Multiple Choice Practice

Multiple Choice Practice
1. What was a result of the Neolithic Revolution?
(1) Civilizations developed.
(2) Humans first learned to use fire.
(3) Life expectancy declined.
(4) People began hunting and gathering for food.
2. The Neolithic Revolution is considered a turning point in history because it
(1) influenced climatic changes
(2) included the domestication of plants and animals
(3) encouraged a nomadic lifestyle
(4) caused a decline in population
3. Which geographic factor had a major influence on the development of both Egypt and Babylonian
(1) river valleys
(2) cool temperatures
(3) locations near a strait
(4) mountains
4. … “If a man has knocked out the teeth of a man of the same rank, his own teeth shall be knocked out. If he
has knocked out the teeth of a plebeian (commoner), he shall pay one-third of a mina of silver.”…
--Code of Hammurabi
Which statement is supported by this excerpt from Hammurabi’s code of laws?
All men are equal under the law
Fines are preferable to physical punishment
Law sometimes distinguishes between social classes
Violence must always be punished with violence
Base your answers to questions 7 and 8 on the illustrations below and on your knowledge of social studies.
7. Which concept is most closely related to the main idea of the illustration?
(1) isolation
(2) cultural diffusion
(3) armed conflict
(4) urbanization
Base your answers to questions 9 and 10 on the map below and on your knowledge of social studies.
9. Which statement is best supported by the information on this map?
(1) The Roman Empire extended over three continents.
(2) Rivers kept invaders out of the Roman Empire.
(3)Alexandria served as the eastern capital of the Roman Empire.
(4) Carthage was eventually destroyed by the Romans.
14. Before the use of the Silk Road, how did geography affect early China?
(1) The mountains and deserts in western and southwestern China slowed the exchange of ideas.
(2) The northwestern region provided many fertile areas suitable for farming.
(3) The three major river systems provided barriers against invasion.
(4) The lack of deep-water ports on the eastern coast prevented China from developing trade with other
15. The exchange of silks and spices and the spread of Buddhism along the Silk Roads are examples of
(1) cultural diffusion
(2) self-sufficiency
(3) ethnocentrism
(4) desertification
16. Ethnocentrism is best defined as
(1) the belief that one’s culture is superior to all others
(2) military preparation for a civil war
(3) love and devotion to one’s country
(4) a belief in one god
“… Let the king and his ministers labor with a mutual sympathy, saying, ‘We have received the decree of
Heaven and it shall be great as the long continued years of Hsia; yea, it shall not fail of the long-continued
years of Yin.’ I wish the king through the attachment of the lower people, to receive the long-abiding decree
of Heaven….”
--Clae Waltheam, ed., Shu Ching, Book of History Henry Regnery Company
17. Which concept is being referred to in this passage?
(1) dynastic cycle
(2) matriarchal society
(3) natural rights
(4) monotheism
18. Which civilization first developed a civil service system, invented gunpowder, and manufactured
(1) Aztec
(2) Chinese
(3) Japanese
(4) Roman
19. The development of the concept of zero, the use of a decimal system, and the Buddhist cave paintings at
Ajanta are all achievements of the
(1) Inca Empire
(2) Gupta Empire
(3) Roman Republic
(4) Kingdom of Songhai
20. Which belief is most closely associated with the philosophy of Confucianism?
(1) nirvana
(2) reincarnation
(3) prayer
(4) filial piety
Base your answers to question 21 on the diagram.
21. Which religion or belief system is most closely associated with the social class system in the diagram?
(1) Hinduism
(2) Daoism
(3) Catholicism
(4) animism
22. The caste system in India was characterized by
(1) toleration for various religious beliefs
(2) equality between men and women
(3) a lack of social mobility
(4) the right of people to choose their occupations
23. Which belief system is most closely associated with the terms Eightfold Path, Four Noble Truths, and
(1) Buddhism
(2) Christianity
(3) Judaism
(4) Shinto
24. Which belief system is considered monotheistic?
(1) Jainism
(2) Daoism
(3) Judaism
(4) Shinto
25. Which practice is most closely associated with a
person of the Islamic faith?
(1) refraining from eating meat on Fridays
(2) praying five times a day
(3) following the Eightfold Path
(4) worshipping many gods
26. A major contribution of the Golden Age of
Islam was the
(1) development of mercantilism
(2) creation of the first polytheistic religion
(3) spread of democratic ideals
(4) advancement of mathematics and science