File - Mr. Schonhoff

Marriage, Family, & Commitment (Spring 2016)
Mr. Schonhoff (
LAP #1: Family in Church and Culture
Essential Question: How do we define the concept of family?
Note: All Retakes and Late Assignments from LAP 1 will be due by the end of LAP 2. Failure to
turn in late or missing work by the last class day on LAP 3 will result in a ZERO for that particular
assignment – no exceptions.
Overview: Lap 1 is an introduction to the main philosophies, theories and criteria needed to
study life commitments this semester. This begins with an extensive analysis of the core ideas
surround the basic interactive unit for humans – the family. This lap will focus on what the
family is and how we should view it. The purpose of this lap is to gain a broader perspective of
our complex personal relationships and the relationship in society.
Learning Goals & Objectives:
 Explain and critique the Catholic Church’s image/definition of marriage and “the family.”
 Identify and critique the various concepts of family and how the different
form/structures impact our lives (personally & communally).
 Analyze the different theories of family behavior and how they impact our
understanding of family behaviors.
 Judge the different sides of the debate over family vs. families (postmodern vs. modern)
 Evaluate the various controversial points between liberal v. conservative philosophies
Open Lab Assignments
Read: “Oldest Youngest, or in Between” located in open lab folder or on
the weebly site. In one 10-15 sentence paragraph, evaluate the article.
Your evaluation should include the following:
1. What do the authors argue?
2. Do you agree or disagree that birth order affects personality?
Why or why not?
3. Think about where you fall in your family. Do you think the traits
named fit you? Why or why not?
Next, watch an episode of Modern Family, The Brady Bunch, The Cosby
Show, Full House, Boy Meets World, Girl Meets World, or another
appropriate show of your choosing that focuses on family. In one 7-12
sentence paragraph, evaluate the type of family and children
relationships. Your evaluation should include the following:
1. What type of family is being shown in the show? (Use your
homework readings)
2. How would you describe the family dynamics? Do you think this
family is true to life or the “ideal” family? Why or why not?
3. Looking at the children in the show, do they have the traits that
the author of the article assigns to the child’s birth order? Why or
why not?
Date Due
TH: 1/25 (D)
BW: 1/25 (D)
 (Formative): Complete 2 days of “Daily Content Questions” of your choosing.
 Must be typed, well-written, w/MLA Heading (can be single-spaced and double-sided).
 Must be submitted in hard-copy at the beginning of class.
 Must be answered in complete sentences.
 Turn in the day of class for which your questions were due (ie. Day 2 questions must be
turned in in-class on Day 2; they cannot be turned in Day 4).
 You cannot do Day 1 questions. (10 pts each).
Calendar of Events
DAY 1: Introduction and Vocations
Readings/Activity DUE at the beginning of the class:
Daily Content Questions:
1. What do I already know about marriage, family & commitments?
2. How do I know about marriage, family & commitments?
3. What do I hope to learn about marriage family and commitments this
TH: 1/7 (C) – L
BW: 1/8 – D
DAY 2: Marraige = Family in the Roman Catholic Church
Readings Due in Class Today: Read: “Marriage: Love and Life in the Divine
Plan,” A Pastoral Letter of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
pages 1-11. You may stop reading at the section titled “The Two Ends or
Purposes of Marriage.”
Daily Content Questions:
1. What do the US bishops believe first disrupted the relationship
between man and woman? How has this relationship been restored?
2. The bishops see 5 specific areas of trouble in the understanding of
marriage today. Explain what these 5 challenges to marriage are.
3. How do the bishops define marriage?
4. What is the reasoning behind the bishops’ arguments that marriage is
essentially a male-female counterpart? Do you consider this a strong or
a weak argument? Why or why not?
TH: 1/11 (E)
BW: 1/11 (E)
DAY 3: The Two Ends of Marriage & Cultural Definitions of Family
Readings/Activity DUE at the beginning of the class:
1. Read: “Marriage: Love and Life in the Divine Plan,” A Pastoral Letter of
the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops pages 11-15. Stop
reading at the section titled “How Are the Two Ends of Marriage
2. Read: DeGenova & Rice – What is Family; & Changes in Family
Philosophy and Emphasis: p. 4-9 (found in Lap Compendium)
TH: 1/13 (G) – W
BW: 1/14 (H)
Daily Content Questions:
1. From “Marriage: Love and Life in the Divine Plan”: What is the spousal
significance of the body? Do you agree with this concept of what it
means to be human or not? Why or why not?
2. From “Marriage: Love and Life in the Divine Plan”: Explain the 2
purposes of marriage presented by the Catholic bishops. Critique them-Do you agree with both, one or the other, do you see problems here,
3. From DeGenova & Rice: Which family form most accurately describes
your current situation? Are there any family forms that are better or
worse than others – explain? Should society/government accept all the
family forms?
4. From DeGenova & Rice: Why did the change from institution to
companionship occur within our family structure? Why did the change
from patriarchy to democracy occur within our family structure?
Readings/Activity DUE at the beginning of the class:
1. DeGenova & Rice – Theories to Help Explain Family Behavior: p. 2632 (found in Lap Compendium located on Weebly)
Daily Content Questions:
1. Not found in readings but your own theory: Why do you think
families have developed in the U.S. into the way that they have
(nuclear)? What purposes do you see the “family” fulfilling both for the
individual family members and for society as at large?
2. What is the Symbolic Interaction theory? What can Symbolic
Interaction theory teach us about family?
3. Do you agree with the principle behind Exchange theory (what about
Equity theory)? Can you give an example of this theory from your life?
4. What is the role of Feminist theory in our society today? What is it
trying to accomplish and is it necessary?
TH: 1/19 (K)
BW: 1/19 (K)
Readings/Activity DUE at the beginning of the class:
1. Rubio – What is a Family; & Feminist Questioning of the Family: p. 313 (found in your textbook)
Daily Content Questions:
1. From the reading, what is the difference between “family” and
“families”? What is the potential problem with tolerating such diversity
in families?
2. What is the issue raised in the child day care debate? Should the
government help families in this situation – explain?
3. What are feminists challenging about the “family” and why? How do
you feel about their principles and arguments? Is the ideal oppressive
to women? Is the new dual vocation model oppressive as well?
4. What is the most common type of family? What does this type of
information tell us about family in our society?
TH: 1/21 (B)
BW: 1/21 (B)
Day 6:
Readings/Activity DUE at the beginning of the class:
1. Rubio – Christian Theology: Family or Families; & Listening to Families:
Talking about “the Family,” p. 13-24 (found in your textbook)
Daily Content Questions:
1. What is the liberal definition and view of family? Why do people (like
Lawler) argue that the ideal family is not historical? How does Cahill
use Genesis to argue a more flexible view of gender roles?
2. What is the conservative definition and view of family? What is the
problem with Post’s claim that the nuclear family is the best
environment to raise children?
3. What are the differences between liberal & conservative
interpretations about family within the scripture? Is the scripture
important in our formation of family – explain?
4. What is the Pope’s role in this discussion about family? What was
Pope JP II’s view on family? Should the Pope & the church continue to
hold true to the ideal?
Breakdown of Points
LAP 1 will consist of 30 total points, wrapped up in the following assignments:
 Signed Syllabus (5 pts)
 2 Sets of Daily Content Questions (20 pts)
 OL Assignment (15 pts)
TH: 1/22 (C)
BW: 1/25 (D)