Minutes of the Military Credit for Prior Learning Action Project Meeting Date: April 8, 2014 Start and ending times: Begin - 11:30 am, End 12:30 pm Location(s): ETSS Office, GMB 111 Members present: Brett Burtis, John Sutton, Dave Marquith, Elaine Goodrich-Premo, Gina Kidneigh Members not present: None Guests: None First agenda item – Intro Gina and ACE webinar opportunities. Discussion: Gina was recently hired by the District as the TAACCCT round 3 grant advisor. Part of her duties includes advising vets on CPL. Introductions were made all around. There was a short discussion on how Brett primarily works with vets on admissions, advising, and ordering the JST. If a student is interested in MCPL, he will refer them to Gina for further information and help in applying for CPL. Information on an upcoming ACE webinar called “Demystifying Military Evaluations” was presented to the members. This would be useful when talking to faculty to help them understand the detailed process that ACE uses when making a credit recommendation. Webinar dates are: 4/18, 7/11, and 9/5 at 12:00. Register at www.acenet.edu/events/pages/demystifyingmilitary-evaluations.aspx. Decision/Conclusion: None. Action Required: None. Second agenda item - Report out on research for our chosen courses. Discussion: Dave brought up the point that paying half the tuition to obtain CPL credit is too high. It should be free or a very low cost. HUMN 1060 - Brett: o Met with Mercedes; she will be the faculty approver. o Using and understanding action verbs (Bloom’s taxonomy) will be essential in demonstrating competency in a narrative submission. o Need to explain what each competency means, prepare a list of sample questions whose answers would show competency, and then generate a sample response for each competency. Page 1 of 2 o Need to build a rubric/checklist. Mercedes believes each competency will be met/not met, and not a Likert scale. o Researching the ACE database for specific MOSs or schools that equate to HUMN 1060 didn’t yield any results applicable to a broad majority of enlisted service members. CO/M 1030 - Elaine: o Has been researching ACE for recommendations based on recruit training and first level leadership schools. o Trying to find a way to get all E1 to E4s credit. Leadership course - John: o Has been researching Army and Marine Corps NCO schools. o Has found an outline for Fundamentals of Marine Corps Leadership from the Marine Corps Institute. o Will need to build 8-9 competencies for a 3 credit course. o Course will be broad based leadership and management and not just military leadership. POLS 2310 - Dave: hasn’t had a chance to get started on that yet. Decision/Conclusion: Continue to develop a submission process for each course. Action Required: Build a “workbook” or checklist for portfolio submission. Third agenda item - Transcript evaluation checklist. Discussion: Elaine provided copies of a checklist to outline the MCPL process. The checklist follows the staff and student work flow. This will be very useful for Brett and Gina as they start working with incoming students. Decision/Conclusion: none. Action Required: none. Minutes prepared by: Brett Burtis Date: March 26, 2014 Next meeting date, times, location: April 15, 11:30 in ETSS Office. Page 2 of 2