may not provide material provided by USWDP to any third party without the express written consent of an authorized USWDP senior management. USWDP shall provide the Contractor with logos, photos and any other material in an adequate format, as required by the assignment. The Contractor shall not be entitled to use USWDP’s logo or any other material supplied by USWDP, for any purposes outside the scope of the contract. The copyright of the final product shall remain the property of USWDP 5. Preconditions for Translation Service • • • One month probationary period will be given to the selected translation company once USWDP is satisfied that the company is able to provide good quality and timely translation services, the contract will be extended. The full translation process should be performed by the Contractor including translation, revision, proofreading and editing. Each translation should be complete, accurate, transparent and understandable and free of spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. 6. Action which might be taken by USWDP: • • • • The translated documents submitted to USWDP by the Contractor for the first time will be “track changed” by USWDP and a copy of tracked changes will be forwarded to the company as feedback. If the Contractor makes the same mistake repeatedly, USWDP reserves the right to terminate the subcontract/purchase order. If the company makes 5-10 words spelling mistakes 10%, 11-20 words 20% of the payment will be deducted, and spelling mistakes more than 20 words, the document will rejected. Face-to-face meetings with the Contractor will be requested from time to time. In general, the purpose of these meetings will include finding ways to continually improve the quality and timeliness of the submission of translation tasks, and/or to discuss important documents to be translated. The Contractor is expected to respond to USWDP invitations for such meetings. Failure to do so may constitute a valid reason for terminating the Purchase Order/Contract awarded the Contractor. 7. Duration and Details of Assignment The duration of assignment will initially be for six (6) months with possibility of extension. Page 3 of 3