Gorr, 6:00 L11 THE ION ENGINE: SPACE PROPULSION SYSTEM OF THE FUTURE Jake Stambaugh (jvs7@pitt.edu) INTRODUCTION: THE ADVANTAGES OF THE ION ENGINE chemical reaction that combines volatile solid or liquid components to release a large volume of gas, which propels the rocket in the opposite direction [3]. A major engineering challenge of present-day space travel is the management of fuel and maximization of its efficiency. Replacing current chemical-based rockets with ion engines would allow for variable specific impulse: the ratio of the thrust produced by the engine to the weight flow of the propellants [1]. A variable specific impulse, as is generated by an ion engine, allows a rocket to apply different amounts of thrust at different stages of its journey, while a chemical rocket has to generate a large amount of thrust at the beginning to carry its large fuel payload out of Earth’s gravity well [2][3]. A rocket operating with an ionic propulsion system achieves its maximum velocity in space and reaches its destination sooner than a chemical rocket is capable of. For example, a ship propelled by an ion engine could reach Mars from Earth in 39 days, while the Curiosity rover, as a reference, took 10 months to reach its destination [2][4]. The ability for a shuttle to travel this quickly through space extends the range of manned missions deeper into the reaches of our solar system. Missions into space like these have always attracted me to the astronautically related fields of engineering. This has fostered a personal interest in the physical and chemical sciences that make these marvels of space travel possible. The process of researching the ion engine has further expanded my understanding of the physics behind rocketry, and allowed me to apply the physics knowledge I have acquired in high school and college classes to a real engineering topic. How the Ion Thruster Works HOW THE ION ENGINE DIFFERS FROM CHEMICAL ROCKETS According to Newton’s third law of motion, every force has an equal and opposite reaction force. Rockets accelerate using this principle by creating contained explosions in chambers with one open end. The gases released during these explosions move at very high speeds; as they bounce off the inside of the chamber, they exert forces on the rocket. If the gas particles bounce off of every side of the chamber they would exert a net force of zero on the system, causing no acceleration. However, since one end of the chamber is open, the particles can escape without applying any forces to the open side. This creates a net force on the system in the direction opposite to the open end of the chamber, so the rocket accelerates in the desired direction. The magnitude of this acceleration is referred to as the rocket’s thrust. In a chemical rocket, the thrust is generated by an exothermic University of Pittsburgh, Swanson School of Engineering 1 Oct. 30, 2012 Ion propulsion engines use ionized plasmas as propellants to generate thrust. Neutral plasma atoms are injected into the engine chamber where they are bombarded with high energy electrons that are generated by a discharge cathode. When the atoms are bombarded with electrons, each atom loses one of its own electrons to collide with new atoms. This turns more neutral atoms into ions, which release more electrons creating a chain reaction. The engine is set up with a positively charged electrode towards the front of the thruster (upstream) and another electrode with a negative charge at the downstream end. The electromagnetic forces of these electrodes direct the ions downstream [5]. In modern variants of the ion engine such as the Ad Astra Rocket Company’s VASIMR, radio waves tuned to the rotational frequency of the ions superheat the plasma to temperatures reaching one million kelvins. Since the frequency of the radio waves can be manually adjusted, so too can the heat of the plasma, giving the engine a variable specific impulse [6]. Finally, the plasma ions accelerate down the length of the thruster until they exit as ion jets. The ion jets are collectively called the “ion beam,” which creates the thrust of the engine [5]. HOW THE ION ENGINE CAN IMPROVE CURRENT MEANS OF SPACE TRAVEL In a traditional chemical rocket launch, the fuel is ignited inside the rocket, and the entire capacity is expended within roughly two minutes. The rate at which the fuel is burnt can be controlled slightly by the shape of the nozzle, and once ignited the rocket’s burn cannot stop and restart [4]. The goal of a space launch is normally to escape Earth’s gravitational well before the fuel runs out. Then the rocket or attached spacecraft can drift through space. Consequently, the rocket is out of fuel when it exits Earth’s atmosphere, and its only option is to drift passively to its destination. Applications of the Ion Engine An ion engine can equip a rocket with a form of propulsion after it leaves the atmosphere, making it possible to reach distant locations in shorter amounts of time. A potential use of an ion engine is as a second-stage thruster to be used after primary chemical rockets propel the spacecraft Jake Stambaugh out of the atmosphere. This is more a plausible solution than using a second-stage chemical rocket for deep space because an ion engine and its fuel weigh far less than a chemical rocket and its fuel. Therefore, it takes less energy to move the spacecraft from Earth into space. An ion thruster is also able to change its momentum by using very small amounts of fuel due to its variable specific impulse. This allows it to conserve fuel and continue firing the thrusters for a much longer portion of the trip. Because of this, the spacecraft reaches its maximum velocity in deep space, and greatly reduces the time necessary to reach distant locations [6]. Systems like this are already being employed; for instance, one is currently in place in NASA’s Dawn spacecraft, which launched in 2006 [4]. The second useful application for an ion thruster is as the only rocket on a spacecraft. This requires an engine that propels itself into space from Earth’s surface. Currently, the engines in development require five to ten megawatts of electricity to generate enough thrust for this application. However, this much power would require a source with a comparable output to a nuclear power plant [6]. Presently, potential solutions being tested include nuclear fission reactors or large solar cells mounted to the rockets. Unfortunately, these solutions are still in testing phases, and are not yet ready for deep space [3]. Although the ion engine itself is not an ethically ambiguous issue as much as it is a technical advancement, the engineers responsible for developing and building it are still expected to perform their duties in an ethical, honorable and responsible fashion to honor the profession of engineering [7]. THE VALUE OF RESEARCHING AN ENGINEERING TOPIC FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS This is a useful assignment because it gives students an opportunity to pursue one of their own interests, but it also shows them how to view a concept through the lens of an engineer. For this assignment, students research an issue or topic related to an engineering field that interests them. In addition to learning about the topic, the student could have to apply math, physics, chemistry and biology to understand the context of the issue. This exemplifies the process of applying scientific concepts to a real-world issue. I encountered a problem when beginning to research the ion engine for this paper. I found that many of the resources and articles published on ion engines and electric engine propulsion were addressing topics like specific impulse and the methods through which ions are turned into plasma. These were topics that I had never seen and didn’t understand, so before researching ion engines I had to find resources to explain these topics related to how the ion engine worked. By researching and applying these smaller conceptual topics to a larger practical one (the ion engine), I feel that I understand these new topics better than if I had been introduced to them during a lecture, and it seems that I am not the only person who this holds true for. ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR ENGINEERS IMPLEMENTING THE ION ENGINE Engineers involved in the research of these ion engine technologies must always abide by the National Society for Professional Engineers’ code of ethics. The primary propulsion mechanism of the ion engine is dangerously hot plasma, so the engineers must prioritize safety when designing any part of the engine [7]. Without the proper attention to detail, a failure of the ion engine could compromise the lives of astronauts depending on it. Any engineer failing to solve a safety-related problem would breach the first fundamental canon of the NSPE code of ethics [7]. Beyond the scope of the safety of the engine and the power source, the engineer’s relation with the employer and the public must be a primary focus. Both the AIAA and NSPE require their members to maintain an impartial opinion and an honest relationship when dealing with the public [7][8]. Because of the cost of developing the ion engine, there are many parties financially invested in the success of this engine. Any one of these parties could have an interest in obscuring information about the ion engine for political or financial reasons. Regardless, no engineer involved with the ion engine can present the information as anything but objective and truthful, and they must also alert their employers to any conflict of interest in one of these areas. University of San Diego Engineering Program An experiment conducted at the University of San Diego evaluated the impact of a laboratory session in the freshmen semester of an engineering program [9]. The experiment observed the 2008 freshmen engineering class as they attended two lectures per week about engineering design. The instructors also added two labs per week where the students were broken into small groups to perform tasks with LEGO MINDSTORMS robotic systems, following and adapting the design processes from the textbook and lecture. Additionally, the instructors administered written assignments after every lab to track student progress. The results showed that by applying the material taught in lecture to a practical problem, many of the students showed an increase in measured knowledge level and the majority of the population showed a moderate, high or superb understanding of the material based on test scores [9]. These results mirror my own experiences in applying engineering concepts to a larger problem. Applying a concept to a practical issue requires a firm grasp of the 2 Jake Stambaugh [6] S. Upson (2009). “Rockets for the Red Planet.” IEEE Spectrum. (Online article). http://spectrum4-stagingdev.elasticbeanstalk.com/aerospace/space-flight/rockets-forthe-red-planet. [7] “NSPE Code of Ethics for Engineers.” National Society of Professional Engineers. (Website). http://www.nspe.org/Ethics/CodeofEthics/index.html [8] “AIAA Code of Ethics” American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. (Website). https://www.aiaa.org/Secondary.aspx?id=4324 [9] T. F. Schubert, F.G. Jacobitz, E. M. Kim (2011). “Student perceptions and learning of the engineering design process: an assessment at the freshmen level.” Research in Engineering Design. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00163-0110121-x theoretical elements of the topic. In the case of the University of San Diego experiment, their robotics lab helped reinforce the engineering design principles that were taught. In my case, explaining the mechanics of an ion thruster solidified my understanding of thrust, specific impulse, and ionization; researching and applying the codes of ethics related to my intended field of engineering helping me to gain an intuitive knowledge of their content and application. CONCLUSION: THE ION ENGINE AND THE FUTURE OF SPACE TRAVEL Ion engines are currently one of the most promising propulsion sources for future deep space exploration. Their high fuel efficiency makes them lighter than chemical rockets and allows them to travel quickly through space. Current research efforts are focused on refining the design of the engine and engineering power sources capable of sustaining high levels of electricity, allowing for even greater flight range. This broadens the possibilities for space travel that would have previously been impossible. For example, on a manned mission to Mars, resources like food and breathable air are limited due to a rocket’s restricted payload. By decreasing the time it would take to get to Mars, an ion engine could reduce the amount of these resources required by up 80% [6]. This, in turn, lightens the payload and requires less fuel to launch as well as shortens the trip for the astronauts. This assignment helped me to learn about the complicated challenges that engineers are attempting to overcome and the strict ethical codes they follow. However, in spite of these hurdles I believe that the ion engine is a key component of our future in space. As NASA’s interest in manned missions to the corners of our solar system seems to fade, technologies like the ion engine are the instruments vital to sending man into the cosmos once again. ADDITIONAL SOURCES [10] T. Benson (2012). “Rocket Thrust.” NASA Glenn Research Center. (Website). http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/k-12/rocket/rktth1.html. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Courtney Elvin – For keeping me on task and her myriad of edits Kerbal Space Program – For their fun and helpful simulation of rocket physics Hurricane Sandy – For giving me a reason to stay indoors and write REFERENCES [1] T. Benson (2008). “Specific Impulse.” NASA Glenn Research Center. (Website). http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/k-12/airplane/specimp.html [2] L. Grossman (2009). “Ion engine could one day power 39-day trips to Mars.” New Scientist. (Online article). http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn17476-ion-enginecould-one-day-power-39day-trips-to-mars.html?full=true. [3] M. Brain (2010) “How Rockets Work” HowStuffWorks.com. http://science.howstuffworks.com/rocket3.htm. [4] M. Wall (2012). “NASA's Huge Mars Rover Curiosity: 11 Amazing Facts.” Space.com [Online blog]. [5] “NASA – Ion Thrusters.” (2010) Glenn Research Center http://www.nasa.gov/centers/glenn/about/fs21grc.html. 3