Table 1 Acute toxicity of ammonia to aquatic life used in the paper Phylum Class Order Pulmonata Mollusca Family Species LC50 (mg TAN/L at (mg TAN/L at pH=8 and 25°C) pH=8 and 25°C) Arthur et al. 1987 34.3 Arthur et al. 1987 13.63 Williams et al. 1986 11.66 Keller 2000 12.81 Keller 2000 6.712 Ingersoll 2004 5.43 Wang et al. 2007 2.191 2.191 Wang et al. 2007 7.689 7.689 Newton and Bartsch 2007 8.714 Ingersoll 2004 3.893 Mummert et al. 2003 7.049 Wang et al. 2007 5.692 Newton and Bartsch 2007 6.86 Newton and Bartsch 2007 12.95 Ingersoll 2004 10.48 Wang et al. 2007 Helisoma trivolvis 32.54 Lymnaeidae Lymnaea stagnalis 13.63 Actinonaias pectorosa 12.22 Epioblasma capsaeformis 6.037 Lampsilis abrupta Lampsilis cardium Lampsilis fasciola Reference 30.87 Planorbidae Lamellibranchia Eulamellibranchia SMAV 6.207 Unionidae Lampsilis higginsii 6.249 Lampsilis rafinesqueana 11.65 Lampsilis siliquoidea 5.646 8.789 Wang et al. 2008 Lasmigona subviridus 3.539 3.36 Black 2001 Pyganodon grandis 21.76 25.13 Scheller 1997 Utterbackia imbecillis 7.164 9.104 Wade et al. 1992 Villosa iris Planorbidae Corbiculidae Vertebrata Actinopterygii Gasterosteiformes Gasterosteidae Musculium transversum Corbicula fluminea Gasterosteus aculeatus 5.036 13.74 6.018 65.53 7.134 Black 2001 8.003 Black 2001 15.46 Black 2001 2.755 Black 2001 6.287 Keller 2000 6.422 Keller 2000 7.76 Keller 2000 2.343 Mummert et al. 2003 6.002 Wang et al. 2007 3.533 Ingersoll 2004 7.07 Scheller 1997 7.81 Scheller 1997 2.858 Wang et al. 2007 10.48 Wang et al. 2007 16.76 Arthur et al. 1987 11.03 Arthur et al. 1987 14.03 Arthur et al. 1987 9.996 Belanger et al. 1991 3.623 Belanger et al. 1991 50.4 Hazel et al. 1971 155.4 Hazel et al. 1971 61.46 Hazel et al. 1971 60.78 Hazel et al. 1971 33.25 Hazel et al. 1971 48.76 Hazel et al. 1971 Oncorhynchus aguabonita Oncorhynchus clarki Oncorhynchus gorbuscha Salmoniformes 26.1 18.37 42.07 Salmonidae Oncorhynchus kisutch Oncorhynchus mykiss 20.27 19.3 109.4 Hazel et al. 1971 26.1 Thurston and Russo 1981 21.76 Thurston et al 1978 25.3 Thurston et al 1978 26.13 Thurston et al 1978 30.81 Thurston et al 1978 10.07 Thurston et al 1981a 16.93 Thurston et al 1981a 11.23 Thurston et al 1981a 15.3 Thurston et al 1981a 38.33 Rice and Bailey 1980 46.18 Rice and Bailey 1980 14.02 Buckley 1978 19.1 Robinson-Wilson and Seim 1975 19.66 Robinson-Wilson and Seim 1975 21.4 Robinson-Wilson and Seim 1975 22.29 Robinson-Wilson and Seim 1975 21.63 Robinson-Wilson and Seim 1975 22 Robinson-Wilson and Seim 1975 23.86 Robinson-Wilson and Seim 1975 22.41 Arthur et al. 1987 32.09 Arthur et al. 1987 12.63 Arthur et al. 1987 25.01 Arthur et al. 1987 22.72 Arthur et al. 1987 31.97 Broderius and Smith Jr. 1979 14.99 Calamari et al. 1977 25.17 DeGraeve et al. 1980 31.76 Reinbold and Pescitelli 1982a 26.4 Reinbold and Pescitelli 1982a 33.37 Reinbold and Pescitelli 1982a 27.2 Reinbold and Pescitelli 1982a 26.47 Reinbold and Pescitelli 1982a 48.4 Reinbold and Pescitelli 1982a 12.57 Thurston and Russo 1983 10.22 Thurston and Russo 1983 15.84 Thurston and Russo 1983 11.74 Thurston and Russo 1983 12.4 Thurston and Russo 1983 10.46 Thurston and Russo 1983 14.58 Thurston and Russo 1983 13.28 Thurston and Russo 1983 13.59 Thurston and Russo 1983 15.41 Thurston and Russo 1983 16.77 Thurston and Russo 1983 10.41 Thurston and Russo 1983 15.33 Thurston and Russo 1983 15.53 Thurston and Russo 1983 14.12 Thurston and Russo 1983 15.38 Thurston and Russo 1983 18.48 Thurston and Russo 1983 15.1 Thurston and Russo 1983 18.65 Thurston and Russo 1983 10.16 Thurston and Russo 1983 11.55 Thurston and Russo 1983 14.66 Thurston and Russo 1983 15.74 Thurston and Russo 1983 16.61 Thurston and Russo 1983 17.89 Thurston and Russo 1983 18.95 Thurston and Russo 1983 16.05 Thurston and Russo 1983 19.99 Thurston and Russo 1983 21.52 Thurston and Russo 1983 14.48 Thurston and Russo 1983 20.89 Thurston and Russo 1983 28.54 Thurston and Russo 1983 16.37 Thurston and Russo 1983 29.09 Thurston and Russo 1983 33.14 Thurston and Russo 1983 24.15 Thurston and Russo 1983 24.5 Thurston and Russo 1983 18.25 Thurston and Russo 1983 24.02 Thurston and Russo 1983 24.61 Thurston and Russo 1983 28.77 Thurston and Russo 1983 22.54 Thurston and Russo 1983 23.89 Thurston and Russo 1983 25.43 Thurston and Russo 1983 25.73 Thurston and Russo 1983 25.87 Thurston and Russo 1983 15.96 Thurston and Russo 1983 18.28 Thurston and Russo 1983 22.18 Thurston and Russo 1983 26.95 Thurston and Russo 1983 27.22 Thurston and Russo 1983 13.2 Thurston and Russo 1983 14.91 Thurston and Russo 1983 14.98 Thurston and Russo 1983 15.72 Thurston and Russo 1983 16.61 Thurston and Russo 1983 24.97 Thurston and Russo 1983 26.95 Thurston and Russo 1983 8.85 Thurston and Russo 1983 12.72 Thurston and Russo 1983 15.54 Thurston and Russo 1983 22.87 Thurston and Russo 1983 29.91 Thurston and Russo 1983 16.12 Thurston and Russo 1983 16.61 Thurston and Russo 1983 18.79 Thurston and Russo 1983 29.65 Thurston and Russo 1983 31.03 Thurston and Russo 1983 10.71 Thurston and Russo 1983 17.73 Thurston and Russo 1983 21.43 Thurston and Russo 1983 22.34 Thurston and Russo 1983 23.66 Thurston and Russo 1983 35.06 Thurston and Russo 1983 17.97 Thurston and Russo 1983 21.52 Thurston and Russo 1983 26.01 Thurston and Russo 1983 37.68 Thurston and Russo 1983 26.83 Thurston and Russo 1983 21.94 Thurston and Russo 1983 21.79 Thurston and Russo 1983 11.01 Thurston et al. 1981a 9.405 Thurston et al. 1981a 12.25 Thurston et al. 1981a 6.322 Thurston et al. 1981a 11.92 Thurston et al. 1981a 13.9 Thurston et al. 1981a 17.45 Thurston et al. 1981a 14.88 Thurston et al. 1981a 24.36 Thurston et al. 1981a 20.35 Thurston et al. 1981b Oncorhynchus tshawytscha Prosopium williamsoni Salmo salar 19.18 12.09 42.66 23.44 Thurston et al. 1981b 25.21 Thurston et al. 1981b 27.8 Thurston et al. 1981b 26.65 Thurston et al. 1981b 27.18 Thurston et al. 1981c 18.82 Thurston et al. 1981c 23.78 Thurston et al. 1981c 24.21 Thurston et al. 1981c 18.63 Thurston et al. 1981c 16.18 Thurston et al. 1981c 49.5 Wicks and Randall 2002 7.347 Wicks et al. 2002 46.97 Wicks et al. 2002 25.98 Servizi and Gordon 1990 14.5 Thurston and Meyn 1984 19.53 Thurston and Meyn 1984 18.4 Thurston and Meyn 1984 6.357 Thurston and Meyn 1984 18.94 Thurston and Meyn 1984 14.68 Thurston and Meyn 1984 20.45 Knoph 1992 22.27 Knoph 1992 45.42 Knoph 1992 52.12 Knoph 1992 61.56 Knoph 1992 Salmo trutta Salvelinus fontinalis Salvelinus namaycush Cypriniformes Cyprinidae Campostoma anomalum 23.75 36.39 37.1 26.97 75.67 Knoph 1992 88.86 Knoph 1992 89.79 Knoph 1992 28.95 Knoph 1992 36.24 Knoph 1992 38.98 Knoph 1992 41.97 Knoph 1992 62.1 Knoph 1992 69.49 Knoph 1992 54.8 Knoph 1992 57.41 Knoph 1992 23.67 Soderberg and Meade 1992 14.03 Soderberg and Meade 1992 46.4 Soderberg and Meade 1992 27.72 Soderberg and Meade 1992 22.4 Thurston and Meyn 1984 25.03 Thurston and Meyn 1984 23.89 Thurston and Meyn 1984 34.86 Thurston and Meyn 1984 38 Thurston and Meyn 1984 35.5 Soderberg and Meade 1992 43.27 Soderberg and Meade 1992 37.78 Soderberg and Meade 1992 32.62 Soderberg and Meade 1992 26.97 Swigert and Spacie 1983 Cyprinella lutrensis Cyprinella spiloptera Cyprinella whipplei Cyprinus carpio 45.65 19.51 18.83 24.74 43.43 Hazel et al. 1979 47.99 Hazel et al. 1979 16.85 Rosage et al. 1979 21.67 Rosage et al. 1979 20.34 Swigert and Spacie 1983 18.83 Swigert and Spacie 1983 31.18 Hasan and MacIntosh 1986 29.48 Hasan and MacIntosh 1986 16.48 Rao et al. 1975 Hybognathus amarus 16.9 16.9 Buhl 2002 Notemigonus crysoleucas 14.67 14.67 Swigert and Spacie 1983 190.5 Arthur et al. 1987 67.81 Arthur et al. 1987 52.22 Arthur et al. 1987 35.35 Arthur et al. 1987 51.97 DeGraeve et al. 1980 38.74 DeGraeve et al. 1987 40.5 DeGraeve et al. 1987 28.4 DeGraeve et al. 1987 29.01 DeGraeve et al. 1987 26.28 DeGraeve et al. 1987 29.93 DeGraeve et al. 1987 33.9 DeGraeve et al. 1987 24.81 DeGraeve et al. 1987 32.86 Mayes et al. 1986 Pimephales promelas 37.07 23.97 Nimmo et al. 1989 10.74 Nimmo et al. 1989 12.96 Nimmo et al. 1989 22.23 Nimmo et al. 1989 30.1 Nimmo et al. 1989 16.96 Nimmo et al. 1989 24.12 Nimmo et al. 1989 25.93 Nimmo et al. 1989 18.77 Nimmo et al. 1989 45.05 Reinbold and Pescitelli 1982a 20.29 Reinbold and Pescitelli 1982a 50.4 Reinbold and Pescitelli 1982a 23.96 Reinbold and Pescitelli 1982a 36.67 Sparks 1975 27.3 Swigert and Spacie 1983 29.53 Swigert and Spacie 1983 33.38 Thurston et al. 1981c 44.99 Thurston et al. 1981c 44.91 Thurston et al. 1981c 39.49 Thurston et al. 1981c 50.49 Thurston et al. 1981c 34.27 Thurston et al. 1981c 43.55 Thurston et al. 1983 40.88 Thurston et al. 1983 30.74 Thurston et al. 1983 36.4 Thurston et al. 1983 50.36 Thurston et al. 1983 47.72 Thurston et al. 1983 32.53 Thurston et al. 1983 82.04 Thurston et al. 1983 73.06 Thurston et al. 1983 37.78 Thurston et al. 1983 32.44 Thurston et al. 1983 31.67 Thurston et al. 1983 46.25 Thurston et al. 1983 36.95 Thurston et al. 1983 41.65 Thurston et al. 1983 43.79 Thurston et al. 1983 47.74 Thurston et al. 1983 39.45 Thurston et al. 1983 52.14 Thurston et al. 1983 64.34 Thurston et al. 1983 40.7 Thurston et al. 1983 51.65 Thurston et al. 1983 46.53 Thurston et al. 1983 69.38 Thurston et al. 1983 41.22 Thurston et al. 1983 43.05 Thurston et al. 1983 32.53 Thurston et al. 1983 40.07 Thurston et al. 1983 Campostoma anomalum Catostomus commersoni 26.97 36.68 Catostomidae Catostomus platyrhynchus Chasmistes brevirostris 16.15 Deltistes luxatus 13.19 Etheostoma nigrum Perciformes 31.7 16.64 Percidae Etheostoma spectabile 17.97 Sander vitreus 27.25 26.97 Arthur et al. 1987 73.6 Arthur et al. 1987 59.94 Arthur et al. 1987 63.1 Arthur et al. 1987 21.61 Nimmo et al. 1989 13.1 Nimmo et al. 1989 41.11 Reinbold and Pescitelli 1982b 38.73 Reinbold and Pescitelli 1982b 15.44 Swigert and Spacie 1983 37.02 Thurston and Meyn 1984 27.23 Thurston and Meyn 1984 31.62 Thurston and Meyn 1984 11.42 Saiki et al. 1999 22.85 Saiki et al. 1999 16.81 Saiki et al. 1999 10.35 Saiki et al. 1999 23.97 Nimmo et al. 1989 24.61 Nimmo et al. 1989 10.18 Nimmo et al. 1989 13.87 Nimmo et al. 1989 16.28 Nimmo et al. 1989 15.63 Nimmo et al. 1989 19.49 Hazel et al. 1979 16.56 Hazel et al. 1979 20.29 Reinbold and Pescitelli 1982c Cottus bairdi Siluriformes Ictalurus punctatus 51.72 33.14 40.12 Arthur et al. 1987 52.33 Arthur et al. 1987 10.91 Arthur et al. 1987 24.07 Mayes et al. 1986 51.72 Thurston and Russo 1981 30.95 Arthur et al. 1987 37.61 Arthur et al. 1987 30.16 Arthur et al. 1987 23.19 Colt and Tchobanoglous 1978 49.7 DeGraeve et al. 1987 41.95 DeGraeve et al. 1987 33.24 DeGraeve et al. 1987 28.32 DeGraeve et al. 1987 32.7 DeGraeve et al. 1987 31.78 DeGraeve et al. 1987 25.25 DeGraeve et al. 1987 15.09 Diamond et al. 1993 29.57 Reinbold and Pescitelli 1982d 29.35 Reinbold and Pescitelli 1982d 51.72 Roseboom and Richey 1977 38.36 Roseboom and Richey 1977 64.58 Sparks 1975 22.74 Swigert and Spacie 1983 32.34 West 1985 49.38 West 1985 Acipenseriformes Amphibia Acipenseridae Acipenser brevirostrum 36.49 Ranidae Rana pipiens 22.43 Pseudacris crucifer 14.24 Anura Hylidae Pseudacris regilla Annelida Oligochaeta Haplotaxida Tubidicidae Baetidae Ephemeroptera Insecta Arthropoda Ephemerellidae Trichoptera Malacostraca Decapoda Limnephilidae Cambaridae 19.49 36.49 Fontenot et al. 1998 31.04 Diamond et al. 1993 16.23 Diamond et al. 1993 17.78 Diamond et al. 1993 11.42 Diamond et al. 1993 7.77 Schuytema and Nebeker 1999 11.4 Schuytema and Nebeker 1999 19.45 Schuytema and Nebeker 1999 43.8 Schuytema and Nebeker 1999 37.3 Schuytema and Nebeker 1999 Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri 26.17 26.17 Williams et al. 1986 Tubifex tubifex 33.3 33.3 Stammer 1953 Callibaetis skokianus 56.09 47.26 Arthur et al. 1987 66.56 Arthur et al. 1987 Callibaetis sp. 25.64 25.64 Thurston et al. 1984 70.07 Thurston et al. 1984 54.69 Thurston et al. 1984 82.22 Thurston et al. 1984 158.7 Arthur et al. 1987 147.4 Arthur et al. 1987 210.3 Arthur et al. 1987 270.3 Arthur et al. 1987 Drunella grandis 68.05 Philarctus quaeris 153 Orconectes immunis 238.4 Orconectes nais 46.73 46.73 Evans 1979 Pacifastacus leniusculus 56.49 56.49 Harris et al. 2001 Procambarus clarkii 21.23 17.22 Diamond et al. 1993 Chydoridae Cladocera Diamond et al. 1993 Chydorus sphaericus 25.01 25.01 Dekker et al. 2006 Ceriodaphnia acanthina 23.73 23.73 Mount 1982 17.61 Andersen and Buckley 1998 21.71 Andersen and Buckley 1998 19.88 Bailey et al. 2001 24.01 Bailey et al. 2001 26.23 Black 2001 51.45 Black 2001 59.83 Black 2001 18.01 Cowgill and Milazzo 1991 15.06 Manning et al. 1996 23.52 Nimmo et al. 1989 5.494 Nimmo et al. 1989 18.38 Sarda 1994 18.45 Sarda 1994 14.52 Scheller 1997 45.66 Gersich and Hopkins 1986 5.792 Gulyas and Fleit 1990 30.38 Parkhurst et al. 1979,1981 64.46 Reinbold and Pescitelli 1982c 37.28 Russo et al. 1985 13.8 Russo et al. 1985 16.32 Russo et al. 1985 12.46 Russo et al. 1985 Ceriodaphnia dubia Branchiopoda 26.17 20.64 Daphnidae Daphnia magna 24.25 Daphnia pulicaria Simocephalus vetulus 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