Media and Large Slides

User and Admin Manual
Kulu Platform
For version V1.6
Updated October 2011
Kulu Valley Ltd Registered in England and Wales: company 0460658
Registered office 91 Goswell Road, London, EC1V 7EX
91 Goswell Road, London, EC1V 7EX │ +44 (0) 20 7253 8080
Getting Started ................................................................................................................................ 3
Lesson 1: Creation ......................................................................................................................... 4
a) Using the Creator ...................................................................................................................... 4
b) Understanding Player Types ..................................................................................................... 8
c) Media Settings......................................................................................................................... 12
Lesson 2: Content Portal.............................................................................................................. 14
a) Presentation Menu .................................................................................................................. 14
b) Presentations and Saved Filters .............................................................................................. 14
c) Actions .................................................................................................................................... 15
d) Reporting ................................................................................................................................ 16
e) Approving or Rejecting a Presentation .................................................................................... 18
f) Search and Creating new Filters .............................................................................................. 19
Lesson 3: Administration ............................................................................................................. 21
a) Users ...................................................................................................................................... 21
b) Groups .................................................................................................................................... 22
c) Metadata ................................................................................................................................. 23
d) IP Ranges ............................................................................................................................... 23
e) Presentation Types ................................................................................................................. 24
f) Explanation of Presentation Type Options................................................................................ 25
Appendix A.................................................................................................................................... 26
Appendix B .................................................................................................................................... 27
Getting Started
Welcome to the Kulu Valley Platform, a unique communications tool that allows users to easily
create enriched video presentations from their desktop and distribute globally to designated
viewers, or embed in their website for all to see. This manual is intended to get general users,
administrators and support staff up to speed on the functionality and potential of Kulu Valley and
offers you a step-by-step guide to creating your first “Kulu”.
Note: not all users will have access to the administrative features outlined in the later chapters of
this document.
Lesson 1: Creation
a) Using the Creator
The following steps give an overview of how to create a new presentation within the Creator
 Step 1: In Presentation Browser, click ‘Create Presentation.
 Step 2: Select presentation type and choose player/s. Click Next or Add Assets.
 Step 3: Add any assets relevant to your package and player selection. Upload slides, images
or PDF’s in the Slides section. In the Document Attachments section, attach any supporting
documents or other material relevant to your presentation for your viewers to download. Add
any links to relevant websites or other resources in the Links section.
 Step 4: Select media type required and select either i) record from webcam or ii) upload an
existing media file.
Record from webcam
Click record to start recording a new video presentation. Click on Media Settings on
the top left hand corner of the screen if you wish to switch to audio, set up your
camera or change recording device.
Upload an existing media file
Select upload and find your file type while browsing folders. Double click on the file or
click open to upload automatically. Click play to review content.
 Step 5: Select Info & Settings or click Next and insert any relevant information. You must
enter a title for you presentation.
 Step 6: Click ‘Publish’ or ‘Save & Close’ to create a draft, which can be completed later.
b) Understanding Player Types
The following is an explanation of all the Player types available to the user when creating a
Media Only (Simple)
Media and Info Panel
Media and Chapter list
Large Media and
Media and Large
SWF player
Media Only (Simple)
Media Only is the most basic player. Only the video/audio content will be visible. A video/audio
file can be uploaded, or recorded. To record an audio presentation, click ‘Media Settings’, ‘Audio
Only’ and then ‘Update Settings’. If a thumbnail is uploaded, this will be displayed while an
audio-only presentation plays. If no thumbnail is set, only the player bar will show.
Audio Only – Player Bar (No thumbnail)
Media and Info Panel
This presents the video alongside any information entered by the creator of the presentation. The
Resources tab displays any supporting documents or material for your viewer to download, and
links to any relevant websites or resources.
Media and Chapter List
This is similar to the Media and Info Panel player; however it also displays Chapters in a separate
tab. Click on the timeline and click ‘Insert’ to insert a chapter. You can insert Chapters as you record
or during playback by pressing the arrow button. Uncheck any Chapters you want hidden from your
Large Media and Slides
This player displays the media, with slides showing in the corner. Note that during playback on a
viewer, clicking on the icon circled on the right will result in the media and slides switching places.
The icon on the left will change the video to full screen.
Media and Large Slides
This displays the Powerpoint slides in a larger format than the media by default. During playback on
a viewer, clicking on the icon circled will result in the larger media format being displayed.
SWF player
This displays a self contained interactive SWF media file. This allows users to upload Flash
animations and other forms of interactivity and incorporate them onto the Kulu Platform.
c) Media Settings
Media settings are located on the top left hand corner. Click here to set up a recording device,
choose media type or change video size.
1.Camera & mic settings
For recording, if you have not set up your camera or need to change to use a different
recording device, choose ‘Click to open the Flash settings panel’. The tabs at the bottom
allow you to manage display and privacy settings, local storage and microphone volume.
i) Choose a camera
ii) Choose a microphone/set volume
2. Media Type
Video and Audio is the default media type. Click ‘Audio Only’ and ‘ Update Settings’
if required.
3. Choose Video Size
Choose which size video you wish to record in. Default is Medium 16:9. The larger
video size you choose, the better quality, but larger file size.
Lesson 2: Content Portal
The Kulu Platform is the home page. From here, users can search for and view previously
published or saved presentations and playlists, access a number of actions and access reporting.
a) Presentation Menu
This lists all presentations held within the system. Users can choose to view a more defined
selection of presentations by choosing a filter from the menu on the left. Clicking on any of the
column headers, such as Title, Status, Publishers, Created will reorder the list. Click on a column
header twice to reverse the order.
b) Presentations and Saved Filters
Presentations: This is visible to anyone accessing the portal. Double click any presentation to view
it, or highlight a presentation and click on the dropdown arrow to access the actions menu.
Saved Filters: This list is specific to each user, so it can be tailored to personal preference by
creating and editing filters. See section 2 (f) for how to create your own filters. Note that only
Business Admins can add new filters or edit current ones under this menu (See section 3 for
c) Actions
The following table describes each of the available actions. Menus are dynamic and only Create
Presentation, Advanced Reporting and Administration are available unless a presentation is
highlighted, and the dropdown arrow selected.
When Available
Dependant on system
This allows you to launch creator, to create a presentation.
See lesson 1 (a)
User must have privileges
View reports and graphs of your presentations and playlists.
View drop off points of specific ones. Download viewing info.
Launches the admin portal where you can configure the
system, depending on user privileges.
User has admin privileges
User has Play Content
Launches the Player.
User must have edit
This action will open up the presentation in creator, and
enable you to edit the presentation details.
Dependant on system
Allows you to send a link to the highlighted presentation to a
selection of recipients’ emails.
User must have privileges
Get Info
User must have privileges
Makes a draft copy of the presentation (adding 'copy' to the
View properties, details and statistics of the presentation.
View Links
User must have privileges
Access the download links to media files,
View Reporting
User must have privileges
View reports and graphs of the presentation, including drop off
User has admin privileges
Withdraws the Presentation so that only those with certain
privileges may view it.
User must have privileges
Delete the presentation from the portal. Note: assets may still
be retained depending on configuration
d) Advanced Reporting
Click the Advanced Reporting button on the top right side of the portal to access reporting on views
of certain playlists and presentations. Choose a filter from the list in the top left corner and a time
frame from the top right. Download the playlist stats by clicking the tab in the bottom right hand
corner of the screen.
i) Choose a time frame (top right)
ii) Select a presentation to see more specific reporting
iii) Select ‘Drop off’ to see the points where viewers are most likely to stop watching
e) Approving or Rejecting a Presentation
The following graph demonstrates how to approve or reject a presentation if creation process has
an approval workflow:
f) Search and Creating Filters
Users are able to make a simple search by Title by typing in the Search box and clicking 'Search'. If
you wish to be more specific, conduct an Advanced Search. Creating a new filter is a continuation
of the Advanced Search process and both of them are described in the following workflow. Note that
only Business Admins can add new filters or edit current ones under this menu.
Lesson 3: Administration
This section describes the Administration Section and the features available within it. The Admin
Section is divided into two menus, System Config and Business Config. The user will see either or
both of these menus depending on their privileges.
a) Users
Clicking on 'Users' brings up a list of all the users registered on the system. The following actions
are available for each user on the right hand side:
Update User: opens a new window in which you can edit the metadata for this user and the
Usergroups they belong to.
Copy User: Enables you to copy a user's settings to a new user. Note the username will have
to be changed before saving new user.
Audit Trail: Opens a window to view a user's audit trail. Specific dates can be entered, or just
click 'Preview' to view the full audit trail by default.
Delete User: Remove user from the system.
Reset Password: This resets the user's password, and sends them a new one automatically
to their registered email address.
To create a new user, follow this workflow:
b) Groups
Groups are used to define privileges that different users have access to. The following actions are
available if a group is highlighted:
Update Group: Edit the privileges and description of a usergroup
Copy Group: Makes a copy of the group. Privileges can be edited before saving the new
group. Changing the Name is mandatory.
Delete Group: Remove group from the system.
The following workflow describes how to create a new Group:
c) Metadata
This section lists all available metadata fields. This includes text boxes, checkboxes, timestamps
and dropdown menus. Any entries chosen by the client at the configuration stage will be available
here. To edit the underlying properties or add new properties, please contact your Kulu Valley
Update Metadata: Edit the name of the entry, and enable or disable the entry. Enabled
entries will be visible to Business Admins when they edit or create new Presentation Types.
d) IP Ranges
This lists all IP ranges. Users connecting to the portal from systems inside the IP range will be
considered internal. Any users connecting from outside the range are considered external and
won’t be able to view internal presentations.
Create IP Range: Create a new IP Range.
Update IP Range: Edit the Start/End Address of the IP Range.
e) Presentation Types
Users with Business Admin Privileges can configure different presentation types within the Admin
Create Presentation Type
f) Explanation of Presentation Type options
Workflow: Dropdown menu allowing you to define which workflows are available in this particular
presentation type. If you require a bespoke workflow, please contact your Kulu Valley administrator.
Podcastable: Select whether or not presentations are sent out as podcasts if a user is subscribed
to a filter; or choose to let the creator of each presentation decide.
External: Select whether or not presentations are made available to users outside the defined IP
ranges; or choose to let the creator of each presentation decide.
Public: Select whether presentations are only viewable to users when they’re logged in, or are
viewable by anyone. Alternatively, leave this to the presentation creator’s discretion.
Downloadable: Choose whether or not users can download media and attached files from
presentations, or let the creator decide.
Allow Feedback: Choose whether to enable feedback, where users can send a message to the
creators email.
Permitted Usergroups: Select which usergroup(s) are able to use this presentation type.
Metadata: Create, edit and delete possible metadata items for the presentation type. You may
enter a default value, which can then be edited by the creator. Help Text can also be entered,
which will create an information bubble next to the data field; when a user hovers over this bubble,
the help text will appear.
Metadata items can be made optional or mandatory. They can also be enabled or disabled here.
Templates: Select which Player Templates (see lesson 2 b) are available in this presentation type.
Names can be customized, and a description can be added which will show up in Step 1 of Creator.
Appendix A – Supported file types
File Type Name
BMP Image
Comma Separated Values
Microsoft Word Document
Microsoft Word Template
Windows Executable
Flash Video
GIF Image
Web Link
Web Link
JPEG Image
JPEG Image
JPEG Image
Quick Time Movie
MP3 Audio
Microsoft Project Document
Microsoft Outlook Message
Adobe Acrobat
PNG Image
Microsoft Powerpoint Template
Microsoft Powerpoint Slideshow
Microsoft Powerpoint Document
Microsoft Publisher Document
Quick Time
Real Audio
Real Audio
Rich Text Format
Rich Text
Web Link
TIFF Image
TIFF Image
Tab Separated Values
Text File
Windows Audio
Windows Video
Microsoft Excel Worksheet
Zip Compressed
Windows Audio
Microsoft Powerpoint Document 2007
Appendix B – Recommended System Requirements for
For Viewing
For Desktop
512Kps or faster internet connection
Windows XP Pack 2 or above
2.0GHZ Intel Pentium 4 or faster processor
At least 512MB RAM
Mac OS X v10 or above
1.8 GHz Power Mac G5 or 1.83GHz Intel
Core Duo or faster
At least 256MB of RAM
JavaScript enabled web browser with Flash
plug-in version 9 or 10
Internet Explorer 7 or higher
Mozilla Firefox 2 or higher
Apple Safari 3 or higher
USB web camera (and appropriate drivers)
Check your computers compatibility at: