Poetry Essay Organization - Paintsville Independent Schools

Organizing the Poetry Essay
D. McNew
Organization method for prompt with one poem:
Thesis: In “Slam, Dunk, & Hook,” Yusef Komunyakaa uses vivid images, classical
allusions, and metaphors to characterize the game that offers both escape and
transcendence for its players.
Organize by style elements:
1. Vivid images
2. Allusions
3. Metaphors
*Organize according to the different attitudes the speaker has
about basketball:
1. Beauty of the game
2. How basketball is an escape from everyday trouble
3. How basketball helps the players transcend their humanness
becoming mythical, metaphysical
*Best method when you have only one poem to explicate
Organization method for two poems when asked to Compare and
In an essay compare and contrast the two poems, analyzing the literary
devices each writer uses to explore the speaker’s attitude towards the
game of basketball.
Problematic thesis statement examples:
Basketball is central to both poems, but the poets use it in different
ways. (Too broad)
In both poems, the game of basketball is the means the poets use to
dramatize the way the speaker is involved with the sport; however,
each speaker’s involvement is different.(No mention of literary
In these two poems, the point of view, images, and rhythmic structure
of the two poems are different. (No mention of theme)
In these two poems, the point of view, imagery, and rhythm reveal the
relationship between the players and the sport they love, but a world
of difference separates the experience of basketball for each of the
speakers. (Acceptable thesis)
Two methods for organizing a Compare/Contrast Essay:
Organize Text by Text
Although both authors depict basketball as a transformative
experience, the rhythm and imagery in the poem shows just how
different those experiences are.
Topic Sentence 1
In “Slam, Dunk, &Hook,” the prevalent images of struggle alongside the
fragmented rhythm of the verse suggest that life is a fierce battle both
on and off the court.
Topic Sentence 2
In “Fast Break,” the fluid structure and positive connotations of the
words in the poem suggest that the players are achieving a singular
moment of grace on the court.
Etc…until you have analyzed all the elements in your thesis
Conclusion must emphasize the similarities and differences
(connections) between the two poems!
*Organize Element by Element
Topic Sentence 1…speaker (both poems)
Topic sentence 2…Imagery (both poems)
Topic sentence 3…Rhythmic structure (both poems)
Creative Conclusion
*Advantage of the element by element when you have two poems is
that you are comparing and contrasting as you go rather than waiting
until the end.