dAir Project – Prague Airport Region Implementation Plan Outline Regional Implementation Plan is the major project output of dAIR project. The aim of the Regional Implementation Plan is to gain the reduction of CO2 emissions from surface transport and airport operation by the implementation of the set of measures to reduce CO2 according to the Directive for the Regional Implementation Plan. D-Air goals: - remove CO2 emission from surface transport with priority given to innovative measures remove CO2 emission from airport operation with priority given to innovative measures the assessment of the possibility of implementation of some of best practices detected during the study visits The reduction of CO2 emission by the implementation of known measures and exploring of new technologies and approaches is proposed to improve the relations between the airports and neighbouring communities resulting in airports operation impacts higher acceptance. Positive economy impact on surrounding should prevail and accompanying reduction of noise and other environmental impact are expected. The Implementation Plan will be targeted to two main problem areas, Prague airport surface access from Prague, surrounding region and The Czech Republic as a whole and area of airport operations containing all ground operations. It will also contain the assessment of the possible use of new technologies with the preference of the best practices collected during the study visits. Generally said the implementation plan will focus to the improvement of public transport and all at once cut-back of individual cars, and better use of energy and alternative drive. The outline of the Implementation Plan: Surface access: The survey, inventory of existing plans, definitions of the measures necessary to gain the target values and the assessment of the compliance of planned and necessary measures in the field of surface access. - - - The survey of current surface transport operations and resulting CO2 emissions Expected airport development and its impact to surface transport operations and resulting CO2 emissions Expected investments to rail connection to Kladno and Prague airport and improvements of Metropolitan integrated transport bus (tram) and car operation including parking and its impact to surface transport operations and resulting CO2 emissions Possibility of new technologies implementation (buses on demand, electric vehicles, car pooling, eco taxis, parking reservations) and its possible impact on CO2 emission reduction Target values for 2020 ad 2050 and the measures in the field of surface transport to reach them definition Compliance between the plans and necessary measures Airport operation: The survey, inventory of existing plans, definitions of the measures necessary to gain the target values and the assessment of the compliance of planned and necessary measures in the field of airport operation. - - The survey of the contribution of particular activities in Prague airport to CO2 emissions (baggage handling, cooling and heating, electricity, ventilation, water supply an cleaning) Expected development of airport facilities and operations both by Letiště Praha, a.s. and other service providers Target values for 2020 ad 2050 and the measures in the field of airport operation to reach them definition Compliance between the plans and necessary measures Common strategy definition: The definition and negotiation of the common for both problem areas. The aim will be to reach the compliance between expected situation in 2020 and 2050, current investment plans and target values on one side and necessary measures to reach them on the other one. The strategy will be elaborated for both problem areas with equal priority and with special attention to new technologies and best practices from European airport regions. The strategy will contain: - - The Plan to describe outcomes and identify their main activity, major milestones (important decisions / events), to create a financial plan and cost plan The inventory of best practices from study visits and description of its applicability to Prague Airport conditions Engagement and communication plan will contain also a plan for engagement and communication with stakeholders resulting from the Stakeholders Forum meetings. While elaboration the common strategy definite, the position paper of Air Quality Initiative of Regions from June 2012 will be taken as the important guideline. The strategy will be also directed to these goals: - to deliver improved air quality in Prague Airport Region to select limit values for the Prague Airport Region with highest impact on human health Compliance assessment of limit values EU level actions on standards setting, energy efficiency promotion and policy consistency in Prague Airport Region EU-wide cooperation to reduce transboundary pollution – to decrease the production of CO2 in the EU We just started negotiations with our closest partners – Central Bohemian Region, City of Prague and Vaclav Havel Airport about the good practices chosen during past study visits. We focus to define the shortlist of them, which are suitable and useful for our region as soon as possible. General condition for the success of our effort is to achieve substantial progress in cooperation between Prague and Central Bohemian Region. It´s our first goal. Issuedd in Prague, 27th December 2013 Jan Kašík NDCon, Vladimír Vytiska PAR