PLO 1_PSY 4460_Common Assignment 1 1 Review of a Peer-Reviewed Empirical (Research) Journal Article Common Assignment One for PLO 1 – PSY 4460 COMMON ASSIGNMENT #1: REVIEW OF A PEER-REVIEWED EMPIRICAL JOURNAL ARTICLE. Students will complete a review of a peer-reviewed journal article in APA style. There are three journal articles (PDF format) in the Assignment Section of our Blackboard Course and on the Student LiveText site. Students will choose one of the following three approved journal articles to review for this assignment: Dornburg, C. C., & McDaniel, M. A. (2006). The cognitive interview enhances long-term free recall in adults. Psychology and Aging, 21, 196-200. doi: 10.1037/0882-7974.21.1.196 Geraerts, E., Bernstein, D. M., Merckelbach, H., Linders, C., Raymaekers, L., & Loftus. E . F. (2008). Lasting false beliefs and their behavioral consequences. Psychological Science, 19, 749-753. Simons, D. J., & Chabris, C. F. (1999). Gorillas in our midst: Sustained inattentional blindness for dynamic events. Perception, 28, 1059-1074. STUDENTS WILL COMPLETE A REVIEW OF A PEER-REVIEWED JOURNAL ARTICLE IN APA STYLE 1. 2. Choose one of the three articles listed above and write a critical review in APA style describing the hypotheses, methods, results, and conclusions of the article. The rubric listed below provides you with grading expectations/assessment criteria. Assessment points and grading points may differ. USE BASIC APA 6TH ED STYLE MANUAL FOR YOUR PAPER: 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 12-point Times New Roman font, double-space, and one-inch margins on each side. Include in-text citations for your sources based on APA 6th Ed Style Manual A separate APA style references page in APA 6th Ed Style Manual Make sure that each of your references is cited in your text. Conversely, each citation in your text must have a corresponding reference. Your submitted paper will consist of the title page, 2-3 pages of text, and a references page at minimum. 9. Adhere to the College of Education’s plagiarism guidelines included in this syllabus. 10. Upload this assignment via LiveText and Blackboard (if Blackboard is required by your instructor) by the due date identified in your course schedule. Designated Common Assignments not submitted to LiveText will not be graded. Review of a Peer-Reviewed Empirical (Research) Journal Article Common Assignment One for PLO 1 – PSY 4460 RUBRIC Task Category Exceptional (90 – 100%) 4 Above Average (80-89%) 3 Average (70 – 79%) 2 APA Style: appropriate application (i.e., margins, font, etc.), appropriate citation of sources (student Student demonstrated a mastery of APA style; journal review was well organized and substantiated; Student demonstrated an above average understanding of APA style; some citation or structural errors Student demonstrated a basic understanding of APA style (e.g., margins may be appropriate, but citations, where Below Average (69% or less) 1 Student did not demonstrate an understanding of APA style, errors of font, citations, and structural PLO 1_PSY 4460_Common Assignment 1 2 Task Category Exceptional (90 – 100%) 4 Above Average (80-89%) 3 Average (70 – 79%) 2 Below Average (69% or less) 1 problems hinder reading of paper. paraphrases and knows how to use direct quotes); appropriate mechanical structure (grammar, spelling, etc.) paper was well written were present; some grammatical problems required, were not accurate); grammatical problems are more visible. Student demonstrated a mastery in the discussion of the problem outlined in the article Student demonstrated an above average understanding of the problem, the historical context, but not as developed as mastery. Student discussed the problem and historical context, but the discussion was not welldeveloped. Student did not address the social problem, or context, or need for the research. Student demonstrated mastery in the discussion of the methods, design, and clearly understood the impact of design choice on validity and reliability. Student demonstrated an above average understanding of the methods section, the design, and the impact on results, but not as polished or thorough as mastery. Student discussed the “facts” outlined in the methods section, but lacks an analysis perspective. Student did not address the design, sample, design choice; clearly does not yet comprehend the impact of design choice. APA 6.2 6.3 6.4 7.1 SLO 9 Literature Commentary: Identified the problem discussed in the literature, the historical context behind the inquiry, and the need for the research APA 2.2 2.3 3.1 SLOs 7 8 Methods Commentary: Student identifies the research design, the sample, and applies an understanding of strength of design that would impact results APA 2.2 2.3 3.1 SLOs 7 8 PLO 1_PSY 4460_Common Assignment 1 3 Task Category Exceptional (90 – 100%) 4 Above Average (80-89%) 3 Average (70 – 79%) 2 Discuss the implications of the results of the study Student demonstrated a mastery in the discussion of implications of the article Student demonstrated an above average understanding of the implications of the topic in the article, but not as developed as mastery. Student discussed the implications of the article, but clearly little effort or understanding about the topic in the article. APA 2.1 2.3 2.6 SLOs 7 8 Below Average (69% or less) 1 Student did not address the implications of the article, or the answer was so limited as to indicate a limited understanding