Unit: Cells and Human body Grade Level/Course: 4th grade Science Teacher: Culberson/Ramirez Learning Goals (Question 1) Complex Simple SWBAT understand Thecirculatory system transports elements throughout the body the respiratory system takes oxygen into the body and expels carbon dioxide out of the body the nervous system detects and reacts to stimulus in the environment each body system is made of parts that work together as a whole SWK the nervous system sends messages through the body the respiratory system allows people to breathe the circulatory system carries blood through the bodies building blocks of the human body are cells, tissues, organs systems, and the organisms. Planning for Question 3 Planning for Question 2 Preview Safari montage video: Discussion about our bodies: each body system is made of parts that work together as a whole. Review T and S will create A KWL chart : Circulatory System guide S (using a visual ) the flow of blood in our bodies Critical Input Chunk Vocab: stimulus cells tissues Guide students through the uses and functions of our heart Read aloud: Your Heart By Terri Gezelle Actively Process S will write a list Ways to keep our hearts healthy and strong. (generalizing) Pair activity: Partner A writes about a scenario involving ways to keep our heart healthy ; Partner B illustrates the scenario T will guide and demonstrate using a diagram how blood flows through body S will practice how blood flows through the body by creating their own diagram and applying arrows thatcorrespond with the flow of blood. Finish :KWL chart on circulator system Planning for Question 4 S will be given a diagramethe circulatory system; S will be asked to label main parts of the circularly system. They will answer various questions pertaining to what functions certain parts of the heart are responsible for. Unit: Cells and Human body Grade Level/Course: 4th grade Science Teacher: Culberson/Ramirez Resources: Please add any text page numbers, web links, articles, or other unit resources here Safai Montage: Diagram taken from: Posters: Teacher made/downloaded diagram; 4th grade science notebook