PINACOLONE 3,3-dimethyl-2-butanone (C6H12O) NMR 1H APPROXIMATION OF 3,3-dimethyl-2-butanone C-1 Carbon-3 is bound to 3 adjacent methyl groups. As a result, the protons attached to each adjacent carbon are identical. This results in a singlet; protons on adjacent carbons do not couple: There is no adjacent proton on carbon 3, so there is only a single peak. The absorbency is approximately 1.1 ppm which is consistent with the general range methyl groups would fall when bound to a carbon lacking any deshielding atoms – 0.9-1.5 ppm. Carbon-1 had an absorbency of approximately 2.2 ppm. Protons adjacent to ketones tend to absorb at 2-2.5 ppm. This proton also yielded a single peak because the only atom adjacent to C-1 is C-2 which lacks any protons.