Science Muscles and Skin Notes

Science Notes
From Note-taking worksheet:
(I just did the skin section because the muscles is basic….but the
muscles vocab is included after this part of the notes)
1. Your skin is the largest organ of your body.
2. Skin is made up of 3 layers of tissue:
a. Epidermis- the outer, thinnest layer
The outermost cells of your skin are dead and rub off
when you touch ANYTHING
New cells are constantly produced at the base of the
Cells produce melanin, which is a pigment that
protects you skin and gives it color.
b. Dermis – the middle layer
The dermis is thicker than the epidermis
The dermis contains blood vessels, nerves, muscles,
oil, sweat glands, and other structures
c. Fatty layer (subcutaneous tissue) - insulates the body
3. Skin has many functions –
a. Protection – forms a protective covering over the body that
prevents injury
Many disease causing organisms cannot pass
through the skin
Prevents excess water loss
b. Sensory response – nerve cells in the skin detect and relay
information to the brain
c. Formation of Vitamin D – helps you body absorb calcium
d. Regulation of body heat (temperature) –
Blood vessels in the skin help release or hold heat
Perspiration from the sweat glands eliminates excess
boy heat by evaporation
4. When injured, the skin produces new cells and repairs tears.
a. Bruises happen when tiny blood vessels beneath the skin
burst and leak into surrounding tissues.
b. When you have a cut, a scab forms to prevent bacteria from
entering you body.
Cells in the surrounding blood vessels fight infection.
Skin cells beneath the scab grow to fill in the gap of
the torn skin.
5. Doctors are able to repair severse skin damage.
a. Skin Grafts are pieces of skin that are cut from one part of a
person’s own body and moved to the injured area.
b. Doctors sometimes use skin from dead people (cadaver) to
heal bad infections or wounds and it keeps bacteria from
getting in, and encourages the real persons skin to grow.
Science Notes
c. Doctors are growing epidermis by taking little pieces of skin
and placing them on a screen and when multiple pieces are
put together, they grow together and can be used on a living
person’s body wound.
Vocabulary Words:
(from textbook and ESP sheet…yes, we have to know the ESP words!)
Muscle – an organ that can relax, contract, and provide the force to move
you body parts.
Voluntary Muscle –muscles that you are able to control
Involuntary Muscle – muscles that you can’t control consciously
Skeletal Muscles – the muscles that move bones
Tendons – thick bands of tissues that attach muscles to bones
Cardiac Muscle – striated muscle, only found in the heart
Smooth Muscle – nonstriated involuntary muscles that slowly contract
and relas (examples are you intestines, bladder, blood vessels, etc.)
Epidermis – the outer, thinnest layer of your skin
Dermis – the layer of cells directly below the epidermis
Melanin – a pigment that protects your skin and gives it its color
Origin – attachment of the muscle at the stationary bone
Antagonist – muscle which relaxes while the prime mover contracts
Joint – fulcrum of a body movement
Prime movement – muscle which contracts to produce a movement
Insertion – attachment of a muscle at the movable bone
Bone – lever of a body movement
Science Notes
Muscle Notes:
(from class)
Main job is to move bones
Have over 600 muscles
Takes 72 muscles just to say your name
33 muscles to turn your foot
Your eyes are the most used muscle in your entire body because
they are used 24/7
Your jaw muscles has enough strength to bite through 150 pounds
Sphincter muscle – example of involuntary at first but then you
train to be voluntary – example (and I don’t really want to type this
but…) ANUS
Most moveable muscle – your tongue (its made up of MANY small
Its easier to smile than frown (DUH)
Charlie Horse – when muscles get really worn out and you get
cripple for a few minutes until it goes away
Shivering forces muscles to warm up
Skin Notes :
(from class, minus the part about the 5 functions because those were
described in the note taking worksheet part above and I didn’t feel like
typing the same thing twice) :
You have 3 layers of skin
The skin is the largest organ in your body
****The skin of an average adult has over 3,000 square inches of
skin area (or 22 feet)
****There are 72 inches of nerve cells in ONE square inch (25
pressure nerves, 200 pain)
All your skin weighs about 6 pounds
Uses about 1/3 of all the blood that circulates around the body
Skin is thickest at your palms of hands and souls of feet
Eyelids are thinnest area of skin on body
Notes on the Diagram of the Skin:
Subcutaneous Tissue (Fat) – lot of fatty tissue, blood vessels, and
nerves, as you get older the fatty tissue dissolves and makes
wrinkles (BTW this is #8 on the diagram)
Science Notes
Dermis – often called the “true skin”, contains nerve endings , hair
follicles, and the hair shaft which is non-living. There is an oil
gland around every hair ON YOUR BODY.
 Sweat Gland – has tube going up through the dermis & epidermis
that dumps out wastes out of pores (forms ZITS…dun dun
 Sebaceous Gland – keeps hair from getting dry and brittle, keeps it
soft and MOSIT
 Living cells in the skin are filled with KERATIN
 The top layer of skin is DEAD Fingernails grow on the dead layer of the skin
 3 Things Make Skin Color:
o Melanin (darker color, changes in summer)
o Carotene (gives off an orange/yellow color)
o Blood Vessels (give off a pink color
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Another copy of the study guide from Mrs. G –
Questions on your study guides
Information on the ESP Sheet
Notes you took in class
Three classifications of muscle tissue
How muscles allow you to move your body
The job of tendons and how they do their job
The name of the attachments to muscles
The relationship between mechanical, chemical, and thermal
IF YOU DID NOT EXEMPT, how to label Arnold
Filling in the skin picture including EXTRA PARTS LABELED IN
The functions of skin (possible short answer)
The results of burns or injuries to large areas not being treated
Methods used to help heal severe injuries (ESSAY)