ST 589

ST 589: Climate Change and CO 2 Sequestration
July 23rd to August 3rd 2012
This class focused on teaching Climate changes and CO 2 sequestration to middle and high school
students. There were seven MS students in the class, all are currently active teachers in either middle or
high school classes. Five were from New Mexico, one from Colorado and One from Texas.
The participating teachers were Liz Monroy, (El Paso-General Science ), Esti Guiterrez (Los Lunas-General
Science & Math), Lu Boren, (Durango- Biological Sciences), Ian Geib (South Valley- Chemistry), Earl
Reynolds (Belen=-Math), Angelica Lopez (Rio Rancho-Biology), Geizi LLanes (Shiprock-general Science).
None of the MST teachers are Earth Science teachers; their background in Geology was minimal before
the class. The students found the field trips to be very useful to complement the classroom reviews of
geological principles.
Significantly more time was set aside this year for group work on development of curricula for teaching
of CO 2 sequestration. The teachers said this was very helpful as they were able to see what each other
was working on and see what could be incorporated into their own program.
They all agreed that being able to have developed a complete curriculum in the class made it much
more likely that they will use it in their classroom
Schedule of Activities
Introduction to MST class, context overview of the CO2 sequestration activities at NM Tech
Powerpoint: Intro to CCS-ST 589
Overview of climate change and CO 2 sequestration class
Powerpoint: Geo rev 1
Computer lab activity: Glacier changes from Google earth imagery
PowerPoint: Google Earth Lab 1
Field trip to La Jencia Mesa: Overview of Rio Grande Rift structures, identification of different types of
sedimentary rocks, identification of rock characteristics, seal and reservoir characteristics identified in
the field
Review of Geology 1: Rock cycle, minerals and rocks
Powerpoint: Geo rev 2
Review of world climate system.
Powerpoint: Climate 1
Review of Geology 2: Sedimentary Rocks
Powerpoint: Georev 3
Review of Geology 3 : Metamorphic rocks.
MST students were working in computer lab beginning to develop curricula for class project
Field trip to San Lorenzo Canyon: Identification of geologic structures, anticlines, characteristics of
sedimentary rocks, Rio Grande Rifting history.
Review of Geologic record of past climate changes
Powerpoint: Paleoclimateology 1 Geologic History
Geology exercise in lab, identification of common rock forming minerals and different rock types
An abbreviated Geology 101 Rocks & mineral lab
Introduction to CO 2 sequestration, natural sinks and sources of CO2.
Powerpoint: GeoSequest 3 (Reseal)
PowerPoint: Res-Seal
Potential sequestration options identified.
Powerpoint: Methods of sequestration
Discussion with class participants
Teaching climate change in schools
Coordinating with existing classes
Meeting curriculum requirements
Review of Geologic CO 2 sequestration
Powerpoint: Geosequest 2 (stor mech)
Review of modern climate change indicators
PowerPoint : Climate Rev 2
Class room activities, Properties of CO 2 gas, dry ice experiments, mini permeameter, teaching activities
for porosity and permeability
Field trip to Fyte Ranch to observe 1 ma year soil with 2 m thick CaCO3 (calcic) horizon.
Review of CO2 sequestration in soils.
Powerpoint: Soil C Sequestration
Climate change review.
Powerpoint: Climate 2
Curriculum development in lab
Preliminary review of curricula development projects: This was helpful as everyone was able to see what
each other were doing and opportunities for synergistic activities and sharing and identified.
Curriculum development in the lab
Field trip to Quebradas: Sedimentary rocks, reservoir and seal characteristics, geologic structures,
fractures, faults, folds. Precipitation of Barite along faults.
Review of Geologic structures: types of faulting, folding controls on CO 2 sequestration
Powerpoint: Geo Rev 4
Presentation of classroom activities and curricula developed by participating MST teachers.