NCEA Chinese Level 3 model assessments Rotorua Boys HIgh

Rotorua Boys’ High School NCEA Level 3 Chinese Internal Assessments
Spoken Presentation – 3.2 AS91534 version1 3 credits
Standard Give a clear spoken presentation in Chinese that communicates a
critical response into stimulus materials
Context and Task
You have been selected from amongst the youth delegates to speak to the
Model Youth Assembly on the value of intercultural exchanges as a 21 century
global citizen. Use the class resources (text, image, video, song etc) as the
stimulus for your presentation. In your presentation you should try to defend,
use evidence, explain, justify, hypothesise and recommend as you present
your ideas.
Conditions of Assessment
 The presentation will be about 2-3 minutes long. At all times, quality is
more important than length.
 Digital video evidence will be collected as evidence.
 Communication is the focus but you may have prepared notes, cue
cards, props, other supporting material, including a copy of the text but
you must not read it. These aids should not detract from the
 The audience will be the teacher and the class.
Achievement Criteria
Achievement with Merit
Achievement with Excellence
Give a clear spoken presentation
in Chinese that communicates a
critical response to stimulus
This involves: explaining and
justifying a viewpoint in culturally
appropriate spoken Chinese.
Communication is achieved overall
despite inconsistencies in, for
instance: language features,
pronunciation, intonation, gesture,
rhythm patterns, delivery speed or
audibility, stress patterns, tones.
Give a clear, convincing spoken
presentation in Chinese that
communicates a critical
response to stimulus material.
This involves: explaining and
justifying a viewpoint, in Chinese
that is generally credible and
Give a clear, effective spoken
presentation in Chinese that
communicates a critical
response to stimulus material.
This involves: explaining and
justifying a viewpoint, in Chinese
that is controlled and integrated.
A range of language and language
features are selected and used that
are fit for purpose and audience.
A range of language and language
features are capably selected and
successfully used that are fit for
purpose and audience.
Communication is not significantly
hindered by inconsistencies.
Communication is not hindered by
Rotorua Boys’ High School NCEA Level 3 Chinese Internal Assessments
Interaction Portfolio – 3.3 AS91535 version1 6 credits
Standard Interact clearly using spoken Chinese to explore and justify varied
ideas and perspectives in different situations
The following scenarios provide the contexts for three interactions. The bullet
points for each scenario are only suggestions about what you might discuss.
An exchange student from China
has joined your class. He is really
interested in the differences and
similarities between teenage life
here and back in their country.
Have a discussion about the pros
and cons of being a teenager here
in New Zealand as opposed to
being a teenager growing up in
China. You could consider the
In group of two to three to debate
whether or not “Technology has
had a negative impact on
teenagers’ lifestyles”. You could
consider the following:
The exchange student has
expressed surprise at the number of
Chinese immigrants who are now
living in NZ. He wonders what made
his countrymen choose to come to
live in NZ and how this has changed
NZ society and what other New
Zealanders think about immigration.
How lifestyles have changed
in the 21st century for
teenagers because of
Your own relationship with
What technologies have been
most/least detrimental to the
health and wellbeing of
The advantages and
disadvantages of living in a
new country
Why do so many Chinese
people choose NZ?
New Zealanders attitudes to
the possible advantages and
disadvantages of growing up
in both countries
what you wished New
Zealand/ China had here but
is something that is easily
accessible in China / NZ
What changes in the design of
technologies shows that
producers are aware of the
need to make technology
more ‘healthy’
Consider ways in which the
use or design of technologies
may change in the future to
have a positive impact on
teenagers’ health and
comparisons and contrasts
between life in China and in
New Zealand
Future goals (gap year, study
plans, OE, careers etc).
What motivates people to
Text type: Panel discussion
Text Type: Informal debate
Text type: Discussion
Communicative Purpose: use
Communicative Purpose: To
generalise, prove, and argue the
pros and cons
Communicative Purpose: to
recount, predict, argue, justify
and elicit and give advice
facts, figures and trends to support
and challenge ideas and opinions
In your interactions, you should:
express, explore, and justify (with explanations or evidence) your own ideas and perspectives
explore and support/challenge (with explanations or evidence) the ideas and perspectives of others
use language and language features that are fit for purpose and audience.
You will be assessed on how effectively you use spoken Chinese to explore and justify varied ideas and
Rotorua Boys’ High School NCEA Level 3 Chinese Internal Assessments
Conditions of Assessment
 The length of the interaction will vary according to the communicative
purpose of the task. At all times quality is more important than
 Where an interaction involves more than one person being assessed,
each person will be assessed individually.
 Evidence will be collected by video recording. The evidence is to attest
that you are working at Level 8 reasonably consistently rather than
accidentally and occasionally.
 Evidence can include your own collections of digital video recording.
 You may add to your portfolio any prepared or impromptu evidence
collected from contexts outside the classroom e.g. tasks completed at
home or with native speakers in the street.
Achievement Criteria
Achievement with Merit
Achievement with Excellence
 Interact clearly using spoken
Chinese to explore and justify
varied ideas and perspectives
in different situations.
 Interact clearly using convincing
spoken Chinese to explore and
justify varied ideas and
perspectives in different
 Interact clearly using effective
spoken Chinese to explore and
justify varied ideas and
perspectives in different
This involves: Taking an active
part in discussion with a degree of
fluency and spontaneity. This may
be demonstrated by accounting for
and sustaining own views.
Spontaneity refers to the ability to
maintain and sustain an interaction
without previous rehearsal.
This involves interaction
showing: Use of a range of
language that is fit for purpose and
This involves interaction
showing: Successful use of a
range of language that is
consistently fit for purpose and
Interaction may be hindered in
some places by inconsistencies in,
for instance: language features,
pronunciation, intonation, rhythm
patterns, delivery speed or
audibility, stress patterns, tones.
Generally successful selection from
a repertoire of language features
and strategies to maintain the
Skilful selection from a repertoire of
language features and strategies to
maintain the interaction.
Interaction is not significantly
hindered by inconsistencies.
Interaction is not hindered by
Rotorua Boys’ High School NCEA Level 3 Chinese Internal Assessments
Writing Portfolio – 3.5 AS91537 version 1 5 credits
Standard Write a variety of text types in clear Chinese to explore and justify
varied ideas and perspectives
Context and Tasks
For this activity, you will take the role of an exchange student to Shangde
School in China. In this role, you will produce three written texts in Chinese:
• a formal letter of application
• a personal blog entry
• an article in a school magazine.
A brochure
You are a leader in your school
council and you have been asked to
create a brochure on teenage issues
which will be given to International
students who visit/attend your school.
You could include some of the
An article in Shangde School
You have spent a year in China as an
exchange student. At the end of your
stay, you have been invited to write
an article for the school magazine
that explores and challenges cultural
 Information about different social
issues faced by students your
 Peer pressure
 Advice on what to do if they have
problems and where to go for help
 Recommendations of positive
ways to make friends and
In your article, you could discuss
some of the following:
Text type: formal writing
Communicative Purpose:
Text type: essay
Communicative Purpose:
review, compose, construct,
convince, celebrate
outline, use evidence, justify, present
hypotheses, recommend
 common perceptions or
stereotypes of certain cultural
practices in China
 whether your first impression of
China confirmed or challenged
these stereotypes
 how your understanding and
perceptions of China and Chinese
culture have changed throughout
the year
 advice to future exchange students
on how to deal with issues relating
to cultural stereotypes.
A personal blog entry
Many NZ schools are now requiring their
students to bring their own devices, for
example, iPad, iPod, iPhone, laptop, etc.,
to school to support their learning. What
do you think would happen if this was
introduced at your school?
Write a personal blog entry expressing
your own opinion, and exploring the
ideas and perspectives of others on this
topic. You could discuss:
 the value of technology in education
 the advantages or otherwise of this
 the social impact of this policy
 alternative ways to access
technology in schools
 how bringing your own device (BYOD)
could be useful to you as a language
 recommendations on what
technology would be best
Text type: web page
Communicative Purpose: review,
compose, construct, convince,
In your writing, you should:
express, explore, and justify (with explanations or evidence) your own ideas and perspectives
explore and support/challenge (with explanations or evidence) the ideas and perspectives of others
use language and language features that are fit for purpose and audience
include some ideas and information from sources other than your own direct experience (for example, articles,
films, or discussions with native speakers).
Use the above scenarios as the basis for your written texts. The bullet points are suggestions only.
Use your language and cultural knowledge to organise each text so that it is appropriate for the purpose and
Rotorua Boys’ High School NCEA Level 3 Chinese Internal Assessments
Conditions of Assessment
 A range of commonly used resources may be used to support drafting
and reworking. These include search engines, word lists, spell and
grammar checkers, pamphlets, dictionaries, text books, grammar
notes, people – friends, family, native speakers. You need to write
texts to fulfil communicative intents that are as realistic as possible.
 The amount of writing may vary according to the communicative
purpose of the task. At all times quality is more important than quantity.
 Evidence of at least three text types must be collected to ensure
sufficient evidence of working at the specified level reasonably
consistently rather than accidentally and occasionally.
 You select the evidence and present it at the portfolio conference in
Term III.
 The final selection is considered as a whole for grade allocation.
 The quality of the texts, considered as a whole, is more important than
Achievement Criteria
Achievement with Merit
Achievement with Excellence
Write a variety of text types in
clear Chinese to explore and
justify varied ideas and
Write a variety of text types in clear
Chinese involves organising text in
a linguistically and culturally
appropriate format and style, and
organising informed content which is
fit for purpose and audience.
Communication is achieved overall,
despite inconsistencies such as:
format, spelling, lexical choice, level
of formality, language conventions
and language features.
Write a variety of text types in
clear convincing Chinese to
explore and justify varied ideas
and perspectives.
Write a variety of text types in clear
convincing Chinese involves
developing ideas and perspectives
in French which is generally credible
and connected.
Write a variety of text types in
clear effective Chinese to explore
and justify varied ideas and
Write a variety of text types in clear
effective Chinese involves developing
ideas and perspectives in French
which is controlled and integrated.
A range of language and language
features are selected and used that
are fit for purpose and audience.
Language and language features are
capably selected and successfully
used that are fit for purpose and
Communication is not significantly
hindered by inconsistencies.
Communication is not hindered by