Form C4 Heriot-Watt University - Course Descriptor 1. Course Code C49YS 5. School Management and Languages 7. Delivery: Location & Semester Edin SBC Orkney Dubai IDL Collaborative Partner Approved Learning Partner Sem….. Sem……. Sem……….. Sem…….. Sem…. Name…………………….....Sem..…... Name …………………………………Sem……….. 8. Pre-requisites 2. Course Title Year 3 Abroad for International Business Management and 3. SCQF 9 Languages Double Degree (IBMLDD) Level 6. Course Ann McFall Co-ordinator 4. Credits 120 Students must have 240 credits to study abroad 9. Linked Courses (specify if synoptic) 10. Excluded Courses 11. Replacement Courses Code: 12. Degrees for which this is a core course Date Of Replacement: 13. The course may be delivered to: UG only PG only UG & PG International Business Management and Languages Double Degree (IBMLDD) 14. Available as an Elective? Yes No 15. Aims To enable the students to engage in both guided and independent study abroad. To deepen the students’ knowledge and understanding of Management subjects To frame the students’ study of Business Management in a different linguistic and cultural setting To develop the student's sustained command of appropriate linguistic skills in foreign languages. To enable the students to become completely integrated in a different university and business culture and to be able to operate successfully in both. 16. Syllabus After two years of study at Heriot-Watt, the Double Degree students complete their studies abroad at a partner institution with which the School of Management and Languages has an exchange agreement (EM Strasbourg Business School). In this first year abroad, students are required to follow a 3rd year course programme in European Management. Upon successful completion of this year students are awarded a BA, the University's "Bachelor in European Management". Students are required to maintain contact with the Heriot-Watt IBML Course Coordinator but, to all intents and purposes, become Strasbourg students and are subject to their academic procedures. 1/2 Form C4 Heriot-Watt University - Course Descriptor 17. Learning Outcomes (HWU Core Skills: Employability and Professional Career Readiness) Subject Mastery Understanding, Knowledge and Cognitive Skills Scholarship, Enquiry and Research (Research-Informed Learning) Identify, analyse and resolve routine problems and issues associated with living abroad. Develop an understanding of intercultural and inter-lingual issues. Deepen knowledge and awareness of Management subjects by approaching them from a different perspective. Demonstrate flexibility and ability to adapt to different working environments and methods. Demonstrate the linguistic and cognitive competence to study for a Management degree in another language. Personal Abilities Industrial, Commercial & Professional Practice Autonomy, Accountability & Working with Others Communication, Numeracy & ICT First -hand experience of business theory and practice in another country/cultural setting Demonstrate evidence of independent enquiry or investigation. Draw on a range of sources in making judgements. Work in a range of contexts which include a degree of unpredictability. Undertake critical analysis, evaluation and/or synthesis of ideas, concepts, information and issues. Develop oral and written communication skills. Develop interpersonal skills. Use a range of IT applications to support and enhance work. Exercise autonomy and initiative. Working collaboratively in a team within an intercultural context 18. Assessment Methods Method 19. Re-assessment Methods Duration of Exam Weighting (%) Synoptic courses? Method (if applicable) Obtaining an average of at least 10/20 in a range of compulsory subjects A variety of assessment methods during the course of the year. Duration of Exam (if applicable) Subject to the rules at Strasbourg Business School, but always consisting of a written exam. An anonymous transcript of 3rd year (Bachelor) results is attached to the end of this document 20. Date and Version Date of Proposal Date of Approval by School Committee Date of Implementation Version Number 2/2 Diet(s)