Bus Policy & Form 2015-16

2015-16 YPA Bus Policy
York Preparatory Academy, herein known as YPA, is authorized by the state of SC to provide limited bus transportation
for students enrolled in YPA. YPA realizes that it is working with one of the most precious possessions – our children. As
a Charter school YPA does not have traditional funding for a bus program. YPA is not required to provide any
transportation for school attendance; but does provide limited means of transportation. Space is limited to 3 buses with an
estimated 50 children per bus. As seating is quite limited we encourage parents to seek carpool options or participate in
the after school programs at YPA. Should more student apply for busing, than seats available, your child(ren) will be
placed on a waiting list.
Limited morning and afternoon transportation is available for elementary, intermediate, and middle school grades from the
designated bus stops. Transportation is not available for high school students. We recommend parents to seek carpool
Pick Up and Drop Off times will be designed by the transportation team and parents/legal guardians will be notified
accordingly. There will be Patriot’s Promise programs available for part-time/full-time if needed for a nominal fee.
To help ensure safe and efficient transportation, parents/legal guardians and students should read the rules of conduct
and familiarize themselves with all school policies, state laws, and regulations so they will know their responsibilities.
These regulations were established for the protection of students, school officials, school property and the motoring
public. Riding the bus is a privilege rather than a right for each student to enjoy. The transportation office will do
everything within its authority to provide the safest transportation possible for the students in YPA. All students and
parents/legal guardian will be required to complete a policy acknowledgement form prior to being eligible to ride the bus.
Students who fail to follow established rules will lose the privilege to ride any YPA bus. When, in the judgment of school
appointed officials, any student’s bus behavior endangers the lives of another, that student will be immediately removed
from the bus. Bus privileges will remain suspended until the student and their parent/legal guardian has had a conference
with the school administrator.
Request of parents/legal guardians:
Parent/legal guardians are responsible for the safety, conduct and timely arrival of their children to, from, and at the
designated bus stops. Parents/legal guardians should plan to arrive at the bus stop 5-10 minutes before the arrival of the
bus. Failure to do so, may result in revoked bus privileges.
Parent/legal guardians should report all misconduct on the school bus to the bus driver, YPA Bus Manager, or school
Parent/legal guardians should report all traffic hazards and or unsafe driving practices on the part of the driver to the Bus
Manager or school administrator.
Parent/legal guardians should encourage students to observe all safety and conduct regulations established for the safe
and efficient operation of the school bus and stress the importance of good behavior on the buses.
Parents are to respect the property at the designated bus stops, no loitering, no littering, and obeying traffic patterns
within the parking lots. Please do not drive on the grass areas of the property.
Parents are to help the students know the name of the bus stop (i.e., Cedar Grove, Southside, New Kirk, etc), not just the
bus number.
Bus Schedules and routes
All bus scheduling and routing will be designed and implemented in compliance with state laws and regulations. Factors,
which may affect routes and pick up times, include student population changes, road closings, and mechanical problems.
All routes will be run in their entirety, and every effort will be made to ensure each student arrives at school or the bus
stop on time. However, safety is our main concern, and we will not sacrifice safety for arrival times or convenience.
Because of changes in the student population, stops may not be in the same location from year to year, and may change
during the school year. Stops will be established at the safest possible locations. Routes may be added or changed
accordingly throughout the year.
Current Stop Locations:
West End - West End Baptist,
Chester - Cedar Grove Baptist Church, 2624 Saluda Rd Chester
Harvest – Harvest Ministries, 1211 Anderson Road, Rock Hill
AME – 745 Saluda Road, Rock Hill
LDS – LDS Church, 1883 Saluda Road, Rock Hill
Museum Rd - New Kirk Baptist Church, 102 Museum Rd (Near Armory)
Adnah – Adnah United Methodist Church, , 1 Adnah Church Rd (Family Life Center – across the street from the church)
Guest Riders
To ensure adequate, safe seating conditions for all passengers, the school will be unable to allow guest riders on school
buses, during morning or afternoon runs.
Cell phone and technology devices
YPA believes that the use of cell phones, iPods, and other electronic devices during school hours may have an adverse
effect on educational activities and the operation of a school or school bus. Therefore, all devices will follow the YPA cell
phone and electronic device policy. If a student’s cellular phone, beeper, or any other technology device interferes with
the safe operation of a school bus or activity bus, the device will be taken by the bus driver and turned over to the school
administration. Such devices will be returned to the parent/legal guardian in accordance with the school policy.
General information
 Students may not switch from their assigned seat without prior permission from the bus driver.
 All bus students are expected to obey the Bus Driver, Bus Manager, Transportation Representatives, teachers
and administration at YPA. The students will be disciplined in accordance with YPA policies and procedures.
Some buses may be equipped with video and audio recording devices, which can be used to monitor passenger
and bus activity. Student behavior on the bus and driver’s management of the behavior are key elements for a
safe bus ride. The video/audio recorder on a bus is an aid to monitor discipline. Any video/audio recording with
supplement the driver’s written disciplinary reports, not take the place of the reports.
 Bus Drivers cannot suspend a student from riding the bus. Only school administration or transportation
representative can make that decision. All students are subject to transportation laws, rules and regulations from
the time they board a school bus until they arrive at their normal destination or school, however, the bus driver
may stop the bus and call law enforcement to remove a student from the bus.
YPA intends to have a safe and efficient transportation system for limited students. School authorities will take drastic
action if necessary to accomplish this goal, although an open line of communication and the cooperation of all concerned
should make such situations a rarity.
Disciplinary Action
School buses are YPA Property and all riders must abide by school policies listed here and in the Behavior Policy set by
YPA Charter and outlined in student handbook. YPA has specific guidelines in regards to bus conduct and discipline.
When handling cases of general misconduct on buses, school administrators and other representatives will observe the
First offense: Warning to student and letter to parents advising them of misconduct, unless the offense is of a
nature, which in the judgment of school officials warrants a suspension or termination from riding the school bus.
Second offense: Suspension from riding the bus for a period of 1 week.
Third offense: If student persists in uncontrollable conduct while riding a school bus, he/she will be expelled from
riding a school bus.
Rules of Conduct
Waiting to board the bus
 All parents/legal guardians are expected to remain with their student at the bus stop until the bus arrives. The
driver should arrive on time, unless there are uncontrollable factors (mechanical problems, inclement weather,
misbehavior, excessive traffic, etc.) Because school buses operate on a tight schedule, students should arrive 5
minutes ahead of the bus. Each student should be on time. Bus Drivers will not wait for those who are late.
 While waiting for the bus, students should remain in their vehicle and out of the roadway.
 Students should wait in an orderly manner, remain in a line at least four feet from the bus parking place, and load
the bus only when signaled from the driver.
 Students are asked not to damage property while waiting for the bus, including leaving trash on the premises.
Parent/legal guardians will be responsible for all property damage of their child while waiting on the bus.
 Students should be seated in their assigned seat immediately after entering the bus and remain seated while the
bus is in motion.
Riding the bus
 The driver of the school bus is in complete charge of the students while they are aboard the bus and should be
given the same respect as a classroom teacher or school administrator.
 Students should conduct themselves in an acceptable manner at all times. Profanity, obscene gestures,
horseplay, throwing objects, fighting and boisterous or other improper conduct will not be tolerated. Outside of
ordinary conversations, classroom behavior will be observed.
 Students will occupy the seat assigned to them by the driver.
 The driver’s view of the students and to the outside of the bus must remain unobstructed.
 The aisle of the bus must remain free of students, books and other objects.
 Students should keep their arms, head or other parts of the body inside the bus at all times.
 Students should refrain from talking to the driver when in motion except in an emergency.
 Students should not tamper with the emergency door, fire extinguisher or other safety equipment on the bus.
 Students should assist the driver in keeping the bus clean by discarding trash in an appropriate trash receptacle.
 Students found responsible for damage, defacement, or vandalism will be charged for the damages in conjunction
with other disciplinary action.
 Students should show respect for motorists or pedestrians passed on the route.
 The use or possession of tobacco products is prohibited on school buses.
 Drinks and food are not allowed to be open on the morning or afternoon buses. Students are prohibited from
bringing the following items on the bus: animals, drinks/food not approved by driver or administration, glass
containers, weapons, balloons, oversize items which obstruct the driver’s view, block the aisle, or displace a
student from a seat, radios/tape players/cd players or similar electronic handheld devices. Any item carried on
the bus must remain in the student’s book bag or in the students immediate possession at all times.
The ride home and exiting the bus
 Parent/legal guardians should arrive 7-10 minutes before the drop off time. Because of our limited bus availability,
it is essential that the parent/legal guardians are waiting on the bus in the afternoon so the bus can return to pick
up another group of students.
 Students should remain seated until the bus comes to a complete stop. Upon arrival at school or the bus stop,
students will exit in an orderly fashion.
 Passengers are allowed to leave the bus only at regular designated stops.
 Students must take all of their belongings with them when exiting the bus. Students should not go back toward the
bus once the driver has broken visual sight of them. Following these instructions saves lives.
 After exiting the bus, students should go directly to their vehicle.
 Parent/legal guardians who fail to be at the bus stop at the allotted time will be given a warning. If tardiness
continues, bus riding privileges may be terminated.
 If parents are not at the bus stop when the bus arrives, the driver will return the student to YPA. Should
the bus have more than one stop, the driver will continue the route before returning the student to YPA.
The child will be placed with the building administrator, or Patriots Promise and parent will be
responsible for the full day rate. It is the parent’s responsibility to pick up the student at the school or
child services will be contacted.
In case of emergency
 All parents will complete an emergency contact information card before the student is allowed to ride the bus.
 Should an emergency occur parents or the designated emergency contact will be notified by the Bus Manager or
school representative.
 Bus Driver will follow the emergency procedures in place by YPA.
Bus Rider Acknowledgement 2015-16
, have read (or a parent has read to me) and
understand the York Preparatory Academy Bus Rider Policy. I understand that bus riding is a
privilege and that privilege of riding the bus can be revoked at any time.
Student Signature
Student Signature
Student Signature
Student Signature
As the parent/legal guardian of the above named student(s), I have read, understand, and
acknowledge that my student read and understands the York Preparatory Academy Bus Rider Policy.
I understand that if my child(ren) cause damage or defacement to the bus, I will be financially
responsible for repair or replacement. I understand that if I or my representative is not at the bus stop
when the bus arrives for drop off, my child will be returned to YPA and a parent/guardian will be
notified to pick up the student at YPA and a fee will be assessed.
Parent/Legal Guardian Signature
2015-16 Bus Rider Emergency Contact Form
List of students riding the bus, grades K-8 only: (one per family)
Last Name
First Name
Grade for
Rode Bus Last
Year (yes or no)
Bus Stop Request AM SERVICE: (Circle one)
Do not
need AM
Adnah Church.
Museum Rd.
Adnah United
(at the Family Center
across from the street)
1 Adnah Church Rd.
New Kirk Baptist
(Near Armory)
102 Museum Rd.
Harvest Ministries
1211 Anderson
Rock Hill
745 Saluda
Road Rock
1883 Saluda
Cedar Grove
Baptist Church
2624 Saluda
7:15 AM
7:00 AM
6:50 AM
7:10 AM
6:50 AM
Pick Up
Bus Stop Request PM SERVICE: (Circle one)
Do not
need PM
This Location
Adnah Church.
Museum Rd.
New Kirk Baptist
Church (Near
102 Museum Rd.
Harvest Ministries
1211 Anderson
Rock Hill
745 Saluda
Road Rock
1883 Saluda
West End Baptist
1727 McConnells Hwy.
Adnah United
(at the Family Center
across from the street)
1 Adnah Church Rd.
Cedar Grove
Baptist Church
2624 Saluda
2:35 PM
3:00 PM
3:10 PM
3:20 PM
3:10 PM
3:25 PM
Drop Off
Original Forms MUST be turned in for processing, no photocopies, faxes, or emails will be accepted. All students,
including last year’s riders must complete a new form each year. Completing this form does not guarantee busing
services; a representative will contact you with the status of your application in early August.
Parent/Legal Guardian Name:
Student’s Address:
Cell Phone #:
Alt. Phone #:
Please list anyone that is authorized to pick up your child(ren), other than yourself, at the bus stop:
Phone #
Alternate Phone #
Emergency Contact (Other than the parent/guardian):
Cell Phone #:
List all special needs or allergies in case of emergency (i.e. latex, medications)
Parent/Legal Guardian Signature