Transition Block Content Overview The Transition Block content encompasses the typical transitions social workers facilitate with families, including reunification, placement changes, and After 18. This includes development of a trauma-focused transition practice. The revised content in Common Core 3.0 replaces the following modules (in part) in the current core curriculum: Family Engagement and Case Planning Permanency and Placement There are 2 e-learning modules, 1 classroom module, and 3 field activities in this block. eLearning: o Case Closure and After Care Plans for all Transitioning Cases o After 18 Classroom o Transition Practice Field o Transition in Teams o Developing a Transition Plan o After 18 Block 6 – Transition Case Closure and After Care Plans for all Transitioning Cases 100 Level Elearning After 18 Field 200 Level 1 hour Practice developing a transition plan After 18 1 hour Observe a team meeting planning a transition Developing a transition plan 1 day Planning transition with families Minimizing trauma in placement changes and Transitioning to permanency Case management during transitions Managing transition within teams Transition in teams 60 minutes Understanding eligibility and Extended Foster Care basics Engaging and working with young adults (rights, role changes, self-determination) Transition practice 100 Level Classroom 60 minutes Assessing risk of future maltreatment and presence or absence of protective capacities Aftercare and Circles of support 1 hour Practice engaging with non-minor dependent youth Classroom - Knowledge and Skill Reinforcement Common Core Transition Block August 2015 1 day Learning Objectives Online Module: Case Closure and after care plans for all transitioning cases (60 minutes) Knowledge K1. The trainee will be able to identify the safety, risk, and protective capacity factors to assess when deciding whether or not to recommend closing a case. K2. The trainee will be able to identify the purpose and key components of an aftercare plan for the following case types to ensure families, youth, and young adults have necessary supports after case closure. Case closure: Reunification Adoptive families Guardianship families Transitioning Youth K3 The trainee will be able to identify the role of the team in helping children, youth and families manage transitions. K4. The trainee will be able to identify factors associated with foster care re-entry following reunification. K5. The trainee will be able to identify the circles of support concept and a process to follow to continue the family’s support circle at case closure including linking to informal safety. Values V1. The trainee will value engaging and empowering family members in planning for supports after case closure. V2. The trainee will value developing aftercare plans as a practice that decreases risk of future maltreatment and harm. Online Module: After 18 (60 minutes) Knowledge K1. The trainee will be able to identify the After 18 program providing extended foster care for young adults age 18-21. K2. The trainee will be able to identify the role of the social worker in preparing for and developing the TILP/TILCP with youth in foster care and young adults in extended foster care. K3. The trainee will be able to identify placement options for young adults in extended foster care. K4. The trainee will recognize the following goals for working with non-minor dependent youth: a. assisting youth in developing and maintaining ongoing permanent connections b. engaging youth in the development of Transitional Independent Living Plans c. engaging youth in the development of Mutual Agreements d. shifting roles to allow increased autonomy and independence K5. The trainee will recognize the provisions for exiting extended foster care and re-entering extended foster care. Values V1. The trainee will value the increasing independence and autonomy of youth in extended foster care. V2. The trainee will value the role of the social worker as a consultant and partner in decision-making with non-minor dependent youth in extended foster care. Classroom Training: Transition Practice (1 day) Knowledge K1. The trainee will be able to describe the types of transitions children, youth and families, and social workers experience during placement changes, team changes, social worker changes, reunification, and case closure. K2. The trainee will be able to identify trauma-informed social worker practices to assist children, youth and families and Common Core Transition Block August 2015 teams in managing transitions. K3. The trainee will be able to identify the role of culture and bias in child welfare permanency practice (inclusion of ICWA/BIA guidelines) Skill S1. Using a vignette, the trainee will be able to describe 3 strategies to assist children youth and families in transition to permanency. S2. Using a vignette, the trainee will be able to demonstrate developing an aftercare plan in a team setting. S3. Using a vignette, the trainee will be able to identify potential biases in efforts to address permanency. S4. Using a vignette, the trainee will be able to identify and address his or her own emotional responses to transition. Values V1. The trainee will value the role of the social worker in facilitating CWS transitions. V2. The trainee will value the role of the team in facilitating CWS transitions. Field Training: Transition in Teams (1 hour) Knowledge K1. Following observation, the trainee will be able to describe the trauma-informed social worker practices that facilitated transition planning in a team setting or a meeting with a family. (Note: if no observation opportunity available, done in conversation with field advisor) K2. Following observation, the trainee will be able to describe the role of the team members or members of the family in developing their transition plan. (Note: if no observation opportunity available, done in conversation with field advisor) K3. Following observation, the trainee will be able to describe the key components of the family’s transition plan. (Note: if no observation opportunity available, done in conversation with field advisor) Values V1. The trainee will value using a family driven transition plan development approach. Field Training: Developing a Transition Plan (2 hours) Knowledge K1. The trainee will be able to articulate knowledge of key components to include in a transition plan. Skill S1. The trainee will complete one of the following activities: a. Engage family members in developing a transition plan and document the plan b. Observe an assigned primary social worker develop a transition plan c. Review a transition plan developed with a family or the concept of a transition plan and discuss with the field advisor Values V1. The trainee will value a respectful, empathic, and strength-based approach to working with a family to develop and implement a transition plan. Common Core Transition Block August 2015 Field Training: After 18 (1 Hour) Knowledge K1. The trainee will be able to describe practices to enhance engagement with young adults in extended foster care. Skill S1. The trainee will engage a young adult in extended foster care in developing or updating a TILP / TILCP. S2. The trainee will document a youth’s progress toward meeting TILP / TILCP objectives or document a TILP / TILCP or TILP / TILCP update developed with a young adult in extended foster care. This activity may be completed via one of the following: a. The trainee may complete the activity while working with a youth on his or caseload b. The trainee may complete the activity following observation of an interaction between another social worker and a youth Values V1. The trainee will value the role of extended foster care in assisting young adults to gradually transition to independent adulthood. Common Core Transition Block August 2015