Outcome Competencies

Table 2.6.2: Department/Division Competency matrices
Biostatistics provides students with the theoretical and applied statistical methodology and reasoning necessary for addressing, analyzing and
solving problems in public health; health care; and biomedical, clinical and population-based research; to undertake quantitative evaluation and
measurement; and to use methods of statistical inference and estimation to arrive at appropriate conclusions from laboratory, biomedical and public
health data. The biostatistics program prepares individuals to undertake teaching, research, and service roles in the public health sector through
active professional careers in government, industry, and academia. The program seeks to encourage student participation in collaborative research
projects whenever possible because of the crucial role that collaboration plays in a biostatistician's professional activities. All graduate in
biostatistics will be able to:
Outcome Competencies
Graduate Courses/Requirements
For all graduate degree programs in Biostatistics, students should:
Describe the roles biostatistics serves in public health
PUBHLTH 540, Introduction to Biostatistics
Distinguish among the different measurement scales and the implications for PUBHLTH 540, Introduction to Biostatistics
selection of statistical methods to be used based on these distinctions.
Describe conceptual frameworks (statistical literacy) in biostatistics
PUBHLTH 540, Introduction to Biostatistics
PUBHLTH 590AF, Biostatistics Methods I: Fundamentals of
Biostatistics and Statistical Computing
PUBHLTH 640, Intermediate Biostatistics
PUBHLTH 744, Comprehensive Data Analysis in Health Sciences
Apply biostatistical methods to the design of studies in public health.
PUBHLTH 540, Introduction to Biostatistics
PUBHLTH 640, Intermediate Biostatistics
PUBHLTH 691F, Data Management and Statistical Computation
PUBHLTH 690JQ, Modern Applied Statistical Methods
PUBHLTH 690NR, Methods 2: Statistical Modeling and Data
Use computers to appropriately store, manage, manipulate and process data
PUBHLTH 640, Intermediate Biostatistics
for a research study using modern software.
PUBHLTH 691F, Data Management and Statistical Computation
PUBHLTH 690JQ, Modern Applied Statistical Methods
PUBHLTH 690NR, Methods 2: Statistical Modeling and Data
PUBHLTH 744, Comprehensive Data Analysis in Health Sciences
PUBHLTH 697C, Matrix Algebra for Biostatistics
Apply descriptive techniques commonly used to summarize public health
PUBHLTH 540, Introduction to Biostatistics
PUBHLTH 590AF, Biostatistics Methods I: Fundamentals of
Biostatistics and Statistical Computing
PUBHLTH 640, Intermediate Biostatistics
PUBHLTH 691F, Data Management and Statistical Computation
Table 2.6.2 Continued.
Outcome Competencies
Describe the basic concepts of probability, random variation and selected,
commonly used, probability distributions.
Select and perform the appropriate descriptive and inferential statistical
methods in selected basic study design settings.
Graduate Courses/Requirements
PUBHLTH 540, Introduction to Biostatistics
PUBHLTH 590AF, Biostatistics Methods I: Fundamentals of
Biostatistics and Statistical Computing
PUBHLTH 640, Intermediate Biostatistics
PUBHLTH 540, Introduction to Biostatistics
PUBHLTH 590AF, Biostatistics Methods I: Fundamentals of
Biostatistics and Statistical Computing
PUBHLTH 690JQ, Modern Applied Statistical Methods
PUBHLTH 690NR, Methods 2: Statistical Modeling and Data
PUBHLTH 697B, Matrix Algebra for Biostatistics
PUBHLTH 744, Comprehensive Data Analysis in Health Sciences
Describe appropriate methodological alternatives to commonly used statistical PUBHLTH 590AF, Biostatistics Methods I: Fundamentals of
methods when assumptions are violated.
Biostatistics and Statistical Computing
PUBHLTH 640, Intermediate Biostatistics
Integrate analysis strategies in biostatistics with principles and issues in
PUBHLTH 540, Introduction to Biostatistics
PUBHLTH 590AF, Biostatistics Methods I: Fundamentals of
Biostatistics and Statistical Computing
PUBHLTH 690JQ, Modern Applied Statistical Methods
PUBHLTH 690NR, Methods 2: Statistical Modeling and Data
PUBHLTH 630, Principles of Epidemiology
PUBHLTH 640, Intermediate Biostatistics
PUBHLTH 632, Applied Epidemiology
Apply basic informatics techniques with vital statistics and public health
PUBHLTH 632, Applied Epidemiology
records in the description of public health characteristics.
PUBHLTH 640, Intermediate Biostatistics
Interpret results and critically evaluate basic statistical aspects of public health PUBHLTH 540, Introduction to Biostatistics
research and practice reported in the literature
PUBHLTH 590AF, Biostatistics Methods I: Fundamentals of
Biostatistics and Statistical Computing
PUBHLTH 690JQ, Modern Applied Statistical Methods
PUBHLTH 690NR, Methods 2: Statistical Modeling and Data
PUBHLTH 640, Intermediate Biostatistics
PUBHLTH 744, Comprehensive Data Analysis in Health Sciences
PUBHLTH 632, Applied Epidemiology
PUBHLTH 697D, Introduction to statistical computing in R
Table 2.6.2 Continued.
In addition, students in the M.S. degree program should:
Assist in the application of statistical theory to applied statistical problems.
Develop a conceptual framework that integrates techniques and methods in
Critically evaluate statistical aspects of public health research reported in the
Develop written and oral presentations based on statistical analyses for both
public health professionals and educated lay audiences.
STAT 515, Statistics I
STAT 516, Statistics II
PUBHLTH 697C, Matrix Algebra for Biostatistics
PUBHLTH 740, Analysis of Mixed Modeling Data
PUBHLTH 790C, Advanced Computational Statistics
PUBHLTH 590AF, Biostatistics Methods I: Fundamentals of
Biostatistics and Statistical Computing
PUBHLTH 690JQ, Modern Applied Statistical Methods
PUBHLTH 690NR, Methods 2: Statistical Modeling and Data
PUBHLTH 743, Analysis of Categorical Data in Public Health
PUBHLTH 590AF, Biostatistics Methods I: Fundamentals of
Biostatistics and Statistical Computing
PUBHLTH 690JQ, Modern Applied Statistical Methods
PUBHLTH 690NR, Methods 2: Statistical Modeling and Data
PUBHLTH 632, Applied Epidemiology
PUBHLTH 697D, Introduction to statistical computing in R
PUBHLTH 744, Comprehensive Data Analysis in Health Sciences
PUBHLTH 690JQ, Modern Applied Statistical Methods
PUBHLTH 690NR, Methods 2: Statistical Modeling and Data
PUBHLTH 744, Comprehensive Data Analysis in Health Sciences
or thesis
In addition, students in the Ph.D. degree program should:
STAT 607, Mathematical Statistics I
STAT 608, Mathematical Statistics II
PUBHLTH 892, Doctoral Seminar
Develop statistical methodology in an important area of health research. This Dissertation research
usually involves a demonstration, using recent data, of how the methods
developed actually work in practice.
Teach basic statistical theory and applications to biostatistics majors and other Serves as T.A. in:
health science majors.
PUBHLTH 391B Introduction to Biostatistics for Public Health,
PUBHLTH 540 Introduction to Biostatistics or PUBHLTH 640
Intermediate Biostatistics.
Apply statistical methods to solve problems in the health sciences and carry
out theoretical research in statistical methodology.
Epidemiology describes the distribution of diseases and other social factors in the community; identifies, through carefully designed research studies, the
determinants of disease; and aids in the development and evaluation of health programs. The epidemiology program prepares individuals to fill positions
in state, county and city health departments, federal agencies, academic consulting firms and industry.
Outcome Competencies
Graduate Courses/Requirements
For all graduate degree programs in Epidemiology, students
PUBHLTH 630, Principles of Epidemiology
Articulate the role of epidemiology in preserving and improving public
PUBHLTH 632, Applied Epidemiology
health. Contrast the epidemiologic population-based approach with the
M.P.H. Project
clinical perspective. Pose the appropriate research question when given a
public health or medical problem requiring a epidemiologic investigation.
Identify sources of health-related data in order to describe the distribution of
disease in populations. Generate hypotheses from descriptive data on disease
frequency in relation to person, place and time. Interpret health status indices
based on these data, such as mortality and morbidity rates.
PUBHLTH 630, Principles of Epidemiology
PUBHLTH 632, Applied Epidemiology
Explain the critical differences between epidemiologic descriptive and
analytic study designs, the measures that can be estimated from each, and
their strengths and limitations. Describe how to select an appropriate study
design for a specific research question or health problem.
PUBHLTH 630, Principles of Epidemiology
PUBHLTH 631, Epidemiological Investigation
PUBHLTH 632, Applied Epidemiology
PUBHLTH 737, Intermediate Epidemiological Methods
M.P.H. Project
Develop field epidemiological procedures consistent with recognized
standards of good epidemiological practice. Identify practical issues in
conducting epidemiologic studies.
PUBHLTH 630, Principles of Epidemiology
PUBHLTH 631, Epidemiological Investigation
PUBHLTH 632, Applied Epidemiology
M.P.H. Project
PUBHLTH 630, Principles of Epidemiology
PUBHLTH 632, Applied Epidemiology
M.P.H. Project
Identify primary and secondary sources of health data and methods for
accessing these sources. Identify the key theoretical and practical issues in
selecting study subjects. Identify demographic, social/behavioral and
environmental factors which have an impact on the problem under
Analyze data using appropriate epidemiologic and biostatistical techniques
under the guidance of someone with more advanced training. Define,
compute, and interpret epidemiologic measures of prevalence, incidence,
relative risk, attributable risk, mortality ratios and estimates of their variance.
Use computer software for data processing and statistical analyses.
PUBHLTH 630, Principles of Epidemiology
PUBHLTH 632, Applied Epidemiology
PUBHLTH 540, Introduction to Biostatistics
PUBHLTH 640, Intermediate Biostatistics
PUBHLTH 691, Practical Data Management and Statistical Computing
M.P.H. Project
Table 2.6.2 Continued.
Outcome Competencies
Recognize the various forms of potential bias in epidemiological data and
their potential for occurrence in specific study situations. Propose methods to
measure them and (adjust for them) reduce their influence on the measures of
major interest. Explain and apply methods of standardization or adjustment
for factors such as age and gender in a study population. Discuss the
implications of study findings.
Evaluate the evidence in favor of and against the likelihood that an observed
association in epidemiologic studies is causal using a set of criteria. Define
the concept of the multifactorial nature of disease.
Conduct a systematic critical assessment of published epidemiological and
clinical studies and present these findings to a variety of audiences.
Evaluate the extent to which existing epidemiological findings can be
translated into practical public health interventions.
Articulate the role of epidemiology in public health surveillance. Present the
purpose and problems of interpretation in surveillance for acute and chronic
diseases and other factors important for public health.
Graduate Courses/Requirements
PUBHLTH 630, Principles of Epidemiology
PUBHLTH 632, Applied Epidemiology
PUBHLTH 540, Introduction to Biostatistics
PUBHLTH 640, Intermediate Biostatistics
PUBHLTH 737, Intermediate Epidemiological Methods
M.P.H. Project
PUBHLTH 630, Principles of Epidemiology
PUBHLTH 632, Applied Epidemiology
PUBHLTH 632, Applied Epidemiology
PUBHLTH 634, Nutritional Epidemiology
PUBHLTH 591l, Reproductive Epidemiology
PUBHLTH 639, Cancer Epidemiology
PUBHLTH 632, Applied Epidemiology
PUBHLTH 634, Nutritional Epidemiology
PUBHLTH 591l, Reproductive Epidemiology
PUBHLTH 639, Cancer Epidemiology
PUBHLTH 630, Principles of Epidemiology
PUBHLTH 632, Applied Epidemiology
PUBHLTH 737, Intermediate Epidemiological Methods
PUBHLTH 634, Nutritional Epidemiology
PUBHLTH 591l, Reproductive Epidemiology
PUBHLTH 639, Cancer Epidemiology
In addition, students in the M.S. degree program should:
Discuss, from knowledge of the literature, the epidemiology in a selected area PUBHLTH 634, Nutritional Epidemiology
M.S. Thesis
of concentration, namely chronic disease, nutrition, cancer,
environmental/occupational, or reproductive epidemiology.
PUBHLTH 631, Epidemiological Investigation
Develop a thesis proposal that demonstrates the ability to state a study
M.S. Thesis
question, present a scientific and public health rationale for its significance,
and specify a detailed methodology for carrying out an epidemiologic study to
answer a research question.
Perform multivariate analysis.
PUBHLTH 640, Intermediate Biostatistics
PUBHLTH 700, Analysis of Epidemiologic Data
PUBHLTH 743, Analysis of Categorical Data in Public Health
M.S. Thesis
Table 2.6.2 Continued.
Outcome Competencies
Discuss strategies for avoiding bias and improving study design.
Graduate Courses/Requirements
PUBHLTH 737, Intermediate Epidemiological Methods
Explore the subtleties and exceptions to epidemiologic methods.
PUBHLTH 737, Intermediate Epidemiological Methods
In addition, students in the Ph.D. degree program should:
Identify problems within the public health concentration area requiring
research to contribute new knowledge to the field.
PUBHLTH 631, Epidemiological Investigation
PUBHLTH 632, Applied Epidemiology
PUBHLTH 700, Analysis of Epidemiologic Data
PUBHLTH 743, Analysis of Categorical Data in Public Health
Research Assistantships,
Ph.D. Dissertation
PUBHLTH 631, Epidemiological Investigation
Design and implement independent studies addressing these problems.
PUBHLTH 632, Applied Epidemiology
PUBHLTH 700, Analysis of Epidemiologic Data
PUBHLTH 743, Epidemiology,
Research Assistantships,
Ph.D. Dissertation
PUBHLTH 631, Epidemiological Investigation
Conduct, supervise or collaborate in study management and data collection
activities for epidemiological studies in a clinical, occupational, or community PUBHLTH 632, Applied Epidemiology
PUBHLTH 700, Analysis of Epidemiologic Data
PUBHLTH 743, Analysis of Categorical Data in Public Health
Research Assistantships,
Ph.D. Dissertation
Independently manage data for a small or medium scale epidemiologic study, PUBHLTH 631, Epidemiological Investigation
PUBHLTH 632, Applied Epidemiology
including preparation of data management plans, data collection protocols,
PUBHLTH 700, Analysis of Epidemiologic Data
and quality control procedures and documentation.
PUBHLTH 743, Analysis of Categorical Data in Public Health
Epidemiology Research Assistantships,
Ph.D. Dissertation
Table 2.6.2 Continued.
Outcome Competencies
Interpret data results incorporating findings from other studies and relevant
information from biological, physical, and social sciences.
Train and supervise others to assist in the execution of such studies.
Present oral and written reports on such studies which satisfy the criteria for
sound scientific reporting and are easily translatable to non-epidemiological
trained practitioners.
Advise public health and medial professionals requiring assistance on how to
conduct epidemiologic studies in their field.
Graduate Courses/Requirements
PUBHLTH 631, Epidemiological Investigation
PUBHLTH 632, Applied Epidemiology
PUBHLTH 700, Analysis of Epidemiologic Data
PUBHLTH 743, Analysis of Categorical Data in Public Health
Research Assistantships,
Ph.D. Dissertation
PUBHLTH 631, Epidemiological Investigation
PUBHLTH 632, Applied Epidemiology
PUBHLTH 700, Analysis of Epidemiologic Data
PUBHLTH 743, Analysis of Categorical Data in Public Health
Research Assistantships,
Ph.D. Dissertation
PUBHLTH 631, Epidemiological Investigation
PUBHLTH 632, Applied Epidemiology
PUBHLTH 700, Analysis of Epidemiologic Data
PUBHLTH 743, Analysis of Categorical Data in Public Health
Research Assistantships,
Ph.D. Dissertation,
Presentations at Scientific Meetings
Field Training, Research Assistantships
Teach epidemiological principles and methods in an academic setting at the
graduate level.
Teaching Seminar
Critically review the scientific literature, synthesize the findings across
studies, and render an informed judgment on the state of knowledge in that
area. Present appropriate implications for policy, professional practice, future
research, or personal behavior.
Research Assistantships,
Ph.D. Dissertation,
PUBHLTH 634, Nutritional Epidemiology
PUBHLTH 591l, Reproductive Epidemiology
PUBHLTH 639, Cancer Epidemiology
Community Health Education
The Community Health Education program promotes health by helping people gain control over the social, political and personal conditions that affect
their lives. The CHE program uses social and behavioral theories as tools for understanding and criticizing extant conditions. Community health
educators work in a variety of settings, including all levels of federal, state and local government; educational institutions; labor unions; voluntary nonprofit agencies; private corporations; health care agencies, including community health centers, hospitals, and health maintenance organizations (HMOs).
Outcome Competencies
Graduate Courses/Requirements
For all graduate degree programs in Community Health Education,
students should:
Identify basic theories, concepts and models from a range of social and
PUBHLTH 601, Application of Social and Behavioral Theories in Public
behavioral disciplines that are used in public health research and practice.
Health Interventions
PUBHLTH 608, Communication Theory
Identify the causes of social and behavioral factors that affect health of
PUBHLTH 601, Application of Social and Behavioral Theories in Public
individuals and populations.
Health Interventions
PUBHLTH 602, Community Development & Health Education
PUBHLTH 704, Health Program Planning
PUBHLTH 590SJ, Social Justice
PUBHLTH 582, Family Planning/Women's Health
Identify individual, organizational and community concerns, assists, resources PUBHLTH 601, Application of Social and Behavioral Theories in Public
and deficits for social and behavioral science interventions.
Health Interventions
PUBHLTH 608, Communication Theory
PUBHLTH 704, Health Program Planning
PUBHLTH 582, Family Planning/Women's Health
Identify critical stakeholders for the planning, implementation and evaluation PUBHLTH 608, Communication Theory
of public health programs, policies and interventions.
PUBHLTH 622, Program Evaluation for Health and Human Services
PUBHLTH 582, Family Planning/Women's Health
PUBHLTH 704, Health Program Planning
Describe steps and procedures for the planning, implementation and evaluation PUBHLTH 601, Application of Social and Behavioral Theories in Public
of public health programs, policies, and interventions.
Health Interventions
PUBHLTH 608, Communication Theory
PUBHLTH 622, Program Evaluation for Health and Human Services
PUBHLTH 704, Health Program Planning
PUBHLTH 582, Family Planning/Women's Health
Describe the role of social and community factors in both the onset and
PUBHLTH 601, Application of Social and Behavioral Theories in Public
solution of public health problems.
Health Interventions
PUBHLTH 582, Family Planning/Women's Health
PUBHLTH 590SJ, Social Justice
Table 2.6.2 Continued.
Outcome Competencies
Graduate Courses/Requirements
Describe the merits of social and behavioral science interventions and policies. PUBHLTH 601, Application of Social and Behavioral Theories in Public
Health Interventions
PUBHLTH 602, Community Development & Health Education
PUBHLTH 603, Principles of Group Dynamics
PUBHLTH 608, Communication Theory
PUBHLTH 622, Program Evaluation for Health and Human Services
PUBHLTH 704, Health Program Planning
PUBHLTH 590SJ, Social Justice
PUBHLTH 582, Family Planning/Women's Health
Apply evidence-based approaches in the development and evaluation of social
and behavioral science interventions.
Apply ethical principles to public health program planning, implementation
and evaluation.
Specify multiple targets and levels of intervention for social and behavioral
science programs and/or policies.
Conduct health needs assessments at both the individual and community level,
including analysis of social, political and bureaucratic barriers that impede
health promotion efforts.
PUBHLTH 608, Communication Theory
PUBHLTH 622, Program Evaluation for Health and Human Services
PUBHLTH 704, Health Program Planning
PUBHLTH 608, Communication Theory
PUBHLTH 622, Program Evaluation for Health and Human Services
PUBHLTH 704, Health Program Planning
PUBHLTH 582, Family Planning/Women's Health
PUBHLTH 601, Application of Social and Behavioral Theories in Public
Health Interventions
PUBHLTH 608, Communication Theory
PUBHLTH 704, Health Program Planning
PUBHLTH 582, Family Planning/Women's Health
PUB HLTH 601, Application of Social and Behavioral Theories in Public
Health Interventions
PUB HLTH 602, Community Development & Health Education
PUB HLTH 622, Program Evaluation for Health and Human Services
PUB HLTH 704, Health Program Planning
Table 2.6.2 Continued.
Outcome Competencies
Describe how societal, organizational, and individual factors influence and are
influenced by public health communications,
Graduate Courses/Requirements
PUBHLTH 608, Communication Theory
PUBHLTH 590SJ, Social Justice
Demonstrate effective written and oral skills for communication with different
audiences in the context of professional public health activities
PUBHLTH 608, Communication Theory
PUBHLTH 590SJ, Social Justice
Describe the roles of history, power, privilege, and structural inequality in
producing health disparities
PUBHLTH 608, Communication Theory
PUBHLTH 704, Health Program Planning
PUBHLTH 590SJ, Social Justice
PUBHLTH 590SJ, Social Justice
Explain how professional ethics and practices related to equity and
accountability in diverse community settings
Use the basic concepts and skills involved in culturally appropriate community
engagement and empowerment with diverse communities
Develop public health programs and strategies responsive to the diverse
cultural values and traditions of the communities being served
Apply evidence-based principles and the scientific knowledge base to critical
evaluation and decision-making in public health
Develop strategies to motivate others for collaborative problem solving
decision-making, and evaluation
Differentiate among goals, objectives, related activities, and expected
outcomes for a public health program
Differentiate the purposes of formative, process, and outcome evaluation
PUBHLTH 608, Communication Theory
PUBHLTH 704, Health Program Planning
PUBHLTH 704, Health Program Planning
PUBHLTH 622, Program Evaluation for Health and Human Services
PUBHLTH 603, Principles of Group Dynamics
PUBHLTH 622, Program Evaluation for Health and Human Services
PUBHLTH 704, Health Program Planning
PUBHLTH 622, Program Evaluation for Health and Human Services
PUBHLTH 704, Health Program Planning
In addition, students in the M.S. degree should:
Conduct independent and collaborative research into factors influencing health PUB HLTH 624, Research Methods in Public Health
PUB HLTH 622, Program Evaluation for Health and Human
Services Organization
M.P.H. Project
M.S. Thesis
In addition, students in the Ph.D. degree should:
Develop and conduct original research that contributes to the theoretical
understanding of the health-related behaviors of individuals within the context
of the social structure and the community.
Ph.D. Dissertation
Health Policy and Management
The Health Policy and Management (HPM) program prepares public health professionals to work in health care organizations and federal, state, and local
public health agencies. The HPM program uses an interdisciplinary approach, incorporating social, behavioral, economic, and political science
approaches to better understand health services and policy to improve individual and population health. Graduates of the program are equipped with the
conceptual models, analytical foundations, and practical skills necessary to solve complex health-related problems.
Outcome Competencies
Graduate Courses/Requirements
For all graduate degree programs in Health Policy and Management, students
PUBHLTH 524, Intro to Health Care Politics & Policy
Identify and analyze the social, economic, legal, ethical and political issues germane to
PUBHLTH 525, Ethical Issues in Public Health
national and local health policies.
PUBHLTH 615, Policy & Politics of AIDS
PUBHLTH 620, Intro to the U.S. Health Care System
PUBHLTH 627, Long-Term Care Policy & Management
PUBHLTH 629, Tobacco Control Policy in the U.S.
PUBHLTH 690EE, Economic Evaluation of Health Care
Programs & Services
PUBHLTH 690H, State & Local Health Politics
PUBHLTH 726, Health Economics & Reimbursement
PUBHLTH 780, Public Health Law
PUBHLTH 524, Intro to Health Care Politics & Policy
Demonstrate and apply knowledge of the history, dynamics, structure, financing and
PUBHLTH 614, International Health Pop. & Development
function of the health care delivery system.
PUBHLTH 615, Policy & Politics of AIDS
PUBHLTH 620, Intro to the U.S. Health Care System
PUBHLTH 690EE, Economic Evaluation of Health Care
Programs & Services
PUBHLTH 690H, State & Local Health Politics
PUBHLTH 726, Health Economics & Reimbursement
PUBHLTH 780, Public Health Law
Describe the legal and ethical bases for public health and health services.
Identify the main components of the public health system in the U.S. and explain their
respective roles and their interactions.
PUBHLTH 590R, Principles of Injury Prevention & Control
PUBHLTH 629, Tobacco Control Policy in the U.S.
PUBHLTH 690H, State & Local Health Politics
Discuss the policy process for improving the health status of individuals and populations.
PUBHLTH 524, Intro to Health Care Politics & Policy
PUBHLTH 614, International Health Pop. & Development
PUBHLTH 620, Intro to the U.S. Health Care System
PUBHLTH 629, Tobacco Control Policy in the U.S.
PUBHLTH 690H, State & Local Health Politics
Table 2.6.2 Continued.
Outcome Competencies
Apply the principles of program planning, development, budgeting,
management, and evaluation in organizational and community settings
Design, implement, and evaluate effective health policies, programs, and
Apply the public health approach and systems thinking for solving public
health problems
Apply theoretical concepts and practical techniques of administration to the
management of health programs.
Plan and implement research, quality improvement and/or evaluation projects
within agencies, institutions and organizations.
Assess the methodological strengths and weaknesses of research designs and
their implications in order to be a critical consumer of published and
unpublished research.
Graduate Courses/Requirements
PUBHLTH 602, Community Development & Health Ed.
PUBHLTH 622, Program Evaluation
PUBHLTH 704, Health Program Planning
PUBHLTH 620, Intro to the U.S. Health Care System
PUBHLTH 614, International Health Pop. & Development
PUBHLTH 690EE, Economic Evaluation of Health Care Programs &
PUBHLTH 704, Health Program Planning
PUBHLTH 726, Health Economics & Reimbursement
PUBHLTH 580, Comparative Healthcare Systems
PUBHLTH 590R, Principles of Injury Prevention & Control
PUBHLTH 620, Intro to the U.S. Health Care System
PUBHLTH 800A, Advanced Research Topics in HPM
PUBHLTH 602, Community Development & Health Ed.
PUBHLTH 620, Intro to the U.S. Health Care System
PUBHLTH 627, Long-Term Care Policy & Management
PUBHLTH 690EE, Economic Evaluation of Health Care Programs &
PUBHLTH 726, Health Economics & Reimbursement
PUBHLTH 622, Program Evaluation
PUBHLTH 624, Research Methods in Public Health
PUBHLTH 690EE, Economic Evaluation of Health Care Programs &
PUBHLTH 704, Health Program Planning
PUBHLTH 800A, Advanced Research Topics in HPM
PUBHLTH 624, Research Methods in Public Health
PUBHLTH 800A, Advanced Research Topics in HPM
Communicate public health and health policy issues using appropriate channels PUBHLTH 590J, New Media, Technology, and Public Health
PUBHLTH 590R, Principles of Injury Prevention & Control
and technologies
Demonstrate a mastery of oral and written communication skills.
PUBHLTH 524, Intro to Health Care Politics & Policy
PUBHLTH 602, Community Development & Health Ed.
PUBHLTH 603, Principles of Group Dynamics
PUBHLTH 608, Communication Theory
PUBHLTH 615, Policy & Politics of AIDS
Demonstrate leadership skills, professionalism, and the ability to work
In addition, students in the M.S. degree program should:
Be able to design and conduct original research in the health policy and
management area with guidance.
PUBHLTH 620, Intro to the U.S. Health Care System
PUBHLTH 624, Research Methods in Public Health
PUBHLTH 627, Long-Term Care Policy & Mangement
PUBHLTH 629, Tobacco Control Policy in the U.S.
PUBHLTH 690EE, Economic Evaluation of Health Care Programs &
PUBHLTH 690H, State & Local Health Politics
PUBHLTH 603, Principles of Group Dynamics
PUBHLTH 608, Communication Theory
PUBHLTH 690H, State & Local Health Politics
M.S. Thesis
In addition, students in the Ph.D. degree program should:
Be able to independently design and conduct original research in the health
policy and management area.
Ph.D. Dissertation
PUBHLTH 892, Doctoral Seminar
Environmental Health Sciences
The Environmental Health Sciences program educates students to meet the needs for new and significantly expanded roles in evaluating and regulating
environmental agents that may appear in air, soil, water, or food. Graduates of this program will enter a diversified and complex profession within which
they are expected to provide leadership and competency in protecting human health.
Outcome Competencies
Graduate Courses/Requirements
For all graduate degree programs in Environmental Health sciences,
students should:
Recognize the major sources of environmental agents and the physical,
chemical, radiological, and biological characteristics involved in establishing
materials as potentially deleterious.
PUBHLTH 562, Air Quality Assessment
PUBHLTH 563, Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation
PUBHLTH 565, Environmental Health Practices
PUBHLTH 590TL, Development Origins of Disease
PUBHLTH 600, Molecular Epidemiology
PUBHLTH 666, Environmental and Occupational Toxicology I
PUBHLTH 667, Environmental and Occupational Toxicology II
Table 2.6.2 Continued.
Outcome Competencies
Assess the potential impact of environmental agents on human health.
Explain the factors and principles basic to determining the pathways by which
humans are exposed to environmental agents.
Evaluate the environmental fate and transport of materials and biological
uptake by humans.
Use methods to estimate human exposure from the dispersion of contaminants
into environmental matrices such as air, surface and ground water.
Graduate Courses/Requirements
PUBHLTH 562, Air Quality Assessment
PUBHLTH 563, Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation
PUBHLTH 565, Environmental Health Practices
PUBHLTH 590TL, Development Origins of Disease
PUBHLTH 666, Environmental and Occupational Toxicology I
PUBHLTH 667, Environmental and Occupational Toxicology II
PUBHLTH 671, Risk Assessment and Management
PUBHLTH 562, Air Quality Assessment
PUBHLTH 590A, Bioaerosol Exposures
PUBHLTH 590TL, Development Origins of Disease
PUBHLTH 600, Molecular Epidemiology
PUBHLTH 666, Environmental and Occupational Toxicology I
PUBHLTH 667, Environmental and Occupational Toxicology II
PUBHLTH 671, Risk Assessment and Management
PUBHLTH 690X, Exposure Assessment in Environmental and Public
PUBHLTH 562, Air Quality Assessment
PUBHLTH 590TL, Development Origins of Disease
PUBHLTH 600, Molecular Epidemiology
PUBHLTH 666, Environmental and Occupational Toxicology I
PUBHLTH 667, Environmental and Occupational Toxicology II
PUBHLTH 690X, Exposure Assessment in Environmental and Public
PUBHLTH 562, Air Quality Assessment
PUBHLTH 590TL, Development Origins of Disease
PUBHLTH 600, Molecular Epidemiology
PUBHLTH 666, Environmental and Occupational Toxicology I
PUBHLTH 667, Environmental and Occupational Toxicology II
PUBHLTH 671, Risk Assessment and Management
PUBHLTH 690X, Exposure Assessment in Environmental and Public
Table 2.6.2 Continued.
Outcome Competencies
Determine the biological mechanisms of injury for a given exposure to
environmental agents and the resulting human health effects produced from
such exposure.
Integrate risk assessment models for exposure assessment of environmental
Graduate Courses/Requirements
PUBHLTH 562, Air Quality Assessment
PUBHLTH 563, Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation
PUBHLTH 590TL, Development Origins of Disease
PUBHLTH 600, Molecular Epidemiology
PUBHLTH 666, Environmental and Occupational Toxicology I
PUBHLTH 667, Environmental and Occupational Toxicology II
PUBHLTH 562, Air Quality Assessment
PUBHLTH 667, Environmental and Occupational Toxicology II
PUBHLTH 671, Risk Assessment and Management
PUBHLTH 690X, Exposure Assessment in Environmental and Public
Critique the basic methods for measuring environmental media, requirements
for sampling, the sensitivity and reliability of analytical methods.
PUBHLTH 562, Air Quality Assessment
PUBHLTH 565, Environmental Health Practices
PUBHLTH 600, Molecular Epidemiology
PUBHLTH 690X, Exposure Assessment in Environmental and Public
Identify mandates from regulatory agencies, advisory bodies and professional
organizations for the development and dissemination of technical information
which control policies for environmental health problems.
PUBHLTH 562, Air Quality Assessment
PUBHLTH 565, Environmental Health Practices
PUBHLTH 671, Risk Assessment and Management
PUBHLTH 690X, Exposure Assessment in Environmental and Public
PUBHLTH 565, Environmental Health Practices
PUBHLTH 590TL, Development Origins of Disease
PUBHLTH 600, Molecular Epidemiology
PUBHLTH 666, Environmental and Occupational Toxicology I
PUBHLTH 667, Environmental and Occupational Toxicology II
PUBHLTH 565, Environmental Health Practices
PUBHLTH 590TL, Development Origins of Disease
PUBHLTH 600, Molecular Epidemiology
PUBHLTH 666, Environmental and Occupational Toxicology I
PUBHLTH 667, Environmental and Occupational Toxicology II
PUBHLTH 671, Risk Assessment and Management
Perform critical reading, interpretation, and communication of environmental
health scientific literature
Explain factors that influence vulnerability/susceptibility to environmental
In addition, students in the M.S. degree program should:
Collect, analyze and interpret scientific data.
Communicate in oral and written form results of environmental health
In addition, students in the Ph.D. degree program should:
Develop and conduct original research that contributes to the understanding of
the effects of environmental agents to human health.
PUBHLTH 699, Masters Thesis
PUBHLTH 699, Masters Thesis
PUBHLTH 796, Independent Study
PUBHLTH 899, Ph.D. Dissertation
Public Health Practice Online Program
The Public Health Practice M.P.H. degree program is for experienced providers, researchers, consultants, administrators, and educators in health care
seeking an advanced degree in public health. Students are expected to apply public health concepts, methods, and evidence-based practices; some course
projects are actually implemented in a current or new public health systems worksite. Interdisciplinary team work in courses may be required. Students
take coursework in the five core areas of public health and the eight areas of critical importance based on recommendations by the Institute of Medicine.
Outcome Competencies
MPH Courses/Requirements
M.P.H. students in the online PHP program should:
Apply the ecological model to the understanding of public health systems,
PUBHLTH 620, Introduction to the U.S. Health Care System
issues and solutions.
PUBHLTH 601, Application of Social and Behavioral Theories in
Public Health Interventions
PUBHLTH 590D, International Organizations & Population Health
PUBHLTH 590Q, Globalization and Health
PUBHLTH 704, Health Program Planning
PUBHLTH 726, Health Economics & Reimbursement
Apply appropriate methods of qualitative and quantitative research and
PUBHLTH 540, Introduction to Biostatistics
investigation strategies to prevent or address public health problems
PUBHLTH 704, Health Program Planning
PUBHLTH 624, Research Methods In Public Health
PUBHLTH 628, Financial Management of Health Institutions
PUBHLTH 565, Environmental Health Practices
PUBHLTH 590D, International Organizations & Population Health
PUBHLTH 590Q, Globalization and Health
Table 2.6.2 Continued.
Outcome Competencies
Apply concepts from informatics to select health information data sources
which investigate, measure and evaluate public health problems
Graduate Courses/Requirements
PUBHLTH 630, Principles of Epidemiology
PUBHLTH 540, Introduction to Biostatistics
PUBHLTH 691S, Capstone
PUBHLTH 622, Program Evaluation for Health and Human
Services Organization
PUBHLTH 632, Applied Epidemiology
PUBHLTH 691F, Data Management and Statistical Computing
PUBHLTH 757, Public Health Informatics
Apply evidence-based practices in public health
PUBHLTH 690L, Leadership in Public Health
PUBHLTH 691S, Capstone
PUBHLTH 622, Program Evaluation for Health and Human Services
Analyze the ethical and legal dimensions of public health practice
PUBHLTH 524, Introduction to Health Politics & Policy
PUBHLTH 525, Ethical Issues in Public Health
PUBHLTH 780, Public Health Law
PUBHLTH 620, Introduction to the U.S. Health Care System
PUBHLTH 567, Environmental Compliance Regulations
PUBHLTH 621, Health Care Organization & Administration
PUBHLTH 628, Financial Management of Health Institutions
PUBHLTH 583, Global Health in the Developing World
PUBHLTH 608, Communication Theory
PUBHLTH 590D, International Organizations & Population Health
PUBHLTH 590Q, Globalization and Health
PUBHLTH 622, Program Evaluation for Health and Human
Services Organization
Interpret leadership research and theory to articulate own leadership
development plan and effectiveness.
PUBHLTH 690L, Leadership in Public Health
PUBHLTH 601, Application of Social and Behavioral Theories in
Public Health Interventions
PUBHLTH 590D, International Organizations & Population Health
PUBHLTH 750, Public Health Emergency Management
Table 2.6.2 Continued.
Outcome Competencies
Assess, plan, implement and evaluate the factors, solutions, policy, programs
and outcomes to assure the health of the public.
Graduate Courses/Requirements
PUBHLTH 601, Application of Social and Behavioral Theories in
Public Health Interventions
PUBHLTH 620, Introduction to the U.S. Health Care System
PUBHLTH 691S, Capstone
PUBHLTH 580, Comparative Healthcare Systems
PUBHLTH 583, Global Health in the Developing World
PUBHLTH 590D, International Organizations & Population Health
PUBHLTH 608, Communication Theory
PUBHLTH 622, Program Evaluation for Health and Human
Services Organization
PUBHLTH 750, Public Health Emergency Management
Understand the administrative, financial, workforce culture, and delivery
mechanisms that guide the operations and impact of the public health system.
PUBHLTH 628, Financial Management of Health Institutions
PUBHLTH 580, Comparative Healthcare Systems
PUBHLTH 620, Introduction to the U.S. Health Care System
PUBHLTH 590Q, Globalization and Health
PUBHLTH 750, Public Health Emergency Management
Use an understanding of cultural diversity, genomics, and public health
system challenges to articulate programs to reduce health disparity globally
PUBNLTH 704, Health Program Planning
PUBHLTH 620, Introduction to the U.S. Health Care System
PUBHLTH 580, Comparative Healthcare Systems
PUBHLTH 583, Global Health in the Developing World
PUBHLTH 590D, International Organizations & Population Health
PUBHTLH 590Q, Globalization and Health
PUBHLTH 690SJ, Social Justice
Apply social, behavioral, and cultural theories to understand program needs and PUBHLTH 601, Application of Social and Behavioral Theories in
intervention strategies in public health
Public Health Interventions
PUBHLTH 620, Introduction to the U.S. Health Care System
PUBHLTH 608, Communication Theory
PUBHLTH 622, Program Evaluation for Health and Human
Services Organization
PUBHLTH 580, Comparative Healthcare Systems
PUBHLTH 704, Health Program Planning
Table 2.6.2 Continued.
Outcome Competencies
Understand the nature of environment, its relationship to health and its role in
assuring the health of the public
Graduate Courses/Requirements
PUBHLTH 565, Environmental Health Practices
PUBHLTH 567, Environmental Compliance Regulations
PUBHLTH 620, Introduction to the U.S. Health Care System
PUBHLTH 690AA, Public Health Aging and health policy
Communicate effectively in writing, oral and electronic delivery modes
PUBHLTH all courses listed above,(orally in PUBHLTH 691S)
M.P.H. in Epidemiology Satellite Program in Worcester
The Public Health Practice MPH degree program is for experienced providers, researchers, consultants, administrators, and educators in health care
seeking an advanced degree in public health. Students are expected to apply public health concepts, methods, and evidence-based practices; some course
projects are actually implemented in a current or new public health systems worksite. Interdisciplinary team work in courses may be required. Students
take coursework in the five core areas of public health and the eight areas of critical importance based on recommendations by the Institute of Medicine.
Outcome Competencies
M.P.H. Courses/Requirements
Student in this program should:
Apply the ecological model to the understanding of public health systems,
PUBHLTH 620, Introduction to the U.S. Health Care System
issues and solutions.
PUBHLTH 601, Application of Social and Behavioral Theories in
Public Health Interventions
PUBHLTH 590D, International Organizations & Population Health
PUBHLTH 590Q, Globalization and Health
PUBHLTH 704, Health Program Planning
PUBHLTH 726, Health Economics & Reimbursement
Table 2.6.2 Continued.
Outcome Competencies
Apply appropriate methods of qualitative and quantitative research and
investigation strategies to prevent or address public health problems
Graduate Courses/Requirements
PUBHLTH 540, Introduction to Biostatistics
PUBHLTH 704, Health Program Planning
PUBHLTH 691S, Capstone
PUBHLTH 624, Research Methods in Public Health
PUBHLTH 628, Financial Management of Health Institutions
PUBHLTH 565, Environmental Health Practices
PUBHLTH 690AA, Public Health Aging and health policy
PUBHLTH 590D, International Organizations & Population Health
PUBHLTH 590Q, Globalization and Health
PUBHLTH 636, Epidemiological Assessment
Table 2.6.2 Continued.
Outcome Competencies
Apply concepts from informatics to select health information data sources
which investigate, measure and evaluate public health problems
Graduate Courses/Requirements
PUBHLTH 630, Principles of Epidemiology
PUBHLTH 540, Introduction to Biostatistics
PUBHLTH 691S, Capstone
PUBHLTH 622, Program Evaluation for Health and Human
Services Organization
PUBHLTH 632, Applied Epidemiology
PUBHLTH 691F, Data Management and Statistical Computation
PUBHLTH 757, Public Health Informatics
PUBHLTH 636, Epidemiological Assessment
Apply evidence-based practices in public health
PUBHLTH 690L, Leadership in Public Health Systems
PUBHLTH 691S, Capstone
PUBHLTH 622, Program Evaluation for Health and Human Services
PUBHLTH 690E, Evidence-based Policy: An Evaluative Scientist's Tool
PUBHLTH 636, Epidemiological Assessment
PUBHLTH 524, Introduction to Health Politics & Policy
PUBHLTH 525, Ethical Issues in Public Health
PUBHLTH 780, Public Health Law
PUBHLTH 620, Introduction to the U.S. Health Care System
PUBHLTH 567, Environmental Compliance Regulations
PUBHLTH 621, Health Care Organization & Administration
PUBHLTH 628, Financial Management of Health Institutions
PUBHLTH 583, Global Health in the Developing World
PUBHLTH 608, Communication Theory
PUBHLTH 590D, International Organizations & Population Health
PUBHLTH 590Q, Globalization and Health
PUBHLTH 622, Program Evaluation for Health and Human
Services Organization
PUBHLTH 636, Epidemiological Assessment
PUBHLTH 690L, Leadership in Public Health Systems
PUBHLTH 601, Application of Social and Behavioral Theories in
Public Health Interventions
PUBHLTH 590D, International Organizations & Population Health
PUBHLTH 750, Public Health Emergency Management
Analyze the ethical and legal dimensions of public health practice
Interpret leadership research and theory to articulate own leadership
development plan and effectiveness.
Table 2.6.2 Continued.
Outcome Competencies
Assess, plan, implement and evaluate the factors, solutions, policy, programs
and outcomes to assure the health of the public.
Graduate Courses/Requirements
PUBHLTH 601, Application of Social and Behavioral Theories in
Public Health Interventions
PUBHLTH 620, Introduction to the U.S. Health Care System
PUBHLTH 691S, Capstone
PUBHLTH 580, Comparative Healthcare Systems
PUBHLTH 583, Global Health in the Developing World
PUBHLTH 590D, International Organizations & Population Health
PUBHLTH 608, Communication Theory
PUBHLTH 622, Program Evaluation for Health and Human
Services Organization
PUBHLTH 750, Public Health Emergency Management
PUBHLTH 636, Epidemiological Assessment
Understand the administrative, financial, workforce culture, and delivery
PUBHLTH 628, Financial Management of Health Institutions
mechanisms that guide the operations and impact of the public health system. PUBHLTH 580, Comparative Healthcare Systems
PUBHLTH 620, Introduction to the U.S. Health Care System
PUBHLTH 590Q, Globalization and Health
PUBHLTH 750, Public Health Emergency Management
PUBHLTH 636, Epidemiological Assessment
Use an understanding of cultural diversity, genomics, and public health
PUBHLTH 704, Health Program Planning
system challenges to articulate programs to reduce health disparity globally
PUBHLTH 620, Introduction to the U.S. Health Care System
PUBHLTH 580, Comparative Healthcare Systems
PUBHLTH 583, Global Health in the Developing World
PUBHLTH 590D, International Organizations & Population Health
PUBHTLH 590Q, Globalization and Health
PUBHLTH 690SJ, Social Justice
Apply social, behavioral, and cultural theories to understand program needs and PUBHLTH 601, Application of Social and Behavioral Theories in
intervention strategies in public health
Public Health Interventions
PUBHLTH 620, Introduction to the U.S. Health Care System
PUBHLTH 608, Communication Theory
PUBHLTH 622, Program Evaluation for Health and Human
Services Organization
PUBHLTH 580, Comparative Healthcare Systems
PUBHLTH 704, Health Program Planning
Table 2.6.2 Continued.
Outcome Competencies
Understand the nature of environment, its relationship to health and its role in
assuring the health of the public
Graduate Courses/Requirements
PUBHLTH 565, Environmental Health Practices
PUBHLTH 567, Environmental Compliance Regulations
PUBHLTH 620, Introduction to the U.S. Health Care System
PUBHLTH 690AA, Public Health Aging and health policy
Communicate effectively in writing, oral and electronic delivery modes
PUBHLTH all courses listed above,(orally in PUBHLTH 691S)
Public Health – Undergraduate B.S.
Public Health Sciences is the integration of five disciplines: Biostatistics; Epidemiology; Community Health Education; Health, Policy and Management;
and Environmental Health. The curriculum is designed to provide students with a framework and content in working in these five disciplines so that they
may join the workforce as entry level public health professionals.
Outcome Competencies
B.S. Courses/Requirements
Public Health B.S. students should:
PUBHLTH 320, Principles of Public Health Practice
Students will be able to utilize basic epidemiological skills to approach a
PUBHLTH 324, Epidemiology in Public Health
community health problem and use basic data for program design and
PUBHLTH 494CI, Public Health Sciences Capstone
Table 2.6.2 Continued.
Outcome Competencies
Students will have the ability to evaluate community health assessment data.
They will be able to analyze and identify community and individual level risk
and protective factors.
Graduate Courses/Requirements
PUBHLTH 391B, Introduction to Biostatistics for Public Health
PUBHLTH 494CI, Public Health Sciences Capstone
PUBHLTH 540, Introduction to Biostatistics
PUBHLTH 324, Epidemiology in Public Health
PUBHLTH 233, Sex, Drugs And Aids
PUBHLTH 290B, Introduction to Public Health
Table 2.6.2 Continued.
Outcome Competencies
Students can critically evaluate scientific data including tools of informatics
to locate, use, evaluate and synthesize health information for the well-being
of a community.
Graduate Courses/Requirements
PUBHLTH 391B, Introduction to Biostatistics for Public Health
PUBHLTH 494CI, Public Health Sciences Capstone
PUBHLTH 540, Introduction to Biostatistics
PUBHLTH 324, Epidemiology in Public Health
Students will have a strong understanding of behavioral change theories and be PUBHLTH 301, Principles of Community Health Education
able to apply them in health education programs. They will be able to advocate PUBHLTH 290B, Introduction to Public Health
PUBHLTH 160, My Body, My Health
for evidence-based social changes that improve health.
Students can outline approaches for assessing and controlling environmental
hazards that affect community health.
PUBHLTH 303, Introduction to Environmental Health Sciences
PUBHLTH 290B, Introduction to Public Health
PUBHLTH 565, Environmental Health Practices
Students can describe and discuss the interconnectedness of physical, social
and environmental aspects of health and the role of community engagement
in promoting population based health and social justice
PUBHLTH 582, Family Planning/Women's Health
PUBHLTH 507, Violence as a Public Health Issue
PUBHLTH 494CI, Public Health Sciences Capstone
PUBHLTH 320, Principles of Public Health Practice
PUBHLTH 290B, Introduction to Public Health
PUBHLTH 562, Air Quality Assessment
PUBHLTH 303, Introduction to Environmental Health Sciences
PUBHLTH 565, Environmental Health Practices
PUBHLTH 582, Family Planning/Women's Health
PUBHLTH 507, Violence as a Public Health Issue
PUBHLTH 494CI, Public Health Sciences Capstone
PUBHLTH 320, Principles of Public Health Practice
PUBHLTH 290B, Introduction to Public Health
PUBHLTH 324, Epidemiology in Public Health
Students can demonstrate the ability to communicate health information in
both oral and written forms and through a variety of media outlets.
Student will be able to analyze and generate solution for a wide array of
complex global health problems.
PUBHLTH 397, Introduction to Global Health
PUBHLTH 580, Comparative Healthcare Systems
PUBHLTH 233, Sex, Drugs And Aids
PUBHLTH 303, Introduction to Environmental Health Sciences
PUBHLTH 565, Environmental Health Practices
Table 2.6.2 Continued.
Outcome Competencies
Students will understand the interplay of race, class, gender, and sexual
orientation on health and the health disparities that exist in local, regional,
national, and international communities.
Students will be able to analyze health policies and how these policies are
formed and enforced including the role of laws and legislation on both
individual and population health.
Graduate Courses/Requirements
PUBHLTH 582, Family Planning/Women's Health
PUBHLTH 507, Violence as a Public Health Issue
PUBHLTH 494CI, Public Health Sciences Capstone
PUBHLTH 320, Principles of Public Health Practice
PUBHLTH 290B, Introduction to Public Health
PUBHLTH 324, Epidemiology in Public Health
PUBHLTH 580, Comparative Healthcare Systems
PUBHLTH 490S, Public Policy and Citizen Action
PUBHLTH 582, Family Planning/Women's Health
PUBHLTH 507, Violence as a Public Health Issue
PUBHLTH 233, Sex, Drugs And Aids
PUBHLTH 290B, Introduction to Public Health
PUBHLTH 324, Epidemiology in Public Health
PUBHLTH 129, Health Care for All
PUBHLTH 303, Introduction to Environmental Health Sciences
PUBHLTH 490S, Public Policy and Citizen Action
Graduate studies in nutrition provide students with the knowledge base and skills to research nutrition problems, and to plan community, clinical, and
individual applications of nutrition prevention and treatment at various levels. The M.P.H. in Nutrition program is designed to provide nutrition and health
practitioners, and those with advanced degrees, with a broad background in Public Health and advanced training in public health nutrition.
Outcome Competencies
M.P.H. Courses/Requirements
M.P.H. in Nutrition students should:
Critique the terms, concepts and methods in nutritional sciences and in public
NUTRITN 577, Nutritional Problems in the U.S.
NUTRITN 696, Independent Study
NUTRITN 731, Nutritional Assessment
NUTRITN 640, Public Health Nutrition
Graduate Seminars,
PUBHLTH 634, Nutritional Epidemiology
Table 2.6.2 Continued.
Outcome Competencies
Select and use appropriate anthropometric, biochemical, clinical, dietary,
functional and socioeconomic assessment techniques to identify and prioritize
nutritional problems and needs of populations and communities.
Develop intervention strategies to correct nutritional problems in target
Demonstrate critical thinking skills in evaluation of the literature.
Design and conduct applied nutrition research.
Describe the role of agencies, advisory bodies, and professional organizations
responsible for development and dissemination of technical information and
for formulation of nutritional policies.
Identify the relationships between local, national, and global nutritional and
public health problems.
Translate results of nutritional research to different target populations (public,
peers, parents, etc.).
Graduate Courses/Requirements
NUTRITN 572, Community Nutrition
NUTRITN 577, Nutritional Problems in the U.S.
NUTRITN 731, Nutritional Assessment
NUTRITN 640, Public Health Nutrition
PUBHLTH 634, Nutritional Epidemiology
NUTRITN 572, Community Nutrition
NUTRITN 573, Community Nutrition Fieldwork
NUTRITN 640, Public Health Nutrition
NUTRITN 696, Independent Study
NUTRITN 731, Nutritional Assessment
Practicum, Project
NUTRITN 577, Nutritional Problems in the U.S.
NUTRITN 696, Independent Study
NUTRITN 731, Nutritional Assessment
Graduate Seminars, Project
NUTRITN 577, Nutritional Problems in the U.S.
NUTRITN 640, Public Health Nutrition
Practicum, Project
NUTRITN 572, Community Nutrition
NUTRITN 573, Community Nutrition Fieldwork
NUTRITN 696, Independent Study
NUTRITN 640, Public Health Nutrition
NUTRITN 572, Community Nutrition
NUTRITN 573, Community Nutrition Fieldwork
NUTRITN 577, Nutritional Problems in the U.S.
NUTRITN 578, Nutritional Problems in the Developing World
NUTRITN 696, Independent Study
NUTRITN 640, Public Health Nutrition
NUTRITN 572, Community Nutrition
NUTRITN 573, Community Nutrition Fieldwork
NUTRITN 577, Nutritional Problems in the U.S.
NUTRITN 696, Independent Study
NUTRITN 640, Public Health Nutrition
Graduate Seminars,
Practicum, Project
Table 2.6.2 Continued.
Outcome Competencies
Integrate knowledge in nutrition, public health, and other disciplines for the
identification and evaluation of nutritional problems and in development and
implementation of guidelines and policies.
Apply social, behavioral, and cultural theories to understand public health
nutrition needs and intervention strategies.
Communicate effectively in writing, oral, and electronic delivery modes
Graduate Courses/Requirements
NUTRITN 572, Community Nutrition
NUTRITN 573, Community Nutrition Fieldwork
NUTRITN 696, Independent Study
NUTRITN 731, Nutritional Assessment
Graduate Seminars,
PUBHLTH 634, Nutritional Epidemiology
NUTRITN 640, Public Health Nutrition
NUTRITN 572, Community Nutrition
Practicum, Project
NUTRITN 577, Nutritional Problems in the U.S.
NUTRITN 572, Community Nutrition
Practicum, Project
Graduate studies in nutrition provide students with the knowledge base and skills to research nutrition problems, and to plan community, clinical, and
individual applications of nutrition prevention and treatment at various levels. The M.S. in Nutrition provides advanced nutrition competencies and skills
for application in clinical, research, and group settings.
Outcome Competencies
M. S. Courses/Requirements
M.S. students in Nutrition should:
Critique the terms, concepts and methods in nutritional sciences and in public
Select and use appropriate anthropometric, biochemical, clinical, dietary,
functional and socioeconomic assessment techniques to identify and prioritize
nutritional problems and needs of individuals and populations.
NUTRITN 577, Nutritional Problems in the U.S.
NUTRITN 696, Independent Study
NUTRITN 731, Nutritional Assessment
Graduate Seminars,
NUTRITN 630, Nutrition and Chronic Diseases
NUTRITN 640, Public Health Nutrition
NUTRITN 714, Advanced Nutrition-Vitamins
NUTRITN 715, Advanced Nutrition-Minerals
NUTRITN 572, Community Nutrition
NUTRITN 577, Nutritional Problems in the U.S.
NUTRITN 731, Nutritional Assessment
NUTRITN 580, Medical Nutrition Therapy
NUTRITN 585, Practical Skills in Nutrition Counseling
NUTRITN 640, Public Health Nutrition
Table 2.6.2 Continued.
Outcome Competencies
Develop intervention strategies to correct nutritional problems in target
Demonstrate critical thinking skills in evaluation of the literature.
Describe the role of agencies, advisory bodies, and professional organizations
responsible for development and dissemination of technical information and
for formulation of nutritional policies.
Identify the relationships between local, national, and global nutritional and
public health problems.
Translate results of nutritional research to different target populations (public,
peers, parents, etc.).
Graduate Courses/Requirements
NUTRITN 572, Community Nutrition
NUTRITN 573, Community Nutrition Fieldwork
NUTRITN 696, Independent Study
NUTRITN 731, Nutritional Assessment
NUTRITN 580, Medical Nutrition Therapy
NUTRITN 585, Practical Skills in Nutrition Counseling
NUTRITN 640, Public Health Nutrition
NUTRITN 578, Nutritional Problems in the Developing World
NUTRITN 577, Nutritional Problems in the U.S.
NUTRITN 696, Independent Study
NUTRITN 630, Nutrition and Chronic Diseases
NUTRITN 731, Nutritional Assessment
Graduate Seminars,
NUTRITN 714, Advanced Nutrition-Vitamins
NUTRITN 715 Advanced Nutrition-Minerals
NUTRITN 572, Community Nutrition
NUTRITN 573, Community Nutrition Fieldwork
NUTRITN 578, Nutritional Problems in the Developing World
NUTRITN 640, Public Health Nutrition
NUTRITN 696, Independent Study
NUTRITN 572, Community Nutrition
NUTRITN 573, Community Nutrition Fieldwork
NUTRITN 577, Nutritional Problems in the U.S.
NUTRITN 578, Nutritional Problems in the Developing World
NUTRITN 640, Public Health Nutrition
NUTRITN 696, Independent Study
NUTRITN 572, Community Nutrition
NUTRITN 573, Community Nutrition Fieldwork
NUTRITN 577, Nutritional Problems in the U.S.
NUTRITN 696, Independent Study
NUTRITN 731, Nutritional Assessment
NUTRITN 580, Medical Nutrition Therapy
NUTRITN 585, Practical Skills in Nutrition Counseling
NUTRITN 640, Public Health Nutrition
Graduate Seminars
Table 2.6.2 Continued.
Outcome Competencies
Integrate knowledge in nutrition, public health, and other disciplines for the
identification and evaluation of nutritional problems and in development and
implementation of guidelines and policies.
Design and conduct research in the area of nutrition sciences.
Graduate Courses/Requirements
NUTRITN 572, Community Nutrition
NUTRITN 573, Community Nutrition Fieldwork
NUTRITN 696, Independent Study
NUTRITN 731, Nutritional Assessment
NUTRITN 580, Medical Nutrition Therapy
NUTRITN 630, Nutrition and Chronic Diseases
NUTRITN 585, Practical Skills in Nutrition Counseling
NUTRITN 640, Public Health Nutrition
Graduate Seminars,
NUTRITN 714, Advanced Nutrition-Vitamins
NUTRITN 715 Advanced Nutrition-Minerals
M.S. Thesis
Integrate knowledge of nutritional science for the identification and evaluation M.S. Thesis
of nutritional problems and in development of further research, policies and/or
Graduate studies in nutrition provide students with the knowledge base and skills to research nutrition problems, and to plan community, clinical, and
individual applications of nutrition prevention and treatment at various levels. The doctoral program prepares individuals for teaching and research in
academic institutions and for positions of professional leadership in health and health-related agencies where research is an important function.
Outcome Competencies
Ph.D. Courses/Requirements
Ph.D. in Public Health–Nutrition students should:
Develop advanced knowledge and understanding of the terms, concepts and
methods in nutritional sciences and in public health.
Select and use appropriate anthropometric, biochemical, clinical, dietary,
functional and socioeconomic assessment techniques to identify and prioritize
nutritional problems and needs of populations and communities.
Develop intervention strategies to correct nutritional problems in target
NUTRITN 577, Nutritional Problems in the U.S.
NUTRITN 696, Independent Study
NUTRITN 731, Nutritional Assessment
Graduate Seminars,
PUBHLTH 634, Nutritional Epidemiology
NUTRITN 630, Nutrition and Chronic Diseases
NUTRITN 640, Public Health Nutrition
NUTRITN 714, Advanced Nutrition-Vitamins
NUTRITN 715, Advanced Nutrition-Minerals
NUTRITN 741, Methods in Nutrition Research
Graduate Seminars,
Journal club
NUTRITN 572, Community Nutrition
NUTRITN 577, Nutritional Problems in the U.S.
NUTRITN 731, Nutritional Assessment
PUBHLTH 634, Nutritional Epidemiology
NUTRITN 580, Medical Nutrition Therapy
NUTRITN 630, Nutrition and Chronic Diseases
NUTRITN 585, Practical Skills in Nutrition Counseling
NUTRITN 640, Public Health Nutrition
NUTRITN 741, Methods in Nutrition Research
NUTRITN 714, Advanced Nutrition-Vitamins
NUTRITN 715, Advanced Nutrition-Minerals
NUTRITN 572, Community Nutrition
NUTRITN 696, Independent Study
NUTRITN 731, Nutritional Assessment
NUTRITN 580, Medical Nutrition Therapy
NUTRITN 585, Practical Skills in Nutrition Counseling
NUTRITN 640, Public Health Nutrition
NUTRITN 578, Nutritional Problems in the Developing World
NUTRITN 678, Topics in International Nutrition
Table 2.6.2 Continued.
Outcome Competencies
Demonstrate critical thinking skills in evaluation of the literature.
Describe the role of agencies, advisory bodies, and professional organizations
responsible for development and dissemination of technical information and
for formulation of nutritional policies.
Identify the relationships between local, national, and global nutritional and
public health problems.
Translate results of nutritional research to different target populations (public,
peers, parents, etc.).
Graduate Courses/Requirements
NUTRITN 577, Nutritional Problems in the U.S.
NUTRITN 696, Independent Study
NUTRITN 731, Nutritional Assessment
Graduate Seminars,
NUTRITN 741, Methods in Nutrition Research
NUTRITN 714, Advanced Nutrition-Vitamins
NUTRITN 715, Advanced Nutrition-Minerals
Journal Club
NUTRITN 572, Community Nutrition
NUTRITN 573, Community Nutrition Fieldwork
NUTRITN 696, Independent Study
NUTRITN 578, Nutritional Problems in the Developing World
NUTRITN 640, Public Health Nutrition
NUTRITN 678, Topics in International Nutrition
NUTRITN 572, Community Nutrition
NUTRITN 573, Community Nutrition Fieldwork
NUTRITN 577, Nutritional Problems in the U.S.
NUTRITN 578, Nutritional Problems in the Developing World
NUTRITN 678, Topics in International Nutrition
NUTRITN 640, Public Health Nutrition
NUTRITN 696, Independent Study
NUTRITN 572, Community Nutrition
NUTRITN 573, Community Nutrition Fieldwork
NUTRITN 577, Nutritional Problems in the U.S.
NUTRITN 696, Independent Study
NUTRITN 731, Nutritional Assessment
Graduate Seminars
Table 2.6.2 Continued.
Outcome Competencies
Integrate knowledge in nutrition, public health, and other disciplines for the
identification and evaluation of nutritional problems and in development and
implementation of guidelines and policies.
Design and conduct, and evaluate research in an area of nutritional sciences.
Graduate Courses/Requirements
NUTRITN 572, Community Nutrition
NUTRITN 573, Community Nutrition Fieldwork
NUTRITN 696, Independent Study
NUTRITN 731, Nutritional Assessment
Graduate Seminars,
PUBHLTH 634, Nutritional Epidemiology
NUTRITN 580, Medical Nutrition Therapy
NUTRITN 585, Practical Skills in Nutrition Counseling
NUTRITN 640, Public Health Nutrition
NUTRITN 578, Nutritional Problems in the Developing World
NUTRITN 678, Topics in International Nutrition
NUTRITN 741, Ph.D. Dissertation
Integrate knowledge of nutritional science for the identification and evaluation Ph.D. Dissertation, Comprehensive Exam
of nutritional problems and in development of further research, policies and/or
Demonstrate capability of launching independent investigations.
Demonstrate ability to teach nutrition at the university level.
Ph.D. Dissertation, Comprehensive Exam,
NUTRITN 640, Public Health Nutrition
NUTRITN 577, Nutritional Problems in the U.S.
NUTRITN 741, Methods in Nutrition Research
NUTRITN 731, Nutritional Assessment
Graduate Seminars, Comprehensive Exam, Teaching Assistantship, Guest
The Department of Nutrition offers the B.S. degree in Nutrition as well as general education and other coursework for majors and non-majors. There are
three tracks in the major that prepare students for different careers within the broad field of nutrition. These are Dietetics, Nutrition and Health Science
and Nutrition in a Global Society. The Dietetics track is accredited by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Nutrition is a diverse field, with many
opportunities for a rewarding career. Nutritionists work in hospitals and clinics, communities and institutions throughout the world. Nutritionists provide
dietary counseling and education, conduct research, develop menus and foodservice systems and deliver many other services for individuals and
populations. Nutrition is also an excellent major for preparation for careers in the health and medical sciences.
Outcome Competencies
B.S. Courses/Requirements
B.S. in Nutrition students should:
Students will have a firm understanding of the physical and biological science
foundation Nutrition Science.
Students will be able to demonstrate how to locate interpret, evaluate and use
professional literature.
Students will be able to collect and interpret pertinent information for
comprehensive nutrition assessments, determine nutrient requirements across
the lifespan.
Students will be to use current information technologies to locate and apply
evidence-based guidelines and protocols.
Students will have an understanding of the epidemiologic, physiologic,
biochemical and nutritional complexities of major diet-related diseases.
CHEM 111, General Chemistry I
CHEM 112, General Chemistry II
CHEM 261, Organic Chemistry I
KIN 272, Anatomy and Physiology II
MICROBIO 310, General Microbiology
BIOCHEM 420, Elementary Biochemistry
NUTRITN 230, Basic Nutrition
NUTRITN 210, Meal Management
NUTRITN 430, Nutrition and Metabolism
NUTRITN 352, Nutrition in the Life Cycle
NUTRITN 391, Writing in Nutrition
NUTRITN 493/494, Seminar-Nutrition Majors
NUTRITN 580, Medical Nutrition Therapy
NUTRITN 577, Nutritional Problems in the U.S.
NUTRITN 572, Community Nutrition
NUTRITN 352, Nutrition in the Life Cycle
NUTRITN 480, Medical Terminology and the Nutrition Care Process
NUTRITN 580, Medical Nutrition Therapy
NUTRITN 585, Practical Skills in Nutrition Counseling
NUTRITN 578, Nutritional Problems in the Developing World
NUTRITN 493/494, Seminar-Nutrition Majors
NUTRITN 480, Medical Terminology and the Nutrition Care Process
NUTRITN 580, Medical Nutrition Therapy
NUTRITN 585, Practical Skills in Nutrition Counseling
NUTRITN 230, Basic Nutrition
NUTRITN 577, Nutritional Problems in the U.S.
NUTRITN 580, Medical Nutrition Therapy
NUTRITN 578, Nutritional Problems in the Developing World
Table 2.6.2 Continued.
Outcome Competencies
Students will be able to work effectively as a team member.
Graduate Courses/Requirements
NUTRITN 210, Meal Management
NUTRITN 577, Nutritional Problems in the U.S.
NUTRITN 578, Nutritional Problems in the Developing World
The Kinesiology Department provides teaching, research and outreach experiences for students in the areas of exercise physiology, physical activity and
health, muscle metabolism and mechanics, and biomechanics and motor control. The program prepares graduates for careers in academic, industrial and
community settings.
Outcome Competencies
Graduate Courses/Requirements
For all graduate degree programs in Kinesiology, students should:
Critique the terms, concepts and methods used in kinesiology.
Assess the potential impact of physical activity on human health.
KIN 530, Mechanical Analysis Human Motion
KIN 535, Muscle Mechanics & Modeling
KIN 540,
KIN 544,
KIN 560,
KIN 565,
KIN 570, Pediatric Exercise Physiology
KIN 571, Physical Activity &Women's Health
KIN 580,
KIN 585, Energy Metabolism
KIN 597I,
KIN 597J,
KIN 597M, Exercise Psychology
KIN 597P,
KIN 597S,
KIN 600, Introduction to Research of Human Movement
Kin 735
Kin 797U
KIN 540,
KIN 544,
KIN 565,
KIN 570, Pediatric Exercise Physiology
KIN 571, Physical Activity &Women's Health
Kin 585
KIN 597F,
KIN 670,
Table 2.6.2 Continued. Kinesiology
Outcome Competencies
Demonstrate critical thinking skills in evaluating the literature in
Design and conduct research in kinesiology.
Critique the results of research in kinesiology.
Translate the results of kinesiology research to different target
Synthesize the knowledge and skills from different sub-disciplines to
resolve special research or application problems.
In addition, students in the Ph.D. degree program should:
Design and conduct original, independent research in kinesiology.
Outcome Competencies
Kin 570
Kin 571
KIN 600, Introduction to Research of Human Movement
KIN 655,
KIN 696, Independent Study
KIN 699, Masters Thesis
KIN 585
KIN 696, Independent Study
KIN 698A
KIN 697S
KIN 697T
KIN 699, Masters Thesis
KIN 600, Introduction to Research of Human Movement
KIN 675, Exercise Physiology Seminar
KIN 697R
KIN 891, Seminar
KIN 570, Pediatric Exercise Physiology
KIN 571, Physical Activity &Women's Health
KIN 597F
KIN 596, Independent Study
KIN 696, Independent Study
KIN 699, Masters Thesis
KIN 585
KIN 596
KIN 696, Independent Study
KIN 796, Independent Study
KIN 899, Ph.D. Dissertation
The major in Kinesiology focuses on the study of human performance within a biophysical context, including aspects of anatomy,
physiology, chemistry, physics, biology, nutrition and computer science. The study of human performance is thus a cross-disciplinary
subject field and is referred to as the academic discipline of Kinesiology. For the major in Kinesiology, courses taken outside the department
include: physics, chemistry, math and computer science. These courses provide the foundation for the Kinesiology courses that apply the
basic scientific principles to the study of movement.
Outcome Competencies
B.S. Courses/Requirements
B.S. students in Kinesiology should:
Understand the basic issues and sub disciplines that comprise
KIN 297P, Exercise in Health & Disease
Achieve basic library research skills.
KIN 110, Human Performance & Nutrition
KIN 110H, Honors Human Performance & Nutrition
KIN 355, Writing Seminar in Kinesiology
Acquire elementary data analysis skills.
KIN 460, Motor Control
KIN 298H, Honors Independent Study
Understand terminology related to mortality, morbidity, and health
KIN 340, Exercise Testing & Programming
risk factors.
KIN 440, Wellness for All
KIN 297P, Exercise in Health & Disease
KIN 110, Human Performance & Nutrition
Understand terminology related to the study of physical activity,
KIN 340, Exercise Testing & Programming
exercise, and fitness.
KIN 440, Wellness for All
Understand basic concepts about exercise, physical activity, and
KIN 440, Wellness for All
fitness that are relevant to human health.
KIN 340, Exercise Testing & Programming
KIN 297P, Exercise in Health & Disease
KIN 460, Motor Control
KIN 110, Human Performance & Nutrition
KIN 110H, Honors Human Performance & Nutrition
Learn how physical activity, sedentary behavior, and fitness are
KIN 340, Exercise Testing & Programming
assessed and used and the strengths and weaknesses of these
KIN 297P, Exercise in Health & Disease
KIN 110H, Honors Human Performance & Nutrition
Learn how to evaluate quality and significance of the science of
KIN 297P, Exercise in Health & Disease
exercise, physical activity, and health.
KIN 110, Human Performance & Nutrition
KIN 110H, Honors Human Performance & Nutrition
KIN 298H, Honors Independent Study
Table 2.6.2 Continued. Kinesiology
Outcome Competencies
Learn the physiological aspects of major diseases/conditions that
impact health.
Understand risk factors for major diseases that influence health.
Learn general physiological adaptations that occur with physical
activity that influence health and disease.
Apply this knowledge to understanding how physical activity,
exercise and sedentary behavior impact various conditions,
diseases, and disease risk.
Link knowledge from physiology, science of physical activity, and
health to federal and organizational guidelines and
recommendations about exercise and physical activity.
Learn how to use surrounding resources to successfully complete a
project in a group setting.
Gain tools for professional and career development including
internships, graduate school, and jobs.
Develop scientific writing within the field of kinesiology by
developing the following skills:
a. Effective self and peer editing.
b. Researching and critically reading professional journal
Develop professional documents and communication skills.
Graduate Courses/Requirements
KIN 340, Exercise Testing & Programming
KIN 297P, Exercise in Health & Disease
KIN 460, Motor Control
KIN 340, Exercise Testing & Programming
KIN 297P, Exercise in Health & Disease
KIN 440, Wellness for All
KIN 110, Human Performance & Nutrition
KIN 110, Human Performance & Nutrition
KIN 340, Exercise Testing & Programming
KIN 460, Motor Control
KIN 110, Human Performance & Nutrition
KIN 340, Exercise Testing & Programming
KIN 460, Motor Control
KIN 297P, Exercise in Health & Disease
KIN 297WP, Wellness Programming
KIN 460, Motor Control
KIN 297WP, Wellness Programming
KIN 355, Writing Seminar in Kinesiology
KIN 355, Writing Seminar in Kinesiology
KIN 460, Motor Control
KIN 110, Human Performance & Nutrition
KIN 110H, Honors Human Performance & Nutrition
KIN 297WP, Wellness Programming
KIN 340, Exercise Testing & Programming
KIN 110H, Honors Human Performance & Nutrition
KIN 297WP, Wellness Programming
KIN 340, Exercise Testing & Programming
KIN 355, Writing Seminar in Kinesiology
Table 2.6.2 Continued.
Outcome Competencies
Develop and understanding of providing safe and effective physical
activity programs for children, older adults, pre and post-natal, and
individuals with certain chronic disabilities.
Learn strategies to improve adherence to physical activity.
Develop and understanding of how difference ethnicities may
approach physical activity as it related to health.
Gain a thorough understanding of the fundamental principles that
governs the physiological responses of the body to acute and
chronic exercise, from a cellular to systems level approach.
Directly assess the acute effects of various modes and durations of
exercise on different physiological systems of the body.
To gain understanding of the methods used to quantify
physiological function and energy expenditure.
Provide an introductory course in human movement with an
emphasis on “neuromechanics”, featuring the integration of
principles from biomechanics and motor control.
Learn and apply the basic principles of human biomechanics and
motor control to understand the neuromechanical aspects
underlying a variety of topics (e.g. elite performance, product
design, neuromuscular and orthopedic pathologies, ergonomics,
Graduate Courses/Requirements
KIN 297P, Exercise in Health & Disease
KIN 340, Exercise Testing & Programming
KIN 440, Wellness for All
KIN 297P, Exercise in Health & Disease
KIN 297WP, Wellness Programming
KIN 340, Exercise Testing & Programming
KIN 440, Wellness for All
KIN 340, Exercise Testing & Programming
KIN 440, Wellness for All
KIN 270, Anatomy & Physiology I
KIN 272, Anatomy & Physiology II
KIN 340, Exercise Testing & Programming
KIN 110H, Honors Human Performance & Nutrition
KIN 270, Anatomy & Physiology I
KIN 272, Anatomy & Physiology II
KIN 297P, Exercise in Health & Disease
KIN 340, Exercise Testing & Programming
KIN 470, Exercise Physiology
KIN 297G, Neuromechanics of Human Motion
KIN 297G, Neuromechanics of Human Motion
KIN 430, Biomechanics
Communication Disorders
The learning objectives for the M.A. and Au.D. programs are strongly influenced by the certification requirements of the American Speech, Language and
Hearing Association (ASHA). For Ph.D. degrees, these objectives are developed between the student and his or her advisor. The doctoral committee may
offer input, but usually to a lesser extent. Thus, formulating a doctoral degree program requires both student and advisor to carefully define the degree
and its parameters, a valuable process in itself.
Outcome Competencies
Graduate Courses/Requirements
For all graduate degree programs in Communication Disorders students
Critique the terms, concepts and methods used in communications disorders.
COMDIS 520, Counseling in Communication Disorders
COMDIS 530, Neurological Bases in Speech, Language and Hearing
COMDIS 580, Cognitive Bases of Language Function
COMDIS 610, Phonological Disorders
COMDIS 611, Fluency Disorders
COMDIS 612, Voice Problems
COMDIS 613, Language Disorders in Adults I
COMDIS 614, Language Disorders in Adults II
COMDIS 615, Evaluation Processes in Speech-Language Pathology
COMDIS 624, Motor Speech Disorder
COMDIS 632, Language Disorders in Children II
COMDIS 630, Research in Communication Disorders
COMDIS 631, Language Disorders in Children I
COMDIS 640, Advanced Diagnostic Audiology
COMDIS 641, Advanced Hearing Rehabilitation
COMDIS 642, Hearing Aids & Amplification
COMDIS 643, Hearing Conversation
COMDIS 645, Theories Of Hearing
COMDIS 646, Assessment & Management of Balance Disorders
COMDIS 647, Implantable Auditory Prosthese
COMDIS 650, Pediatric Audiology
COMDIS 651, Electrophysiological Procedures in Audiology
COMDIS 691, Clinical Audiology I
COMDIS 691D, Dysphagia
COMDIS 691G, Auditory Processing
COMDIS 692, Clinical Audiology II
Table 2.6.2 Continued.
Outcome Competencies
Assess the potential impact of communication disorders on human
development and welfare.
Graduate Courses/Requirements
COMDIS 520, Counseling in Communication Disorders
COMDIS 530, Neurological Bases in Speech, Language and Hearing
COMDIS 580, Cognitive Bases of Language Function
COMDIS 610, Phonological Disorders
COMDIS 611, Fluency Disorders
COMDIS 612, Voice Problems
COMDIS 613, Language Disorders in Adults I
COMDIS 614, Language Disorders in Adults II
COMDIS 615, Evaluation Processes in Speech-Language Pathology
COMDIS 624, Motor Speech Disorder
COMDIS 631, Language Disorders in Children I
COMDIS 632, Language Disorders in Children II
COMDIS 640, Advanced Diagnostic Audiology
COMDIS 641, Advanced Hearing Rehabilitation
COMDIS 646, Assessment & Management of Balance Disorders
COMDIS 647, Implantable Auditory Prosthese
COMDIS 650, Pediatric Audiology
COMDIS 651, Electrophysiological Procedures in Audiology
COMDIS 691, Clinical Audiology I
COMDIS 691D, Dysphagia
COMDIS 691G, Auditory Processing
COMDIS 692, Clinical Audiology II
COMDIS 698, Practicum
COMDIS 699, Masters Thesis
Table 2.6.2 Continued.
Outcome Competencies
Develop intervention strategies to remediate communication disorders.
Graduate Courses/Requirements
COMDIS 520, Counseling in Communication Disorders
COMDIS 580, Cognitive Bases of Language Function
COMDIS 610, Phonological Disorders
COMDIS 611, Fluency Disorders
COMDIS 612, Voice Problems
COMDIS 613, Language Disorders in Adults I
COMDIS 614, Language Disorders in Adults II
COMDIS 615, Evaluation Processes in Speech-Language Pathology
COMDIS 624, Motor Speech Disorder
COMDIS 631, Language Disorders in Children I
COMDIS 632, Language Disorders in Children II
COMDIS 641, Advanced Hearing Rehabilitation
COMDIS 646, Assessment & Management of Balance Disorders
COMDIS 647, Implantable Auditory Prosthese
COMDIS 650, Pediatric Audiology
COMDIS 691, Clinical Audiology I
COMDIS 691D, Dysphagia
COMDIS 691G, Auditory Processing
COMDIS 692, Clinical Audiology II
COMDIS 697A, Instrumentation in Audiology
COMDIS 698, Practicum
Table 2.6.2 Continued.
Outcome Competencies
Demonstrate critical thinking skills in evaluating communication disorders.
Graduate Courses/Requirements
COMDIS 520, Counseling in Communication Disorders
COMDIS 530, Neurological Bases in Speech, Language and Hearing
COMDIS 580, Cognitive Bases of Language Function
COMDIS 610, Phonological Disorders
COMDIS 611, Fluency Disorders
COMDIS 612, Voice Problems
COMDIS 613, Language Disorders in Adults I
COMDIS 614, Language Disorders in Adults II
COMDIS 615, Evaluation Processes in Speech-Language Pathology
COMDIS 624, Motor Speech Disorder
COMDIS 630, Research in Communication Disorders
COMDIS 631, Language Disorders in Children I
COMDIS 632, Language Disorders in Children II
COMDIS 640, Advanced Diagnostic Audiology
COMDIS 641, Advanced Hearing Rehabilitation
COMDIS 642, Hearing Aids & Amplification
COMDIS 643, Hearing Conversation
COMDIS 645, Theories Of Hearing
COMDIS 646, Assessment & Management of Balance Disorders
COMDIS 647, Implantable Auditory Prosthese
COMDIS 651, Electrophysiological Procedures in Audiology
COMDIS 691, Clinical Audiology I
COMDIS 691D, Dysphagia
COMDIS 691G, Auditory Processing
COMDIS 692, Clinical Audiology II
COMDIS 697A, Instrumentation in Audiology
COMDIS 698, Practicum
Communication Disorders
Outcome Competencies
B.S. students in Communication Disorders should:
Critique the terms, concepts and methods used in communications disorders.
Assess the potential impact of communication disorders on human
development and welfare.
Develop intervention strategies to correct communication disorders.
Demonstrate critical thinking skills in evaluating communication disorders.
Apply state-of-the-art technology and methodology in the assessment and
remediation of communication disorders.
B.S. Courses/Requirements
COMDIS 211, Anatomy & Physiology of the Speech & Hearing
COMDIS 310, Phoentic Processing
COMDIS 311, Introduction to Hearing Science
COMDIS 312, Introduction to Speech Science
COMDIS 313, Introduction to Audiology
COMDIS 315, Speech and Language Disorders
COMDIS 330, Writing in Communication Disorders
COMDID 401, Speech and Language Development
COMDIS 416, Introduction to Clinical Procedures
COMDIS 496K, Clinical Observation
COMDIS 530, Neurological Bases in Speech, Language and Hearing
COMDIS 210, Introduction to Communication Disorders
COMDIS 313, Introduction to Audiology
COMDIS 315, Speech and Language Disorders
COMDIS 401, Speech and Language Development
COMDIS 416, Introduction to Clinical Procedures
COMDIS 313, Introduction to Audiology
COMDIS 315, Speech and Language Disorders
COMDIS 401, Speech and Language Development
COMDIS 311, Introduction to Hearing Science
COMDIS 312, Introduction to Speech Science
COMDIS 313, Introduction to Audiology
COMDIS 315, Speech and Language Disorders
COMDIS 330, Writing in Communication Disorders
COMDIS 401, Speech and Language Development
COMDIS 416, Introduction to Clinical Procedures
COMDIS 496K, Clinical Observation
COMDIS 530, Neurological Bases in Speech, Language and Hearing
COMDIS 313, Introduction to Audiology
COMDIS 315, Speech and Language Disorders
COMDIS 401, Speech and Language Development
COMDIS 416, Introduction to Clinical Procedures
Table 2.6.2 Continued.
Outcome Competencies
Critique, design and conduct communication disorders research.
Demonstrate knowledge of communication disorders agencies, regulatory
agencies, advisory bodies, and professional organizations that play important
roles in the development and dissemination of technical information and control
policies for communication disorders.
Integrate relevant information about multicultural populations into assessment
and treatment protocols in communication disorders.
Graduate Courses/Requirements
COMDIS 311, Introduction to Hearing Science
COMDIS 496K, Clinical Observation
COMDIS 499P, Honors Project
COMDID 499T, Honors Thesis
COMDIS 416, Introduction to Clinical Procedures
COMDIS 313, Introduction to Audiology
COMDIS 315, Speech and Language Disorders