Course Planner ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR II SEMESTER Faculty Details : Course Teacher : Varsha Watani Office Hours : 10AM to 5.30PM Phone : 9960566725 E-mail : Course Website Required Textbook 1. K.Aswathappa (8th revised edition) 2.VSP Rao 3.S.S Khanka 4.Organization Behavior, Luthans 8th Tata McGraw Hill Course Objectives 1. To develop a working knowledge of OB concepts 2. To develop the ability to apply that knowledge to improve organizational functioning 3. The study of organizational behavior will help the student to know how people act within organizations and the different attitudes and values adopted by the people within organization. Course Assessment The subject would be assessed for internal marks on the basis of the following parameters :1) Attendance 5 Marks 2) Subject Project/Assignment/Presentation/Subject Seminar 5 Marks 3) Class test 5 Marks 4) Sessionals 5 Marks Home Assignments : S.No 1. 2. Home Assignment Date Given Topic On All units there will be three questions on each unit students have to solve that question after the particular unit is completed. Case study on each unit Last date of submission Remarks Student will be provided with the question bank. Project Assignment / Presenatation S.No Presentation Topic 1. Attitudes and values 2. Motivation 3. Foundations of group behavior 4. Organizational Development Date Given 2-4-2012 10-4-2012 18-4-2012 23-4-2012 Teaching Plan Week 1: Unit-1 Organizational behavior Lecture 1: The nature of organizations, why organization exist, components of organization and organizations as open system. Lecture 2: Managers in organizations, Productivity and managerial performance, Value-added managers, the manager's challenge, Lecture 3: Organizational behavior and the new workplace, managing the globalization of work, managing human rights in the workplace, Week 2: Lecture 1: managing developments in information technologies, managing Organizational transitions, managing new forms of Organization. Lecture 2: Foundations of Individual Behaviour Introduction Lecture 3: biographical characteristics, ability, and learning Week 3: Perception Lecture 1: Introduction, Halo effect, Stereotyping, Lecture 2: pigeonholing and compartmentalization, Self-fulfilling prophecy; Lecture 3: Perceptual mythology; other influences on perception Week 4: Lecture 1: Test on unit-1, 2 & 3 Lecture 2: Attitudes and values: Attitudes, Components of attitudes, Attitudes and behavior, Lecture 3: Attitudes and cognitive consistency, development Values, Sources Week 5: Lecture 1: types of values, Patterns and trends in values, Managing values and attitudes Lecture 2: Motivation Concepts, Theories of Maslow, Herzberg Lecture 3: McClelland, Porter & Lawler Mode, Week 6: Lecture 1: Application of Motivation concept, Individual motivation and motivation in the organization Lecture 2: Cultural Differences in Motivation, Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation, Social Motivation Lecture 3: Motivation and Health, Role of motivation in human behavior Week 7: Lecture 1: Test on Unit: 4 &5 Lecture 2: Foundations of group behavior: The nature of groups: groups and teams, informal and formal groups, purpose of teams, Teams and team building Lecture 3: selecting team members, team roles,Stages in team development, team identity, team loyalty, Week 8: Lecture 1: commitment to shared beliefs, multidisciplinary teams, Team Dynamics: group norms, decision-making behavior, dysfunctional teams, Cohesiveness Lecture 2: Conflict Substantive and emotional conflicts, Levels of conflict, Sources of conflict in organizations Lecture3: Symptoms of conflict Causes of conflict, Strategies for the management of conflict. Week 9: Lecture 1: - Organizational Change – Nature, levels and dilemmas of change, Pressures for change, Lecture 2: The Domino effect, Responses to change, Force field analysis, Lecture3: Change process, Resistance to change, Dynamics of change. Week 10: Lecture 1: Test on unit 6, 7& 8 Lecture 2: Goals of organizational development: Principles underlying Organizational development, Ethical aspects of organizational development Lecture 3: The process of organizational Development: Action research and organizational development Week 11: Lecture 1: Organizational development interventions: Organization-wide interventions, Smaller group and inter-group interventions, Individual interventions Lecture 2: OD Techniques: Traditional: Grid Training, Survey Method Lecture 3: Modern: Process Consultation Method, Third Party, Team Building, Transactional Analysis Week 12: Lecture 1: Test on unit 9 & 10 Other teaching methods Planned: S.No Beyond Syllabus Topic 1. Role playing Remarks Attitudes and values 2. 3. Group Discussion Case study Tutorial Plan: S.No Topic 1. Suggested by student 2. Suggested by student 3. Suggested by student 4. Full course exam Conflict Response to change Date given Suggested Self Readings : S.No 1. 2. Reference to suggested article (Book chapter/Web page (URL)/Research paper etc) The IUP journal of Organizational Behavior, Remarks