Development assessment and compliance fees 2014-15

Dedicated to a better Brisbane
Development Assessment and
Compliance Fees
2014 – 15
Development Assessment and Compliance Fees 2014-15
Table of Contents
Development assessment and compliance fees 2014-15............................................................. 3
Getting started ................................................................................................................................... 3
Development fees .............................................................................................................................. 4
Development assessment fees ................................................................................................................... 4
Operational work, SPA compliance assessment and Council compliance assessment fees ...................... 4
Compliance and inspection fees................................................................................................................. 4
Plan sealing fees ......................................................................................................................................... 4
Discounts ........................................................................................................................................... 4
RiskSMART .................................................................................................................................................. 4
Religious and charitable organisations....................................................................................................... 4
Prelodgement meetings and advice..................................................................................................... 5
File scanning, preparation and storage ................................................................................................ 5
Development assessment fees ............................................................................................................ 6
Development types* .................................................................................................................................. 6
Domestic development .............................................................................................................................. 6
Limited code ............................................................................................................................................... 7
Demolition development ........................................................................................................................... 7
Reconfiguration development.................................................................................................................... 7
Multiple dwellings ...................................................................................................................................... 8
Development assessment area charge ...................................................................................................... 8
Fees relating to changing a development application/approval................................................................ 9
Specific fees for development applications and miscellaneous fees and charges...................................11
Refund of fees ..........................................................................................................................................11
Operational work, SPA compliance assessment and Council compliance assessment fees ................... 12
Minor and self-certified conditions ..........................................................................................................12
Minor plans ..............................................................................................................................................12
Standard plans ..........................................................................................................................................13
Other plans ...............................................................................................................................................14
Minor prescribed tidal work .....................................................................................................................14
Other prescribed tidal work .....................................................................................................................14
Compliance and inspection fees ........................................................................................................ 15
Water reticulation ....................................................................................................................................15
Sewer reticulation ....................................................................................................................................15
Roadwork and drainage .................................................................................................................... 15
Stormwater management ................................................................................................................. 15
Landscaping and parkland................................................................................................................. 15
Environmental management ............................................................................................................. 15
Erosion and sediment control ........................................................................................................... 16
Additional compliance fees ............................................................................................................... 17
Plan sealing fees ............................................................................................................................... 18
Further information .......................................................................................................................... 18
Development Assessment and Compliance Fees 2014-15
Development assessment and compliance fees 2014-15
This factsheet will assist you to determine which Brisbane City Council development assessment and
compliance fees are applicable to your development.
Council’s new planning scheme Brisbane City Plan 2014 (City Plan) came into effect on 30 June 2014. In line
with the changes in City Plan, new, simplified sets of fees will apply to both new applications and
applications lodged under the superseded planning scheme, Brisbane City Plan 2000.
You are required to pay fees to Council where an application is required to be lodged, whether it is
assessing a new development, ensuring compliance of a development condition or for the plan sealing of
your land. This factsheet identifies the full list of fees applicable for development types in Brisbane.
Fees listed include GST, where applicable. Fees outlined in this factsheet do not include infrastructure
For staged developments, each development stage is classed as a separate development application for fee
These fees apply to development applications, requests for compliance assessment and matters under the
Sustainable Planning Act 2009 (SPA), Integrated Planning Act 1997 or South Bank Corporation Act 1989.
Getting started
If you need help preparing your development application, or are unsure whether your proposal will meet
the requirements of City Plan, you can discuss your application with officers from Council’s Development
Assessment team using Council’s prelodgement services.
These services will help identify relevant issues, ensure your application is on the right track, and assist
Council to assess your application quickly. Costs for prelodgement meetings are listed on page 5.
For information on how the development assessment process works and what you need to provide with
your application, visit and search for ‘planning and building’.
You can also call Council and speak to a town planner on (07) 3403 8888 or 133 BNE (133 263) for business
Development Assessment and Compliance Fees 2014-15
Development fees
Development assessment fees
An assessment fee is required to be paid upon lodgement of a development application. Development
assessment fees apply to development applications for material change of use, reconfiguring a lot and
building work.Applicants are required to pay an assessment fee for the development application to be
considered ‘properly made’ under SPA.
Fees relating to changing a development application/approval and miscellaneous fees/charges are listed on
page 4.
Operational work, SPA compliance assessment and Council compliance
assessment fees
Following assessment of your initial application, you may be required to submit an operational work
application/plan or a compliance assessment request. These fees are listed on page 12.
Compliance and inspection fees
Where Council is required to undertake an inspection of the development before construction, a fee will
need to be paid. This is a one-off fee calculated according to the size and complexity of your project, and
covers all inspections required during construction. These fees are listed on page 14.
Plan sealing fees
Where your development involves reconfiguring a lot, a fee is required for Council to endorse the survey
plan. Council will seal the plan when the development is finalised and all approval conditions have been
met. These fees are listed on page 18.
Applications lodged by a Council RiskSMART accredited consultant will attract a discount of 20% off the
standard relevant assessment fees, providing the application meets all the necessary requirements to be
lodged as a Council RiskSMART application.
Religious and charitable organisations
Applications by religious or charitable organisations listed in Appendix A of the Schedule of Fees and
Charges are entitled to a 50% fee discount. If the proposal is primarily for commercial purposes, no
discount will be allowed.
Development Assessment and Compliance Fees 2014-15
Prelodgement meetings and advice
You can meet in person with Council and/or Council can provide written advice about a development.
Standard prelodgement meeting (minimum one hour fee)
$550 per hour
Fast track prelodgement meeting (minimum one hour fee)
$1375 per hour
For details of this service, visit and search for
‘prelodgement advice’.
Discussion and calculation of infrastructure charges (minimum one hour
$550 per hour
Request for written information on development related matters
(This may include requests for general information in writing, calculation
of straightforward infrastructure charges and level of assessment
Request for advice that development is considered to be generally in
accordance with the development approval
Note: refunds do not apply to prelodgement meeting fees.
File scanning, preparation and storage
An additional fee for scanning, file preparation and file storage of development application documents
lodged in hardcopy form applies.
Hardcopy scanning, preparation and storage fee
Development Assessment and Compliance Fees 2014-15
Development assessment fees
Development types*
Whether you are doing building work, reconfiguring a lot or making a material change of use, your
development should fit into one of the following categories:
minor development
domestic development
limited code
demolition development
reconfiguration development
multiple dwellings
development assessment area charge.
*For definitions under Brisbane City Plan 2014 refer to Schedule 1—Definitions.
Minor development includes:
small scale building work requiring development approval (e.g. decks, pergolas, carports,
minor extensions (such as extensions to a dwelling house, dual occupancy, existing
approved single-unit dwelling or modifications to a single unit of a multiple dwelling
(including an additional room, garage, swimming pool))
small scale demolition work requiring development approval
rearranging boundaries to resolve encroachments
any other minor scale development as determined by Council.
Flat fee
Additional fee where the works (or part thereof) have been carried out
without Council approval.
Domestic development
Domestic development includes:
a new house, or extensions to a house, that are not minor
a home-based business
an access easement
any other domestic scale development as determined by Council.
Flat fee
Additional fee where the works (or part thereof) have been carried out
without Council approval.
Development Assessment and Compliance Fees 2014-15
Limited code
Where a code assessable development application is required for a house under section 5.3.3 (1) (c) (ii) of
Brisbane City Plan 2014, Council is required to limit its assessment to the subject of the self-assessable
acceptable outcome/s that are not complied with.
Base fee
Fee per non-compliant ‘acceptable outcome’
$250 per item of noncompliance (up to a
maximum of $1750)
Demolition development
Demolition development is any demolition, removal or relocation of whole or part of a building (partial
Demolition is broken into two fee types.
Demolition type A:
demolition where not lodged in conjunction with an accompanying aspect of development
(e.g. standalone demolition or removal of a building)
demolition at a heritage place.
Flat fee
Additional fee where the works (or part thereof) have been carried out
without Council approval.
Demolition type B:
demolition where lodged in conjunction with an accompanying aspect of development (e.g. an
extension of a pre-1946 dwelling in the Traditional building character overlay).
Flat fee
Additional fee where the works (or part thereof) have been carried out
without Council approval.
Reconfiguration development
Reconfiguration development includes:
reconfiguring a lot to create two or more resulting allotments
subdivision under the Body Corporate and Community Management Act 1997
Base fee, includes to 1-5 lots
Fee per lot, 5-10 lots
Fee per lot, more than 10 lots
Additional fee where the works (or part thereof) have been carried out
without Council approval.
Development Assessment and Compliance Fees 2014-15
Multiple dwellings
Multiple dwellings is the creation of residential accommodation involving self-contained units.
For example:
multiple dwelling, e.g. apartments, flats, units
dual occupancy, e.g. duplex
dwelling unit, e.g. ‘shop-top’ apartment.
Base fee, includes 2 units
Fee per unit, 3-6 units
Fee per unit, 7-100 units
Fee per unit, more than 100 units
Additional fee where the works (or part thereof) have been carried out
without Council approval.
Development assessment area charge
This fee relates to development for uses such as food and drink outlet, industry, office, shop, warehouse,
and is the combination of the below areas:
Gross Floor Area (GFA) as defined by Brisbane City Plan 2014
areas not forming part of the definition of GFA, where the area contains activities integral to the
development such as:
unenclosed structures
outdoor storage/stockpiling areas
footpath dining.
For a preliminary approval to override the planning scheme (s242 SPA), where an application is not
appropriately reflected by another development type, then the development assessment area charge is to
be applied to the site area of the land subject to the preliminary approval (s242 SPA).
Base fee
Fee per m2 between 51 m2 and 2000 m2
Fee per m2 greater than 2000 m2
Additional fee where the works (or part thereof) have been carried out
without Council approval.
Note. This fee is to be applied to the assessment of accommodation uses, not involving self-contained
units, including:
community care centre
community residence
relocatable home park
residential care facility
retirement facility
rooming accommodation
short-term accommodation.
Development Assessment and Compliance Fees 2014-15
Fees relating to changing a development application/approval
Development/work type
Fee per
Fee in addition to the regular application charge for
a preliminary approval to affect the planning
scheme (s242 SPA)
Domestic and operational
Where the preliminary approval is applied to various
aspects of development, then this fee is to be
applied to each aspect.
For example, preliminary approval to change the
level of assessment for the future development of a
Multiple dwellings/
development assessment
area charge/reconfiguration
Request for consideration under a superseded
planning scheme (s95 SPA)
Minor development and
operational work
assessment area
Change development application, where change is
only to applicant's details (SPA s351)
Change development application, other than
staging (SPA s351)
25% of current development application fee
Request to change a development application,
where including staged development (SPA s351)
Current application assessment fee for staged
development minus application fee actually
paid for unstaged development
Request to change a development approval, where
including staged development (includes
changing/cancelling conditions) (SPA s369)
Request to change a development approval, other
than staging (includes changing/cancelling
conditions) (SPA s369)
Request to change a compliance permit/certificate
(includes changing/cancelling conditions) (SPA
Minor development
Domestic/demolition and
operational work
development assessment
area charge/reconfiguration
Minor plan and minor
prescribed tidal works
Standard plans
Other plans
Other prescribed tidal works
Development Assessment and Compliance Fees 2014-15
Request to extend relevant period (SPA s383)
This fee relates to the following development types:
multiple dwellings
development assessment area charge
reconfiguration development types
other prescribed tidal work.
Request to extend relevant period (SPA s383) for
minor development
This fee relates to the following development types:
minor and domestic development types
minor, standard and other plans
operational works/compliance assessment types
minor prescribed tidal work.
Request to extend period (SPA s98) when
development under a superseded planning scheme
must start (i.e. if Council has agreed to a request
under section 95(1)(a))
Cancel a development approval (SPA s379)
Request to change or cancel a particular condition,
where the conditions were not applied under the
Sustainable Planning Act 2009 (SPA) or a previous
planning act (SPA s378) (e.g. a condition of an
environmentally relevant activity applied under the
Environmental Protection Act 1994)
Pre-request to change a development approval
under s368 SPA (e.g. where applying to change an
approval and/or condition given by the Planning and
Environment Court)
Request for a Negotiated Decision Notice (SPA
Request for a Negotiated Infrastructure Charges
Notice (SPA s677)
Development Assessment and Compliance Fees 2014-15
Specific fees for development applications and miscellaneous fees and charges
Alterations to facade facing Queen Street, Brunswick Street or
Chinatown Malls*
Assessment of proposed structure plan or centre concept plan*
Fee per plan
Site less than 20 hectares
Site of 20 hectares or more
Liquor licence investigation
Fee per investigation
One-off public event (one or multiple permits)
Adult entertainment
Fee per investigation
Adult entertainment permit investigation
Reapplication of adult entertainment permit
Preparation of an infrastructure agreement
$132 per hour
Commercial driveway permit (construction and/or repair of access
ramp, crossing or driveway)
$555 per permit
Building on, over or using roads, footpaths or pedestrian areas
(hoarding and gantry)
Per application
Application fee
Permit fee:
Per each square metre of
space utilised under the
permit, per month
zone A—the Principal centre (City centre) zone (PC1) as identified in
Brisbane City Plan 2014 (does not includee the Queen Street Mall or
the Fortitude Valley Malls)
$19.50 (zone A)
zone B—the Principal centre (Regional Centre) zone (PC2) as
identified in Brisbane City Plan 2014
$7.25 (zone B)
zone C—other areas of Brisbane.
$3.60 (zone C)
fees are per request, additional requests will incur additional fees
*if a structure plan or centre concept plan is required by the planning scheme, this fee is to be paid
when the development application is lodged.
Refund of fees
Applicants may request a fee refund when withdrawing an application.
All applications for a fee refund must be made in writing to the Manager, Development Assessment,
Brisbane City Council. The decision to grant a refund is made on a case-by-case basis.
Development Assessment and Compliance Fees 2014-15
Operational work, SPA compliance assessment and Council compliance
assessment fees
Minor and self-certified conditions
Administration fee for fast track self-certified builds where full assessment is not required, including:
over or near stormwater, minor water, minor wastewater, professionally certified roadworks and
other works where full assessment is not required
minor and self-certified works, where not relating to engineering, in accordance with a condition
of a development approval
any other or self-certified conditions as determined by Council.
Fee per plan
Additional flat fee for operational work without approval
Minor plans
Minor plans include:
private landscape management and site works plans for sites up to 2000 m²
erosion and sediment control plans for sites up to 2000 m²
traffic functional layout plans (type A, B or C roads)
signs and line marking plans (type A, B or C roads)
architectural plans – external materials, colours and finishes
any other minor plans as determined by Council.
Fee per compliance assessment
Additional flat fee for operational work without approval
Development Assessment and Compliance Fees 2014-15
Standard plans
Standard plans include:
public landscape management and site works plans
private landscape management and site works plans for sites greater than 2000 m2
erosion and sediment control plans for sites greater than 2000 m2
vegetation management and/or rehabilitation plans
roadworks and drainage plans
sewerage reticulation plans
water reticulation plans
filling and excavation/bulk earthworks plans
streetscape concept plans
construction management plans (including for out-of-hours noise)
traffic functional layout plans (type D roads and signalised intersections)
signs and line marking plans (type D roads and signalised intersections)
landscape works in parks
landscape works on and around roads
site-based stormwater quality management plan
site-based stormwater quantity management plan
car parking management plan
any other standard plans as determined by Council.
Fee per operational work for development involving up to 10 allotments
Fee per operational work for development greater than 10 allotments
Fee per compliance assessment
Additional flat fee for operational work without approval
Development Assessment and Compliance Fees 2014-15
Other plans
Other plans include:
environmental management plans
major infrastructure design plans (e.g. sewer pumping station, trunk mains, vacuum sewer, water
booster, water reservoir, bridge, traffic signals)
any other operational works or compliance assessment plans as determined by Council.
Fee per compliance assessment
Additional flat fee for operational work without approval
Minor prescribed tidal work
For example, pontoon or jetty associated with a house, pipeline, embankment, drain or boat ramp.
Fee per application
Additional flat fee for operational work without approval
Other prescribed tidal work
For example, revetment wall, marina, bridge, wharf or riverwalk promenade.
Fee per application
Additional flat fee for operational work without approval
Development Assessment and Compliance Fees 2014-15
Compliance and inspection fees
The number of compliance components that apply to your development will determine the fees you need
to pay at the compliance phase of the development.
A compliance and inspection fee must be paid before construction begins. This is a one-off fee calculated
according to the size and complexity of the project and covers all inspections required during construction.
Below is a list of components that may be relevant to your development.
Water reticulation
The development requires construction of a water reticulation system. Before construction, a water
reticulation operational work/compliance assessment plan must be lodged and approved. This excludes
minor work involving property connection/s only.
Sewer reticulation
The development requires construction of a sewer reticulation system. Before construction, a sewer
reticulation operational work/compliance assessment plan must be lodged and approved. This excludes
minor work involving property connection/s only.
Roadwork and drainage
The development requires construction of roadwork and/or stormwater drainage infrastructure. Before
construction, a roadwork and/or stormwater drainage operational work/compliance assessment plan must
be lodged and approved.
Stormwater management
A development approval requires a site-based stormwater management plan to be submitted and
Landscaping and parkland
A development approval requires landscaping or parkland and/or other infrastructure plans to be
submitted and approved.
Environmental management
A development approval requires work within a waterway corridor and/or where an environmental
management plan is required to be submitted and approved.
Development Assessment and Compliance Fees 2014-15
Erosion and sediment control
A development approval requires an erosion and sediment control (ESC) plan to be submitted and
Number of project components
(Fees are per development approval)
Boundary realignment
Access easement
1-3 lots (including boundary rearrangement)
4-7 lots
8-15 lots
4 or more
(up to 2
16-30 lots
(up to 3 components)
31 or more lots
(up to 3 components)
Material change of use and/or building work
Fee per
Erosion and sediment control and minor impacts on Council assets (e.g.
footpath, driveway crossover, water supply connection, sewerage connection,
stormwater drainage outlets, service extensions to connect to existing services)
Erosion and sediment control and major impacts on Council assets (e.g.
footpath or road widening, sewer manhole, sewer main, water main,
stormwater manhole, stormwater drain line)
Up to 2 project components
3 project components
4 or more project components
Development Assessment and Compliance Fees 2014-15
Additional compliance fees
Major infrastructure items
Major water or wastewater infrastructure (e.g. sewer pumping stations, trunk
mains, vacuum sewer, water booster, water reservoir), bridge, traffic signals or
other items determined by Council.
$7160 per
infrastructure item
Additional inspection fee including:
$365 per site
reinspection of work failing an initial inspection
inspection in response to a valid complaint about non-compliance
any other non-scheduled inspection.
Approval for building over sewer where inspected and assessed by private
building certifier or Registered Professional Engineer of Queensland.
Approval for building over stormwater and sewer infrastructure (including
overland flow) where assessed by Council.
Development Assessment and Compliance Fees 2014-15
Plan sealing fees
Compliance assessment of subdivision plan or endorsement of survey plan
Compliance assessment/survey plan endorsement (includes
approval of street names and advice of house numbering where
plus $175 per lot on survey
Note: includes park, balance, reserve or similar lots as shown on survey
Resubmission/re-endorsement of survey plan
$390 per survey plan
Request for Council to accept bond for incomplete work
Where the value of the bond is up to and including $200,000
$1935 per request
Where the value of the bond is between $200,000–$500,000
$2365 per request
Where the value of the bond is more than $500,000
$2795 per request
Resubmission of bond request if initial request is inadequate or
$390 per resubmission
Request for approval of street naming where not part of survey
plan endorsement
$405 per request
Request to change the official house number
$360 per request
Community title scheme endorsement (Survey plan endorsement where no previous approval
was required for reconfiguration.)
Endorsement of proposed survey plan
Up to four units (base fee)
Each additional unit
Community Management Statement endorsement
(flat fee)
Further information
For more information about planning and development assessment and compliance fees, visit or call Council on (07) 3403 8888 or 133 BNE (133 263) for business enquiries.