DNAand Protein syntheis - BuchtelScience

Dealer’s Choice
DNA & Protein Synthesis
Name ____________________________________
Mrs. McGill’s email: ptran@akron.k12.oh.us
Goal: This unit will be worth 175 points plus a test. Each objective (worth 25 points each) must be achieved in order to take the
assessment. As you reach your objective I will review your achievement level and allow you to move on to the next objective.
Some of the activities listed can be used to meet more than one objective. I will determine if that objective has been met. (I need
artifacts to prove that each objective has been met). No group work unless previously approved by Mrs. McGill
LSC5 Illustrate the relationship of the structure and function of DNA to protein synthesis and the characteristics of an organism.
LSC7 Describe that spontaneous changes in DNA are mutations, which are a source of genetic variation. When mutations occur
in sex cells that may be passed on to future generations; mutations that occur in body cells my affect the functioning of that cell or
the organism in which that cell is found.
Objectives MET (√):
Scientists Contributions to the
discovery of DNA
(Griffin & Avery, Hershey & Chase,
Biology Textbook
Blue OGT book
Pages 287-294
Pages 165-169
Pages 291-294
Pages 295-299
Page 306
Pages 300-305
Pages 302-303
Pages 307-308
Chargaff, Franklin, Watson & Crick)
DNA Structure
DNA Replication
RNA & Protein Synthesis
(Transcription & Translation)
CODON Charts
Mutations & their Affects
Choose from the following activities until you have met all 7 objectives. You may do as many as you need in order to achieve your
objectives and pass the assessment. In order to earn points for each objective you must provide artifacts to me for approval. When
you believe you are ready to take the assessment, let Mrs. McGill know and you can take the assessment. Remember you have two
chances to pass the test with an 80%. All students must have completed the test by Friday,
Student Product: Make a visual that achieves one or more objective
a. Graphic Novel; fairy tale; dramatic or comedic short story.
b. Poster, advertisement, Venn Diagrams, collage.
c. Model using everyday materials
d. Chart, crossword puzzle
e. Board game, card game, jigsaw puzzle.
f. PowerPoint, mini-lesson, Photo Story
g. Video, rap, poem, rhyme…
h. Write short answer or extended response questions with answers.
i. Have another idea? Ask me for approval.
Feb 4.
Dealer’s Choice
DNA & Protein Synthesis
(DNA extraction virtual lab)
http://www.nature.ca/genome/05/051/pdfs/DNAmutation_e.pdf (Mutations)
(Nuclear DNA vs. Mitochondrial DNA)
& http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/aso/tryit/dna/ (Need both
for Transcription/Translation)
http://www.nature.ca/genome/04/0413_e.cfm (Mutations)
Essential Questions: (When you are able to answer all of these questions, then you’re able to take the assessment?)
How did Griffin & Avery, Hershey & Chase, Chargaff, Franklin, Watson & Crick contribute to the discovery of
the DNA molecule?
What does DNA look like?
How is DNA replicated?
What is the difference between DNA and RNA?
What is the function and basic structure of proteins?
How can use a codon chart to determine the sequence of amino acids in a protein?
How DNA transcribed and translated?
What are mutations and how do they affect the body cells and sex cells of an organism?
What are some effects of mutations?