Data Definitions

Data Definitions
Updated 4/2008
Data Elements/
% Agent Booked Tickets Used
% Charge/Rate Variance
% Agt Tkts Used,
% Agent Booked
% Charge/Rate Var
% Discounted Fare Tickets Used
% Discounted Fare Tkts Used
% Electronic Tickets Used
% E-Tickets Used,
E-Tkt %
% Lowest Fare Accepted Tkts
% Accepted,
% Low fare tickets used
Agent Booked Tickets Used divided by Tickets Used
expressed as a percentage.
The percentage of Credit Card Average Nightly Charge
-Booked Average Daily Rate divided by Booked
Average Daily Rate.
Discounted Fare Tickets Used divided by Tickets Used
expressed as a percentage.
E-Tickets Used divided by Tickets Used expressed as a
Lowest Fare Accepted Tickets Used expressed as a
Excludes miscellaneous, car, and hotel transactions.
% Lowest Fare Accepted Tickets Used
% Missed Hotel Bookings
Tickets used with missed room nights as a percentage
of the number of tickets used where room nights are
greater than 0.
% Missed room nights
% Missed hotel room nights
Count of room nights for tickets with no attached hotel
% Missed Savings
% Missed Svgs
Missing Savings divided by Paid Fare expressed as a
percentage. Can also be Missed Savings for a specified
Org Unit divided by Total Missed Savings.
% Negotiated Fare Tickets Used
% Negotiated Fare Tkts Used
Negotiated Fare Tickets Used divided by Tickets Used
expressed as a percentage.
% OBT tickets used unassisted
Online Booked Unassisted Tickets Used divided by
Online Booked Tickets Used expressed as a
% Potential Savings Tickets Used with % Potential Savings Transactions Number of tickets used with missed savings divided by
Missed Savings
with Missed Savings
tickets used with potential savings expressed as a
% Realised Savings
% Realised Svgs,
Realised Savings divided by Reference Fare expressed
% Rlsd Svgs
as a percentage. Can also be Realised Savings for a
specified Org Unit divided by Total Realised Savings.
% Resolved Within Service Level
Percent of tickets closed within a client's defined
service level.
% Self-Booked Agent Assisted Tickets % SB Agt Assist Tkts Used,
Self-Booked Agent Assisted Tickets Used divided by
% Self-Booked Agent Assist
Tickets Used expressed as a percentage.
Tickets Used
% Self-Booked Tickets Used
% Self Bkgs,
Self-Booked Tickets Used divided by Tickets Used
% Self-Booked Tkts Used,
expressed as a percentage.
SBT Adoption,
% OBT tickets used,
OBT Adoption
% Self-Booked Unassisted Tickets Used % SB Unassisted Tkts Used,
Self-Booked Unassisted Tickets Used divided by
% SB Unassisted Tickets Used,
Tickets Used expressed as a percentage.
% Online Booked unassisted
tickets used,
% OBT without assistance,
% OBT unassisted
% Tickets Exchanged
% Tkts Exchanged,
Tickets Exchanged divided by Tickets Issued
% Tkts Exch
expressed as a percentage.
% Tickets Refunded
% Tkts Refunded,
Tickets Refunded divided by Tickets Issued expressed
% Tkts Ref
as a percentage.
% Tickets Used
% Tkts Used,
Tickets Used for a specific level of hierarchy or
% of Tickets Used
supplier divided by Total Tickets Used expressed as a
% Tickets Voided
% Tkts Voided,
Tickets Voided divided by Tickets Issued expressed as
% Tkts Vd
a percentage.
% Ttl Air Trans,
% Total Air Transactions
Air Transactions divided by Total Air Transactions
% Total Air Trans
% Total Car Cost
% Ttl Car Cost,
% Ttl Car Spend
% Total Hotel Cost
% Ttl Htl Cost,
% Total Hotel Spend
% Total Misc Spend
% Total Misc Spend
% Total Paid Fare
% Ttl Paid Fare,
% or Paid Fare
% Total Rail Spend
% Total Rail Spend
% Total Spend
% Total Spend
% Total Tickets Issued
% Ttl Tkts Issued
% Total Tickets Used
% Ttl Tkts Used
% Variance
% Var
% Variance ATP to Prior Year
ATP % Variance to Prior Year
% Variance Prior Year
% Variance Prior Year Hotel Spend
% Var Prior Yr,
% Var Prior Year
Account Name
Account Number
Advance Days Booking to Departure
Adv Days Bkg to Dep Date,
Advance Booking,
Adv Bkg,
Adv Days Bkg to Dep
Adv Days Tktg to Dep Date,
Advance Ticketing,
Adv Tktg,
Adv Days Tktg to Dep,
Advanced Days,
Advanced Ticketing to Departure
Agency Only Spend
Advance Days Ticketing to Departure
Agency Only Spend
Agency Only Transactions
Agency Voids
Agent Booked Tickets Used
Agent Booked Transactions
Agency Only Trx,
Agency Only Trans
Agt Voids
Ag Bkd Tkts Used
Agent Booked Trans,
Agent Bkd Trans
expressed as a percentage. The criteria used for Air
Transactions is report specific.
Car Cost divided by Total Car Cost expressed as a
percentage. The criteria used for Car Cost is report
Hotel Cost divided by Total Hotel Cost expressed as a
percentage. The criteria used for Hotel Cost is report
Misc Cost divided by Total Misc Cost expressed as a
percentage. The criteria used for Misc cost is report
Paid Fare divided by Total Paid Fare expressed as a
The criteria used for Paid Fare is report specific.
Rail Cost divided by Total Rail Cost expressed as a
percentage. The criteria used for Rail Cost is report
The percentage of combined spend for a specific
supplier chain or supplier divided by the total
combined spend for total suppliers, combined is the
agency spend plus credit card spend.
Tickets Issued divided by Total Tickets Issued
expressed as a percentage. The criteria for Tickets
Issued is report specific.
Tickets Used divided by Total Tickets Used expressed
as a percentage.
The criteria for Tickets Used is report specific.
Variance between the current period and the prior
period expressed as a percentage. Usually, this is the
current month vs. the prior month.
ATP Variance between the Current Year and the Prior
Year expressed as a percentage.
Variance between the Current Year and the Prior Year
expressed as a percentage.
Variance between the Current Year Hotel Spend and
the Prior Year Hotel Spend expressed as a percentage.
Account name of the customer in the accounting
system. Typically identifies the billing account.
Account code/number of the customer in the
accounting system. Typically identifies the billing
Indicator of whether the related transaction is active
or not and should be included on travel reports.
No indicates the transaction has been cancelled,
voided, or put on hold should not be included on client
travel reports.
Range of days (on summary reports) or number of
days (on detail reports) that the ticket was booked in
advance of the travel date.
Range of days (on summary reports) or number of
days (on detail reports) that the ticket was
ticketed/issued in advance of the travel date.
Total spend amount of the transactions that were
booked via Agency but did not have a matching credit
card transaction.
Total number of agency only transactions.
Number of tickets voided due to agency error.
Number of Tickets Used that were booked by an
Number of air, car, hotel, and rail transactions booked
by an agent. These transactions have a blank or null
Agent n
Agent n %
% Agent n
Agent Assist Reason Code
Agent Booked ATP
Ag Assist RC,
Booked Agent Assist Reason
Agent Booked CPM
Agent Id
Ag Id,
Agent ID
Air Bkg Code,
Air Bkg Cd
Air Booking Code
Air Cost
Air Transactions
Air Without Hotel Nights
Air Cost,
Total Air Cost,
Air Spend
Air Trans
Airline Alliance
Air Without Hotel,
Air W/O Htl Ngts,
Air Only, Air W/O Htl
A/L Alliance
Airline Market Share %
Airline Sub Trip Cost Per Mile
A/L Sub Trip Cost Per Mile
Airport Code
Airport Cd,
Arrival Date
Arrival Time
Average # of Days
Arr Date
Arr Time
Average Daily Rate
Avg Daily Rate,
Avg Rental Cost
Avg Room Rate
Avg Sub Trip Fare
ATP of Agent Booked Tickets
ATP, Self-Booked Tickets Used
Average Rental Cost
Average Room Rate
Average Sub Trip Fare
Average Ticket Price
Average Ticket Price of Agent Booked
Tickets Used
Average Ticket Price of Self-Booked
Tickets Used
Average Ticket Price of Self-Booked
Agent Assisted Tickets Used
Average Ticket Price of Self-Booked
Unassisted Tickets Used
Average Ticket Price, Discounted Fare
Tickets Used
Average Ticket Price, Negotiated Fare
Tickets Used
Average Ticket Price,Tickets Issued,
Net of Exchanges
E-Booking Action Code.
Responsible Agent n.
Responsible Agent n %.
The reason code associated with an agent assisted
Total Paid Fare divided by Tickets Used where the
number of Tickets used were booked by an agent.
Number of Tickets Used that were booked by an
Identifies the travel agent associated with the
The 2-letter code identifying class of service and fare
Example: FD = First Discount Fare, CF = Business Full
Paid Fare of Tickets Issued minus the Paid Fare of
Tickets Refunded.
Total number of air transactions including refunds and
Excludes voids and reversals.
Total number of Air Transactions without an
associated hotel booking.
The airline's associated partner alliances. Examples:
Skyteam, Star Alliance, Oneworld.
A specific airline’s spend as a percentage of total air
Sub Trip Fare divided by Sub Trip Miles for a specific
airline for a specific Sub Trip Airport Pair.
Excludes taxes.
The code for the airport or location attached to the
For air transactions, this is usually the origin or
destination airport.
For hotel or car transactions, it is the nearest airport
to the hotel or car supplier.
Arrival date of each coupon.
Arrival time of each coupon.
Average number of days from interaction open date to
ticket close date.
Total Car Cost divided by Car Days.
Total Car Spend divided by Car Transactions.
Total Hotel Cost divided by Room Nights.
Total Sub Trip Fare divided by Number of Sub Trips.
Total Paid Fare divided by Tickets Used.
Total Paid Fare of Agent Booked Tickets Used divided
by Agent Booked Tickets Used.
Total Paid Fare of Self-Booked Tickets Used divided by
Self-Booked Tickets Used.
ATP, SB Agt Assisted Tickets
Total Paid Fare of Self-Booked Agent Assisted Tickets
Used divided by Self-Booked Agent Assisted Tickets
ATP, SB Unassisted Tkts Used
Total Paid Fare of Self-Booked Unassisted Tickets Used
divided by Self-Booked Unassisted Tickets Used.
ATP, Discounted Fare Tkts Used Total Paid Fare of Discounted Fare Tickets divided by
Discounted Fare Tickets Used.
ATP, Negotiated Fare Tkts Used; Total Paid Fare, Negotiated Fare Tickets divided by
Negotiated Fare Tickets Used.
ATP, Tickets Issued, Net of Exch Total Paid Fare of Tickets Issued divided by the
number of Tickets Issued, Net of Exchanges.
Average Ticket Price,Tickets Refunded
ATP, Tickets Refunded
Average Transaction Price
Average Trip Days
Avg Trans Price
Avg Trip Days
Average Trip Nights
Avg Trip Nights
Back Office Transaction Id
Back Office Trans ID,
B/O Trans Id
Base Fare
Bi-Directional Origin and Destination
Airport Pair
B/D O&D Airport Pair,
Bi-Directional O&D Airport Pair
Bi-Directional Sub Trip Airport Pair
Booked Average Daily Rate
B/D Sub Trip Airport Pair Desc
Booked Room Rate
Booking Date
Booking International Air Transport
Association Number
Booking Method
Bkd ADR,
Booked ADR
Bkd Rm Rate,
Booked Rm Rate
Bkg Date
Booking IATA Number,
Booking IATA Nbr,
Bkg IATA Number,
Bkg IATA Nbr,
Bkg IATA #,
Total Paid Fare of Tickets Refunded divided by the
number of Tickets Refunded.
Total Cost divided by Transactions.
Average trip length.
Trip Days divided by Tickets Used.
Where each Ticket counts as 1, each Refund counts as
-1, and each Exchange is counted as 0.
Average trip length.
Trip Nights divided by Tickets Used.
Where each Ticket counts as 1, each Refund counts as
-1, and each Exchange is counted as 0.
A key used to identify a transaction within the external
back office system.
For example, the Matrix originated transactions would
include the CFA key.
Amount paid including commission minus POS
Discounts and taxes.
Bi-Directional origin and destination Airport Code
pairs. The destination is determined by taking the
furthest non-connecting airport from the origin airport
based on longitude and latitude. If connection
indicators are unavailable, the furthest airport is used.
Airport name associated with the Bi-Directional Origin
and Destination Airport Pair.
Total supplier cost divided by number of nights/days.
Rate per night at the hotel. This rate can also be
weekly or monthly.
The date that the air, hotel, and/or car was booked.
Number used to identify the booking location.
Identifies method by which a ticket was booked. Fully
Self Booked, Agent Assist, or Agent Booked.
See Agent Assist Reason Codes for a description.
Branch identification number.
Branch Identification Number
Br ID,
Branch ID Number,
Branch ID
Cancel Date
Date or NULL flag.
Where NULL means the related transaction is active
and should be included on travel reports.
Date means the transaction has been cancelled, voided, or put
on hold and should not be included on client travel reports.
Car Class
Car Cost
Car Cost,
Total Car Cost,
Car Spend
Car Days
Car Only Bookings
The traveller's preferred type of car rented (i.e.,
intermediate, economy).
Rental Rate times the Rate Multiplier times Number of
The Rate Type and Number of Days determines the
Rate Multiplier used.
Number of car rental days for active non-cancelled
transactions only.
(Drop Off Date and Time minus Pick Up Date and
Time) times the number of Car Transactions.
Null indicates either date is invalid.
Number of car bookings without associated air or hotel
Traveller compliance code entered at the time of
Car Reason Code
Car Supplier Code
Car Supplier Name
Only Bkgs,
Rsn Cd,
Rsn Code,
Sup Code,
Sup Cd,
Supplier Cd
Sup Name,
The 2-letter code representing the car rental agency.
Name of the car rental agency.
Car Transactions
Car Chain
Car Trans
Car Type
Carrier Code
Carrier Sub Trip
Carrier Cd
Charge Description
City Code
CC Charge Description,
Charge Desc
City Cd
City Name
City, Hotel City
City Routing Description
Client Master Code
Client Perception
Client SLA
City Routing Desc,
City Rtg Desc
Client Defined nn,
Client Defined n,
Client Def n
Client Code
Close Date
CO2 kg
Combined Spend
Combined Spend
Compliance % (Agency/Total)
Compliance % (Agency/Total)
Confirmation Number
Conf No,
Conf #
ConX Ind
Client Defined Field 1-20
Connection Indicator
Connection Routing
Connection Time
ConX Routing,
ConX Rtg
ConX Time
Number of car bookings/reservations made for active
non-cancelled transactions only.
Bookings include transactions where CWT invoices the
client, as well as those where the client pays the car
supplier directly.
Type of car rented (i.e., intermediate, economy).
See Validating Airline.
Any non-connection origin and destination on a ticket,
as long as the same airline is flown on all legs of the
sub trip. If a traveller switches airlines at a connecting airport,
then each leg around the connection becomes a sub trip.
Top level description of Interaction
Type of transaction of service provided that incurred a
charge on the credit card.
The 3-letter city code identifying the departure city of
each air coupon.
For a car transaction, it is the pick up city.
For hotels, it is the city of stay.
Name identifying the departure city of each air
For a car transaction, it is the pick up city.
For hotels, it is the city of stay.
City Names of all the trip coupons in order of
departure date and time.
Type of feedback: positive, negative or value added.
Reservation or credit card field used to store client
specific information (i.e., hierarchy, financial, etc.).
Client identifier in the Glory system.
Client perception of responsibility.
Service level agreement for Interaction resolution as
defined by customer.
Date Interaction was closed
Chemical compound, CO2
Total dollar amount of agency booked and credit card
only transactions.
Commission amount.
Total agency transactions divided by total
Confirmation number attached to hotel and car
Identifies customer stops while travelling.
When the elapsed time between flights for the
connection is greater than 4 hours, the Connection
Indicator is set to O for a stop over; otherwise, the
flag is set to X for a connection.
Special rules:
The last coupon of a ticket is always a stop or O.
Anytime the 4-hour connection rule causes a sub trip
within a ticket to have the same origin and
destination, the coupon before the same destination is
set to a O for a stopover.
The 3-letter connection airport codes on indirect Sub
Time spent in the airport between connecting flights
based on scheduled airline arrival and departure
Connection Time (i.e., ground time, layover time) is
equal to departure time of the second flight minus the
arrival time of the first flight.
This field is used on sub trip and ticket reports and
includes all connections in the sub trip or ticket.
For refunds, connection time displays as a negative.
If exact arrival and departure times are not available,
the field is blank.
Contact Email
Contact Name
Contact Phone
Cost Per Mile - Sub Trip Miles
Country Code
Coupon Airport Pair
Coupon Count
Cost Per Mile - ST Miles,
Cost/Mile - Sub Trip Miles,
Cost Per Mile - Sub Trip,
CPM - Sub Trip Miles,
CPM - ST Miles,
Sub Trip Cost Per Mile,
Sub Trip CPM,
CPM - Sub Trip
Cost Per Mile,
Cost Per Mile - Ttl Miles,
Cost/Mile - Total Miles,
Cost/Mile - Ttl Miles,
CPM - Total Miles,
CPM Ttl Miles,
Country Cd
Coupon Miles
Coupon Number
Credit Card Agency Name
Credit Card Business Center Charge
Coupon Nbr
CC Agency Name,
Agency Name
Credit Card ADR,
CC Avg Daily Charge
Credit Card ANR,
CC Avg Ngt Charge
CC Business Center Charge
Credit Card Chain Name
CC Chain Name
Credit Card Charge Amount
CC Charge Amount,
Charge Amount
CC Charge Amount Local
Cost Per Mile - Total Miles
Credit Card Average Daily Charge
Credit Card Average Nightly Charge
Credit Card Charge Amount Local
Credit Card Charge Date
Credit Card Charge Description
Credit Card Check In Date
Credit Card Check Out Date
Charge Date,
CC Charge Date
CC Charge Description
Check In Date,
CC Check In Date
CC Check Out Date
Credit Card City Name
CC City
Credit Card Client Defined n CC
Credit Card Code
CC Code,
Credit Card Cd
CC Conf Number,
Credit Card Confirmation Number
For non-connecting coupons, the field is NULL.
Contact Email
Contact Name
Contact Phone
Continental air activity is any travel outside of the
country in which the company is located, but still
within the continent where the company is located.
Sub Trip Fare minus taxes divided by the Sub Trip
Miles for the specific Sub Trip Airport Pair.
Sub Trip Miles is mileage between Sub Trip airport
pairs based on longitude and latitude and excluding
Sub Trip Miles are negative for refunds and zero for
Total Base Fare minus taxes divided by Total Trip
Trip Miles are negative for refunds and zero for
Country Name
Unique country identifier.
Bi-Directional coupon airport pair.
Number of coupons on a ticket including connecting
flights. A negative number indicates a refund.
Miles between airports for a specified coupon of a
The numbered sequence of coupons in the ticket.
The agency that is named on the credit card file
Total supplier cost divided by number of days from the
credit card data.
Total supplier cost divided by number of nights from
the credit card data.
The charge for utilizing hotel business center services
from the credit card data.
The hotel or car chain name from the credit card data
for the transaction.
The dollar amount that was charged on the credit card
The dollar amount that was charged on the credit card
transaction in local currency.
The date on which the credit card transaction was
The detailed description of the credit card charge from
the credit card data.
The hotel check in date from the credit card data for
the transaction.
The hotel check out date from the credit card data for
the transaction.
Name identifying the departure city of each air
For a car transaction, it is the pick up city, if it exists,
otherwise the drop-off city.
For hotels, it is the property city."
The level of hierarchy information from the credit card
The 2-letter credit card type identifier.
The hotel or car confirmation number from the credit
Credit Card Departure Date
CC Conf #
Dep Date
Credit Card Drop Off Date
Credit Card Drop Off Location
CC Drop Off Date
CC Drop Off Location
Credit Card Expiration Date
Credit Card In-Room Entertain Charge
CC Exp Date,
Expiration Date,
Exp Date,
Expiry Date
CC Htl Ph #,
CC Hotel Phone Number
CC In-Rm Entertain Charge
Credit Card Insurance Charge
CC Insurance Charge
Credit Card Invoice Number
CC Invoice Number
Credit Card Laundry Charge
CC Laundry Charge
Credit Card Local Currency Code
CC Local Currency Code
Credit Card Lounge Charge
CC Lounge Charge
Credit Card Match Type
CC Match Type
Credit Card Miscellaneous charge
CC Misc Charge
Credit Card Net Transaction Count
CC Net Trans Count
Credit Card Number
CC Number,
CC #,
CC Nbr,
Credit Card Nbr,
CC Nbr (Last 4
CC Only Trans,
CC Only Trx,
Credit Card Only Trans,
Credit Card Only Trx
O&D Airport Pair
Credit Card Hotel Phone Number
Credit Card Only Transactions
Credit Card Origin and Destination
Airport Pair
Credit Card Parking Charge
CC Parking Charge
Credit Card Pick Up Date
Credit Card Pick Up Location
CC Pick Up Date
CC Pick Up Location
Credit Card Property Location
CC Property Location
Credit Card Property Name
CC Property Name
Credit Card Recreation Charge
Credit Card Rental Days
Credit Card Restaurant Charge
Credit Card Return Date
Credit Card Room Nights
Credit Card Room Rate
Rec Charge,
Recreation Charge
Rental Days
Restaurant Charge
Return Date
CC Rm Nts,
CC Room Nights
CC Room Rate
card data for the transaction.
Date travel was initiated for each air coupon.
Note: a car/hotel date may precede the first air date.
The car rental drop off date from the credit card data.
The car rental drop off location from the credit card
Expiration date of the credit card number.
The hotel property phone number from the credit card
data for the transaction.
The charge for utilizing hotel in-room entertainment
services from the credit card data.
The car rental insurance charges from the credit card
The invoice number for the transaction from the credit
card transaction.
The charge for utilizing hotel laundry services from the
credit card data.
The currency code of the local currency on the credit
card transaction.
The charge for utilizing hotel lounge services from the
credit card data.
Identifies if transaction matched some, all or none of
matching criteria.
Total miscellaneous charge amount outside of air, car,
hotel and/or rail
Count of credit card transactions where positive
amounts count as +1 transaction, negative amounts
count as -1 transaction and zero dollar amount counts
as 0
The 16-digit credit card number used for the
For security, only the last 4-digits display.
Number of transactions from the credit card data not
booked by agency.
Origin and destination airport pair. Destination is
determined by furthest airport from origin airport by
longitude and latitude excluding connections.
The charge for utilizing hotel parking services from the
credit card data.
The car rental pick up date from the credit card data.
The car rental pick up location from the credit card
City name, state/province, and possibly the postal ZIP
code and country code for the hotel property location
from the credit card data.
The hotel property name from the credit card data for
the transaction.
The charge for utilizing hotel recreation services from
the credit card data.
The car rental days from the credit card data.
Charges from the hotel restaurant from the credit card
Return date of the trip.
The number of room nights used from the credit card
The room rate from the credit card data.
Street Address
Tax Amount
Telecom Charge
Credit Card Ticket Number
Street Address
Tax Amount
Telecom Charge
Credit Card Ticket Routing
CC Ticket #,
CC Ticket Number
CC Ticket Routing
Total Hotel Cost
Transactions Invoice Date
Traveler Name
Trip Type (D/I)
Total Hotel Cost
Trans Invoice Date
Traveler Name
Trip Type (D/I)
Credit Card Validating Airline
Val A/L
Credit Card Vendor
CC Vendor
CSO Name
CST Name
Currency Conversion Type
Conversion Type
Currency Rate
Data Protection Statement
Exchange Rate
Date of Payout
Date Type
Departure Date
Dep Date
Departure Time
Destination Airport Code
Dep Time
Dest Airport Cd,
Dest Airport Code
Dest Airport,
Dest Airport Name
Destination City,
Dest City Name,
Dest City
Destination Airport Name
Destination City Name
Destination Country
Dest Ctry,
Dest Country
Destination Region
Dest Region
Directional Sub Trip Airport Pair Code
Dir Sub Trip Airport Pair Cd
The hotel address from the credit card data.
Credit card tax amount
The amount of taxes.
The charge for utilizing hotel telecom services from
the credit card data.
The ticket number from the credit card data for the
The ticket routing information from the credit card
Total sum of credit card hotel costs
Invoice date for transactions
Name of the traveler from the credit card file.
The trip type description either D for Domestic or I for
International from the credit card data.
The 2 or 3-letter airline code used for the validating
The party that owes payment to CWT for credit card
charges. The credit card vendor can be determined by
credit card type. First Data/Chase Merchant Services
will be the vendor for Visa, MasterCard, Diners
Club/Carte Blanche and JCB. American Express will be
the vendor for American Express Cards. Novus
Network Services will be the vendor for Discover
Customer Service Office
Customer Service Team
The 3-letter code identifying the currency used in
Specifies the type of conversion rate to use for
currency conversions.
Conversion between two currencies.
Accept or Decline that indicates whether a travellers
personal information can be included in reporting.
(Accept = Y as the value in the DB, Decline = N as the
value in the DB).
Interaction "at fault" pay out date
Indicates the type of date used for the report: Invoice
vs. Departure.
See Invoice Date and Departure Date.
Date travel was initiated for each air coupon.
Note: a car/hotel date may precede the first air date.
Note: for CWT Resolve reports, this is the date travel
was initiated for each trip
Time travel was initiated.
The 3-letter code identifying the destination airport at
the ticket, sub trip, or coupon level.
Name of the destination airport at the ticket, sub trip,
or coupon level.
Name of the destination city at the ticket, sub trip, or
coupon level.
Based on Destination Airport, see Destination Airport
Note: for CWT Resolve reports, this is the destination
city at the Interaction level.
Country of the destination airport at the ticket, sub
trip, or coupon level.
Based on Destination Airport, see Destination Airport
IATA region description of destination airport at the
ticket, sub trip, or coupon level.
Based on Destination Airport, see Destination Airport
The 3-letter airport code pairs of the directional origin
and destination of a Sub Trip. The origin is listed first
followed by the destination.
Directional Sub Trip City Pair
Discounted Fare Tickets Used
Dir Sub Trip City Pair Desc
Discounted Fare Tkts Used
Document Country
Doc Country
Document Expiration
Doc Exp
Document Number
Document Nbr
Document Type (for Portrait reporting) Doc Type
Domestic Tickets Issued
Dom Tkts Issued
Drop Off City
D/O City
Drop Off City Name
D/O City Name
Drop Off Date
Drop Off Time
Effective Date
D/O Date
D/O Time
CC eFolio,
eFolio Hotel
EB Action Code,
EB Act CD,
E-Bkg Action Cd,
E-booking action code,
Booked E-booking Action Code
EB Code,
E Bkg Code,
E Bkg Cd,
E-Bkg Cd
Electronic Booking Action Code
Electronic Booking Code
Electronic Booking Code Vendor
Electronic Ticket
EB Vendor Code,
EB Ven Cd,
E-Bkg Vendor Cd,
Booked E-Booking Vendor Bode
E Tkt
City names of the Sub Trip Airport Pair Codes.
For example: JFK - ORD becomes New York - Chicago.
Number of discounted fare tickets used.
Discounted Fare Tickets have a lower fare because
they are either non-refundable, refundable with
penalty, or have an advance purchase requirement.
These fares are identified using standard IATA rules
for Fare Basis Prime Codes and the Prime Code is the
first letter of the Fare Basis Code.
The following Prime Codes are considered Restricted
Fare Tickets: H, K, L, M, N, Q, T, V, and X.
Client Division or Subsidiary
Country identifier as associated to document type.
Document expiration date.
Invoice, Ticket, voucher number etc.
Travel document identifier (example: Visa, Passport)
Interaction Area: Travel related, General or Client
Domestic activity is travel within the country in which
the company is based.
Tickets containing both Domestic and Continental
activity are classified as Continental.
Tickets containing Domestic, Continental, and
Intercontinental activity are classified as
Total number of domestic tickets printed and issued to
a traveller including exchanges.
Excludes voids and reversals.
City code identifying where a rental car was dropped
off or returned.
City name identifying where a rental car was dropped
off or returned.
Date the car was dropped off or returned.
Time of day the car was dropped off or returned.
Invoice Date associated with this transaction.
Typically, this is the date the transaction entered the
back office system.
When transactions are changed and subsequently
reissued in the back office system, it reflects the
reissued date.
Hotel that provides eFolio data to CWT
The 2-letter code indicating the type of action
performed on an electronically booked transaction.
E-Booked (self-booked) transactions are priced based
on the agent activity performed on the transaction.
See E-Ticket Tracking for listing of codes.
The 3-letter code (the combination of the 2-letter
Electronic Booking Action Code followed by the 1-letter
Electronic Booking Vendor Code) indicating a travel
agent's activity on an electronically booked PNR which
affects the transaction fee. This applies to North
America only.
Electronic Booking Vendor Codes are:
B = Business Travel Solutions
E = E-Travel
X = Extra On Line
I = Internet Travel Network (ITN)
A = AXI.
Examples: EBB, AAE, etc.
3 letter code indicating tool used.
See E-Ticket Tracking for listing of codes.
Indicator of whether the specific ticket was an
electronic ticket.
Default is Yes.
Electronic Tickets Used
Employee ID
Exchange Invoice Date
Exchange Paid Fare
Exchange Ticket Number
E-Tickets Used,
E-Tkts Used
Exchange Inv Date,
Exc Inv Dt
Exchange Pd Fare,
Exc Pd Fare
Fare by Coupon
Exchange Tkt #,
Exchange Ticket Nbr,
Exc Tkt #,
Exchange Tkt No,
Exc Tkt No
Fare Basis Cd,
Fare Basis Code,
Fare Basis
Leg Fare
Fare Type
Fare Type Description
Final Action
Final Action Details
Flight Duration
Flight Dur
Flight Number
Flight Nbr,
Flight No,
Flight #,
Flt Nbr
Flown A/L Code,
Flown A/L,
Fare Basis Code
Flown Airline Code
Number of E-Tickets Used for travel minus refunds and
Employee ID
Date an invoice was created for the exchange.
Paid Fare of a new ticket created by exchanging a
previously purchased ticket for a new one.
Fare displayed is the purchase price of the new ticket
plus any penalties and/or exchange fees, minus the
value of the ticket being exchanged.
Ticket Number for a new ticket created by exchanging
a previously purchased ticket for a new ticket.
Code identifying the type of rate applied to the ticket.
Fare provided by the GDS for each segment of an air
The 2-letter code identifying the type of fare used by the
The first letter identifies the class:
Y = Economy
C = Business
F = First
The second letter identifies the fare taken:
F = full fare
D = discount fare
N = negotiated fare, etc.
Description associated with the Fare Type.
CC = Business Corporate Fare
CD = Business Published Restricted Fare
CF = Business Published Unrestricted Fare
CN = Business Nett Fare
CW = Business CWT Fare
FC = First Corporate Fare
FD = First Published Restricted Fare
FF = First Published Unrestricted Fare
FN = First nett Fare
FW =First CWT Fare
YC = Economy Corporate Fare
YD = Economy Published Restricted Fare
YF = Economy Published Unrestricted Fare
YN = Economy Nett Fare
YW = Economy CWT Fare
Fee for Service provided
Final Action Summary Line
Final Action Details
Travel time for a flight, sub trip, or ticket.
This number is based on scheduled airline departure
and arrival times and does not include connection or
ground times.
Arrival Time minus Departure Time, taking into
account the difference in time zones and daylight
savings time.
For sub trip and ticket level calculations, all flight
times comprising the sub trip or ticket are added
For refunds, flight duration displays as a negative.
If the exact arrival and departure times are not
available, the field is left blank.
Unique number identifying an airline flight. This is the
flight number on the marketing airline.
Note: There may actually be another flight number for
the same flight assigned by the operating airline.
Carrier Code of the airline that marketed the flight.
This may be different than the carrier on which the
Flown Revenue
Marketing Airline,
Lift Airline,
Fln A/L
Flown A/L Name,
Flown A/L,
Marketing Airline,
Lift Airline
Flown Rev
Form of Payment
Global Code
Global Description
Global Desc
Goods and Services Tax Client
GST Client,
Group Cd,
Group #
Flown Airline Name
Group Code
Harmonized Sales Tax
Hierarchy 1 - 5
Hierarchy Type
Hotel Chain Code
Hotel Cost Difference
Htl Chain Cd,
Hotel Chain Cd,
Booked Hotel Chain Code
Hotel Chain,
Htl Chain,
Booked Hotel Chain Name
Booked Hotel City
Hotel Cost,
Total Hotel Cost
Hotel Spend,
Booked Total Hotel Cost
Hotel Cost Diff
Hotel Cost (Local)
Total Hotel Cost (Local)
Hotel Discount Number
Hotel Frequent Guest Number
Hotel Only Bookings
Hotel Discount Nbr
Hotel Freq Guest Nbr
Hotel Only Bkgs,
Hotel Only
Htl Phone #,
Hotel Phone Nbr,
Booked Hotel Phone Number
Hotel RC,
Htl RC
Htl Trans,
Hotel Trans,
Hotel Chain Name
Hotel City
Hotel Cost
Hotel Phone Number
Hotel Reason Code
Hotel Transactions
ticket was validated or even the carrier that operated
the flight.
Name of the Carrier that marketed the flight.
This may be different than the carrier on which the
ticket was validated, or even the carrier that operated
the flight.
Actual amount earned by a carrier for servicing a trip.
This figure is most accurate at the carrier sub trip
It can be calculated at a ticket or coupon level by
using Base Fare minus taxes and commission.
Form of payment.
Globally standard code used to identify the reason for
missed or realised savings.
Examples: CF, SD, RF.
Globally standard description for the associated Global
Examples: Client Negotiated Fare Accepted, Special
Supplier Discount, Restricted Fare Accepted.
Goods and Services Tax owed by the client to CWT.
Number uniquely identifying a group or convention.
Harmonized sales tax used in Canada for Atlantic
provinces. Typically 15%.
Identifies the key within CWT's Hotel Automated Rate
Program system for an individual hotel location.
Value is NULL for car transactions.
The level of hierarchy on a transaction for reporting
needs, where the top or 1 is the highest level.
This field may either have been interfaced directly on
the transaction or derived during the load process
(i.e., external hierarchy).
Identifies the type of hierarchy tree a record
represents. Most commonly, Local and Global
hierarchies can exist for a transaction, however,
others are supported.
The 2-letter code representing a hotel chain or a
specified hotel.
Name of the hotel chain.
The 'real' city of the hotel location.
Room Rate times the Rate Multiplier times the Number
of Rooms.
A negative amount indicates a refund.
Cost difference between CC Room Rate - Booked
Room Rate multiplied by Room Nights
Local Currency Rate times the Rate Multiplier times
the Number of Rooms.
A negative amount indicates a refund.
Hotel program discount number.
Hotel program membership number.
Number of hotel bookings without an associated air
ticket, car reservation, etc.
Phone number for property listed.
Traveller compliance code entered at the time of
Number of hotel bookings/reservations made including
refunds for active non-cancelled transactions only.
Hotel Bookings
In Date
In Progress Date
Interaction details
Interaction Number
Interaction Type
Interaction Nbr
International Air Transport Association IATA Number,
Invoice Date
Inv Date
Invoice Number
Invoice/Voucher Number
Invoice Number,
Invoice No,
Invoice #,
Inv No,
Inv #,
Invoice Nbr
Invoice - Referral
Inv/Vouch No,
Inv/Voucher No,
Invoice/Voucher Nbr,
Invoice - Voucher
Last Modified Date (Portrait Use)
Last Name
Local Code
Last Mod Date
Local Currency Code
Local Curr Cd
Local Currency Rate
Local Curr Rate
Local Description
Local Desc
Lowest Fare
Low Fare
Lowest Rate
Main Airline
Main A/L
Miles Per Sub Trip
Miles/Sub Trip,
Bookings include transactions where CWT invoices the
client, as well as those where the client pays the hotel
supplier directly.
Date of traveller check in for a specific hotel
Date Interaction status changed from open to in
Interaction Details, as described by the user.
Interaction Number
Interaction Type: Service or Feedback
Intercontinental activity is defined as any travel
outside of the continent in which the company is
It also can be defined as International activity minus
Continental activity.
Tickets containing both Domestic and Continental activity are
classified as Continental.
Tickets containing Domestic, Continental, and
Intercontinental activity are classified as
Intercontinental and Continental air activity.
See Booking IATA or Ticketing IATA.
Date on the invoice associated with this document, or
the closest thing available.
Number assigned to each transaction by the local back
office system. This number identifies the invoice
provided to the traveller.
Indicates whether the transaction is an Invoice or
I = Invoice (CWT charges back to the client off an
R = Referral (CWT makes a booking on behalf of a
client and the client pays the supplier directly)
Number assigned to each transaction by the local back
office system. This number identifies the invoice
provided to the traveller.
A unit of length in the metric system equal to 1,000
meters (0.62 mile).
Date the profile was last modified.
Passenger/traveller last name.
Local code used to identify the reason for missed or
realised savings.
The 3-letter code identifying the currency used when
booking the transaction.
Hotel or car rate expressed in the local currency used
when booking the transaction.
Locally standard description for the associated Local
City, state/province, and country where the supplier is
Lowest fare available at the time of booking to the
same destination, including tax and commission minus
POS discounts.
For exchanges, this is the Paid Fare.
Lowest rate available at the time of booking.
The 2 or-3 letter airline code of the carrier servicing
the longest leg/coupon of the trip, i.e., AA = American
Sub Trip Miles is mileage between Sub Trip Airport
Miles Per ST,
Miscellaneous Cost
Missed Hotel Bookings
Missed Room Nights
Misc Cost,
Total Misc Cost,
Misc Spend,
Miscellaneous Spend
Misc Transactions,
Misc Trans
Overnight trips w/no hotel
Nights w/no hotel
Missed Savings
Missed Svgs
Missed Savings % Air Spend
MS as % of Air Spend
Missed Savings % Paid Fare
Mobile Device Type
Natural Sub Trip
Missed Svgs % Paid Fare,
Missed Savings % of Paid Fare
Negotiated Fare Tickets Used
Negotiated Fare Tkts Used
Number of Cars
Nbr of Cars,
Nbr Cars,
# of Cars,
# Cars
# of Docs
Miscellaneous Transactions
Number Of Documents
Number of Rooms
O Booking
Nbr of Rooms,
Nbr Rooms,
# of Rooms,
# Rooms
# of Segs,
# of Seg
# of Sub Trips,
# Sub Trips
Nbr of Travellers,
# of Travellers,
# Travellers
Online Booked % Savings
Online Booked ATP
Online Booked Average Savings
Online Booked CPM
Online Booked Potential Savings
Open Date
Organizational Unit
Origin Airport Code
Org Unit
Orig Airport Cd
Number of Segments
Number of Sub Trips
Number of Travellers
Pairs based on longitude and latitude and excluding
The actual distance between the airports regardless of
refunds or exchanges.
Total cost of all non-air, non-hotel, non-car, and nonrail transactions.
Total number of all non-air, non-hotel, non-car, and
non-rail bookings.
Tickets used with missed room nights
Count of room nights for tickets with no attached hotel
Paid Fare minus the Lowest Fare available at the time
of booking.
Includes taxes and commissions.
Excludes miscellaneous, car and hotel transactions.
Missed Savings divided by Air Cost expressed as a
Excludes miscellaneous, car and hotel transactions
Missed Savings divided by the Paid Fare expressed as
a percentage.
Type of mobile device utilized by the traveller.
Natural Sub Trips are similar to Carrier Sub Trips
except that switching airlines at a connecting airport
does not constitute creating two separate Sub Trips.
A Natural Sub Trip is any non-connection O&D on a
Number of tickets with a client or CWT specific lower
contracted/negotiated fare. Contract or special fare is
identified using the Tour Code or Ticket Designator.
Number of cars rented for active non-cancelled
transactions only.
Number of documents (e.g., invoices) that the
Interaction relates to. Normally this would be for a
Service type Interaction.
Number of rooms rented for active non-cancelled
transactions only.
Number of non-connection origin and destinations on
a ticket.
See Sub Trips.
Number of individuals who have taken trips.
Traveller hotel compliance code entered at the time of
booking, where the code = O.
Percent of savings achieved by booking online vs
booking with an agent.
Total Paid Fare divided by Tickets used where the
number of Tickets Used were purchased using a selfbooking tool.
Agent Booked ATP minus the Online Booked ATP.
Total number of Tickets Used that were purchased
using a self-booking tool.
Amount of potential savings that could have been
achieved if tickets were booked online.
Date CSA Interaction was open
Top level client hierarchy identifier.
The 3-letter code identifying the departure airport of
each air leg/coupon or ticket.
Origin Airport Name
Orig Airport Name
Origin and Destination Airport Pair
O&D Airport Pair
Origin and Destination City Pair
Origin City
O&D City Pair Description,
O&D City Pair Desc
Origin City Name
Origin Country
Orig City Name
Origin Ctry
Origin Region
Orig Region
Original Invoice Date
Orig Inv Date,
Original Inv Date
Orig Inv #,
Orig Inv Nbr,
Original Inv Nbr
Orig Pd Fare,
Orig Paid Fare
Orig Ticket Number,
Orig Tkt Number,
Orig Ticket #,
Orig Tkt Nbr,
Orig Tkt #,
Orig Ticket Nbr,
Original Ticket Nbr
Original Invoice Number
Original Paid Fare
Original Ticket Number
Other Tax
Out Date
Owning Country
Owning Region
Paid Fare
Paid Fare of Agent Booked Tickets Used Pd Fare of Agent Booked Tkts
Paid Fare of Discounted Fare Tickets
Pd Fare of Discounted Fare Tkts
Paid Fare of Electronic Tickets Used
Paid Fare of E-Tickets Used,
Paid Fare of E-Tkts Used
Paid Fare of Negotiated Fare Tickets
Pd Fare of Negotiated Fare Tkts
Paid Fare of Self-Booked Agent
Assisted Tickets Used
Pd Fare of SB Agt Assisted Tkts
Paid Fare of Self-Booked Tickets Used
Pd Fare of Self-Bkd Tkts Used
Paid Fare of Self-Booked Unassisted
Tickets Used
Pd Fare of SB Unassisted Tkts
Paid Fare of Tickets Issued
Paid Fare of Tkts Issued
Paid Fare of Tickets Refunded
Paid Fare of Tkts Refunded,
Pd Fare of Tkts Refunded
PNR Locator
Passenger Name Record
Departure Airport Name of each air leg/coupon or
Origin and destination airport pairs. The destination is
determined by taking the furthest non-connecting airport from
the origin airport based on longitude and latitude.
City name associated with the Origin and Destination
Airport Pair.
The 3-letter code identifying the departure city of an
Departure city of each air leg/coupon or ticket.
Country of origin airport at ticket, sub trip, or coupon
The IATA region description of the origin airport at
ticket, sub trip, or coupon level.
Original Invoice Date created for a ticket that is being
refunded or exchanged.
Original Invoice Number assigned to a ticket that is
being refunded or exchanged.
Paid Fare of the ticket being refunded or exchanged
for a new ticket.
Ticket Number of the ticket being refunded or
exchanged for a new ticket.
Used in Canada to show all other taxes besides HST,
GST, and QST.
Used in Australia to show all other taxes besides GST.
Date of traveller check out for a specific hotel
CS Agent Name that Owns Interaction
Country that Owns Interaction
The Owning Country Region
Actual ticket amount including tax and commission
minus POS discounts.
Excludes voids and reversals.
Total Paid Fare of Agent Booked Tickets Used,
including tax and commission, minus POS discounts.
Total Paid Fare of Discounted Fare Tickets Used,
including tax and commission, minus POS discounts.
Includes exchange paid fare amount.
Total Paid Fare of E-Tickets Used, including tax and
commission minus POS discounts. Includes exchange
paid fare amount.
Total Paid Fare of Negotiated Fare Tickets Used,
including tax and commission, minus POS discounts.
Includes exchange paid fare amount.
Total Paid Fare of Self-Booked Agent Assisted Tickets
Used, including tax and commission, minus POS
discounts. Includes exchange paid fare amount.
Total Paid Fare of Self-Booked Tickets Used, including
tax and commission, minus POS discounts. Includes
exchange paid fare amount.
Total Paid Fare of Self-Booked Unassisted Tickets
Used, including tax and commission, minus POS
discounts. Includes exchange paid fare amount.
Total Paid Fare of all tickets issued including voids,
taxes, and commissions, minus POS discounts.
Total Paid Fare amount of refunded tickets.
A GDS defined record that contains the details of a
travel transaction. It is used to identify the transaction
Percentage of Total Interactions
Period Type
Pick Up City
P/U City,
P/U City Name
P/U Date
Pick Up Region
P/U Time
Pick Up City Name
Pick Up Date
Pick Up Region Name
Pick Up Time
Potential Savings
Prior Year Total Travel Expenses
Product Type Description
Prior Yr Ttl Trvl Expenses,
PY Ttl Trvl Exp
Property Location
Product Type
Property Name
Booked Property Name
Rail Cost,
Total Rail Cost,
Rail Spend
Rail Trans,
Rail Trx
Rate Dur
Quebec Sales Tax
Rail Cost
Rail Transactions
Rate Duration
in a reservation system.
Amount Interaction "at fault" pay out amount
Issues by Subject, Client Perception, Service or Issue,
Status and Vendor divided by total issues expressed
as a percentage.
Indicates type of period used for the report: monthly
vs. quarterly vs. year to date.
City Code identifying where a rental car was picked
City where the rental car supplier is located.
Date car was picked up.
Region where the rental car supplier is located.
Time of day when car was picked up.
POS Service Fee charged to the client.
Amount of potential savings, calculated as (Client
Reference Amount - Lowest Amount).
Prior year cost for air, hotel, car, rail, and other travel
Represents a particular type of 'service' that is specific
by 'product' type.
City name, state/province, and possibly the postal ZIP
code and country code for the car or hotel property
Air, Rail, Car, Hotel, etc.
Hotel name.
Used in Quebec, Canada only. Typically 8%.
Cost of all rail transactions.
Number of rail bookings made.
Position on report list based on specified sort code.
Period covered by car or hotel rate (i.e., daily,
weekend, weekly, monthly, or special).
Number of increments of a specific car or hotel rate
that were booked.
For example, a car rented for 6 days at a weekly rate
of $300 would use a Rate Multiplier of "1" to calculate
Total Car Cost.
Type of rate for hotel bookings.
Reference Fare at the time of booking minus the Paid
Fare inclusive of taxes or commissions.
Used for realised savings calculations.
Excludes miscellaneous, car and hotel transactions.
Realised Savings divided by the Air Spend expressed
as a percentage
Excludes miscellaneous, car and hotel transactions.
Realised Savings divided by the Reference Fare
expressed as a percentage.
Reference Fare at time of booking minus the Paid Fare
for Discounted Fare Tickets Used.
Rate Multiplier
Rate Mult,
Rate Multi
Rate Type
Realised Savings
Realised Svgs
Realised Savings % Air Spend
RS as % of Air Spend
Realised Savings % Reference Fare
Realised Svgs % Ref Fare
Realised Savings Discounted Fare
Tickets Used
Rlsd Svgs Disc Fare Tkts Used,
Rlsd Svgs Discounted Fare Tkts
Rlsd Svgs, Cont Fare Tkts Used, Reference Fare at time of booking minus the Paid Fare
Rlsd Svgs Cont Fare Tkts Used, for Negotiated Fare Tickets Used.
Rlsd Svgs Negotiated Fare Tkts Used
Realised Savings Negotiated Fare
Tickets Used
Reason Client ID
Reason Country Code
Reason Code
Reason Code Description
RC Desc
Reason Code Global Air Missed Savings Msd RC,
Identifies client-specific reason codes.
Identifies country-specific reason codes
Code identifying the reason for realised or missed
Description associated with the reason code.
Code that identifies the reason for missed savings on a
ticket because the traveller did not take the lowest
Reason Code
Reason Code
Reason Code
Reason Code
GL Msd RC,
Air RC,
Global Missed RC
Global Air Realised
Rls RC,
Gl Rls RC,
Air RC,
Global Realised RC
Local Air Missed Savings Msd RC,
Lo Msd RC,
Air RC,
Local Missed RC
Local Air Realised Savings Rls RC,
Lo Rls RC,
Air RC,
Local Realised RC
Local Hotel Missed
Htl Msd RC
Reason Code Local Hotel Realised
Reason Code Type
Htl Rls RC
Reason for request
Reference Fare
Ref Fare,
Reference Cost
Reference Rate
Ref Rate
Refund Amount %
Refund Amt %,
Ref Amt %
Refund Ind,
Ref Ind
Refund Inv Date
Refund Inv Nbr
Refund Paid Fare
Refund Ticket Nbr,
Ref Tkt Nbr,
Ref Tkt #
Refund Indicator
Invoice Date
Invoice Number
Paid Fare
Ticket Number
Rental Rate
Rental Rate (Local)
Report Name
Reporting Code
Responsible Party
Responsible Party Detail
Return Date
Room Nights
Room Nights Market Share
RC Type
Rpt Name
Rptg Cd,
Rptg Code,
Reporting Cd
Resp Party
Resp Party Detail
Rm Nights,
Rm Ngts,
Booked Room Nights
Rm Ngts Mkt Share,
Room Nights Mkt Share,
Room Ngts Mkt Share,
available fare.
Code that identifies the reason for savings on a ticket.
Code that identifies the reason for missed savings on a
ticket because the traveller did not take the lowest
available fare.
Code that identifies the reason for savings on a ticket.
Code identifying the reason for missed savings on a
hotel booking because the traveller did not take the
lowest available booking.
Code identifying the reason for savings on a hotel
Code identifying whether the reason code is explaining
missed savings or realised savings.
Service Related description of Interaction..
Full fare of the relevant class including taxes and
commissions minus POS discounts.
For Exchanges, this is the Paid Fare.
If the Reference Fare is null or zero, Paid Fare is
Full or reference rate the traveller could have paid for
an individual car or hotel booking.
Used for realised savings calculations.
Refund Paid Fare divided by the Paid Fare of Tickets
Issued expressed as a percentage.
Y or N code indicating whether or not a the transaction
is a refund.
Date an invoice was created for a refund.
Invoice Number of the refunded ticket.
Paid Fare of a refunded ticket.
Ticket Number of a refunded ticket.
IATA region description of origin airport at ticket, sub
trip, or coupon level.
Booked car rental rate.
Booked local car rental rate.
Name of report selected from the report menu.
Code that identifies the client associated with a
Responsible Party 1 for Feedback Type Interactions
Second level detail for Responsible Party
Return date of the trip.
Number of room nights used.
Room Nights for the specified hotel property/chain
divided by Total Room Nights.
Room Rate
Rm Ngts Market Share
Rm Rate
Room Rate (Local)
Room Type
Rm Type
Routing Type
Rtg Type
S Booking
Self-Booked Agent Assisted Tickets
Self-Booked Agent Assisted Car
Self-Booked Agent Assisted Hotel
Self-Booked Agent Assisted
Self-Booked Tickets Used
Self-Booked Transactions
Self-Booked Unassisted Tickets Used
Self-Booked Unassisted Transactions
Service Class
Service Class Code
Statement Information
Street Address
Sub Trip Airport Pair Code
Rate per night at the hotel. This rate could also be a
weekly or monthly rate.
Local rate per night at the hotel. This rate could also
be a weekly or monthly rate.
Type of room the traveller requested (i.e., single,
Listing of all the legs/coupons of the trip in order of
departure date and time.
Identifies the type of routing associated with a ticket.
The IATA fare rules distinguish the following trip
RT = Round Trip
CT = Circle Trip
OW = One Way trip
RTW = Round The World trip
OOJ = Origin Open Jaw trip
DOJ = Double Open Jaw trip
TOJ = Turn around Open Jaw trip
Traveller hotel compliance code entered at the time of
booking where the code = S.
SB Agt Assist Tickets Used,
Total number of Tickets Used that were purchased
Self-Bkd Agt Assist Tkts Used,
using a self-booking tool but required an agent's
OBT tickets used with assistance, assistance.
Online Booked Agent Assisted
Tickets Used,
OBT agt assist tkts used,
OBT tickets used with assistance,
OBT agt assist tickets used,
OBT assisted,
OBT tickets used assisted,
OBT with assistance
SB Agent Assisted Car
Total number of self-booked car transactions that
required an agent's assistance.
SB Ag Assisted Car Trans
SB Agent Assisted Hotel
Total number of self-booked hotel transactions that
required an agent's assistance.
SB Ag Assisted Hotel Trans
SB Agent Assisted Transactions, Total number of self-booked Tickets Issued or Tickets
SB Ag Assisted Trans
Refunded that required an agent's assistance.
Self-Bkd Tkts Used,
Total number of Tickets Used that were purchased
Self-Booked Tkts Used,
using a self-booking tool.
Self-Booked Tickets Used,
OBT tickets used,
Online Booked Tickets Used,
OBT tickets used,
OBT tkts used
SBT Transactions
Total number of Self-Booked Transactions.
SB Unassisted Tickets Used,
Total number of Tickets Used that were purchased
SB Unassisted Tkts Used
using a self-booking tool and did not require an
agent's assistance.
SB Unassisted Transactions,
Total number of self-booked Tickets Issued or Tickets
SB Unassisted Trans
Refunded that did not require an agent's assistance.
Svc Class
Ticket/leg/coupon level service class.
Examples: first, business, coach.
Svc Class Cd,
The 1-letter code which signifies flown service class.
Svc Cls Code,
Svc Cls Cd,
Svc Class Code
Service Class Cd
Stmt Info
Reservation field used to store client specific
information (i.e., hierarchy, financial, etc.).
Status of Interaction, e.g.,Open, Closed, In progress,
Building number and street name for hotel or car
property location.
Bi-Directional Origin and Destination Airport Code
Sub Trip City Pair Description
Sub Trip City Pair Desc,
ST City Pair Desc
Sub Trip Cost Per Mile
Cost Per Mile - ST Miles,
Cost/Mile - Sub Trip Miles,
Cost Per Mile - Sub Trip,
CPM - Sub Trip Miles,
CPM - ST Miles,
Sub Trip Cost Per Mile,
Sub Trip CPM
ST Count
Sub Trip Count
Sub Trip Destination
Sub Trip Fare
ST Dest,
Sub Trip Dest
Sub Trip Fare Market Share
Sub Trip Fare Mkt Share,
ST Fare Mkt Share
Sub Trip Market Share
Sub Trip Mkt Share,
ST Mkt Share
Sub Trip Miles
ST Miles
Sub Trip Origin
ST Origin
Sub Trip Service Class
Sub Trip Svc Class
Sub Trip Type
Sub Trips
Sub Unit Name
Super Chain
Supplier Car Cost % Total
Sup Car Cost % Ttl
Supplier Name
Sup Nm,
Supplier Nm,
Validating Airline Name
Sup Id
Supplier ID
pairs of a sub trip.
City Names associated with Sub Trip Airport Pair
Example: JFK - ORD becomes New York - Chicago.
See Cost Per Mile - Sub Trip Miles.
Number of Sub Trips included in Sub Trip Total.
Where each Ticket counts as 1, each Refund counts as
-1, and each Exchange is counted as 0.
The 3-letter code identifying the destination airport at
the sub trip level.
Amount including commission for a specific sub trip
origin and destination, minus taxes and fees.
If the Fare by Coupon is within $75 of the Base Fare,
there is no allocation for Sub Trip Fares.
If the Fare by Coupon is not within this range, the
Base Fare is allocated to the sub trips using Sub Trip
If total ticket miles equals zero, then values are
allocated to each sub trip evenly. For example, if Base
Fare is 500 with 2 sub trips of GB-NCL - GB-LON each
sub trip would be allocated 250.
Sub Trip Fare for a specific airline divided by the total
Sub Trip Fare for all airlines expressed as a
Number of Sub Trips for a specific airline divided by
the number of Total Sub Trips for all airlines expressed
as a percentage.
Mileage between the Sub Trip Airport Pairs.
Miles are negative on refunds and 0 on exchanges.
The 3-letter code identifying the origin airport at the
Sub Trip level.
Sub Trip level class of service.
Examples: First, Business, Coach.
Type of sub trip: Carrier, Natural, or Both.
Natural sub trips exclude connections and group the
rest into distinct, relatively meaningful mini-trips.
Carrier sub trips do the same, however in addition,
when a traveller changes carriers at a connection, the
sub trip is broken into two sub trips.
Carrier sub trips are useful for carrier negotiations,
otherwise natural sub trips are the "useful" version.
In cases where the two are identical, only one is
stored with a subtrip type of Both.
Total number of all Sub Trips flown.
Sub Trip is defined as any non-connection O&D on a
ticket, unless the traveller switches airlines at a
connection airport, then each leg/coupon around the
connection becomes a Sub Trip.
Name associated with a Sub Unit Code .
Interaction Subject which is determined by the
Interaction type
An affix to the end of a Traveller's Name (example:
Sr, Jr, III)
The parent company of a vendor.
Car Cost for a specific car supplier divided by the total
Car Cost expressed as a percentage.
Supplier name.
For airlines this is the validating airline.
Unique code used to identify travel vendors.
Tax Value
Ticket Arrival Date
Ticket Departure Date
Tkt Arr Date
Tkt Dep Date,
Ticket Level Dep Date
Ticket Designator
Tkt Designator
Ticket Number
Ticket Nbr,
Ticket #,
Tkt Nbr,
Tkt #,
Tkt No
Ticket Level Rtn Date
Tkt Rtg
Ticket Return Date
Ticket Routing
Ticketing International Air Transport
Association Number
Tickets Exchanged
Tickets Issued
Ticketing IATA Nbr,
Tktg IATA Number,
Tktg IATA Nbr,
Tktg IATA #
Tkts Exchanged,
Tkts Exch
Tkts Issued
Tickets Issued, Net of Exchanges
Tkts Issued,
Net of Exch
Tickets Refunded
Tkts Refunded,
Tkts Ref
Tkts Used,
Total Tickets Used
Tickets Used
Tickets Used with Hotel
Tickets Voided
Total Agency Transactions
Total Credit Card Spend
Overnight trips w/hotel
Tkts Voided
Total Agency Trans,
Total Agency Trx,
Ttl Trans
Total CC Spend
Total Interactions
Total Sub Trip Fare
Ttl Sub Trip Fare
Total Sub Trips
Ttl Sub Trips
Total Transactions
Total Trans,
Ttl Trans
Ttl Travel Exp
Total Travel Expenses
Total Travel Time
Tot Trav Time,
Tot Travel Time
Tour Code
Transaction Type
Trans Type
For airlines this is the validating airline.
Amount of tax on a ticket.
Arrival date of the final leg/coupon of the trip.
Date air travel is initiated.
Code assigned by the airline that represents an
additional discount off the fare. The agent must add
this code in order to receive the discount.
Ticket number assigned to an air travel document
including conjunctive tickets.
Return date of the trip.
Listing of all the legs of the trip by Departure Date and
Departure Time.
Number identifying ticketing location.
Number of tickets exchanged.
Total number of tickets printed and issued to a
traveller including exchanges.
Excludes voids and reversals.
Total number of Tickets Issued minus Tickets
Excludes voids and reversals.
Number of refunds issued.
Number of tickets actually used for travel.
Total number of Tickets Issued minus Tickets
Refunded minus Tickets Exchanged.
Excludes voids and reversals.
Tickets used where trip has at least one over-night
Number of tickets voided.
Total number of agency transactions (matched and
Total dollar amount of all credit card transactions that
were processed
Total number of Interactions
Total fare amount including commission, minus taxes
and fees, for Sub Trips for all airlines for the specified
Sub Trip Airport Pair Code.
If Fare by Coupon is within $75 of the Base Fare,
there is no allocation for Sub Trip Fare.
If the Fare by Coupon are not within this range, the
Base Fare is allocated to the Sub Trip using Sub Trip
Number of Sub Trips flown for a specified Sub Trip
Airport Pair.
Total number of combined agency and credit card only
Total of Air, Hotel, Car, Rail, and Miscellaneous
Time spent on flights (flight duration) and in the
airport (connection time).
If negative time, this is a refund.
If blank, the arrival or departure time is not available.
Airline code used to identify a client specific contract.
If the GDS used to book the ticket is Sabre, IT
precedes the tour code.
Identifier for the type of transaction (i.e., refund,
Travel Purpose
Trvl Purpose
Travel Type
Traveller Email
Traveller Name
Traveller Phone
Trip Days
Trvl Type,
CC Travel Type
Nights w/hotel
Nights with hotel
Type of Ticket
Unique Employee ID
Unique Empl ID
Validating Airline
Validating Airline,
Val Airline,
Val A/L
Val A/L Name,
CC Validating Airline Name
Waiver Amount
Validating Airline Name
Copyright © 2000-2010 CWT
Code identifying the purpose of the transaction.
C = Business
N = Leisure
Q = Group
Blank codes and all others default to C.
Air, Car, Hotel, Rail, etc.
Traveller's Email address in Interaction
Name of the traveller on the reservation.
Phone number of the traveller
Ticket Arrival Date minus the Ticket Departure Date
plus 1.
Include Air & Rail transactions.
Exclude Miscellaneous transactions.
Total mileage for all coupons/legs of the trip.
Ticket Arrival Date minus the Ticket Departure Date
Trip nights for a transaction where hotel is attached
Post or Pre Trip
D, C, or I indicates whether travel was Domestic,
Continental, or Intercontinental.
Many reports will include a subtotal for domestic
versus international with international further broken
down into intercontinental and continental.
Identifier for the type of ticket (i.e., refund,
An Id unique to the travelers within their company
(i.e., Employee Id, HR Id, etc).
The 2 or 3-letter airline code used for the validating
The name of the airline that the transaction was
validated on.
Difference between two report items. Usually current
period vs. prior period travel expenses.
Name of vendor (car, hotel, airline name, etc.)
Amount of fee/charge waived by vendor.