McCracken County Preschool Tuition Application Tuition preschool

McCracken County Preschool Tuition Application
Tuition preschool is available for children who will be 4 years old by October 1 and who do not qualify for the
KERA preschool program. Tuition preschool is integrated with our KERA preschool program. Tuition
preschoolers come all day twice a week (Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday). Each preschool program
has tuition slots available. The number of qualifying students and our KERA preschool regulations determine
the number of tuition slots available. Tuition slots are filled in the following order:
1. Children who live in the school district where they are applying. (i.e. My house is in the Concord
district. I am applying for tuition preschool at Concord.)
2. Tuition placement out of the child’s school district (i.e. My child lives in the Farley district but her
grandparents live in the Lone Oak Elementary district. They will be picking her up from school. So, I
want to pay tuition for the Lone Oak Elementary preschool program.)
3. Out of county requests (i.e. We live in Graves County; but, I work in Paducah. I want to drop my child
off at Hendron/Lone Oak Elementary on the way to work.)
The cost for tuition preschool is $200 per month per child. This fee is paid to the McCracken County Board of
Education. Payments may be dropped off each month to the school secretary. This flat fee of $200 per month
is charged regardless of the number of days or hours a child attends tuition preschool. Tuition preschoolers
may purchase breakfast, lunch and/or a snack or they may bring their own food. Tuition families must provide
their own transportation unless the stop is located on the preschool route.
Questions: contact the Director of Preschool at 538-4000
If my child does not qualify for the KERA preschool program, I am interested in tuition preschool. *
Parent Signature
Parent Name ______________________________________
Contact Phone Number ______________________________
Address __________________________________________
Child’s Name ______________________________________
Child’s Birth Date ___________________________________
I am applying for tuition preschool at ____________________________ Elementary School.
*If a tuition slot is available at the school you requested, a $50 non-refundable deposit is required to hold
your slot.