Genomics Forum Executive Committee 10-18-2013 Nelson Atehortua (University of the Sciences, Philadelphia) Stephen Modell (University of Michigan) Tricia Page (Emory University) Nicole Exe (University of Michigan) -Program is listed on -Sunday is a very busy day -Stephen will send the specific information about the policy hearings on Monday 10-22 to Nicole for dissemination -Please RSVP for dinner to Tricia if you want to go as space is limited and we want to make sure we have the right reservation Business Meeting (90 minutes) -usually talk for about 45 minutes-1 hour -updates from out-going and incoming Chair -awards -updates from Committees and Working Groups -followed by round tables -want to have it organized by 3 committees, Tier 1/Workforce and Misc. (for other work groups, general forum etc.) -Heather will introduce herself -may keep agenda vague since election is not final due to government shutdown -need our brochure to pass around advertising forum -need to print an agenda with speakers names for Business Meeting -we need to find out who is presenting for each group and who will lead each roundtable -Nicole will fill in for M and C -need to reach out to Peter, Toby, Chikeze, Raymona -need to confirm breakfast and AV equipment -everyone needs to send notes from roundtables, slides to Nicole by one week after meeting -Slides for each Committee and Work Group due October 30 -Tricia will work out timing and create the agenda Elections: -Kathleen may stay as M and C Chair while training a new Co-Chair to take more responsibility -Program Committee elections are moving forward -We need to identify a Secretary candidate, this is a great position for people to learn more about the Genomics Forum, they are responsible for setting up and taking notes at meeting for the Committees and General Membership -the secretary does not need to be on all calls but does need to make sure there is a person on each call to take minutes -often a student or young professional is great in this role so please reach out to anyone you think might be a good candidate