2015-16 Fees & Tuition

Fees and Monthly Tuition
A registration fee of $125.00 shall be paid preferably by check, to SMC Preschool and will be
nonrefundable. Once the Preschool Director has collected your registration fee, your child is
enrolled in our preschool program.
A monthly tuition fee shall be paid to the Preschool Director, preferably by check, payable to
SMC Preschool. (Checks are to be made out to SMC Preschool.)
Tuition is due on the 1st of each month…...after the 10th of each month a $20.00 penalty shall
be automatically added if delinquent.
If a parent is more than one-month delinquent in payment of tuition, the Preschool will take
appropriate action under the guidance of the Pastoral Leadership Representatives.
Parents withdrawing a child during the school year shall receive no refund for the month
during which such action occurs if one month’s notice was not given to the Preschool Director
prior to removing your child from our program.
A $25.00 fine will be imposed for any check returned by the bank due to insufficient funds. If
the returned check is due to bank error, the parent will get a letter from the bank stating such.
If it is not a bank error, the parent will be required to pay any tuition, fees, penalties, etc. in
cash for the remainder of the school year.
There will be no refunds for absences due to illness, inclement weather, holidays, ,teacher
workdays, travel, etc.
Please do not send any payments with your child. You may leave your monthly tuition
payment check in the preschool mailbox or mail to:
Anna R. Kass
% SMC Preschool
1230 St. Mark’s Church Road
Burlington, N. C. 27215
Tuition fees are as follows:
Two Day Program
$100.00 per month
Three Day Program $135.00 per month
Five Day Program
$175.00 per month