GENOMIX 2012-2013 Summary - of Student Organizations @ Penn

GENOMIX 2012-2013 Summary
To provide a forum for undergraduate and graduate students whose research is related to
Bioinformatics and Genomics at the Penn State University
1) Academic aspects of the Bioinformatics and Genomics (BG) graduate program
2) Recruitment, mentoring, and professional development
3) Social and special events (i.e. BG retreat, Seminars, and workshops)
4) Outreach to other groups at PSU and the broader community
President: Jihye Park
Vice-president: Nathaniel Cannon
Secretary: Neerja Katiyar
Treasurer: Rohit Reja
Webmaster: Ruowang Li
CCGB student coordinator: Neerja Katiyar, Rohit Reja, Ruowang Li
BG Organizers (2012): Chris Morrissey, Qingyu Wang, and Bhargavi Panchangam
BG Organizers (2013): Juan Antonio Raygoza Garay, Boris Jaramillo, Yang Liu
42 members from BG, BMMB, Biology, and Statistics
2012 Fall Semester
BG Retreat (September 7 and 8 )
 3rd BG retreat since 2010
 40-50% student talks and two poster sessions
 ~150 participants (faculty, postdocs, and students) from various departments (Biology,
BMMB, Statistics, Veterinary Sciences, Hershey, etc.)
 Keynote speaker – Dr. Sarah Tishkoff
 Student-run RNA sequencing analysis workshop with ~70 participants
o Student organizers: Chris Morrissey, Qingyu Wang, and Bhargavi Panchangam (BG)
o Panel discussion moderator: Josh Herr (Plant Biology)
o Genetic session organizer: Erin Scully (Genetics)
o Student instructors for workshop: Tejaswini Mishra (CDB) and Yihan Li (STAT)
o Student volunteers for workshop: Deepti Jain (BMMB), Daisy Phillips (STAT), Yang
Liu (STAT), Neerja Katiyar (BG), Celine Garam Han (BG), Jason Miller (BMMB),
and Loren Honaas (Plant Biology)
o Student volunteers in BG and Genetics graduate programs
Invited speaker (September 25th – Dr. Nancy Cox)
 Organizers: Neerja Katiyar, Rohit Reja, and Ruowang Li
 Breakfast, lunch, and meetings with BG students
General meeting and social events (October 15th)
 Introduction about GENOMIX to students
 About 10 students have attended
Dinner with student’s talk (November 5th)
 Guru Ananda’s defense talk
 About 15 students have attended
Professional development (December 7th)
 How to give a job talk by Dr. Kateryna Makova and Dr. Santhosh Girirajan
 About 30 students/postdocs have attended
2013 Spring Semester
Professional development (February 28th)
 How to get the most out of conferences by Dr. Shaun Mahony and Dr. Marcel Salathe
 About 25 students/postdocs have attended
Evening with faculty (April 15th)
 Bioinformatics and Genomics <the past, the present, and the future>
 Dr. Ross Hardison and Dr. Marylyn Ritchie
 About 30 students/postdocs/faculty members have attended
General meeting and Social events
May – Election