PSY 4460_Cog Psy_Common Assignment 2 COMMON ASSIGNMENT #2: SHORT ESSAY ASSIGNMENT [SLOS 8-10]. 1. Students will also complete a short essay in APA style about the effects of cell phone use on driver attention. 2. Describe the nature of the topic including the current explanations and controversies surrounding the topic. USE BASIC APA 6TH ED STYLE MANUAL FOR YOUR PAPER: 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 12-point Times New Roman font, double-space, and one-inch margins on each side. Include in-text citations for your sources based on APA 6th Ed Style Manual A separate APA style references page in APA 6th Ed Style Manual Make sure that each of your references is cited in your text. Conversely, each citation in your text must have a corresponding reference. Your submitted paper will consist of the title page, 2-3 pages of text, and a references page at minimum. 9. Adhere to the College of Education’s plagiarism guidelines included in this syllabus. 10. Upload this assignment via LiveText and Blackboard (if Blackboard is required by your instructor) by the due date identified in your course schedule. Designated Common Assignments not submitted to LiveText will not be graded. Task Category Exceptional (90 – 100%) 4 Above Average (80-89%) 3 Average (70 – 79%) 2 APA Style: appropriate application (i.e., margins, font, etc.), appropriate citation of sources (student paraphrases and knows how to use direct quotes); appropriate mechanical structure (grammar, spelling, etc.) Student demonstrated a mastery of APA style; essay was well substantiated Student demonstrated an above average understanding of APA style; some citation or structural errors were present Student demonstrated a basic understanding of APA style (e.g., margins may be appropriate, but citations, where required, were not accurate) Student demonstrated a mastery in the discussion of the nature of the topic Student demonstrated an above average understanding of the nature of the topic, but not as developed as mastery. Student discussed the nature of the topic, but there was little effort or understanding behind the short answer. Below Average (69% or less) 1 Student did not demonstrate any understanding of APA style, errors of font, citations, margins were clearly present APA 6.2 6.3 6.4 7.1 SLO 9 Discuss the nature of the essay topic, including a description of the topic, common explanations, and existing controversies APA Student did not address the nature of the topic, or the answer is so limited as to indicate a limited understanding PSY 4460_Cog Psy_Common Assignment 2 2.2 2.3 3.1 SLOs 1 6 8 Discuss the implications of research conclusions on the topic APA 1.2 1.3 2.2 2.3 3.1 4.2 5.3 SLOs 1 7 8 Student demonstrated a mastery in the discussion of implications Student demonstrated an above average understanding of the implications of the topic, but not as developed as mastery. Student discussed implications of the topic, but clearly little effort or understanding behind the essay. Student did not address the implications, or the answer was so limited as to indicate a limited understanding