Circulatory System Learning Menu

Circulatory System Learning Menu
You need to complete 100 points worth of assignments for the circulatory system unit.
You may choose from any of the assignments listed in the learning menu, but they need to
add up to 100 points. Work hard and have fun learning!
Assignment 1
Write a one paragraph description of how the heart acts as a pump.
10 points
Assignment 2
Make a diagram labeling the movement of blood from the heart to the lungs
and throughout the body.
10 points
Assignment 3
Write a poem that includes 8 vocabulary words about the circulatory system.
10 points
Assignment 4
Make a foldable about the circulatory system.
20 points
Assignment 5
Complete the data lab on page 404 in the textbook.
20 points
Assignment 6
Create a newsletter, illustrating different news events in the circulatory
20 points
Assignment 7
Write a one page essay describing the blood pathway, mentioning all of the
structures it passes.
30 points
Assignment 8
Write a one page essay describing the effects of atherosclerosis.
30 points
Assignment 9
Create a booklet illustrating the movement of blood through the circulatory
30 points
Extra Credit *
Perform the song Circulatory System by Rhythm Rhyme Results.
*The extra credit assignment may only be done if you have completed the 100
points worth of assignments.
15 points
Standards 5.a.b. 6.j.