Proposal for C Course Approval - University Writing Center

T e x a s A & M U n i v er s i t y W r i t i n g C e n t e r |1
If you have any questions about filling out this form, consult the Chair of the W & C Course Advisory
Committee (Dr. Valerie Balester, 458-1420 or, the Checklist of C Course
Requirements, and the Rubric for Evaluating C Course Proposals..
Name of Faculty Proposing
Email Address
Campus Mail
Course Prefix/Number
Course Title
Number of Sections per
Academic Year
Enrollment per Section
Number of Credits
Is the course appropriate for
majors in your department?
List any courses this course is
cross-listed with. Cross-listed
courses should be demonstrably
relevant to the major using it for
a C course. Status forms should
be submitted for each crosslisted course.
Are the graded writing and presentations evaluated by any assistants (i.e., GATs or
undergraduates)? If so, who will evaluate them? Include all assistants, and indicate
if they are graduates or undergraduates. You do not need to use specific names;
rather, you can specify “7 undergraduates not taking the course,” or “3 Graduate
[Place answer here. Table will resize as necessary.]
If you are working with assistants (graduate or undergraduate included), briefly
explain how you will monitor and supervise their work and what roles they will play
in the teaching of communication. (No more than 10% of the final grade can be
determined by undergraduate assistants. This does not include the use of
Calibrated Peer Review. )
T e x a s A & M U n i v er s i t y W r i t i n g C e n t e r |2
[Place answer here. Table will resize as necessary.]
Could students pass this course without earning a passing grade for the
communication component? Failure to earn a passing grade on the writing and
speaking requirements precludes the assignment of C credit, irrespective of the
student’s making a passing grade for the entire course on a straight calculation
basis. Students cannot receive C credit for this course without earning a passing
grade on the communication component, no matter how the points are distributed.
List all graded writing and speaking assignments along with the approximate word
count of each writing assignment and the percentage of the final grade each
represents. (Note that for most 12-point fonts there are about 250 words on a page if
double-spaced and 500 if single-spaced.)
[List writing and speaking assignments
here. Table will resize as necessary.]
[Here list (1) the word count of each writing
and speaking assignment, (2) the length of
each speaking assignment in minutes, and
(3) the percentage of the final grade each
represents. Table will resize as necessary.]
Indicate which of the above assignments are col laborative, if any. Explain how
collaboration is monitored to ensure equal participation. Table will resize as
[Place answer here. Table will resize as necessary.]
Add word count of each graded writing assignment and put total word count here.
[Place answer here. Table will resize as necessary.]
Add length of each graded oral presentation and put total presentation time here.
[Place answer here. Table will resize as necessary.]
Add the percentage of final grade based on writing/ speaking and put the total
percentage here. Any combination is allowed, as long as the total meets the
[Place answer here. Table will resize as necessary.]
Describe the formative feedback provided on student writing and speaking,
especially on major assignments. Do NOT include commenting on finished, graded
work unless there are at least 5 assignments of the same typed spaced throughout
the semester. Appropriate forms of feedback may include peer review or in -class
draft workshops, peer review of presentation slides or speech outlines, written or
oral instructor comments on written drafts (of papers, slides, or speech outlines) ,
Calibrated Peer Review, or other methods. Feedback should focus on helping
students improve their drafts or performances.
[Place answer here. Table will resize as necessary.]
T e x a s A & M U n i v er s i t y W r i t i n g C e n t e r |3
Describe how you provide writing and speaking instruction. For example, do you
assign readings related to writing in your field? Do you use lecture, modeling,
discussion, in-class writing, or other methods to help your students learn to write in
your discipline? Do you ask students to practice speaking with peers? For more
information about possible teaching methods, see the Pedagogy section of the UWC
web site at
[Place answer here. Table will resize as necessary.]
If you have any further comments you think the committee should consider about
your course, include them here:
[Place answer here. Table will resize as necessary.]
Submit this form electronically to Dr. Valerie Balester, W & C Course Advisory Committee (,
along with a copy of your syllabus. A Status Form also needs to be routed for signatures and submitted through
campus mail to the University Writing Center at mail stop 5000.