PBE BS program 70-74 credits BS in Primate Behavior & Ecology This unique, dual-degree program (PBE + ANTH, PSY, or BIOL) is completed in 4 years and provides opportunities for students to engage in faculty-mentored scientific research on campus, in local sanctuaries and zoos, and in distant countries where free-living nonhuman primates are found. Hands-on experiences and advanced technical training enhance student job prospects and provide a foundation for students continuing on for advanced degrees. Coursework includes: PRIM 220 Intro Prim Lab Procedures ANTH 309L Skeletal Anal & Comp ANTH 313 Prim Social Behavior PHIL 306 Environmental Ethics BIOL 465 Animal Behavior PSY 300 Research Methods ANTH 411 Primate Conservation ANTH 412 Long-term Prim Studies ANTH 416 Pongid Behavior ANTH 418 Primate Evolution Primate Behavior & Ecology Central Washington University Bachelor of Science Degree Applying to the Program Apply for admission to the university http://www.cwu.edu/~admissions/. The admissions link has information for your particular situation, whether you’re a freshman, international, or transfer student. Once you are accepted to CWU, contact the program director to arrange a meeting to declare the major. Dr. Lori K. Sheeran Program Director SheeranL@cwu.edu (509)963-1434 400 E University Way CWU, MS 7544 Ellensburg, WA 98926 www.cwu.edu/primate/ PBE Facilities & Research Opportunities MOLECULAR ANTHROPOLOGY LABORATORY (MAL) Contact: Dr. Joseph Lorenz, LorenzJ@cwu.edu, (509)963-3448 Learn the techniques used in forensic, biomedical, and genetic research laboratories. MAL is equipped for DNA extraction, PCR analysis, genotyping, and DNA sequencing. MAL houses DNA samples from 90+ primate species, which are available for student projects in comparative primate genetics. ANTH 316 History/Theory of Molecular Anthropology, WI 14, 4 credits. PRIM 495A Directed Research in Primatology, offered every quarter, 1-5 credits. PRIMATOLOGY IN ECUADOR Contact: Dr. Steve Wagner, WagnerS@cwu.edu, (509)963-3105 Travel to Ecuador to work with primatologist Sarah Martin Solano and Dr. Steve Wagner to study the behavior and conservation of this country’s unique and virtually unknown primate species. PRIM 495A Directed Research in Primatology, offered every quarter, 1-5 credits. World-famous chimpanzee Washoe was the 1st nonhuman to learn a human language. Learn more about chimpanzees’ communication, behavioral enrichment, and husbandry through the design of research projects guided by Dr. Jensvold. PRIM 220 Laboratory Methods in Primatology, every fall quarter, 2 credits. PRIM 320 Directed Research, every winter quarter, 2 credits. PRIM 495A Directed Research in Primatology, offered every quarter, 1-5 credits. Practice research methods as a member of an international team focused on the behavior of Tibetan macaques. Field research is mentored by Drs. Lori Sheeran and Steve Wagner. ANTH/BIOL 493 Fieldwork in Anthropology & Biology, every summer quarter, 6 credits. 3 weeks in the Yellow Mountains, Anhui Province, China. Sponsored by CWU Study Abroad. Professor-guided research on comparative primate anatomy using CWU’s non-invasively obtained collection of fossil and extant primate skeletal material. PRIM 309L Skeletal Anal & Comparison, fall and winter quarters, 2 credits. PRIM 495A Directed Research in Primatology, offered every quarter, 1-5 credits. CHIMPANZEE & HUMAN COMMUNICATION INSTITUTE ARCHIVES Contact: Dr. Mary Lee Jensvold, Jensvold@cwu.edu, (509)963-2215 CHINA FIELD SCHOOL Contact: Dr. Lori Sheeran, SheeranL@cwu.edu, (509)963-1434 COMPARATIVE PRIMATE ANATOMY Contact: Dr. John AlsoszataiPetheo, JAPetheo@cwu.edu, (509)963-3306