Notebooks The purpose of keeping a research notebook is to have an accurate and up-todate record of the experiments in progress. Someone unfamiliar with the work should be able to replicate any experiment cited in your notebook based on the information provided. Notebooks need to be clear, consistent and current. Notebooks should be written in pen. They are meant to be a permanent record. DO NOT WRITE IN PENCIL. Records should be kept in a bound, non-spiral notebook (ex: composition notebook or formal lab notebook). Format: Table of Contents: The first few pages of a notebook should be reserved to create a table of contents Page Number: Each page should be numbered in order Date: Each experiment must be dated. If experiments were conducted over multiple days, date each section appropriately. Experiments: 1) Title of the experiment. 2) General procedure. If using a standard protocol, reference where the protocol came from. Be sure to include any alterations/deviations from the standard. 3) Identify sample information. 4) Provide results/data. 5) Give a short description of the results and what the future experiments will be based on the data. Example notebook pages: Positive Control PCRs 8/1/14 Run PCR with known DNA to establish positive control samples for future experiments and confirm primer specificity. - PCR protocol as found in protocols book, standard reaction mix Used DNA from Dog and Human and used MSTDog, MSTHuman and MSTGoose primer sets 4μL of DNA/tube, 50μL total PCR volume Run MST56 PCR program: 95°C 1min 95°C 30s 56°C 30s 72°C 1min 72°C 5min 4°C hold - x30 cycles Store at -20°C until ready to confirm PCR products Gel Electrophoresis 8/4/14 Confirm PCR products from 8/1/14 on 1.5% Agarose gel using SYBRsafe dye Sample (DNA, primer) 1 – Dog, MSTDog 2 – Dog, MSThuman 3 – Dog, MSTGoose 4 – Human, MSTDog 5 – Human, MSThuman 6 – Human, MSTGoose Expected Band Size 215bp 162bp 97bp 215bp 162bp 97bp 1 2 3 4 5 6 Results: No bands are expected sizes, although lower weight bands are very faint. Larger band (~400bp) in Human w/ MSTGoose primer? Could be nonspecific binding or contamination. Will repeat electrophoresis with higher % gel to see if any lower bands resolve. If repeat gel fails, will repeat PCR reaction with altered conditons.