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Thurston Middle School Visitor Sign in Procedure
To avoid incidents of consequence by controlling the flow of visitors, parents, vendors and
guests within our classroom buildings and hallways. A secondary but equally important
purpose is to document who is in our buildings if there is a catastrophic event.
These facilities house our most precious commodity, the children of Thurston Middle
School. In order to maintain safety for our children and for our staff members, it is
important to control the flow of visitors on our campus.
All visitors to Thurston Middle School must sign in the front office before during regular
business hours. This includes School District employees from other sites, parents,
vendors, and guests. Listed below are the proper procedures:
The visitor will go to the sign in area located in the front office, produce photo
identification, and state their business. If the visitor does not have a photoidentification, an administrator or their designee must approve the visit. School
District employees from other sites must show their district ID.
The visitor will be signed in listing the date, their name, and destination (area
and/or person to be visited), and time of arrival. School District employees from
other sites must sign in.
After signing in, a visitor badge will be issued. The badge must be worn in a visible
location. School District employees must display their district ID while on the
Upon leaving the building, the visitors badge will be returned and the visitor signed
out. School District employees must also sign out.