Panhellenic Council
Minutes from September 29, 2015
I. Call to order by the reading of the Panhellenic Creed
II. Roll Call
A. Alpha Chi Omega – 2
B. Alpha Delta Pi – 2
C. Alpha Xi Delta – 2
D. Delta Delta Delta – 2
E. Gamma Phi Beta – 2
F. Sigma Sigma Sigma – 2
III. Reading of the minutes
IV. Officer Reports
A. VP of Administrative Affairs – Meghan Schaeffer
-Collect checks
-Is anyone having any issues accessing the minutes on the SEMO Greeks website?
B. VP of Chapter Development – Malana Bradford
-No report
C. VP of Community Relations – Jilleun Schmitt
-No report
D. VP of Recruitment and Retention – Hannah Weber
-No report
E. VP of Membership Development – Alysha McGuirk
-No report
F. VP of Programming and Scholarship – Kelsey Orf
-1 st Minimum Standards October 20 th at 7pm in Academic
-Pin attire, bring student ID
-Brittany Talley from counseling services talking about healthy relationships
-2 nd Minimum Standards November 2 nd Carly Lloyd at 7:30pm at Show Me Center
-Pin attire, bring student ID
-Chapter presidents/someone from chapter get tickets for everyone in your chapters before the event
-Give list of members to Johanna in 414
, you’ll need SO numbers/full names - she can get you all of the tickets
-**IMPORTANT**If a sorority woman walks out during the middle of minimum standards or leaves early, that entire chapter will not get credit for being at the minimum standards
-Do not come late or leave early, if there is a conflict (class, work) tell that girl to not come and come to the next one
-Have your members turn in their class schedules you (delegate) and then delegate turn all of them into the Greek Life Office by October 19 th at 5pm (first minimum standards)
October 30 th at 5pm (second minimum standards)
G. VP of Internal Affairs – Lauren Needham
-No report
H. President – Taylor Shinabargar
-Would your chapters be interested in a contest during homecoming week from Papa
John’s – each chapter will have a specific code to order pizza and receive 30% entire order, % of order would be given back to that chapter. Overall chapter winner would get a pizza party
-Show Me Day October 10 th , would a couple of chapters be willing to have patio doors open for future students and families to look at Greek Hill? – Alpha Chi Omega will be doing it
-Recruitment Registration fee voting – bring results to the next chapter
I. Panhellenic Advisor – Destiny Deaton
-Absent, see DeAnte’s report
J. Greek Life Advisor – DeAnte Smith
-All photos and videos need to be sent to Destiny (dmdeaton1s@semo) by midnight tonight in order for your chapter to be represented in the newsletter – President’s should already be aware of this – only 1 chapter sent in so far
-Destiny will be creating a Greek Newsletter to be sent out to alumna and posted to SEMO Greeks website – anything chapters are proud of, accomplishments, etc.
-Include a list of women in leadership positions outside of your chapter
-It’s time to talk about possibly adding another sorority to our campus – chapters are getting larger and larger every year
-Go back to chapters this week, next week’s meeting we will be voting an exploratory committee to do the research to decide if it is time to bring a new sorority (committee will consist of one representative from each chapter)
-***Vote will only be for forming an exploratory committee NOT for bringing another sorority on campus. It is a long process, voting on this committee is the first step.
-Handed out updated rosters - anyone that should not be on the roster, Presidents need to come to Greek Life office and update/fill out a yellow card for that member – same applies for anyone that should be on your roster
V. Chapter Reports – answering all questions on paper
Alpha Chi Omega: Upcoming Events- Social with Pike this week, socials with different pledge classes and new members
Improvements to sisterhood- Lambert’s dinners
Community service- Mobile adoptions, bake sale, pink up cape
Proud of/improve on- sisterhood and the work going into it, participation in events, new pledge class, improve attitudes at events
Sister of the week- Tiffany, new member educator
Alpha Delta Pi: Upcoming Events- 22 nd social with Pike, Rocking 4 Relief this Saturday
Improvements to sisterhood- roller skating and football game last week
Community service- Rocking 4 Relief, philanthropy week this week, pancake breakfast this last Saturday
Proud of/improve on- Proud of making new members feel welcome, work on having actives be more motivated/ go pomping
Sister of the week- Emily G.
Alpha Xi Delta: Upcoming Events- Thursday Lambda Chi social, watermelon bust, homecoming events
Improvements to sisterhood- apple smear, speed dating for new members
Community service- Watermelon bust
Proud of/improve on- successful recruitment, good job pomping – work on getting along
and concentrating on ritual/values
Sister of the week- Hannah R.
Delta Delta Delta: Upcoming Events- No upcoming events
Improvements to sisterhood- a lot of events to get to know each other better, roller skating, gymnastics
Community service- St. Jude walk past weekend in St. Louis, watermelon bust, homecoming events
Proud of/improve on- Making new girls feel included, made effort to get to know them and make them feel comfortable, work on older girls having a better attitude about some things
Sister of the week- Lindsey K.
Gamma Phi Beta: Upcoming Events- Friday social with Tri Sigma, Saturday Rocking 4 Relief, and Cooking for Kasey is October 20 th
Improvements to sisterhood- Sisterhood retreat 90s day camp, this Saturday sisterhood event at football game
Community service- Last weekend Bark in the Park, Rocking 4 Relief
Proud of/improve on- Proud of new girls, how recruitment went, work on attitude and communication in general
Sister of the week- Paige Macek
Sigma Sigma Sigma: Upcoming Events- Friday social with Gamma Phi, getting ready for homecoming
Improvements to sisterhood- speed dating event last week, working on getting to know everybody
Community service- helped with move in day
Proud of/improve on- how well recruitment went, work on getting to know
VI. Old Business everyone and making everyone feel connected
Sister of the week- Madeline R.
VII. New Business
VIII. Community Discussion
IX. Motion to Adjourn