Panhellenic Council Minutes from November 10, 2015 I. Call to order by the reading of the Panhellenic Creed II. Roll Call A. Alpha Chi Omega – 2 B. Alpha Delta Pi – 3 C. Alpha Xi Delta – 2 D. Delta Delta Delta – 3 E. Gamma Phi Beta – 3 F. Sigma Sigma Sigma – 2 III. Reading of the minutes IV. Officer Reports A. VP of Administrative Affairs – Meghan Schaeffer -No report B. VP of Chapter Development – Malana Bradford -No report C. VP of Community Relations – Jilleun Schmitt -Head counts from chapters of how many girls will be here over the summer to possibly participate in the International student lunch program – 15 AXO, 20 ADP, 15 AZD, 18 DDD, 15 GPB, 14 SSS) -Residence life is expecting us to do this international lunch program for winter break; get a head count of who will be here a week or two earlier before school starts in January and report back at next meeting D. VP of Recruitment and Retention – Hannah Weber -No report E. VP of Membership Development – Alysha McGuirk -No report F. VP of Programming and Scholarship – Kelsey Orf -Minimum standards is December 1stat, 7pm in Academic, bring a student ID, jeans/blocks or shirt your chapter chooses to wear -Brittney Talley won’t be able to make it, Donna her grad assistant will be speaking H. President – Taylor Shinabargar -Last meeting November 17th -Exec applications due this Friday at 5pm and they will sign up for interview time slot -Remind presidents that monthly reports were due to Zach today – tell them to send them ASAP! -Make sure you all reinforce how important it is to expand on our campus – would keep sororities around 100 per chapter, would give girls another option that didn’t find their home somewhere else, recruitment numbers are very high and retention numbers are high as well I. Panhellenic Advisor – Destiny Deaton -No report J. Greek Life Advisor – DeAnte Smith -No report V. Chapter Reports – answering all questions on paper Alpha Chi Omega: Upcoming Events- I-week is this week, Sig Ep philanthropy Sunday Improvements to sisterhood- thanksgiving dinner this past week, retreat for after I-week Community service- auction with alum Proud of/improve on- proud of the new girls who have worked hard, work on attendance at events Sister of the week- Lauren D. Alpha Delta Pi: Upcoming Events- Tri sigma philanthropy this weekend Improvements to sisterhood- Dad’s day Saturday and initiation events last week Community service- event at veterans home Proud of/improve on- proud of all of the fans at philanthropy events, work on overall participation Sister of the week- Haley M. Alpha Xi Delta: Upcoming Events- Xi man and formal coming up Improvements to sisterhood- sisterhood event and thanksgiving dinner Community service- None Proud of/improve on- initiation and winning sig tau, work on finishing the year strong with good grades Sister of the week- Emily S. Delta Delta Delta: Upcoming Events- Sig Ep and Sigma philanthropy, formal Saturday and officer training, Thursday officer installation Improvements to sisterhood- just had I-week and events to get to know girls Community service- mission fest, in two hours packed 30,000 meals for cape Proud of/improve on- how I-week went and how serious it was taken, work on having a positive outlook on going to events Sister of the week- Shelby H. Gamma Phi Beta: Upcoming Events- social with Pike on Thursday, formal Saturday, Sig Ep philanthropy Sunday Improvements to sisterhood- just had I-week, it was a good reminder of sisterhood Community service- hosted an event Saturday with girl scouts to promote building strong girls Proud of/improve on- proud of newly initiated members, work on listening and paying attention in chapter Sister of the week- Ana F. Sigma Sigma Sigma: Upcoming Events- Sigma Shootout is Saturday, Sig Ep philanthropy is Sunday Improvements to sisterhood- I-week good reminder Community service- feed my starving children next couple of weeks Proud of/improve on- proud of respecting each other, work on following through on commitments Sister of the week- Morgan J. VI. Old Business – None VII. New Business -Handed out packet over expansion with all information required by manual that has to be provided to all chapters -Last night exploratory committee met – voted in favor of expansion at this time on our campus -Next step – you have 2 weeks to take info back to chapters/get in contact with internationals. Come back with vote of in favor or unfavorable for expansion – it will be a final vote on a campus level. -In two weeks we will have to have an emergency meeting for the delegates to vote we are looking at meeting on November 30th – waiting on room reservation – email will be sent out to chapter presidents with confirmation -Rumors for some reason that Delta Zeta is coming – not true, we do not know which sorority it would be -Turnaround time after November 30th majority vote (if it were to pass)– NPC area advisor and national chair of extension will be contacted. Timeline depends on organizations interested coming to our campus. Some are more willing to expand than others. It really depends which are interested and how soon they want to colonize - at best earliest would be next fall if everything is perfectly executed -If chapters have any questions, send DeAnte an email VIII. Community Discussion – How do you think girls could be encouraged to go to events more? -Every month you have to make 70% of points – less excuses maybe -Have to have a certain amount of points to go to formals – can’t attend other events or offering incentives -Divide chapter into 2 different teams, every other philanthropy event would be required – take roll call at the end of events -3 groups who rotate mandatory events – incentives encourage girls, if you can’t make your mandatory event then you have to find someone else to take your shift -More positivity and excitement about events -Everyone is required to go to events – being positive about events to encourage girls to want to go IX. Motion to Adjourn