Minutes Nov 4 2014

Sir Matthew Begbie Elementary School
Parent Advisory Committee
Minutes – Nov. 4th, 2014
Principal: Dorothy Watkins, Chair: Peggy Hoffman, Treasurer: Elisa Gutierrez , Secretary:
Lisa Ono, Elisa Gutierrez, Peter Phi, Allen Foster-Townsend, Emily Foster-Townsend, Lele
Chan, Ina Huang, Julie Ho, Phan luy Minh, Olga Bitzikos
1. MOTION to approve minutes from Oct 14th, 2014. 1st Peggy, 2nd Lisa; carried.
Lisa to forward e-copy of minutes to Dorothy and Brad.
This week:
Fri, Nov 7 - Remembrance Day assembly
Fire drill – must practice 6x yr, earthquake 3x yr
Last week of UBC student practicum; back in the spring for 10 weeks
Emergency Response Training:
3 more teachers completed emergency response training (search and rescue) by Fire Dept.
Total now 4.
Secretary Pam Ferguson working 2 days/wk and Ingerjit Kaur working 3 days/wk;
stay at school every day except Tuesday when there is 1st aid backup.
Seismic upgrade meeting:
-expressed great deal of concern about school being split up
-may be 2 years before any changes are implemented
-children would be bussed if necessary
-empty spaces (declining enrolment) an ongoing issue
-closed committee will decide and then have a meeting with PAC
-PAC is committed to maintaining Begbie community and will strongly voice the need to
keep students together
-Ina can assist with translation to Cantonese
-Not enough textbooks; have some outdated atlases (USSR!).
-Will bar-code all books including textbooks; also helps identify wear and tear, life of
books, when replacements needed.
-Teachers to sign out textbooks term by term; all students do not need same books at the
same time.
-Dorothy has completed a survey and needs to assess.
-Also need to confirm curriculum changes which impact the textbooks needed.
-Since textbooks cannot be purchased with gaming funds, need to find a way to
obtain/share books. Anticipate fundraising efforts. Dorothy to provide estimate at next
Begbie Clothing Sales
Sweatpants are approx. $15/pair.
BC Gaming funds approved
Total $7,060
-Reports are outstanding – Elisa spoke to staff – submit last year’s with letter explaining
situation – going forward, will submit annually.
-Money can be used over 3 years – currently have approx. $9,000
-Must be used for extra-curricular activities (incl. sports, software, hardware), optional
school supplies.
-Need receipt from school for field trip money. Dorothy to forward.
-Need estimate of i-pad costs
HSBC PAC account - $1,335.22
Vancity Gaming account - $7,829.03
Motion to pay Gr. 7s to babysit during PAC meetings
-$15 x 2 students = $30
-1st Peggy, 2nd Emily
Motion to pay for refreshments for Reading Club
-Up to $100 – will check back in Feb. if more funds needed
-1st Lisa 2nd Elisa
-Emily to look into getting day-old baked goods donated.
Grade 7’s missed medals and boat cruise
-MJ looking into a Christmas Carol Ship cruise (start at school, take bus to boat)
-MJ has medals
-Former PAC members have not officially been acknowledged; could do at same event
-T-shirt money still to be provided per last year’s agreement
Movie Night – 6:30 pm, Thursday, Nov. 27
-Dorothy to check which movies are available
-$3 admission
-Lele to organize pizza pre-orders
-Need to provide to secretary by Nov. 17, order forms go home Nov. 21, due back Nov. 25
-No longer have to purchase license
-Lisa to provide Ina with shopping list for concession snacks (inanihuang@hotmail.com)
-Lele to arrange popcorn
-Peggy making posters
-Can Brad set up projector?
-Need custodian’s key to turn on/off lights
Santa Breakfast
-8 am, Thursday, Dec. 18
-Dorothy has a Santa!
-Van Tech Band
-Need lots of helpers for set up and clean up (syrup everywhere!)
-Buy pancake mix at Costco
-Pajama day?
-Mention in newsletter + separate memo
-Monthly at lunchtime, sell popsicles
-Pizza day, hot dog day
-Must have FoodSafe certificate
-Munch n Lunch
-Emily willing to do once a month
Adjourned at 8:45 pm
All PAC mtgs 2nd Tuesday of month unless otherwise noted.
Dec. 9
Jan. 13
Feb. 10
Apr. 14
May 12
Jun 9 - AGM
Note - March 10 is during Spring Break
NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, Dec. 9, 2014, 7 pm