Using Fossils and Rock Forming Processes to Demonstrate Relative

Targets: Making Observations. Using fossils as evidence of relative age.
Big Idea: From their observations, students will recognize, understand and be able to describe earth
processes related to fossils and relative age.
1. Tell students how observation is one of the most important parts of discovery. It is a skill that needs to be
worked on just like any other skill. Discuss the skill of inferring. We use observations to make inferences.
Give examples of observations and inferences (on ELMO) Use soil sample on tray.
2. Hand out observation / inference sheet. (Explain on ELMO)
2. Engage: Hand out samples of fossils to students. Make as many observations as you can.
3. Hand out different kinds of rock; Discuss and make observations.
Animation of Fossil Formation.
Formation of Sedimentary Rock:
Show video clips or still images of layering in the Earth (revisit Grand Canyon).
Sedimentation Animation:
At this point students have a some basic knowledge about fossils,how different types of rock are formed and
rock layering in the Earth.
Activity: Direct students to the ultimate goal: Construct a model of layering and fossilization. (put on
ELMO) Students in groups of two. Earth materials (sand, soil) clay, container with water, small cup.
Students are lead through the process of sedimentation/deposition with the an occasional fossilization event.
As students construct, discussion revolves around the Earth processes that lead to sedimentation and the
formation of fossils. TIME is also an important concept to discuss as the layers of sediment are added to the
**Students can fill out an observation / inference sheet as the model is being made.
Fossils Becoming a Fossil Archaeologists
At the end of the activity students should be able to describe the relationship between different layers of
sediment, the location of fossils and time. Students should be able to predict in which type of rock fossils may
be found.
Keep sedimentation model. Allow to dry out for several days. Carefully remove bottle from layers to reveal
sedimentary rock. Allow students to explore.
Extensions: Where did the layers of “stuff” come from? Do all dead organisms become fossils (why /why not)?
will you become a fossil? Will organisms on the Earth today become fossils? Will sedimentation processes
continue to occur on the Earth now and in the future?
Targets Met:
Knowledge Targets:
· Know how fossils are formed.
· Explain the properties of metamorphic, sedimentary and igneous rocks and the processes that form them.
Skills Targets:
· Investigate ways in which earth materials, including rocks, are formed
Reasoning Targets:
· Make inferences using observations from geologic evidence to answer questions
· Deduce how rock layers and fossils provide evidence of past environments (geological time scale) and provide evidence of the
enormous time span of Earth's history.
· Draw relationships between features of the earth and the processes that form them.
Video of a deep, underwater volcano from National Geographic
Plate Boundary Interactions
Plate Boundary Movement on a Global Scale
Landscapes shaped by erosion