Mariyam Muhidin Biology 1615 lab November 6 2010 Summary Gaps in the Childhood Malaria Burden in Africa: Cerebral Malaria, Neurological Sequelae, Anemia, Respiratory Distress, Hypoglycemia, and Complications of Pregnancy. Sean C. Murphy and Joel G. Breman The article was published by the society of tropical medicine and hygiene in 2001, the authors wrote their paper in order to find out how malaria have affected millions of children in Africa and how this disease has caused other diseases. 100 countries, which are more than 40% of the world’s population, live in critical endemic malaria. The countries are Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, Southeast Asia, the eastern Mediterranean, Afghanistan, the western pacific, and parts of Europe have experienced diseases such as Malaria. Malaria affects the health and wealth of nations and people in every part of the world. Malaria is a very serious, life threathing disease that is passed from person to person. It is one of the largest diseases around the world. Malaria is a parasitic disease that involves high fever, shaking chills, flu like symptoms and anemia and in a variety of disease forms. Malaria has affect millions of children in Africa and how this disease has caused other diseases. Malaria is caused by a parasite that is transmitted from one human to another by the bite of infected Anopheles mosquitoes. In human, the parasites migrated to the liver where they mature and release other form merozoites. These enter the bloodstream and infect the red blood cells. Malaria also caused other forms of disease like respiratory distress, which is difficult breathing. Malaria is a huge problem in Africa, pregnant women in prenatal health clinics, deliveries in sub-Saharan Africa were related to malaria, Mortality risks are high for newborns likely to die during the first month. Affected 575, 00 children who were less than five year old in Sahara Africa 110,000 people lied from this disease. We estimated the impact of these malaria manifestation on members of the African population, between 167,000 and 967,000 cases of malaria associated occur yearly. Hypoglycemia known as low blood glucose or low blood sugar, occur when the blood glucose drop below normal level. Anemia which is the result from the destruction of the red blood cells. The result means that many children in sub-Saharan Africa are suffering from malaria and Lacking health which cause their immune system to be highly low. Its very important for individuals who are lacking sufficient health in Africa that are highly capable of preventing it. By ignoring the disease and refusing to send the adequate assistance, they are only keeping the African people down and to help building up the economies of the African countries so that they can compete with the rest of the world. Research articles, reviews, books, and other reports published 1966–1999 were identified by key word searches. Bibliographies of reviews were browsed to identify additional articles, particularly those from WHO and United Nations sources and those published before 1966, when MEDLINE entries begin. The searches identified over 200 pertinent articles. From the collected reports, original scientific data and reliable demographic data were examined further and used in our calculations. Severe malarial anemia, respiratory distress, hypoglycemia-associated malaria, and malaria during pregnancy were studied. Rates were computed by use of demographic data from the United Nations, other international sources, and unpublished data. Children aged 0–9 years were considered for CM because the database was collected in an area where this age range was at greatest risk. Data from articles on these forms of malaria were used to calculate the importance of each manifestation to the childhood malaria burden in Africa. As data are accrued, the adequate assistance, they are only keeping the African people down and to help building up the economies of the African count there will be more precise estimations of both malaria’s burden and the impact of improved and new methods used to reduce each manifestation, allowing the gap to be closed.