Physical Education Lesson Plan Grade: ____ Elementary APE______________ Lesson/Unit: Ring Skill Development_______ Affective Domain Psychomotor & Cognitive Domain Activity Development 1.Basic Skill Instruction x TSW be introduced to multiple different ring activities such as tossing and catching the rings. Fitness Benefits 3.Skill Related Life Skills x TSW demonstrate ability to toss, catch, and jump in activities 2 & 3 4. Health Related 2.Application of Skills x TSW apply skills such as tossing, catching, and target throwing in the different ring activities. x TSW work on their cardio through the warm-up of jogging and their muscular strength with push-ups and sit-ups. x 5.Effort I expect to see the students putting forth their best effort throughout the warm-up and activities x 6.Goal Setting TSW be able to perform at least 15 push-ups and 15 sit-ups x 8.Communication TSW communicate by naming off the different body parts during the body part activity. x 9.Fair Play TSW play fair in the ring target toss game and not cheat by placing the rings on the chair legs. x 11.Teamwork TSW work in teams to get rings around all four chair legs in the ring toss game. Introduction / Warm-up Jog around middle circle with music playing Total time: ___3 min.________ -Encourage to continue jogging the whole time Formations / Cues As a group Assessment: # of step on Pedometer Observation on continuous movement Sit-ups & Push-ups on individual mats Total time: 5 min. -Encourage to get as many of each as they can As a group Observation on continuous effort (goal of 15 each) Learning Activities / Teaching Strategies (1) Body part touches with rings -forehead -ears -chin -elbows -abs -hips Formations / Cues Angel halos when listening to instruction Assessment Teacher observation -thighs -knees -shins -toes -ankles -calves -hams Total time: 3 min. (2) Ring floor activities: -with right hand over ring walk around ring clockwise -with left hand over ring walk around ring counterclockwise -stand behind ring -jump to the front of the ring -jump to the side of the ring -jump to the other side -straddle the ring Hold ring up in air with right hand Hold ring up in air with left hand Total time: 3 min. “Tick tock, tic tock” “Tock tick, tock tick” (3) Ring tricks: -Kick-and-catch (try with both feet) -Figure 8 between legs -Head drop to toe catch (try with both feet) -Toss up and catch with one hand (try with both hands) -Toss up, clap and catch (try clapping as many times as possible) -Toss up, touch floor and catch -Magic ring (spin ring vertically on ground creating a ball on the top and a ball on the bottom of the ring) Total time: 6 min. (4) Ring toss game: -split into five groups and place each group at their own chair which is upside down about 3-4 feet in front of them. When the music starts, each group may start shooting their rings at the chair legs one at a time. Students may not cross the designated shooting line or the ring will not count. If they miss, simply run and grab their ring and run to the end of the line and then the next person may shoot. If they make a ring on a chair leg, they have to run to the ring box and grab a new ring and run back to the end of their line. Once a team has a ring around each of the four legs on the chair, winner winner chicken dinner! Play this multiple times until it is time to go. After each game, have students clear the rings off of their chair legs and throw them back in the box. Make sure that each student keeps one ring to begin the next game. Total time: ____10 min._______ Equipment needs: rings, 5 chairs, Sit-up/push-up mats, music player Safety Considerations: Spread out when performing ring activities (P)Reflection: I believe the students will be actively engaged by the moving warm-up and ring activities. I also feel that the students will be engaged cognitively by remembering each body and other details for each ring activity.