
Favorite Lesson: Drawing and Painting and Middle School Art
Please type the title and objective of your favorite lesson into your school’s section. At the end
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Share a verbal description of your lesson in a once around with your colleagues.
Additional time? Share a favorite resource-website, book, etc. Include on the chart in your
Jennifer Thomas - Cheeming Boey Coffee Cup
Objective; Students will show unity in a work by using line and repetition. 2.0
Summary; Students will research the artist Cheeming Boey and create a
coffee cup inspired by this artist that uses line and repetition to show unity.
1.Teacher will view and discuss artwork by Cheeming Boey with students.
Std Reading 3. and 4.
Linda Anthony - Value Description in Still Life Drawing
1. Students will view and be lead in discussion by the teacher a series of
artworks of various Still Life Drawings.
2. Students will select three still life objects from a collection and will set them
on their drawing table in an interesting composition.
3. Students will observe each shape and form and the light, medium and dark
tones on the surface of each object.
4. Students will begin to draw the outside edge of each object, so that a
contour line drawing of each object is completely drawn.
5. Students will refer to their previously made value scale to note the different
tones, and will compare these tones to those that they see in the forms.
6. Students will now apply the value tones to their drawn Still Life forms with
pencil, matching their observations with the correct value tone previously
created in their value scale.
7. Students will post their work on the gallery board in the classroom after one
hour of work time for review, most likely the next day. Students will document
comments about their work on a page titled, “Gallery Review.”
8. The class will pause in their drawing effort to review together their results
and to discuss strengths and weaknesses of the drawings.
9. Students will continue their drawings after set-up during the next class
period and will review the.previous comments before beginning the final
phase of their drawing.
Common Core Standards:
1. Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of science and technical
texts, attending to the precise details of explanations or descriptions.
2. Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text; trace the text’s
explanation or depiction of a complex process, phenomenon, or concept;
provide an accurate summary of the text.
3. Follow precisely a complex multistep procedure when carrying out
experiments, taking measurements, or performing technical tasks, attending
to special cases or exceptions defined in the text.
Joyce Hatzidakis Reading a painting
Have students look at a painting unfirmiliar to them. List what they see
quickly, discuss, for each item on list tell what it makes you think of the
image, discuss, now for each item listed and thought about justify with visual
evidence what you think the painting says, is about etc.
Common core standard # 4 determine the meaning of symbols, key, terms
and other domain specific words and phrases.
Composition Collage- Introduction to art composition and concept of Focal
Student is to decide on a career driven subject matter/content. Students then
magazine surf and find a primary image which clearly represents their
individual career content. After a teacher driven discussion where examples
of master paintings are explored to examine the concept of focal point and
eye path, students then begin organizing images according to previously
discussed art elements and principles. Students then find color coordinated
primary images as well as additional supportive images and color scheme.
One on one teacher student sessions allow for completion of composition
which driv home the Focal point concept.
Standards: #3 an #5
Vonn Rosser
and 3 to 5
content diven
Mixing Primary Colors through Bubbles
Students will:
1. Identify and combine primary colors (mix tempera paint w bubble soap)
2. Discover secondary and tertiary colors (Bubbles are blown w straw and
caught on glossy card stock)
3. Draw conclusions about mixing primary colors to develop other colors
(make observations about colors once paint dries)
4. Create finished bubble art while creating secondary and tertiary colors
K. Wright
My Life as a Metaphor.
To use different types of lines and symmetry/asymmetry.
1. Students will represent the concept of metaphor visually.
2. Students will think of a metaphor to represent their life.
3. Students will use various mediums to present their metaphor visually and
tell about themselves (pastels, markers, pencils) .
M. Talamantes
Same as Chemawa
M. Talamantes
Notan-Expanding the Square
An introduction to Notan, the Japanese word for the interaction between dark
and light.
1. To learn about the art of Notan.
2. To understand Space and Shape (Positive and Negative).
3 .To understand Balance (Symmetry and Asymmetry).
4. To use a simple square and all the negative cuttings to create a work of art.
Beth Yeager
Candy-O by Holly Caouette
1.Students will learn who Andy Warhol is
2.Students will understand what Pop Art is
3.Students will create a unique work of Pop Art inspired by a candy wrapper