Supporting Information Femtosecond laser induced tunable surface ablation aided by square grids diffraction Weina Han,1 Lan Jiang,1 Xiaowei Li,1,a) Yang Liu1 and Yongfeng Lu2 1 Laser Micro/Nano-Fabrication Laboratory, School of Mechanical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, PR China 2 Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68588-0511, USA A. Diffraction-aided fs laser ablated structures with a diffraction distance around 20 μm Identical experiment is performed with the copper grids tightly placed on the surface of the sample with a distance D around 20 μm which is measured by the optical microscope. As expected, reduced number of micro-peak dots is formed. By increasing the scanning speed, the surface transformation from 3 striped ripple lines (Fig. S1(a)) to a 3 × 3 lattice distribution of ripples (Fig. S1(b)-(f)) is achieved. The magnified 3 × 3 lattice arrangement of Fig. S1(b) is shown in Fig. S1(g). The corresponding calculated relative intensity distribution with the case of D = 20 μm is shown in Fig. S1(h). It can be noted that, the separation width and number of the micro-peak intensity both vary in the horizontal and vertical direction. A close correspondence between the position of the multipledots and the pattered surface is observed. This illustrates that the energy redistribution caused by the grids aperture diffraction plays a key role in the periodic arrangement of the ablated ripple structures. a) Electronic mail: 1 FIG. S1. Diffraction-aided fs laser ablated surface structures through the copper grids in different scanning speeds. (a) 100 μm/s; (b) 200 μm/s; (c) 300 μm/s; (d) 400 μm/s; (e) 500 μm/s; (f) 600μm/s. The inset (g) shows a magnification of 3 × 3 lattice dots in (b); (h) the corresponding calculated normalized irradiated intensity (along the horizontal line with maximum intensity) with a 3 × 3 lattice. The red double-headed arrow and blue arrow indicate the polarization direction and the scanning direction, respectively. The polarization direction and the scanning direction is fixed from (a) to (f), and (a)-(f) share the same scale bar. 2 B. Two-step experiment based on the laser spot overlap The following is a series of two-step induced diffracted ripple dots, aiming to explain the influence of the initially induced structures during the overlap by dynamic laser scanning process on the subsequent ripple dots formation. Fig. S2(a) is the schematic diagram of the experimental process. The polarization direction is along the y axis. For the first step, the sample surface is pretreated by 100 laser shots on point A (the distance between spot center and the edge of the grid is 4 μm), and then for the second step, another 100 laser pulses are shot on point B or C by moving the translation stage. The distance between AB, AC, AD, AE, and AF are about 2 μm, 4 μm, 6 μm, 8 μm, and 10 μm, respectively. Fig. S2(b)-S2(f) are SEM images of the two-step experimental results. In Fig. S2(b), about half regions of the grid-covered area are overlapped, it can be seen that 4 stripes of ripples are formed due to the concentric energy deposition. In Fig. S2(c), the center distance between two spots is increased to about 4 μm. Under this condition, nearly all the grid-covered area is overlapped, we can find an increased number of 5 stripes formation, as shown in Fig. S2(d). Keep increasing the center distance, 6 stripes can be found (Fig. S2(e)-S2(f)). The formation of the multiple dots can be considered as the repetition of the two-step process. We deduce that the control of the number of the multiple dots in a lattice by scanning speed is mainly attributed to the overlap during the scanning process. When the fs laser is irradiated on sample surface through the copper grid, initially seeding diffracted multiple ripple dots is induced. The overlap areas and positions between the seeding ripple dots and irradiation beam change with the scanning speed, which could affect the subsequent multiple dots distribution under certain conditions (Fig. S2(b)-S2(c)). This seeding effect plays a dominant role for the subsequent multiple dots formation. Moreover, it may be also related with the surface plasmon polaritons (SPP). Previous researches reveal that initially structured surface could affect the generation and propagation of the SPP. Hence, when the laser beam irradiates 3 on certain positions of the initial diffracted structure, the coupling between the specially excited SPP and the irradiation laser beam may result in the subsequent optical field redistribution. However, the exact mechanism for this phenomenon is still unclear and needs more investigations. FIG. S2. (a) Schematic diagram of the two-step experimental process. (b)-(f) are SEM images of the stripes of ripple structures induced by the two-step method. The scale bar is 5 μm. 4 C. Polarization-dependent ablation effect It is expected that the interaction of the laser with the material surface will be changed after the formation of initial ripples, which leads to the redistribution of the incident laser that may significantly affect the subsequent ablation process.S1 The initially formed ripples, which behave as a surface grating, facilitate the coupling between the incident laser light and the SPPs. According to our previous study, directional SPP scattering by the initially formed surface ripple structures can be achieved under linearly polarized fs laser irradiation. Given SPP launching is strongly limited to TM incidence because of the intrinsic TM polarization state of SPP fields. Thus, the SPP launching and coupling is perpendicular to the ripple structures (along the polarization direction of the linearly polarized fs laser). Fig. S3 shows a schematic illustration for the directional SPP launching and scattering for different relative angles. The ablation of the orthogonal arranged ripple structures reaches the maximum by the overlap of the directional SPP launching and coupling when the incident laser pulse is along the orthogonal edge of the square aperture. (a) v (b) θ = 0° v θ = 45° FIG. S3. Schematic illustration of the SPPs launching and scattering based on the initially formed ripple structures. The blue arrow indicates the scanning direction and the red doubleheaded arrow indicates the SPPs propagation. 5 D. Striped ripple lines connection with orthogonal polarization directions Compared with that in Fig. 1(a) in the text, more striped lines are formed with a lower deposited energy. Two situations: 1) the polarization direction is parallel to the scanning direction (θ = 0°); and 2) the polarization direction is perpendicular to the scanning direction (θ = 90°) is performed in the research. More stripes are formed as the pulse fluence reduces. It can be easily found that the direction of the stripes is along one edge of the grid. This is because of the symmetrically orthogonal microdots lattice induced by the diffraction-aided energy distribution effect. v (a) 6 stripes E v∥E v (b) 6 stripes E v⊥E v (c) 7 stripes E v⊥E FIG. S4. Striped ripple lines formation at relatively low scanning speed (v = 100 μm/s) with pulse fluence (a)-(b) F = 0.75 J/cm2; (c) F = 0.65 J/cm2. (a) The polarization direction is parallel to the scanning direction. (b)-(c) The polarization direction is perpendicular to the scanning direction. The blue arrow indicates the laser scanning direction and the red arrow indicates the laser polarization direction. The scale bar is 10 μm. 6 E. The mechanism of the polarization-dependent striped ripple lines connection between the two orthogonal directions The mechanism of the ripples formation is still a subject of discussion and is usually related to the optical or mechanical reaction of irradiated surfaces, which may involve, e.g., collective electronic behavior, selective energy deposition, or the capillarity phenomena. According to a previous study,S1 the initially formed ripples, which behave as a surface grating, may facilitate the coupling between the incident laser light and the surface plasmon wave. Meanwhile, Garrelie et al. experimentally demonstrated the effect of an initial structured surface on the role of SPP, which highlights its important role in ripple formation.S2 Furthermore, research shows that for linearly polarized fs irradiation, directional SPP scattering is anticipated,S3,S4 strengthening the subsequent ripple fabrication. Fig. S5 shows a schematic illustration for the diffraction-aided fs laser induced anisotropic ripple formation with orthogonal polarization directions. Elongated ripple structures are fabricated along the polarization direction due to the enhanced SPP scattering. It illustrates that a reduced adjacent spacing along the vertical/horizontal direction can be achieved when the polarization direction is around the vertical/horizontal direction, leading to the directional ripples connection. 7 v (a) θ = 90° E v (b) θ = 0° E FIG. S5. Schematic illustration of selective connection between the the formation processes of striped ripple lines at relatively low or high scanning speeds. 8 F. Fresnel diffraction model for a square aperture The schematic diagram of the electric field distribution at different planes is shown in Fig. S6. For the given case, we consider the plane of the sample as an observation plane. And the square grids can be simplified as a single square aperture with a 19-μm length. The sample is located at the focus plane, and the square aperture is placed above the sample with a distance of D. The field of a spatially dispersed Gaussian laser pulse can be expressed as: E1 (x, y) E0 exp[ x2 y 2 ] 2 w2 (S1) where E0 is a field amplitude, w is the incident beam waist before the focusing lens. According to the experimental parameters, the beam waist is w = 1.5 mm in our situation. Using the slow varying envelope approximation, the field after the objective can be written as: E2 ( x, y) E1 exp[ik x2 y 2 ] 2f (S2) where k = 2 /λ (λ is the laser wavelength of 800 nm) and f is the focal length of the objective. Under the paraxial approximation, the laser field near the square aperture plane can be obtained by the use of the Fresnel diffraction formula below: E3 ( x, y, z ) exp[i k ( f D)] (( x ) 2 ( y ) 2 E ( , ) exp[i k ]d d , 2 i ( f D) 2( f D) (S3) The laser field after the square aperture can be expressed as: 1, E4 ( x, y ) E3 0, a a x ; 2 2 a a a a x ,x ,y ,y ; 2 2 2 2 (S4) where a is the length of the square aperture, a = 19 μm. Thus, the laser field on the surface of the sample plane can be obtained by the secondary Fresnel diffraction: 9 (( x )2 ( y ) 2 E5 ( x, y, z ) E4 E4 ( , ) exp[i k ]d d , 2D (S5) Thus, the intensity distribution of the sample plane can be obtained as follows: I ( x, y, z ) E5 ( x, y, z ) . 2 (S6) E1 E2 Lens Square aperture Substrate E3 E4 E5 D FIG. S6. Schematic diagram of the electric field distribution at different planes. 10 S1 M. Huang, F. Zhao, Y. Cheng, N. Xu, and Z. Xu, “Origin of laser-induced near- subwavelength ripples: interference between surface plasmons and incident laser,” ACS Nano 3, 4062–4070(2009). S2 F. Garrelie, J. P. Colombier, F. Pigeon, S. Tonchev, N. Faure, M. Bounhalli, S. Reynaud, and O. Parriaux, “Evidence of surface plasmon resonance in ultrafast laser-induced ripples,” Opt. Express 19, 9035–9043(2011). S3 X. Li, Q. Tan, B. Bai, and G. Jin, “Experimental demonstration of tunable directional excitation of surface plasmon polaritons with a subwavelength metallic double slit,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 251109(2011). S4 W.N. Han, L. Jiang, X.W. Li, P.J. Liu, L. Xu, and Y.F. Lu, “Continuous modulations of femtosecond laser induced periodic surface structures and scanned line-widths on silicon by polarization changes”, Opt. Express 21, 15505-15513(2013). 11