Communications Policy - Australasian Gene Therapy Society

AGCTS Meeting: Apr 29th - May 1st 2015
Communications Policies
The following policies intend to raise awareness of the research presented at the Australasian
Gene and Cell Therapy Society (AGCTS) meeting while protecting sensitive information,
unpublished data and research findings that are not yet available to the public. These policies
are in place for all meeting attendees, and pertain to communications involving any
equipment capable of recording or transmitting, including mobile devices and cameras.
References to photographs and photography include filming.
Questions about scientific communication for attendees and presenters should be directed to
AGCTS organising committee. Questions about policies related to public communication
may be directed to the AGCTS organising committee.
Information and data included in abstracts presented at the AGCTS meeting are embargoed
until the conclusion of the presentation and the meeting. Coverage of an abstract, poster, lay
summary, data, or supplemental material, is strictly prohibited until the embargo is lifted.
Promotion of general topics, speakers and/or presentation times is permitted and encouraged
within the stated guidelines.
Social Media
Communicating by way of social media is encouraged if it falls within the embargo and
communications policies (as above). The official science communicator for the AGCTS
meeting is Dr Marguerite Evans-Galea (@MVEG001 on Twitter). Stay up-to-date with the
AGCTS meeting by following the #AGCTS2015 hashtag.
The transmission of information via the Internet is not completely secure; any transmission of
data is at your own risk.
Photography and Filming
Due to the sensitive nature of data and the preliminary, unpublished research findings, all
filming and recording of scientific sessions and the poster floor is prohibited during the
meeting. The AGCTS organising committee will be taking general photos of delegates and
the meeting venue. If you do not wish to be included in a photograph, please let one of the
AGCTS organising committee know. See further guidance below for specific audiences.
Communication Policies for Attendees and Presenters
Meeting attendees must gain approval from a speaker or poster presenter prior to quoting or
publishing that individual's scientific results. This policy applies to professional media and
general attendees, and includes any use of social media or information sharing related to the
Abstracts accepted for the AGCTS meeting are subject to the embargo rules and all
communication policies.
Communication Policies for Exhibitors
Exhibitors are welcome to promote their company’s products and services as outlined in the
agreed AGCTS sponsorship package. Promotion of external products, organisations, services,
or distribution of outside study results is prohibited at the AGCTS meeting.
Press releases and media alerts must be directly related to the AGCTS meeting and are under
embargo for release until the conclusion of the presentation and the meeting. Press releases,
media alerts, and related materials may be accepted at the discretion of AGCTS and do not
indicate AGCTS endorsement. All decisions are final.
Exhibitors may apply for authorisation to film, take photos, or record within their exhibit
space. Authorisation is granted on a case-by-case basis by the AGCTS organising committee.
If approved, individuals are responsible for protecting their content, enforcing the meeting
communication policies, and preventing the unauthorised capture of any content outside of
their exhibit space.
To contact the AGCTS organising committee go to: