Measure 7 – Support for Young People with Disabilities The first table below shows the Output/Outcome Indicators that were published as part of the Measure Sheet on Pobal’s website. These are what Pobal will report on to the Department at the end of the funding. In order for us to compile the end of funding report (covering data for all funded projects), you will be asked to provide answers to the questions set out in Table 2. Table 1: Published Outputs/Outcomes Outputs All output measures below to be for the general category of people with a disability but figures also to be given for those with autism Number of people with disabilities supported; Number, type, sector and duration of work-sampling opportunities undertaken by participants; Number and type of life-skills training initiatives undertaken; Number who availed of life-skills training opportunities Outcomes Projects using innovative ways to develop life-skills will be asked to report on and demonstrate “what makes this an effective model” Table 2: Reporting Questions Data Query 1. No of Participants by Age, Gender and current occupation, including people diagnosed with autism Data format Total Numbers for: M/F Age: 15-19 20-24 Main Current Occupation: School University Notes Participants are all the young people with disability who benefit from any projects/ programmes/ training funded under the Measure. Voluntary or paid staff who participate in modules designed to upskill staff or raise awareness etc. should not be counted under this heading. This Dormant Accounts Funding Measure 2. Number, type, sector and duration of worksampling opportunities undertaken by participants Other post-school course HSE-funded day service HSE-funded rehabilitative training Work (paid, unpaid, full or part-time) No current educational course or support service Other (please specify) A table will be provided for you to record the following details: Type of work sampling Independent work experience Staff/mentor assisted work experience Job taster or job sampling Job shadowing Volunteer work Duration Full or part time and number of weeks (or days in the case of job taster/sampling) 3. Number and type of 'Life-Skills' training initiatives Sector Private sector Business/Commercial/Retail Community & voluntary services Health sector Local Authority Environment development or protection Other (please specify) Total Number of Life-Skills Training Initiatives includes reference to persons diagnosed with autism. You will be asked to separate out the M/F and age and current occupation figures for ‘all young people with a disability other than autism’ and ‘those diagnosed with autism’. The numbers here are for people who undertake a work sampling opportunity as a direct result of your projects’ activities. For each case you will need to record the type of work, duration and sector from the categories provided. For instance one individual may be undertaking: Staff assisted work, part time, for 12 weeks, in the Health sector. The figures you provide at end of project will not be individual records but the totals only e.g. total numbers doing part time work, total gained work experience in a business setting etc. For the ‘other’ category (under Sector), you will be asked to provide all reported examples. ‘Training initiative’ refers to any planned intervention like a programme, course or series of Total number of initiatives undertaken which are directed at: Employment skills Career guidance Interpersonal skills – including communication, assertiveness, anger management etc. Personal management skills - including money management, time management, leisure pursuits, information seeking etc. Practical living skills - including hygiene and personal appearance, health and nutrition etc. Other (Please Specify) Total number of participants in Life Skills Training Initiatives. 4. Other activities undertaken Initiatives for staff, family members and carers Total number of initiatives For each initiative you will be asked to provide the following details: Type of programmes/initiatives Number of participants Type of participants (voluntary staff, paid staff, family members/carers, other (please specify). Resource material For each resource you will be asked to provide the following details: Type (format/medium) of resource material modules. Any one course could include elements of several or all of the listed options. You will be asked to provide an overall total for number of training initiatives delivered as well as a count of the listed options covered e.g. if your project ran: a training course covering employment and interpersonal skills, run 3 times in the year and a training course specifically on practical living skills run twice in the year, that would be: Total ‘Life-Skills’ courses: 5 Employment skills 3 Interpersonal skills 3 Practical living 2 You will also be asked to provide the total number of participants availing of Life Skill training initiatives (no breakdown of skill type required for participant numbers). Some projects include activities that do not directly target young people with disabilities such as upskilling staff members, ‘train the trainer’ modules, supporting family members/ carers through creation of support networks or the production and dissemination of resource material. This question asks you to report on those activities. ‘Initiatives’ refers to planned activities rather than ad hoc or day-to-day project work. Only report on completed initiatives e.g. if you spent time planning and developing a train the trainer course but didn’t get any course participants, don’t include it. produced. Subject matter of resource material Intended audience The questions on type of programme and type of participant are free text i.e. you will be asked to give a description. These should be in brief terms e.g.: Type of programme/initiative: Network Development Type of participants: Family members and carers For resource materials, only report on materials or media created specifically for the purpose of wider dissemination (including creation of websites), not the production of materials to support project activities such as worksheets to support a particular training course. Again brief details only for the type produced, what it covers (subject matter) and intended audience. This funding supports projects that are exploring innovative ways to support young people in acquiring life-skills before, or immediately after, finishing their second level education, including alternatives to the Rehabilitative (Life-Skills) Training Programmes currently provided by the HSE. Projects developing innovative ways to develop life-skills will be asked to report on and demonstrate “what makes this an effective model”. Guidance will be provided on the reporting format towards the end of the project. It will be an opportunity for you to give a short account (no more than 2 sheets of A4) reflecting on: Key achievements Key challenges Highlight lessons for others undertaking similar work Consideration of why this might be considered to be an effective model