Humanities Homework Reducing Carbon Emissions Task 1: Why is

Humanities Homework
Reducing Carbon Emissions
Task 1:
Why is it important to reduce carbon emissions?
It is important to reduce carbon emissions because hazardous amounts of carbon dioxide is being
released in the atmosphere, being a greenhouse gas this causes temperatures to rise. This also gradually
adds to the amounts of air pollution. These pollutions and temperature risings are making the world
unsustainable and eroding the atmospheres natural resources.
How were targets set at Kyoto different from MEDCs and LEDCs, suggest why?
These targets (MEDC and LEDC) differ due to MEDC’s aiming to reduce gas emissions by 5% ; below 1990
levels by 2012, and LEDC’s are continuing to reduce carbon levels to 1990 by 2005.
Graph showing total carbon emissions produced by selected countries in 1990. Graph is also
displaying countries from 1-6, in order of most carbon emitted per person and least carbon emitted
per person.
Carbon Emissions Produced by
countries in 1990
Carbon Emissions
Produced by countries in
Graph Analysis:
In this graph, carbon emissions produced by these countries are displayed, and showed in table form. In
the USA ranking the highest in carbon emissions and emissions per person. Emissions per person is
shown next to the label of the countries, it is shown being diagramed by number. Going from numbers
1-6. One being highest use of emissions per person, and six being lowest use of emissions per person.
This graph shows how the results vary per country , and relates back to humans roles in the use of
emissions, per person.
Change in carbon emission between 1990-2007:
Change throughout the years 1990 and 2007 is in a result of the countries success in reducing carbon
emissions. In the USA between the years of 1990-2007 the carbon emission went up by 50%, this is
widely affecting America’s natural resources due to the carbon emissions rising. In the years of 19902007 the carbon emissions have risen in China by 150%, this has environmentally and economically
impacted China. In Russia between the years 1990-2007 the carbon emission reduced by 20%, this
positively adjusting Russia polluted areas. In Japan during 1990 and 2007 the carbon emission rose by
11%, this negatively progressing the affects of carbon emissions. In 1990-2007 in Germany the carbon
emission diminished down by 18%, which improved the hazardous occurring of the carbon emissions. In
1990-2007 in India the carbon emissions drastically rose by 103% heavily impacting India’s
environmental state. In the years of 1990-2007 the world’s carbon emissions rose by 38% impacting
humans environmental resources.
Task 2- Study source c
Describe the project in source c:
This project is taking place in Hawaii. It is the first creation of cars running entirely on electricity. The
plan for this creation is to build 100,000 charging stations in car parks and streets by 2012 and importing
electrical vehicles by Nissan and Renault.
How will this benefit; Hawaii and the world in general .
At the current moment Hawaii imports 90% of its oil from Saudi Arabia, costing them 70$ million. With
the electricity for the charging stations being generated by renewable sources *such as wind power*
the huge amount of oil needed will be reduced; therefore decreasing the need of oil, and the amounts
of money spent buying and importing it.
The world:
With millions of tourists coming into Hawaii each year the will be educated on this new and less
environmentally way of transportation and perspective of sources for electricity will be changed. The
worl can be educated on renewable power sources, but also learn the importance of why one should try
environmentally friendly options. With these tools and different tools and options being used carbon
emissions can be reduced.
How does offsetting carbon help?
Offsetting carbon reduces the risk of other harmful gases being of use when global warming is forming.
With the decrease and loss of carbon emissions, the affects and impacts of global warming will be easier
to reduce, and more likely to stop. If we decrease the use of derived carbon products and use
renewable sources, the aim to have percentages of carbon emissions drop can be tangible; but if carbon
emissions continue the amount of destruction and impact will be harder to fix and the environment will
suffer everlasting consequences. These consequences being due to the affects of pollution and other
issues that occur when global warming is intact.
Poster- Encouraging people to walk, cycle, or use transport that does not use fuel from derived carbon
File is in separate document.