Central Ohio Chapter Steering Committee Descriptions July 2015 Chapter Lead Duties General Duties: Ensure guidelines of the TTN Chapter Charter are followed by Steering Committee and other Chapter members Field public inquiries about TTN and refer to appropriate responder (marketing/membership/national) Attend local women’s group events to represent TTN and the local Chapter Respond to national and other chapter inquiries about local chapter Participate as scheduled in National chapter calls with other chapter leads (up to 2 hours) Preside at monthly chapter meetings Ensure web site information for each event is current Use web site admin login to download attendee listing and send to Membership Chair for check in Send out steering committee agenda and run all Steering Committee meetings Sign agreements for monthly meeting space or other venues as needed Participate on national projects and recruit local chapter members to serve on national projects Newsletter Duties: Review final draft newsletter and approve for scheduling Revised 7-9-2015 Central Ohio Chapter Steering Committee Descriptions July 2015 Membership Committee Duties Membership Chair Sets up Welcome table at meetings - brings in sign-in sheets, member name tags, and adhesive blank name tags for potential members. Buy member tag holders and potential member adhesive tags Put name tags in alphabetical order Remove former members name tags Send an email to welcome new members and cc: Chapter lead Attend Steering committee meetings: New membership information is presented and the members who are up for renewal are discussed Coordinates the Coffee Committee and connects new members with a current member to meet over lunch or coffee (up to $25 reimbursed with completion of new member survey) Get a list of expiring memberships from Chapter Lead/National report Make calls to members whose membership is expiring, asking for feedback & telling them about scholarship program if money is an issue. Make calls to members who have not been attending for at least 3 months Email information to any woman indicating interest in TTN Duties of Committee members Meeting Welcome Welcomes those attending meeting – gives packet to guest and takes a few minutes to review items in packet. Ask the guest if she would have any objects to doing a quick introduction of herself during the meeting. Gives direction to restroom and introduces the guest to a member. Sends a combined email to those attending for the first and second time Backs up Virginia on making sure we have the welcome packets and they are up to date. Scans members attendance and potential member list and sends to Jeannette, Virginia and Chapter Lead Newsletter Spotlight Coordinator Identifies a new member to be spotlighted in the Newsletter Member Data Tracking Welcomes those attending meeting, collects Membership forms and checks/cash and gives to Finance Chair Revises and prints sign in sheets for members and potential members Buys folders, copies sheets and assembles Welcome Packets, which includes 1-page welcome, membership form, bookmark, reading/website list, list of upcoming programs, and list of peer groups and committees. Makes sure updated materials are in the TTN welcome package Anna is her backup on the packets Virginia keeps a spread sheet to track members’ attendance and special event attendance, it will have last name, first name and 12 months of attendance Renewal Reminders Coordinator Sends an email the 1st of the month to remind members who are up for renewal. Central Ohio Chapter Steering Committee Descriptions July 2015 Finance Committee Duties Follow all finance processes per the National Finance Process Management Document addendum in the Chapter Charter Record all transactions on the online Google Docs by due date Mail receipts/copies of bills over $25.00 to TTN Attend all monthly Steering Committee meetings : Report on current bank account balance and all income and expenses since the last meeting Report on special event P&L Attend all monthly meetings Collect money for any members who may be renewing or new members signing up Make deposits of all checks and cash receipts from special events When receiving new membership applications with payment by check, or member renewals by check: Make copy of the check Send to National office for deposit Send an email to Executive Director that dues are in the mail, and copy Membership Chair and Chapter Chair Make Payments Write checks for any purchases made by members to support TTN events Make sure they know we are tax exempt for sales tax purposes Get receipts/copies of bills for our records Central Ohio Chapter Steering Committee Descriptions July 2015 Peer Group Coordinator Duties 1. Maintain communications with all Peer Group Leaders 2. Keep updated a current list of Peer Group descriptions, with the lead for each group and their contact information, and the times of the month that they meet. Maintain information about how to start and run a Peer Group. Suggest changes that will make our Chapter Peer Group start up process more effective. Be the focal point for suggested new Peer Groups. Help identify a Lead for each new Peer Group. Attend the first meeting of each new Peer Group to educate them on the proper policies and conduct for our TTN Peer Groups. Work with the Membership Committee to get new members engaged with a Peer Group, including monitoring the PG signup sheets at our monthly meetings, and sharing the new member information with the Peer Group leads. Attend Monthly meetings Participate as a member of the Steering Committee by attending monthly meetings. Update the Steering Committee members of the status of the Peer Groups, any issues you may be aware of, and what new Peer Groups are of interest to our members. Attend monthly member meetings and encourage members to get engaged with a PG by getting their name on a signup sheet. Central Ohio Chapter Steering Committee Descriptions July 2015 Program Coordinator Duties 1. Program coordination Lead the planning of the next year’s monthly programs. Coordinate with the guest speaker or member who is leading each monthly meeting: Confirm with each Peer Group Lead their readiness for their assigned monthly program, and what venue they will be using. Confirm with each Special Program Committee Chair that they have enough members to staff their committee, and monitor their progress on event planning. Communicate any issues with the Steering Committee. Facilitate contract negotiations with the Chapter Chair for any for-fee venues. Confirm that there is a Quest Conference Center contract in place if needed. Identify any audio visual needs, if using the Quest Conference Center, and communicate those needs to Quest. Ensure that a description for each program is sent in for the monthly Newsletter, and that content is also posted on the web site “events” page. Ensure each meeting committee submits receipts for any event expenditure to the Finance Chair. 2. Monthly meetings Participate as a member of the Steering Committee by attending SC monthly meetings. Update the Steering Committee members of the status of the program schedule and status of special event planning. Attend monthly member meetings, and make announcements regarding programs as needed. Central Ohio Chapter Steering Committee Descriptions July 2015 Marketing Committee Duties The role of the TTN Marketing Chair encompasses the basic functions of marketing to include the functional areas of Community Outreach strategies and activities and Special Events as needed. The objective of all TTN marketing activities is to increase overall visibility and membership of the organization. Responsibilities include: Attend monthly Steering Committee meetings Serve at least a two year term Represent TTN at Women’s Council of Central Ohio meetings 4 times a year Identify and select marketing subcommittee members to include a social media coordinator, Newsletter editor and others as needed Work with committee leads of any special events to develop a marketing plan and information for their events Develop community outreach strategy and activities with team members and Steering Committee Identify and recommend key partnership opportunities with other organizations in Central Ohio Identify current TTN members who participate in partnership organizations, and ensure they have the information needed to promote TTN at these events Develop and propose 12 month marketing plan Identify and develop key promotional tools, in concert with the National organization and the Branding Manual Central Ohio Chapter Steering Committee Descriptions July 2015 Newsletter Editor Duties Major responsibilities of the Newsletter Editor: 7-9-15 Request submissions for the monthly newsletter from Steering Committee members and other TTN members who have volunteered to write articles, take photographs Determine and communicate deadlines for submissions Compile all articles and photographs and edit content; assure that each issue has standard information about TTN Distribute newsletter draft to Chapter Chair for review Make final editorial changes in conjunction with Chapter Lead Schedule on Constant Contact and send to Central Ohio Chapter and other Central Ohio and National distribution lists Draft monthly meeting reminder and send to Central Ohio Chapter distribution lists Central Ohio Chapter Steering Committee Descriptions July 2015 Secretary Duties The role of the Central Ohio Chapter Secretary is to be available to take minutes for each formal meeting of the Steering Committee. Responsibilities include: Attend all Steering Committee meetings Take minutes at every meeting, including conference call meetings Record any decisions made by the Steering Committee Note any follow up items as “To Do’s” in red with the responsible party identified, and any due dates if established Forward the minutes to the Chapter Chair for review, revision and distribution within seven days of the meeting If unable to attend a meeting, find someone who will be available to take the minutes