ALGEBRA II - COURSE SYLLABUS 2011 - 2012 Teacher: Mr. Maurella Email: Phone: (908) 713-4199 x4523 Website: Math Resource Room: Rm. 212, 215 After School: Rm. 154, 2:30 – 3:00 *************************************************************************************** Welcome to the 2011-2012 school year! My name is Mr. Maurella and I will be the instructor of your Algebra II class. This syllabus will provide some insight to what you will expect during the year. If you ever have a question, please don’t hesitate to ask. This MUST be the First Page of Your Notebook!! I. Attendance Policy: A. You are expected to be in class every day unless you are ill or excused by the Administration. ALL work missed is expected to be made up. One day is granted for each day of absence to turn in the missed assignment(s). Phone-A-Friend: (Call this person if you cannot access the internet for the assignment) Name: ____________________________ Phone Number: _________________________ B. Be on time!! Disciplinary action will be taken if arriving on time is inconsistent. C. Attendance is extremely important to your success in any mathematics class. Cutting class will result in a referral, loss of credit for that day, and parents may be notified. II. Required Materials: A. Every day you are expected to bring: 1. Covered Textbook 2. Pencil 3. Notebook B. You may be assigned a graphing calculator. Damaged or lost calculators cost $90 to replace. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CALCULATOR ASSIGNED TO YOU. You may want to consider purchasing your own graphing calculator (TI-83+). C. Notebook: You must have a THREE RING BINDER where all notes, homework, and worksheets are kept in order. 1) You are expected to keep a neat and complete notebook that must be kept up to date. You may use pen or pencil for notes. 2) If you are absent, you are expected to obtain all class notes from a classmate. You may schedule time after school to copy outlines and go over sample problems. 3) There may be a notebook check to make sure you are keeping organized. III. Classroom Behavior: A. Students are expected to be prepared with required materials and ready to work at the beginning of class. Pencils are to be sharpened before class, not after the bell rings. B. Dishonesty will not be tolerated. If your work shows evidence of cheating, you will be given a grade of zero. Cheating includes letting others copy your work as well as copying the work of others. C. NO FOOD HATS IPODS NO PROBLEM D. Cell phones are not allowed in class. If a cell phone is seen or heard, it may be confiscated and turned into the office. IV. Make-up Work: A. You are responsible for all work you miss due to an absence. If you miss an assignment, you should call a classmate or check the website. C. See me to make arrangements for missed tests and quizzes. This is your responsibility to make the proper arrangements with me to make up the assessment. A reasonable amount of time will be granted for you to complete the assessment. You may complete the test or quiz either after school or in the Math Resource Center (bring your ID!) Failure to make up the test/quiz within the allotted time will result in a ZERO! (This will drastically lower your average grade!) D. You will be given one day for each day you are absent to make up other work for full credit. You will not be excused from taking an announced test or quiz if you are absent the day before the test or quiz. V. Extra Help: Extra help will be available after school from 2:30 – 3:00 in room 154 Check my website for availability each week as it may vary (due to meetings, etc.) VI. Grading: A. The GRADING SCALE as approved by the North Hunterdon-Voorhees Regional High School District will be used. Please refer to your student handbook. B. GRADES will be based on the total points accumulated for: 1) Tests………………. 50 - 100 points each 2) Quizzes…………… 10 - 30 points each 3) Homework………... 0 - 5 points possible - 5 pts = all problems attempted/completed 4) Notebook checks.... 20-30 points – 1-4 pts = not all problems attempted/completed 0 pts = little or no work attempted/completed Notebook checks includes material such as notes, homework, quizzes, etc. that should all be kept in your notebook. Example: Points Received Tests 260 Quizzes 154 Homework 81 Notebook quizzes 45 Total 550 Points Possible 300 200 105 45 650 550 100 84.6 Numeric Grade 650 = B Alpha Grade C. TESTS: 1) Tests will be announced at least 2 days in advance. 2) Tests must be done in pencil. D. QUIZZES: 1) You will be responsible for all work assigned in class; therefore, quizzes may relate to the reading and the concepts presented in each section. 2) Quizzes may or may not be announced and must be done in pencil. E. HOMEWORK: 1) Homework will be assigned daily. It is given to provide you the opportunity to practice concepts discussed in class. All problems should be attempted. If you cannot complete a problem do as much as you can and write yourself a note about what you don't understand. This will enable homework discussions in class to be more helpful to you. 2) Daily homework will be checked for completeness. However, a more thorough check of the homework may or may not be announced. Homework may be collected and given a separate grade. 3) You are expected to correct your errors when answers are reviewed in class. Correcting your homework is very valuable to understanding the material. 4) Homework will be tallied approximately every two weeks and then entered into the gradebook. F. NOTEBOOK CHECKS: 1) Notebook quizzes will consist of copying specific homework problems or notes from a particular section in your notebook. It is essential, therefore, to label all work with section, page number, problem numbers and the date it was assigned. G. QUARTERLY AND FINAL EXAMS: 1) As per the North Hunterdon-Voorhees Regional High School District policy, three quarterly exams and a comprehensive final exam will be given. Class Requirements and Grading Policy 2011 - 2012 Contact Information: Please include your email address and phone number for contact purposes. Student Email: __________________ Parent Email(s): __________________ Parent Phone Number: _____________ DO NOT FILL IN UNTIL CLASS Student Calculator Information: Please check one: ____ I DO NOT need to borrow a graphing calculator because I have my own. My calculator model is: _______________ (top-left on front) My calculator number is: ______________________________________ (on back) ____ I NEED TO BORROW a graphing calculator. I understand that I must return this exact calculator in working condition, or else I will be required to pay a partial or full refund of $90. Replacing the batteries is the responsibility of the student throughout the year. Calculator Model: (Circle one) TI-83 / TI-83+ Calculator Number: _________________________________ I understand and agree to the class requirements, grading policy, and calculator contract. Student’s Name: Student's Signature: Parent/Guardian Signature: Date: Mods: